ChatGPT Crash Course 2024 | Complete ChatGPT Course For Beginners | ChatGPT Tutorial | Simplilearn

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creators coders and curus Minds bucka you are about to enter the fast lane of productivity with the Chad GPT crash course have you ever felt stuck staring at a blank page struggling to write that perfect email Cote that next function or even brainstorm killer business ideas well those days are over Chad gbt is here to supercharge your workflow this isn't a simple text predictor on your smartphones chat gbt is a Cutting Edge AI that understands your needs need to write compelling marketing copy chat gbt is got your back stuck on a line of code it will split your Solutions faster than you can debug but wait there's more this Powerhouse AI can also whip up stunning websites layouts analyze complex data sets like a boss and even turn you into an Excel wizard so ditch the writer's block and say goodbye to coding Rod blocks in the Scrat course we will unlock the full potential of Chad gbt and have you cranking out content building websites and conquering spreadsheets like a pro that said if these are the type of videos you would like to watch then hit like And subscribe buttons and the bell icon to get notified just a quick info for you if you want to upskill yourself master artificial intelligence and machine Learning Land your dream job or grow your career then you must explore simply learns cohort of various artificial intelligence and machine learning programs simply learn offers an AI and ml postgraduate program from P University in collaboration with IBM through this program you will gain knowledge and work ready expertise in skills that's not all you also get the opportunity to work on multiple projects and learn from industry experts in top TI product companies and academian from top universities after completing these courses thousands of Learners have transitioned into an artificial intelligence and machine learning role as a fresher or moved onto a higher paying job and profile if you are passionate about making your career in this field then make sure to check out the link in the pin comments and the description box to find an artificial intelligence and machine learning program that fits your experience and areas of Interest without further Ado let's get started keep increasing for the foreseeable future but where does chat DP open AI popular language model fall in this chain that's exactly what we are focusing on in this today's video on that note welcome to the simply learn YouTube channel today we are here with an interesting video on chat gut for programming chat gut is after all a product of artificial intelligence if you want to know more about artificial intelligence and become an expert in the field of AI consider the artificial intelligence engineer master program by simply learn and master those necessary skills check out the link in the description for more details as I said earlier programming is utilized in many domains like web development robotics mobile development machine learning and so on so how can a program achieve maximum code efficiency nowadays we have VII based tools like charity to make our programming experience more efficient although there are several coding resources platforms such as stack Overflow and GitHub where programmers can find solutions to their technical programming questions charity stands out from the competition because of its quick response time usability and support for numerous languages among many other benefits now let's first discuss how charity Works charity generates responses to the text in using a method called Transformer architecture a large volume of text is fed into the chat GPT from various sources including books websites and other social media platforms the model then uses this information to forecast the following word in a phrase based on the words that came before it the charity systems allows users to enter text or queries and then the system uses its training data and algorithms to produce the right answer the answer is created after the input text has been examined and the pattern most likely to match the input have being identified using the training data in short chity is designed to respond to queries logically and command more quickly and accurately but why do programmers use chip on a regular basis chip assists programmers by offering programming related answers and solutions and helping them improve their skills beside that Char is utilized for code generation code completion code review and a natural language interface let us understand each in detail charity is trained to generate the code or or even the entire program described in the natural language specified by what they want a program to do and then charity could generate the relevant code look at the example of how charp generates the code so now open the CHP and you can type any program that you want charp to generate so I will give write a palum program in Java so here you can type write a palum program in Java so using Java programming language it should generate the whole program so as you can see it has generated the program so it has used a class name called palum Checker and it has used e pandrum as a method name and also it will give the explanation on the program so you can see here why it is explaining why e pandrum is used as a method and U it also explains the for Loop if a condition and so on next we have code completion Char is trained to generate Snippets of code or even fully fledged programs it can generate a list of possible code completion depending on the context of the users incomplete piece of Code by automatically producing the entire code it can help the developers save time and minimize errors next let's see the example of code completion using tab so even if the program is explained in natural language which CH GPT will generate the proper code and give the complete code so let's type here using a function write a program to convert the string in uppercase so using which language let's keep using C programming and enter it once again so as you can see we have just said that using a function write a program to convert the string in uppercase so using C programming language and using C programming language it has used function and you know this is the function convert to uppercase and has given the complete code for string or to convert a string in uppercase and also it gave the explanation here the convert to uppercase function takes a pointer to a string as its argument and then iterates over each character in the string using a for Loop so it explained why for Loop is used why two upper is used and why the method convert to uppercase is used everything so let's say uh we'll give one piece of code like void to Upper car s strr so as you can see we just gave the method to Upper and it's generating the complete code so this is how charity works for code completion next code review jity can analyze code identify the bugs or errors in the program and further help resolve them it allows developers to fix errors more quickly so now let's have a look at the example of code review so in this example Char will review the code so even if the code has some mistake it will give the proper output let's say we have given the example here so we give the function or a method called upper and here we are giving the keyword called upper so it should check whether this piece of code is proper or is there any mistake in this so as I said uh it's saying that the given code appears to have logical error as the function upper is being called recursively on itself inside the loop so instead of giving two upper we just give upper here right so using the keyword two upper only then the string can be converted to uppercase so here we gave just upper so it says that it is having this piece of code is having a logical error and it gives a proper code for us so I hope it it's clear and then we have natural language interface with the use of chat GPT a software application can be given a natural language user interface that enables users to communicate with it through natural language instructions rather than through conventional user interfaces next let's see how chip helps the programmers for natural language interface so let's say we'll give here create a software application where the user asked to enter credential for the too app enter so as you can see the charity will give the steps so it can provide you with an outlet for creating a software applications that requires the user to enter credential for a Todo app so here it is few steps that we need to follow to do a to-do app so it's giving the explanation step by step so it says that determine the programming language and framework then set up the database to store the user information and then create the registration page and then finally create the login page as well and once the user is successfully logged in um you know it will have the options like add edit and delete task as well and then finally implement the security measures to you know protect your password words and then test the application to ensure that it works as intended and the user data is being stored and retrieved correctly so it gives the steps of how it has to be developed we will move to the browser and I will show you how we will open the chat GPT or open Ai and use it to Learn Python so this is the first hyperlink or you can just search open a or chat jpt and you can click on the CH jpd hyperlink so this is the official website that is chat jpd and you can click here to get started and you can see that it is also available on Google Play Store and Apple Store so we'll just get started you have to register if you are a new user or if you have an account you can just login into it you could register with the Google account also so after registering you will get to this web page that is the chat section so here you will start the conversation with the chat JP and you can find the complete road map of how you can become a python developer or if you want to be a specific in a field or you want to become a data scientist you could just have a road map for that so here first we will ask J JP what is python as we are on an embarking J to Learn Python here so you could see that it has responded that python is a high level interpreted programming language known for its Simplicity readability and versatility it was created by guo van rosam and first released in 1991 so this is all about Python and you can see that it has also stated its key features that is readable syntax and it has stated the feature also that is python uses index ation or white space to Define code blocks so that is defining the readable syntax then interpreted language Dynamic typing Rich standard Library cross platform objectoriented extensive community and ecosystem so this is how chat jpd has stated python so now what we will do we'll ask chat jpd to act as an instructor to us we will ask him kindly act as an an instructor and give me a road map for teach me python so like uh we have mixed two statements here you would just use one that is kindly act as an instructor and teach me python or you can also ask me that give me a road map for a python developer and you could also specify the duration that is in 6 months or 2 weeks that's up to you so you could see that of course I would be happy to guide you through a road map to Learn Python learning to code is an exciting journey and python is a great language to start with here's a step bystep road mapap to help you get started so getting started what he has given you is install python choose a code editor and then he has stated that you could learn the basic concepts variables and data types operators control structures list tles and dictionaries functions and modules intermediate Concepts Advanced topics web development and explore projects collaboration and Version Control advanc topics practice and learn so this is the whole road map for a python developer and now we will ask him kindly act as our guide and give us a complete plan to become python developer and that to in 4 months okay you could specify the timeline so you could see here that absolutely I would be glad to help you create a comprehensive plan to become a python developer in four months so month one that would be for foundational Concepts and basic programming so that would be introduction to python Week 1 to two week 3 to 4 4 we functions and modules and month two in start setting we will do intermediate Python and object oriented programming data structures for the week 1 and two week three and four we will move on to object oriented programming so this is how the chat jbt has created a full guide for you in po months so you could follow it and ask chat jpt for resources can you provide resources from where can I and learn so you could see that it has started providing resources also for online learning platforms it has stated code academy CMI edx and for Interactive Learning and practice it has stated lead code hacker Rank and books also that is python crash course by Eric mats automate the boring stru with python and then the official documentation that's the most important thing to learn any language and the YouTube channels then blogs and websites so these are all the resources that chadt has stated you you could also ask him that can you include these Resources with the guide or the course guide or the complete road map so it will do that for you also and now we'll ask him can you elaborate the concepts I should learn in be one to two so what chat je does is it continues the chat so what we have asked him prior we can just cross question it and ask him further like what we can do about it so you could see that it knows what we are talking about what week one two so he has stated that certainly in the first weeks of your Learning Journey you will be focusing on building a solid foundation in Python so you could start with the week one only you could just write week one and then you can see what it states that is understand what python is and its role in programming install python on your computer and set up a code editor or ID example Visual Studio code or that could be Jupiter noo it's up to your choice and then write your first program that is the classic hello world program then day three and four you could move on to variables and data types you could learn them and when you want to learn the concepts Chad je will help you and when you stuck on anything Chad jpt will help you so I will show you how you can be sure and ask Chad jpt if you stuck anywhere so uh we'll ask chy can you explain the topic variables and data types to a beginner and you can see that it has sted now you have a online learning sources that jity has given to you or provided you and you can also ask J jpt to make the concepts understandable for you so you can see that chat jpt has given you the answer that is of course let's break down the concepts of variables and data times in a biger friendly way so variables think of a variable as a container that holds information it's like a labeled box in which you can store different things in programming variables are used to store and manage data that your program needs to work with so this is how chat jpt has stated the concept variables and data types for you and I can see like I have a good hold on python so I can see like it has stated a very good examples and it has covered all the information about variables and data types and there's one more catch if you didn't understand this concept by reading this information you can ask chat jpt to simplify more for you so you can just write just I will copy it and I will ask him can you explain the topic to a 6-year-old like you can ask the chat to explain this topics to a younger self or to a younger kid so let's see what it states with examples okay now let's see so you could see that it has started so course imagine you have a special box called a variable okay you have a box this box can hold different things like numbers words and more let's look at some examples to help you understand variables think of a variable like a label jar where you keep things you can put marbles candies or anything you like inside the jar the jar has a name like magic jar and you want to use what's inside you just say the name of the jar so data types now let's talk about the different kinds of thing you can put inside the jar they different types of things right like marbles candies and stickers in the same way in programming we have different types of things things we can put in a variable so this is how he simplified the concept for you so this is how you can learn python first you can have a road map and you can ask the chity to act as an instructor or a guide and he will provide you the whole road map and after that you can break down the road map that is these things we have break down that is we have asked him what concepts we should learn in week 1 and two you could also ask for the week one and after that you could just took out day one or two and you can also ask him where can I found the resource or from where I can learn how to download or set up python in my system and how to download ID so it will provide resources to you and you can follow that resources and if you find any difficulty just paste that difficulty and give it to the chity it will resolve for you and moving on new you could ask the concepts for week three and four and start with the resources online resources and if you don't understand those Concepts you can ask Jad jpd to simplify it for you or you can just like prefix it not prefix it but suffix it that you can you state these concepts for a 6-year-old or a beginner so it will simplify the things for you and it will show you with examples and here if we ask him can you write a simple addition of numbers code in Python and explain the code to me so you can see that CH has responded and it has responded that absolutely has a simple python code that adds two numbers together and this is the code that is number one variable and it has inputed like it has input the first number then the second number and in the sum result they have added and then they have printed it and you could see that now let's break down this code step by step and it has stated that number one this line ask the user to input a number the input function takes the user types and store it in a variable so this is how you can learn what the code means what the function means like the input function but does its functionality and how you can use it and the function is used to convert the input into an integer a whole number so this is how Chad Gip will help you understand the code learn the language and have a command on it so further going you can ask more Concepts from the chat jyy that give me some example for list tle and dictionaries and with the help of examples you could just go with the course or the guide it has provided you without any further Ado let's get started so opena recently released a multimodel version of gp4 called gp4 Vision that is GPT 4V so GPT 4V can understand images as input and answer questions based on it 80% of the world's data is unstructured and Scattered across formats like websites PDFs or images that are hard to access and analyze we believe that this new era of multimodel models will have a big impact on the web scraping and document processing space because it's now possible to understand unstructured data without having to rely on complex OCR Technologies or tooling so let's explore potential application of GPD 4 we for web scripting so first what we'll do is we will open any website or we'll just open the simply learn website only and we will save this as a HTML dog HTML Only We have replaced it so this is the HTML log we will drag and drop it to chat jpd and now ask the chat jpd to to web script the data so we ask the chity that use the above HTML file and script the data from it so first we'll see the script data in text format only and after that we will uh ask the CH to scrape the data into Json format or if there are any CSS files or styling or metadata so we'll ask the jat gyy to do so so you could see that jjd has responded that the HTML file you uploaded from the simply website it provides a variety of courses and the platform AES too so it has just given us the summary so now we ask jity to extract the data into Json format about HTML file in format so you could see that it's analyzing so you could see that it has extracted the data into Json format and here's a B for of the extracted data so this is how you could web script the data from the websites using gp4 Vision so now what we will do we will go to all courses click on explore the category so here you could see all the courses of the data science and business analytics category so what we'll do we'll ask the chat GP what we'll do is we'll ask chat jpd to extract the titles of all the courses so for that first we'll save the page as HTML Doc and we'll upload to chat jbd and going back to the page just inspect you could see that heading three has the title of this course so we'll provide this as a reference to the chat J so it can understand and extract all the other title details from this page so we'll get back to chat J and ask him that extract the course title from the attached web page or HTML do HTML and you can use Python and beautiful soup and Export the results to a CSV file and the title tag hed3 like this and now we will provid it just copy the element paste it to chat jbd extract all the post titles attached web page okay let's see what does a chy respond to this so you would see that it has created a CSF file so we'll click this open the file and it has extracted all the titles which are present in H3 into a CSV file but we asked only for the course titles and it has done so for all the H3 points and now we'll ask the chat J to extract the metadata into Json format from the attached HTML file so you could see that JD has provided the metadata into Json format and similarly we can ask it for other Scripts if this web page has any scripts provide that to in Json format so you could see that I accepted the scripts from the HTML file and presented them in Json format so it's a preview of the extracted scripts so this is the script that contain the JavaScript code embedded within the web page and due to the length of the scripts only the first part is shown here if you need the full Chon file all the scripts please let me know yeah I need the full script so you could see that it has proved us the Json file so we can just download it and open it with any ID so this is the Json format for the whole web page I'm moving back we move back to the website and now we will ask chat jpd to extract the data from this image that is or like make someone understand what does this image show so first we'll do is we'll save the page into HTML dog and back this image element and ask the chat jbd first we'll upload the HTML file and ask the chat JD uh explain the graph present in the attached web page and describe it so save and submit it and let's see what does it respond if it doesn't respond we'll just get back to the web page and inspect the element for it and provide the div class or the particular element so it could understand for Which diagram asking CH to describe it see so file you proved title post Post in data science c t does not display it content in a format that allows me to interact with or interpret any embeded graphs so we provide you with the element present HTML file read that and explain the graph or diagram to us so let's see so you could see that it has provided the information about that image that the HTML snpp to provide in appearance to represent a style graphical element likely part of a larger graph or visual representation speci Bally it describes a div element rotated by minus 53° containing another div with a background color of a shade of pink so this is how the gp4 version works and it also describes the images if you have wondered how to Leverage The Power of chat GPT the AI language model to creating compelling creating app for your channel you are in the right place in this video I will guide you through the process of how to make an app with the help of chat GPT capabilities and some of other AI tools so let's dive in and unlock the potential of AI assist test but before we begin let me tell you guys that we have regular updates on multiple Technologies videos so if you are a tech geek on a continuous hun for the latest technological Trends then consider getting subscribe to our YouTube channel and press that Bell icon to never miss any update from Simply learn also accelerate your career in AIML with Comprehensive post-graduate program in AI ml gain expertise machine learning deep learning NLP computer vision and reinforcement learning you will receive a prestigious certificate exclusive alumni membership and hackathons and AMA sessions by IBM with three Capstone and 25 plus industry project using real data sets from Twitter Uber and more you will gain practical experience master classes by PD faculty and IBM expert ensure topnotch education simply Le job assist help you to get noticed by Leading companies live session on AI trends like chat jpt generative Ai and explainable AI this program covers statistics python supervised and unsupervised learning NLP neural network computer vision G SC tensor flow and many more skills so why wait enroll now and unlock exciting a ml opportunity the course link is in the description box below let's dive in and see how chb can help you to make a great app so here we have chat GPT okay you can write here chat. so here I will ask to chat gbt what is chat gbt so I will here write what is chat GPT so here you can stop generating if you want to okay I will stop generating okay so charge bit is a conversational artificial intelligence model developed by open it is based on the GPD Genera pre-rain transform architecture specifically GPT 3.5 which is at Advanced language model so GPT 3.5 is trained on a massive amount of Text data to generate human like response to wide range of prompts and question you can ask anything to chat gbt okay after coming [Music] chat GPT software Developers are safe software developer jobs are safe like see yes after the introduction of chat gity and similar language model software developers still have important roles and their jobs remain revent while AI models like chat gbt can generate text and provide automated response they have limitations see they have limitations chb have limitation and cannot replace the skills and expertise of human software developers so here is a few reasons why software developer jobs remain valuable okay so here are the few reason so you can ask anything to chat gbt so what we will do we will create a small small gaming app okay so here I will write uh let's make first Tic Tac do okay so here I will write give me the code for pick T to game see it will give you the step by step chb will explain you everything see this board then player check columns check diagonals play game everything C check for the winner play game I see to play the game simply run the python script players will take turns entering the row column numbers to make their moves the game will okay so what I will do okay first I will ask the steps to make a game tic tac to okay give me these steps to m game t see first it will uh we will ask for the steps then we will ask for the code charity can make your app in 2 3 minutes in Just 2 3 minutes small small app in 2 3 minutes okay see what what is the first step set up the game board create a data structure to represent the Tic Tac to board this can be 3x3 Grid or Ned list with initial empty values okay for example this then second is the print the game board write a function to display the current state of the board on the screen this will help players visualize the game and the third is get player input prompt the player to enter their moves accept the input for the rows and columns where the players want to place their symbol X or zero okay or you can change the value X or Zer whatever cross right okay update the board after receiving the player input update the game board with their move make sure the validate the move and check if the selected position is empty okay then check for the winner then check for it is draw what then alternate turns okay then repeat 2 to 7 until the game sends optional add additional features we will first we will make tikto uh what you can say a simple tikto then we will add the additional features on this okay using CH GPT only Okay so I will write provide me The Tick T to game code what we will do we will uh open the visual studio and copy it directly OB see current player is X then o see current player row the second player switch player okay what we will do we will copy it from here and we will open the visual studio that new file I will write here TI T to. P1 okay Enter I will save it so here I will directly copy the code where is my code oh it's it comes in okay copied this also copy the whole thing okay I have to remove this or I can make it you know comment yeah so let's try to run it what terminal says see enter the row okay two enter the column two okay it made like this okay what I will do I will ask for the GUI uh provide me the t t to game with GUI okay now the Tinker came Tinker is python Library used for the GUI in Python okay okay now uh we'll copy the code and just paste it it will run okay with GUI and then we will add the additional features okay from here now I'm copying the code now select all replace with this code like here no error no red sign so let me play it it will run I guess no problems okay what happened see as you can see we got the ti toam okay so see here x 0 0 x 0 x player X wins so let me add the additional features in this so what we will do we'll go to chat GPT again we'll ask for the additional feature see note the code above uses the message box module from the Tinker for displaying messages ensure that you have compatible version to Tinker okay when you run this code a graphical windows will appear by 3x3 grip and this uh okay players can click on the buttons to make then mov the game state will okay okay update you can you know talk to chity so I will say update my code with some good font and scoreboard scoreboard font scoreboard and color update my GUI code I can write here is an update see right certainly here is an updated version of GUI code with improved font score card and color if you get error in this you can ask to chat gbt okay anything you are facing issue about your code whatever it is you can ask directly to chat GPT see we created an App in like 2 minutes just in 2 minutes so chat GB is making our life easier okay let me copy this code okay let's see the changes what what J does okay there's nothing changed I guess player X me like this cross okay okay uh I will write here see in this updated code the font style has been improved with a bold aial font the buttons have a custom background color and the overall window and SC have a different color I didn't feel like this I didn't feel like this okay so [Music] change uh the great style of the game it's giving updating the boat see to change the great C of the same you can modify appearance of the buttons and the spacing between them is an updated gii code with a modified grid sty it's just a little bit of time taking that's it nothing else it's very useful J you can create your app in 2 three minutes only okay continue generating it's a half code okay code is copied let me select and paste it here and check see player x z player R zero okay it's little bit FR I guess X okay this one two three box why these lines then okay who cares C XS okay see the scoreboard is updated okay so this is how you can make your Tic Tac to more beautiful okay uh let me write here let me write here I want the black and white boxes okay or colorful boxes so code provide me the code for the colorful boxes okay okay here chb wrote certainly here is an updated version of the code with colorful boxes instead of grid lines okay so wait waiting for the code update the code see in this updated code each player's button X and O has a specific color assigned to it the button colors okay let me copy the code and paste it here and run it see the color is changed here I will write CX and o x o x o x ler X SP okay so this is how you can make your app more beautiful beautiful using customization you can ask CH jpt anything color style font or any function anything you can ask and you you can make your app more beautiful okay so now let's move on to the next uh game which I want a snake game okay using p game we will make so here I will write please provide me the code of snake game using P game python okay everyone knows what is his s game or first you want to ask the steps we can ask the steps okay after this I will ask this step okay so till then let's make a new file of snake game. py okay let me close it see it's a long code I guess just continue generating now you can see the see the food and all will come okay you can ask anything like any question any language question this this code sets up the basic structure for the Snake Game using py Game it includes a functionality for displaying the snake controlling this movement detecting collision with the boundaries and food and managing the scool you can run the code and play the snake game with P game window feel free to customize see at the end what chb feel free to customize and enhance the game according your preference okay that is what I was talking about you can change n number of times you can ask n number of times for the code new new code okay there is one why this error is coming import pame could not be resolved py lens what is this py lens okay let me ask to CHP only what is vience Pence is a language server for python developed by m s provides Advanced language features including code completion type checking static analysis and code navigation c p is built on the top of language server okay let me give the error itself copy message okay I will write debug error vience okay uh then make sure you have a p game installed P game is already installed on my okay install your python environment open your command prom terminal and run the following command okay let me open the command prom okay then what I have to write let me copy the code and paste it here what is this okay emergency this this this this this if py game is not installed you can reinstall by running already installed I guess ensure the py is using the correct python inter verify that py is confed to use the same py which you have installed by game you can check the python interpreter setting in your code editor or ID which make sure it's point to correct python where P game is installed okay what I will do I will go to terminal and here I will write pip install by okay maybe it will be helpful okay let me do this what Char P install by game okay successfully install new pip some error of pame I guess okay we'll run it online no worries if it won't work in this I will run it online okay you see the requirement is already satisfied and this this this this so what we will do uh we will open replate okay we'll open replate and we'll create the new rapple okay then Python and creat up okay this is the same like you know one of the ID you can say okay then what I will I will copy this P code and paste it here okay I will make a new file it's name py okay on that I will copy the code and I will run it okay replate updating the package uh the p and the buy game okay it's running the code is running okay it's installing P game okay let me run now what happened what's the error where's the error okay let okay some hello from pame Community this p f some game Loop module fil main. P line 68 okay okay we'll ask to chat GPT snake game cod showing P okay provide me the snake game code using python gii this time from Turtle okay let's see because the pi games I don't know P game is installed on my system it's not working so we will leave it okay we'll ask from this some good GUI with some good GUI see it is the head everything everything is there the keyboard bindings from wsd or you can up down left right the keys you can use from use the both okay continue generating then the functions the pen the snake body everything is there snake head is like everything is here what you want everything is there see the code utilize the turtle module create the basic game with the snake that moves collect food the the score is okay feel free to let me copy the code let me copy here only and run it see this is the snake Okay this is the food this is the score or high score okay I will uh run it okay see you can customize your snake your uh food everything see the score previous time the score was 10 the high score now it changes okay the score is 30 now I'm enjoying the game so this is how you can customize your you know game okay let me play the game okay see this is how you can make any game or any small small game in two two 3 3 minutes okay so uh go to chat jpd and you want the you know change the color of the snake or the food anything you can do using chat GPD okay so let me tell you what chart GPT is chart GPT is a machine model that generates humanik text responses it's been generated on a massive data set of text and can generate highly accurate responses to a wide range of queries but how can chat gbt be used for web development there are number of ways for example chat gbt can generate website content improving SEO and boosting engagement chat gbt can also be used to create chat boards that can interact with customers in a natural and engaging way now let's look at some of the real life examples of how chart jpt has been used for web development so for example if I ask chart jpt to create a e-commerce website for me it will easily create it so let's see it please create a website for me in HTML and CSS so there is one point that I wanted to tell you guys if you want to ask chat jpt for anything just give good description about it so it can give you a good response if I tell you tell it more about my uh requirements it will generate good uh quality of product okay so let me tell it please create a website for me in cssn HTML that should [Music] some like orange and blue right and where I'm selling okay now lay wait for the response of charg it will create us the things the code okay now it's writing the HTML code right so I'll tell you more about it like for example e-commerce sites use jgb to generate product descriptions improving their SE and uh driving sales customer service team use CH GPT to create automated chat boards that can help customers with common queries and there are so many other things also so like uh content creators also use chart GPT to generate amazing content for their website right so let's wait a couple of minutes more until it gets completed right so as you can see it's giving us a proper response of everything as it created this file for us and we can just easily copy it from here and I have logged into my online editor you can open any editor if you want so this is the online editor that I'm working on right now I'll clean this so as you can see e-commerce website is ready right so this is a very basic website but chat jpt has created this for us it's a very easy website like very basic but as the instructions that I gave it it applied all the things that it's using yellow color but uh ask for orange but it's fine I ask for blue color so this is also fine but before asking chart gbt you should know a little bit about coding right so in H1 tag here you have to write the heading it's the header tag inside that it's the H1 The Heading one okay so here I'll write my website name I'll write website and then you can see that's Jo website right so how can you use CH GPT for your own we development projects first you have to familiar yourself with the programming languages and tools that are compatible with ch GPT and it will only knows the data until 2021 so once you are done that you can experience with ch gbt to see how it can benefit your project right if I ask him to create wait I'll show you guys some of the things that chat GPT can do create a header so I have told RGB to create a header and make it functional and also add page product page and contact us page make it a little more I have written make it attractive right so let's see it's will write us a code for that so until then let me tell you the use cases so as I already mentioned chat GPT has already proven its values in various web development scenarios for example e-commerce platform use Char GPD to generate product descriptions boosting their search engine optimization and driving more sales customer service team employ charge GPT to build interactive chat boots that provides instant and accurate responses to customer queries enhancing the overall user experience so optimize the generated content from SEO ensures that the text generated by chart GPT aligns with relevant keywords and follow SEO best practices right so with the help of char GPT SE things this can help improve your website visibility in search engine results and it can create natural and authentic chatboard experience so when using chat gbd to develop chat boards focus on creating conversation that feels like human use context and personalization to ensure user engagement and build trust leverage ad GPT for customer engagement Beyond generating content right chat GPT can help engage user on your website also for instance you can use it to develop interactivity and so many other things okay so now let's see what chat GPT has created for us right let's copy this and paste it on the online editor that I have showed you I don't recommend using uh online editor you can have a visual studio code it's very good so it doesn't have any CSS I guess yeah add your customer Uh custom styles for product pages here yeah so as I know we have to write the CSS here but it's fine I have to show you something different so as I told it to create a e-commerce website so it give given its name as welcome to uh e-commerce website but we can change it from here the title of the website we can change it right and I have told it to create home product and contact page right as I have showed you so it has created the same thing that I have told Char to create for me as in the products page there's no things added right now but we can add it add your products and their details here as it's written in the code also I guess yeah in the section part we can add our product and the things that we want right now let's ask chgb to create create Circle create five Circle different radius or 20 [Music] pixels to pixel right and files and CS blue and orange now let's see whether it can create five circles of different radius for us or not right and now it's writing the HTML file for us let's wait a couple of seconds to see whether it can create so it given us the things we want but I don't think so it has different uh radius okay as you can see in the CSS part it is given everything a different height and width let's copy the CSS first or HTML anything you want and we'll paste it on the online editor let's go again and copy the HTML part also and paste it here now we will down and as you can see the first circle is small and then the last one is the largest one right so as you have given it the chat GPT the instructions that I want this thing or that thing it has created the same thing that I told him to do right so it's all about instructions but as I know that this is width and height this is very simple thing but when you'll uh Cod code on python or JavaScript or Java it'll be a very complex things so I recommend first learn the language and then use chgb to improve it right so many developers and programmers use chgb to enhance their productivity not to learn it so it's very good for learning purpose also if I tell it I want to learn Java I say Java from where should start learning it give me some princes and some web sites from where I can start with the links of them right so I asked Char to tell me from where should I start learning the HT Java so it's now telling that's great Java is a popular programming language as there are many resources available to help you learn it here are some of the website and resources where you can start learning Java right so it's giving me Oracle Java tutorials it's very good to learn Java from uh Java programming on course era it's giving some of the renowned Java certification courses but I recommend you to take our Java certification full stack Java certification the link will be in the description box for that it's a very good certification for um newly uh starting developer or programmer or experience one also so from there you will start learning Java from scratch so that is also very good you can also check it out right so as I told it to give me the instructions from how to learn Java so it just gave me everything with the links right so now let's get to give me any projects ideas for react J right so now it's telling me uh you can create a project on react for from starting from Todo list which is a very basic app when you start learning any language you start it by from too list only or too app whatever you say next one is weather app movie Library which is also very good practice for Library uh for react developers to start learning react from and the e-commerce store except founder chat application and these are the 10 projects that they the Char gbt told us to learn right so it's very good you can ask it anything if you don't know anything like uh I'll tell you reacts right I don't know thing about reactj please about it so I told it I don't know anything about reactjs I know about reactjs but it's like I want to see what it's saying you can also check out the projects that I have created on react on this simply learns YouTube channel so as it's saying everything certainly reactjs is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces it was developed by Facebook and it is widely used for building single page application it's a dynamic over application so some of the key points of react component based architecture virtual Dom and declarative sytax unidirectional data flow react Hooks and so many other things so as you don't know anything about react it will tell you to get started with react you can begin by learning fundamentals of JavaScript and familiarize uh your yourself with HTML and CSS once you have a good understanding of these Technologies you can explore reactjs by following tutorials reading documentation I recommend documentation because it's very good you will get a deep understanding of that then move to tutorials and all and build small projects it is also very good thing start from uh learning from the projects you'll learn more react official document is here so excellent resource to learn reacts from scratch additionally there are various online courses tutorials and YouTube channels dedicated to teaching learning reactjs such as react course on these platforms and you can also learn react from our YouTube channel remember to to practice regularly build projects to refine uh your learning and leverage the reactjs community for support and guidance now let's open the CH gbd and check let's refresh this I have already opened my chat gbd you can just log in it and then you're good to go so let's say hello and see so it's working completely fine right now okay so what we we do today is we'll open our Visual Studio code I have created one folder which is Tailwind it's an empty folder you can just see that so in that folder We'll add the Tailwind so first let's ask the chart GPT to help us install or set up the Tailwind so I'll write please set up the tnd let's see okay it's asking us to install nodejs first and then it's asking us to check the version of that okay it's saying to install these new Pro Piel JavaScript module to add these component in the CSS file so this is saying to add this in the CSS file okay [Music] so let's check whether it is telling us something useful or not post CL class Oro fixer okay okay now simultaneously let's check the tail bin website how to install this so here it's saying to install this command NP install D dilin CSS and then in it in that project then it's saying to configure the template part uh add this to your dilin configure file then it's saying to create a folder input. CSS and then just start the process so as of now chart GPT has not given us the correct answer it's correct but not up to the mark as you can clearly see the commands that are given on the Tailwind docss official website uh so according to me many people think that uh CH because of chat jpt the uh so many jobs of the developers are in the risk because chat jpt can create websites all of the stuff so I don't think so according to me it's not that good it's very good for the uh helping any developer purpose uh but it's not that good but Let's see we are in this together so let's just open the visual studio code and install our tailin now we'll ask it to create so many other things so let's see whether it can create that or not so I have opened my terminal so many people also comment us uh that how you could open the terminal so I just used one shortcut Control Plus backtick to open the terminal you can also go here and create one terminal okay now I'll paste the line to install tellin CSS in my system so let's wait a couple of minutes as you can see it's installed in our system all the packages and modules are installed now it will tell us to init this project so let's do that okay it has successfully created the configure file now inside the content we'll copy paste this one as it is saying to add these line configure your template path add the path to all your template file in the file okay so let's just copy this thing and paste in the content now let's save it okay so now next step is add the tailin directives to your CSS now what will we do here is let's go back to Studio code and create a folder inside this that SRC okay and set this SRC we'll create a file input. CSS here we'll paste the code okay we haven't copied that code all yet so let Cy let's paste it here it's done okay so I don't think so again that this can replace the developers because this is not the correct way to tell although it has given us all the steps but any developer can do the task in a very short period of time it can just help any developer but not take the job of the developer okay so let's move ahead and step would be to go back next step to build the process let's copy this one and start the Tailwind CLI build process okay let's copy and paste it here right as you can see it's done in 273 milliseconds the output. CSS is generated in this this file folder right now we just have to use this file output. CSS okay let's see now let's create a file here and name it as index. HTML okay and inside that I'll write my Boiler code just pressing shift and one for the as comination Mark and then the boil code is done so we can change the name of this and let's write here as site using CH okay now one main thing that I wanted to tell you that I installed one uh extension in my system which is the live server this extension you can download and this is very helpful okay let's open this one now what we'll do is we'll link the output. CSS file in our html. CSS so for that I'll write here link okay and inside this ring I or you can just write link and then click and then write real style sheet okay this cut what we'll do is we'll give the path of the output. CSS for that dot dot slash list slash output. CSS It's Just sh good okay we close this link tag and let's save it and let's just right click and here you'll see open with live server and you'll install the extension live server so let's open this one so this is working completely fine it's showing us the title website using JB okay or something I'll write here welcome to Simply learn and then let's save it and you'll see it's showing welcome to simpul okay now the next step would be to create now let's open our CH GPD and here we'll write create a responsive header using let's first copy this one and then that's okay so let's see whether it can give us a right answer this time let's see okay it's giving us the code now for the [Music] header okay so it is showing us in the above code we use tailin CSS classes to style the header we set the background color to Gray This one is the property of gray color and then the text color would be a white color in that n Bar ins the header we have a n element with the flex and justify between okay classes to horizontal Center the element space them out evenly okay fine we also use PX4 and py3 to add pedding to the navigation bar cool for the mobile menu we used a button with the MD hidden class to hide it on okay let's see the code now okay now let's copy this HTML file let it write everything so here we don't need this one so let's delete this and let's here write header and let's comment it down this okay let's P the code and check whether it's let's save it and let's go back to our file so this is what chat gbt created for us it's looking very good actually so let's inspect it and let's see is it responsive or not so this is completely responsive guys okay very good yeah so this is really very good okay on Surface do s 20 Ultra this is what will show on the mobiles okay now we'll go back to the chat GPT and let's close this one and stop generating and let's here right create a section using T CSS now let's see something went wrong okay let's see let's first copy this one and refres this and let's see how it will create the hero section using tail cases so it has created this Nar really very good I didn't expect this from JT but it's really really looking very good it's simple and you can add these to another Pages just using the anchor tag here we can just give the PA so I'll show you www. simply so this one is okay so whenever I click on this one it will redirect us to the simply L but the URL is wrong we can just go back to Simply and let's copy the and let's go back to code and let's say write the URL okay save it and let's see yeah this is how this works let's close this one okay now let's see what is the code okay let's copy this code and let's see how this is working so it is also giving us the complete code uh how it's working how this step is working and all as you can see it's giving giving us the max W width 7 into one utility sets as Max width for the container add to 7 XL which is 12 112 Ram or 1792 pixels it's giving us all the explanation for the code it has written for us so let's check it and after the header I'll paste that code and let's save it and see okay this is really very good guys yeah I didn't expect this from chart gbt but it's looking very good so um till if I am a developer so if I had to write this much of code it'll take me around 2 three hours at least but with the help of CH gbt it only created in 5 10 minutes this is very good actually now let's open the CH GPT again and here we'll create a information section okay let's information section using tment let's see now till now it's working really very good now it is writing a code for us so as you can see again very good now let's copy this one and paste it under this save it and let's check so this is the information section this has created for us right important information location office ours contactors and all right we can also regenerate it for something else okay now it will create something else for us right if you don't like something we can just regenerate and create another one so just let's copy this one now it's telling us everything about the code and here after that I'll write this and save it let's check what's this okay this is the information section it has created for us that this is something J data and if you don't like this one also you can again regenerate the response this is really an amazing feature of chat gbt okay so now it's creating the third option we can countlessly ask him to uh create again and again for us the response let's copy this one okay and let's remove all of it because it's looking very comy now let's see okay this information section is information section will come to our website this is what it's written okay now let's ask him to create something else okay let's copy this text create informative and paste it using Tailwind with one image I'll check whether it can a response to my things if I want to create one image on the left or right side and then the text on the other side let's see whether it can create it for us or not okay create informative section using chart G with one image on the right and the text on the left side now let's see whether it can create that or not for us right just an simple command so we'll check whether it can create or add the image okay classes but text but okay it took the image class also and it's taking the source from an API called unsplash I have covered this unsplash API on my previous videos okay okay now let's copy this and paste it on our code let's delete this one and paste this one on the website okay so the image is quite large we can reduce the sizes but in the starting only I have told you I'll not add anything in the code so I'm not doing anything in the code right so we can change the size it's really good as I have told him to add the image on the right side and the text on the left side it's doing the same for the user so this is really very helpful for the developer but as I have already told you it will cannot replace the developers because uh I'm the developer I only knows how to uh do things as I have showed you that it has given me so many wrong answers before that before this one this has given me three answers but it was not up to the mark so I had to told him that to uh create uh like this image on the right and I've explained it to uh CH gbt then it created this one for us okay and whenever I'll refresh this page the image will get changed this is the unlash API how this works okay we can change the images also this is random just write here coding okay now you will see the images that will come here okay let's see oh let's check it let not taking any other name yeah I don't know why it's not working but let's not waste time on this random is also fine till now it's looking really very good okay now the next step would be to add the service section okay so let's ask atgp to create service section for us okay using now let's see it's coming okay class the the one really very good so look how beautifully it has been created right yeah okay let's see it's done now let's copy the code and go to our editor and here we write this code and let's paste it let's check okay so it's not align straight but we can align it so it's showing us that the services that this website is providing what we offer and this is some Jun data web design web marketing and all so let's check whether it is yeah okay so what this one is doing here is it's using only three classes is using and the center Center these all are using the same class but let's find out why the image just come in like that right you can align it you guys want me to align this we can align this right okay so let's just align one it's just to one line okay we can align that so let's dig deep into this code okay this image classes okay same justy Center and then it's using the flex shrink function let's rounded large okay with the wi 56 let's make and [Music] check and let's go back to the code increase the size of this first okay let scr back to the Chart again again reg generate the new response and let's see how is the response is looking right let's wait a couple of seconds more okay let's see the response that it is creating we need a minimalist design okay I was just observing the code and how it's looking we can also change the color of the customiz it uh this website on our own but it's really very good I'm really impressed with this this really will help developers creating websites okay let's go back to still creating that we'll create the about section for the page okay okay it's again giving us that design and all part great if I tell CH GT to create uh this service section and this is my requirement and all it will definitely create that I guess now I'm impressed really impressed with the code clean code it's writing and it's also responsive I haven't told it to create the responsive uh code but it's really very good it's a responsive I I'll show you I was just seeing that only whether it is responsible or not not if you will see okay let me just cut this part let's just okay yeah so this is how we'll check the responsive take and let's see that these three uh home about contacts are vanished and this is is the head part that we created and then the up one is the Nar this is the information section and services section is also there this is all responsive okay so we'll check how it's looking on Samsung Galaxy s20 this is how it's looking yeah let's move on to the code copy this code and coming back to the code editor let's delete this section okay now let's paste it and see okay let give and this is what it created for us it's I guess uh little less or it was already writing the code and I stopped it's fine it's not its mistake let's stop and regenerate the response let's copy this again coming back to the Chart not working let's refresh rgbt again service section let's see it's really fast now okay let's observe this one first our services what we offer web design there must some lines about digital marketing and I'm thinking there is also uh one part which I cut down not Char mistake it was mine because I stopped generating the response okay really good let's copy this text now and paste it under our and let's do this and paste it let's check it this time so this is how this one is looking now this is also really looking very good we can decrease the size of this image do not worry about that uh this is the service our services and some junk data here we can write this website is providing this and that okay service one that we provide this service we provide this service and we provide this service okay this is all about that right really very good really very good it's really very good okay we can change everything from it customize it on our our needs thing let's just go back okay this one is good okay now let's ask Char GPD to create the about page for us so we'll write create so I think uh mean while it's writing the code for us I wanted to tell you that chat is great for uh for everyone but as I know the code how this code is working I know what is section what is Dev class and what are the function this grid system that's using Max WD uh it's using the Excel function I know everything about it and if you are a fresher or you don't know about anything about the coding uh I think you should first uh know about the language or the framework then only ask uh this to chat gbt or take help from the chat GPT right uh if you don't know about the language or the framework and you'll just tell Char to create this and this for us it's easy it will create for you but uh it will not uh help you in your future so according to me just uh use it to learn not to work okay so let's move ahead and the path is given okay it was G managed let ask it responsive about section [Music] using T okay I just m but it is very intelligent I misspell the Tailwind spelling and then it corrected it very good so this is not the complete code for the about page uh I'll ask it to let's see whether it will take this command or not right great so let's see after this about section we'll create this content start page and then we'll create final this website right so this is really very helpful for the developers I must say so let's copy this and code and paste it under this section okay so this is how the about page is looking really very good the image size is 500 into 500 it's really very big so we can change the size of the image let's see is that 250 50 and the image will not come again let's just delete this Source copy the unsplash API for the random image right that command is really really useful okay I forgot to add that yeah yeah this is how this about is looking really very good guys really very good if I tell charil to create this on the right side or this image I want on the left hand side or right hand side it will definitely do for us as I have given him the uh task in this section information section it definitely worked so I must say it's really very good so now let's move on to the contact page okay let's here write create cre a responsive contact section [Music] using Del and I'll ask him to do add some sections for us so let's see whether it can take up that or not okay let's give it in a second shot let's first see how is the contact Section is looking then we'll tell him to emise that so it's just taking a section class inside that section class it's using some classes which is flex R and all and it's giving us it's really let's copy this text again and paste it there so the contact D is also looking very good get in touch and then it will redirect us to the that really good really the images sizes are uh large but we can reduce it it's not a big deal but it's all looking very good right so one thing is left is the footer part let's ask it to create a footer for us now this is the last and final step for this create section using this is really very good looking very good let's add the one Splash and then use it here so this is how it's looking down so overall if I see it really given us a good good output really so uh I will say chart gbt can only help uh us that's it as this code that is created by chart gbt for us we can't use it directly this structure that chat gbt created for us is good but we need to add so many things before deploying it right uh if I see this one we need to add this uh uh services in the center and we need to uh uh arrange the text and the services we need to change the size of the services if uh the client wants it horizontally then we have to change that we need to change this image size as in front of you I change this image sizes I use the different apis so overall it's very good but there uh is so many things uh that we have to do okay and for that developers are needed now let's dive in and see how Chad GPT can help you make great videos for your YouTube channel open I created Chad GPT an advanced language model powered by artificial intelligence it's designed to understand you provide helpful responses and adapt to your writing style whether you are a content creator a student or anyone seeking assistance Chad jpt is your go go to companion it uses vast knowledge to help you with creativity problem solving and learning so let's move to chat gbt and see what we can do to make YouTube videos so here we are in Chad gbt now the first thing we are going to do is we are going to see how to use Chad GPT so before you use chat GPT you should know how to give prompts to chat GPT so chat GPT can get you valuable content but you should know how to give the prompts so here here we'll start with a thank you so we'll write over here thank you for helping me today fine so let's see the response of Chad gbt so here you can see it says you're welcome and I'm glad that I could assist you so here you can see Chad GP is asking us if we have any more questions or not so let's define what we actually want chat GPT to do so we'll write over here hi I I want to create a new YouTube channel so let's say we are starting a YouTube channel fine now we'll say I want to create a new YouTube channel where I want to discuss facts mostly okay so we'll write over here mostly related to programming languages so the first thing you should keep in mind is what you want want chat gpt2 Chad GPT won't give you the full video for specificity chat gpt3 won't so we are not using the plus version of chat GPT so we in this video I'll tell you how to create a complete video only with AI not just chat GPT but we are going to use another tool which will help us create our video completely so here in chat GPT what we will do is we'll ask chat gbt to provide us the script fine the script for a video so here you can see we I have written over here mostly related to programming languages so I'll write over here I want to create a video on facts about programming fine the length of the video will be let's say 4 minutes for now because for now we are not going to use that much of script I will use three effects fine so right a script for the same and press enter so let's wait for CH gpt's answer to this question so here you can see we have a script jgpt is writing a script so we you can see we have a script which starts with welcome back programming enthusiasts in today's video we'll dive into the fascinating world of programming languages and explore three insightful facts that will blow your mind so grab your favorite coding beverage and let's get started so here you can see we have three different facts right so we have first one is we have curing completeness and the second one is esric programming languages and the third one is non-deterministic programming languages fine so let's change it let's ask chat GP to give us three historical facts about programming use three historical facts about programming fine so let's see if we are getting a new script or not so yeah here you can see we have a new revised script with three historical Pro programming facts fine so here you can see the first fact we have is fotron the pioner first fact takes us back to late 1950s when the world's first high level programming language was born Fortran so Fortran is basically the world's first high level programming languages and then we have the birth of c and the third one we have is the rise of worldwide web and JavaScript so JavaScript was basically created by Bron Brendan ie in 1995 and since then JavaScript is being used by most of the developers out there right so here are the three facts we have now here you can see we have host written over here the host will say if you found these historical insights fascinating and want to delve deeper deeper into the world of programming be sure to hit that subscribe button and stay tuned for more wow it can write a complete YouTube script right for YouTube specifically similarly you can create videos for different purposes not just YouTube but you can create videos for your blogs and different different purposes fine so here you can see we have a script right now the script is quite long right so I'll write over here concise it in how many words you want let's say 600 words it's a random number 600 by the way so we'll concise we'll ask chgb to concise it in 600 words so as I mentioned earlier you should be clear with your prompts to chat GPT chat GPT will do it fine so here you can see we have a new script the revised script the concised version basic basically so here you can see we have uh another three facts the same three facts but this time they are concised to 600 vs so here you can see it didn't make too much of change it didn't made any like slight change right not too much of change because I guess the other script is also of 600 words around so I'll reduce it a bit more and let's see I'll say reduce the script to 300 WS fine so we are going to create a small video because you can create a long version but this time we are going to show you by creating a short version The Script the all everything will remain the same it's just that you have to create a long version you can add 10 facts or anything you want to create right we can also create shorts using chat GP that we'll see in some other video and so here you can see and here we have a complete script now that's done we have a complete script from here till here so here you can see we have written over here feel free to customize and add your personal touch to the script and it's basically chat gpts telling us that we can customize this script and give some personal yeah we can do it right we can personalize it we can customize it according to our needs so for now what we are going to do is we are going to take this complete script only we are not going to customize it because it will take more time so so what we are going to do is we are going to move this to this website it's weed. weed. is another AI tool it will help us create projects video projects so this tool is completely free not completely free but this tool is free to use as well fine you can create projects you can create videos from this tool so here you can see once you go to the v.o website you just have to sign in and just click on create a project so now what we are going to do is we are going to create a video that to by only using the chat gpts script fine so we are not going to upload any video from there so we'll just cut this this part now here you can see we have different options we have settings where we'll go to settings we can change the layout uh we can also create YouTube shorts here fine so it's already here so here we are going to create a YouTube video so that's why we have used this YouTube 16 ra9 aspect ratio so here here you can see this clean audio it comes in the upgraded version of this v. so we are using the free version the trial version basically for now so here you can see we have media and then we have audio and then we have subtitles text elements templates we have a number of things right so here you can see in elements we have different sound waves we have we can use them right so it totally depends on us how we want to do it whatever we want we just have to grab it from here we have to paste it in the video and I'll show you wait a minute so here you can see we'll go to media and media or audio whatever thing you want so just click Text to Speech so here you can see we have different voices over here so if I use Ashley female so we have to put the th thousand characters so in free version we can only use th000 characters only so if we want it more than that we just have to upgrade fine so for now we are going to use the free version only so we'll write over here this and then we have to use this just a second we will copy it from here we'll paste it here and here we are going to get a second shot and yeah so here we have the second fact and then we have the third fact as well fine so we'll write over here we'll copy it from here we'll paste it here now we have only6 characters remaining and if you want to create the whole video so we'll just copy this from here and just paste it here so we have uh like crossed the limit 78 characters over the limit so we'll remove some part more captivating content happy coding and exploring Pro programming history fine so we are done with the complete script we have three FS we have the intro part and the outro part now just preview it welcome back today we'll explore three Captivate so it looks fine we can just change the voice from here we can use brance voice as well now preview it welcome back today we'll explore three Captiva and we can change the English from here as well so here you can see we have different languages present right we have English we have okay we have French we have Indonesian islandic we have Canada we have Lao so basically almost all the languages are here so for now what we are going to do is we are going to keep it English and we can also search for it so here you can see we have English yeah right we are using us English for now so add to project fine so it will generate the voiceover so for now we are just adding the voice over fine so here you can see we have the voice over let's play it once today we'll explore three captivating historical facts about programming languages that shape the programming landscape so here you can see I take it back welcome back so it it starts from Welcome Back only fine now so you guys can hear it right the audio is nice so it's just a text to speech right we have the voice over now for a video for a complete video let's check towards the end if it's there or not putting and exploring programming history yeah it's there right so you guys can hear the voice and now the next thing we are going to do is we are going to add some media over here so we want it to look good so basically here you can see we have different stock videos so let's just add some stock videos and we have to identify where we have to use which video fine we right over here coding and here you can see we have number of videos most of them are basically free with the paid version we are not using the paid version so we are going to use this this video only fine so we have to add it and just here you can see the stock footage okay so here you can see we have the gap for adding this video now now you can see the video is here and we can also use the animation effect the corners the opacity rotation and there are different video editing options basically we can use the clean audio which is again A plus uh upgraded version feature so here you can see we have audio we can control the audio and everything we can also use remove this green green screen right we remove a color from our video a particular color we can remove so this video is this long we'll just play it once today we'll explore three captivating historical factss about programming languages that shape the programming landscape let's dive in in the late 1950s I so here you can see we have this video what we are going to do is we are going to welcome back today we'll explore three captivating historical facts about programming language that shape the programming landscape okay so till here we are going to use this video and we are just starting our video so we need something like Welcome to our Channel welcome to this welcome and subscribe and all this so what we can do is we can add some text over here fine and we'll just use this headline title oh no we are not going to use the headline title we are going to delete it from here we are going to use Simple Text and just click on it just change here right here Welcome to our Channel fine and that's it we can okay the video is moving for now we can use this we can move this we can keep it in the center increase the size in the background the coding video will keep on going fine we'll use it until here okay so we are done with this and we can use some sort of animations and all so we are going to use animation over here so fade we can use slide right slide left we can use wave okay so we are going to use wave and come back today we'll explore three captivating historical facts about programming languages that shape the programming landscape so it's looking nice right here you can see we have this welcome back today we'll explore three captivating historical facts about programming languages that shape the programming landscape fine now the next thing we need is we need another video another St video fine so we'll again go back to Media it's taking time for my laptop but if you have a good laptop a nice working laptop so it will work totally fine there will be no issues so I'll use this video I'll drag it and drop it so the drag and drop I guess it's not working so just click on ADD video from here and you can basically learn how to do editing through this software alone because here you can see we have different options we have ai doing everything for us right everything we are getting in place just with this one AI tool and so this is how AI is helping us right so from here the new video will come okay so it's a long video a 20 second video and here you can see the transition sh landscape let's dive in in the late 19 okay so the first fact will come here right so we want some what we can say text again so we'll write over here or we can use the typewriter one f for the first one we'll delete the simple one and we'll use the typewriter one fine we just have to put it in place just keep it short and just change the caption what we was the first caption fortron fine foron the pineer just write it over here change the color to white just take it a little back resize it place it according to your needs and yeah it's almost done so animations we can use okay this time we are going to use fall fine then it will say for run the pioner it will come over here and from here the fact will start in the late 1950s IBM introduced for Tran the world's first highlevel programming language it simplified scientific and Engineering computation now so here you can see we have two videos right for next two facts we can add two more videos or we can just use these videos again and again now let me tell you the simplest way of adding videos through this software so what we have to do is we need stock videos right so if you need stock videos for your uh videos like stock footages for your videos so what you can do is you can go to different websites where the stock footages are free you can just download them and you can just use them here in v. so once you are done just click on done and Export the file so here you can see we have export video option right so this is how we can create a complete YouTube video uh we are not creating creting one right now because it will take a lot of time for us to create now what you have to do is you have to just go to media and add some stock footages you can here you can see you can upload a file in this as well so what you have to do is you have to upload a file use this file over here and then what you have to do is you have to use these uh what we can say headings to express different facts so this is how we can use chat GPT to create a complete video fine now once you are done with everything click on done name your project if you want to you can use any like Untitled project I have used you can create any videos once you export the video it will give you certain options so here for now our video length is 1 minute 8 seconds fine for 44 MB is the size and our video is short right v. gives you th characters for free so that's what you can use we have used those thousand characters and once you done with this v. will allow you to export that particular file so creating a YouTube video using different AI tools is easier right you don't have to waste so much of time so if we conclude it all you need is you need to be sure what you want in your video and that's it go to what we can say chat GPT and then ask for the script chat GPT will write the script for you go to v. v. will create the video for you that's it you can download it from here even you can download the video from here click on this download button and it will download the video the one thing will be you will get a watermark so if you want to remove the watermark you have to use the upgraded version of v. fine so it's the easiest thing to do right so here you can see the video as far as we made so yeah here you can see it welcome back today we'll explore a three captivating historic so this video so this video right now is not working completely fine because of the laptops we are using so if you're using these software you need a little highend laptop fine and so that's a wrap for this video I hope you guys must have got a good idea about how to use chat GPT for video creation fine you can create videos on your own with the help of chat GPT and v. try making one and let us know in the comment section if you are able to make one completely fine so don't forget to check the AI and ml course we have discussed in the starting the link is present in the description box below Excel using chat GPT now let's open an Excel document let's also try to open a new terminal in chat GPT okay we have a new chat now right now let's go back to the Excel spreadsheet and here you can see we have a CSV file which is a little longer so let's try to eliminate a few rows let's try to work with only 50 rows for now select the first cell delete right now I want an Excel formula to separate all these comma separated values into separate columns now we have some automated solutions for it right but now let's try to create a formula using chat GPD now let's ask CH GPD to give a formula to separate let's edit this copy the code and now go back to the spreadsheet so initially it was trying to give me a solution which is automated but we wanted a formula anyways so and now try to drag the same formula across all the cells until we get the last column header so it is quite lengthy so I think the last column header is somewhere over here here is with the current manager if you drag the same formula to all the rules all the 50 rules that we initially working with we will also get the data set separated right now if you go back there then you can see the CSV has been successfully separated into different columns right now if you want to work on some uh let's say some sum functions or mathematical functions which you work with day-to-day life right let's copy 10 random values paste them in a new sheet calculate the sum of these values right some of 10 values has charity for the same all the mathematical statistical functions like average mean median mode subtract differentiation everything now let's try to ask okay for the sumission give me a formula an Excel formula to find out sum of 10 numbers in Excel there you go that's our formula copy the code and paste PED in this particular cell it had 10 right so we need to add 10 so let's add the 10th value here and now let's place the formula which is equals to sum of this was the formula right A1 to A1 11 okay no worries enter think this is with the data type right so I think the data type is okay it is carrying the formula so we were supposed to uh paste the values only right now let's try to delete this particular column and control shift to be let's copy the values once again copy and go to the new sheet paste special paste values only right now it's not carrying any of the functions with it so if we implement the same function which Char gave us which is from sum A1 to A10 enter okay it's still not taking I think it is carrying the formula but again no worries let's enter some random values 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 and 100 now we have 10 values and if you use the same formula sum of A1 to A10 which chat gbt initially gave us we have the summation similarly you can also ask Char to give you any of the mathematical and statistical functions now let's say we want to uh do some macro level functions right let's say uh we want an interest calculator right so before that we need to save this file as currently this is CSP right we need to save it as macro enabled workbook so that whenever we write a macro the macro will be accepted by the workbook right now let's say uh okay to insert a macro we need to go to macros from developer options let's name our uh macro as okay let's ask uh okay I right let's create this and now let's ask Char for the code give me a macro for calculating interest in Excel it should be given me the code there you go simply calculate the uh simply copy the code go to your macro eras whatever we have here erase this because the some you know the function name you're giving a new function name here calculate interest right instead of interest just save it it'll ask for a small change I think it's done now you can close this macro and in the same developer options go to interest create a button create it somewhere over here and uh click on the function that you just created the mro just you created press okay and if you want to change it you know you can also change it uh instead of button one just uh type in interest there you go done now whenever you click on this button it will ask the amount right let's give some principal amount let's say $10,000 annual interest rate may be 6% as decimal and term period let's me let let's think it's uh one year should be good right so that's how you create macros using Excel I think I gave one like instead of 60,000 right uh there you go and let's say you want to take it to a Next Level let's say advanced level you wanted to you know split the first name and second name or let's say you wanted to do a v lookup function to calculate the performance right now let's say we don't have this okay uh we don't have a what say display username we don't have a username in our current sheet let's imagine we don't have a username right now I want a v looka function from Excel or you know just also would do give me a v lookup function so it'll give you the required formula you can just use it right and type in the v look of function here and it's really simple equals to the lookup value you're looking for which is let's say here you we trying to add the lookup formula lookup value and uh the table array which is this one right here you have given the table array comma the column index you are looking for you wanted the username right so you need to give these two columns and the value you wanted is okay so um now you wanted column index 3 and you wanted exact match let T to select enter so I think it required only until C300 value okay I did not give the lookup value that's my bad uh the lookup range you are giving is the first to three you wanted third column enter and now let's give me a value add it here and there you go you have the answer right you have the user ID and using name and that's how you use uh looka function in Excel now let's say I wanted to uh okay let's remove these two here and let's also remove these two here and and let's imagine the display name itself is your username here now I want to split them into first name and second name so go back to chat GB and ask for a formula give me a formula to split the name into first name and second name an Excel formula split name into first name and last name okay it will give you the formula shortly copy code okay go back to excel paste it right there okay I think we copied two codes we just needed one so chat gbt will give you multiple codes here so you can just copy the first one and erase these give me a simpler code okay so I think that was for two different columns right so now let's add it here let's remove this and add it here now if you drag the same formula you should be getting the first names and if you take the second formula here and paste it in the last name position you should be getting all the last names right if there is no second name you will be getting a value error and in case if you have a value you will be getting the second one you can also wrap this inside if error right say not available single codes since we're giving a text value and enter so that's how you use chat GPT for Excel so now you can see some data on my spreadsheet so we have row ID order ID audit date and ship date ship mode Etc so this means that this particular D set belongs to a sales data set for a store or something so what I have done is if you look out the videos on our Channel we already have created one of the interactive dashboards using the same data set so we Tred to extract month-on-month sales region category subcategory sales country-wise sales shipping type sales Etc right so I have you know kept the data as it is and all the pivot tables as it is now let's say we do not know how to create all these pivot tables and pivot charts and slicers Etc we just know that we have the data and you're new to this and you want to analyze your data how do you do that chat GPT is here for the rescue so before we get on to chat GPD let's quickly remove all our reference pivot tables about pivot table I'm quickly deleting all these they left out with only the data right and again you can do this dashboard using chat gbd 3.5 or in case if you have a premium version which is chat GPT 4 you can directly attach your data set onto the chat GPT prompt and chat GPT will do all the analysis you need right but for now let's experiment using the chat GPD 3.5 version which is basically open source and free to use now let's quickly hop on to chat GPT so there you go we have chat gbd version 3.5 we are not switching to four so now let's quickly um explain what we are up to high chart GPD just keep it simple as if you're talking to your friend the D set belongs to super store sales or is about the data set is about uh Superstore sales report and I need to create a dashboard oh month on month SE so this is the pr PR and basically I just explained in a brief way I'm not uh giving the detailed information but hope this works so basically uh what you supposed to do is uh give uh the requirement one by one but I'm giving it in a single prompt so that I'll get the results in one single prompt let's hope for that so what you're trying to explain CH GPD is that you have a sales data set and you're using Excel for for storing it and for manipulating the data and trying to build some Innovative interactive visually appealing charts and you don't know how to do it so you explained that to your chat GPD and uh what are the uh things you are looking to build what are the charts you're looking to build so I'm looking to build a month-on-month sales report which can be a quarter on quarter month on month year on Year date wise however the way you like it right so uh make sure that your data is properly formatted first so here let's check out that your date column is formatted to date data type right sometimes what happens is the representation of date uh changes to user by user let's say this particular data set or this particular inventory has been allocated to five different people to entry the data right somebody might use this type of you know here you have uh let's create a new sheet and try to let me elaborate what I'm trying to explain so let's say U person one L three so let's say I use this type of uh formatting 15th December 2025 something like that and somebody else uses 15 12 2025 and another one uses 15 December 2025 and so sometimes few people also uh intend or you know may um follow uh a date pattern which looks something like this December the 31st 2025 right and it's not wrong so many people will have different uh conventions of writing their dates so you need to make some data cleaning and okay if you are coming back to data cleaning we have listed a video in our descriptions for data cleaning in Excel and uh that would help you in various uh data cleaning operations that are um you know used in day-to-day lives of a data analyst so that should help so basically what you are looking for is so instead of General go back to the data types and here you can check out the data type options and you can either give a short date long date or in the case you want to go for some additional formatting you can also go to more formatting and here you can check out the custom formatting options here you can give a customized option for now I want to go with date and the date I want to go with is this particular one which gives me date month and yeah click on that and you should be good to go right so make sure that all the uh uh dates in your spreadsheet are following one single date pattern so that when it comes to uh month on month quarter on quarter and EBY sales that will help you a lot okay it will just give you a filtered option it will give you year on year first then quarter on quarter next and if you expand the option of quarter on quarter you will have month on month and if you expand the month then you will have date wise so you will have a you know better understanding when we perform this operation in a practical Way in real time and then we have the next type of chart where we want to identify country wise sales then we have region wise sales so let's say I have one country here let's say one sales from France and uh I want to know what are the uh sales happening in central region of France North region of France so you'll have region wise sales there and category wise which category is giving you the maximum profits or the maximum sales and inside the category which is that subcategory or which product is that that which is giving you the highest number of sales you can identify that and based on that you can plan a business uh you know you can get up with a business strategy there and shipment modes so which type of shipment mode which should you invest in much so that you can you know offer better services to your customers so everything comes so this is what I want to um you know um extract from my D set so this is my requirement you have explained this to your chat GPD through the prompt and just enter now chat GPD should help you break down the requirements and charity should help you uh how to you know it'll get tell you how to uh do the process so here it will tell you the line chart so basically it's um it's a it's a rule that month- on-month sales or quarter- on quter sales basically wherever the time is involved the line chart is the best to represent your numbers so now um it basically tells you how to uh represent your charts in what or how what type of chart to be selected that's good but now uh can you help me create the first chart in Excel there you go so it tells you uh how to create it Ure you have a column for dates and other corresponding values so basically it is telling you to have a properly mentioned or properly defined metad data or column headers then select the data go to the insert tab choose the line chart okay and let's say uh you wanted to create an interactive dashboard right so to create an interactive dashboard or to basically create a dashboard you need a pivot tables and you don't know how to create a pivot table you can ask chat GPD to help you create uh a pivot table help me create a pivot table for the first type for all the types okay or for the data set certainly so it'll mention you the steps to follow to create a pivot table there you go so what's the first step highlight the range of cells that contain your data set and including headers and go back to Excel and you can just click on any cell and control a all your data set has been selected or these days you can just select one of the cells and and go to insert menu and pivot table and now from the table range Excel will automatically select the entire range of the table you're looking for or you're working on and in case if you are having any doubts on that you can just select all the range and go to the same insert option and select the pivot table click on okay in a new worksheet and there you go you have your new uh say U pivot table let's delete this now remember wanted to create the month-on-month sale for the first uh pivot table and pivot chart so and remember about the uh date formatting so we'll be looking on that now we will drag odd date onto row here and you can see here so this is what I was talking about so Excel has automatically segmented your dates we we have about 10,000 rows in this particular data set and it has segregated all the 10,000 rows into four different years 2020 1 22 and 23 and if you expand the selection of air it has segregated again into P 1 2 3 and four right and if you expand quarter one you have month-on-month sales in quarter one month-on-month sales in quarter two and month- on Monon sales in qu three and so on right so this is why I was requesting you to have a proper data formatting for all your dates right which could be really helpful when you want to extract the quarter on quarter sales and date wise sales and year-wise sales right so now we wanted to find out month- on-month sales right or year on year sales so where is the sales yeah here we have the sales parameter just drag that onto the values and there you go now format this into the currency type so the currency is dollars American dollars and you can eliminate the leading zeros here if you don't want them there you go now you have the whole number here you can also do the same for this you can select the entire table go to pivot table okay let's check the uh options provided by chat gbd so basically we have created a pivot table now we want to create a pivot chart how do I create a pivot chart so again it's making really clear statements and really clear steps so it's again making sure that you create a pivot table first right so we have a pivot table and uh highlight pivot table data click anywhere on your pivot table to highlight the entire range and insert pivot chart with the pivot table selected go to the insert tab on the ribbon and then click on pivot chart and uh open the insert chart dialogue box choose the type you want and uh customize the chart select the chart so customizing the chart we look onto it and Fields if you want to keep a few Fields you can and if you want to eliminate a few Fields you can you can also do that refresh data let's say why refresh data see chat gbd is so brilliant right so let's say uh I have the sales data until 2023 and now we are in 2024 let's say we update 2024 onto this particular spreadsheet and now we have that particular data in the original spreadsheet but that is missing here in that scenario what you can do is just go to data and here you will find the refresh all option once you click on this you can find the 2024 data updated here for now we have not added yet but in case if it's added all you can is just refresh your sheet and everything will change so brilliant suggestion from chat GPT and save and share in case if you want to share so let's follow the same steps select any cell in the pivot table select all the sheets go to insert Tab and here recommended charts or go to the charts option and select the chart that you are looking for so we are dealing with uh time so I would go with the line chart just click okay but in case if you want to create an interactive dashboard just go to pivot table analyze and here you you have the pivet charts and again it'll give you the same option just select the line chart here and press okay so you have your line chart over here so again if you are editing this so you can remove the Legends if you want remove U anything else or you can customize that okay there you go and if you want to edit the name of the chart you can also do that so I will do this as M Sales report okay accordingly I'll change the sheet name there you go right now quickly we will create the other charts as well so the process is same you can hold control and drag this particular sheet and you have the next sheet so the next uh requirement that we have that we requested chat GPD was the country wise sales so everything will remain the same what changes is okay let's close this and here instead of order data we will have okay let's remove this from rows and quarters months right country so we will drag country into rows and there you go now we have countries now now country wise so you can uh select this cell go to pivot table analyze pivot chart and you can select the bar graph so it automatically gave you the first suggestion as bar graph click on that and you have the bar graph over here and you can also edit the chart you don't want you don't want the Legends you can remove them and edit the name of the chart to Country wise sales go and uh quickly drag and drop the sheet again new pivot table and here you wanted category wise sales or segment wise sales uh close this particular thing be this and instead of country you're going to add segment to the row and remove country and you have segment wise sales select any sell on the pivot table go to pivot table analyze pivot chart and here you can use any of the available um charts here let me use the finnal chart or histogram bar chart will be better press okay and there you go you have the bar chart same edit your you know customize your uh chart change the the name to segment wise sales hold control and track the sheet now you have subcategory wise sales instead of segment you will be selecting the subcategory you can remove segment and you can see the chart also changed here and again you can do the category wise sales so this was segment wise sales you can quickly change the segment to category and you have it we quickly quickly go back to yeah so we have done the category Wise subcategory Wise region wise is remaining and shipment modes so quickly drag or drop the region remove subcategory from the list there you have the region y sales edit the name and the last one which is about the shipment modes remove region and there you go now you can create a new dashboard over here and name it as dashboard you can do some customization to your D dashboard like selecting these cells giving it a color there you go now you can quickly copy and past paste all these uh charts to the dashboard starting from the month- on- Monon sales copy paste so I'll quickly do all the uh pas thingss as soon as possible e e e there you go you can also manage the size of these charts so that everything fits onto one sheet so for now let's try to unpin this so that we have a little better visual appearance okay not a problem and now uh we need some filter right so something which can make it a little more interactive that's when you add slices and let's say you don't know how to add slices back to chat gbd and ask chat gbd how do I add slices to my dashboard there you go so is telling you to uh add everything in a step-by-step way and it also is talking about the interactivity right it's it is asking you to connect all the slices it it's telling you to report the connections right if you just add the slices based on one single okay basically you need to select one of your charts here and uh select a pivot table or pivot chart go to the pivot table or chart associate with the slicer and insert and go to the insert tab and insert a slicer I'll I'll tell you that so basically it it's telling you in a very beautiful way step by-step manner right and even after adding the slicer it it is telling you to connect all the uh basically all the charts or all the um you know CH dashboards and charts you created at this particular tutorial and connect all those charts to that particular slicer using the report connections option and you can get the interactivity right so in a very beautiful manner it it has explained you let's try the way it has explained to us go to the dashboard select any one of it and uh go to the insert option and here you have the slicer right so now you have all the slicers over here so basically we wanted what type of uh slices is so I have created a month-on-month uh chart so I'll go with order date slicer which is here then I have created segment wise sales so I want segment slic slicer country wise slicer category and subcategory wise slicers region wise so region slicer and do I have anything else let's scroll down that's the last one so where is shipment here yeah shift mode country region category subcategory segment order dates and shift mode so I will have multiple slices in one go right now you have to arrange your slices in such a way that they are interactive and they they look like they are sorted in one place so let me do that quickly we have some space left here in the bottom place of the dashboard you can also keep your slices there so what basically chat gbd meant was if you try to use the slices here it will you know the changes will reflect only in one of the pivot charts not on all all the pivot charts so to get that interactivity to get that connectivity between all the charts you need to do a small setting which is called as report connections so select one of the slices over here right click and here you have something called report connections so when you report connections you have all the pivot charts and pivot tables that you just created you can just select all those pivot tables that you created and press on okay so that all these pivot tables are connected to that particular slicer uh you can just expand this and check if all the pivot tables are selected press okay do the same for all the slicers I'll quickly do that e so there you go we have interconnected all the charts now let's let's say I want to find out the sales that happened in the latest year just go to the filters select any of the dates 2023 and you have the data and if you want to select any particular country then you can also do that I want to go with United Kingdom and in United Kingdom we have all the data here let's say I want to check out only for the phones there you go now you have an interactive dashboard which will tell you the sales that happened on the date of 16th of November 2023 in the region United Kingdom for phones right and uh segment is home or office ship and mode with standard class and major sales that happen are from nor region and the categories from tech technology right and that's how you create an interactive dashboard using chat gbd in Excel so each and every step has been mentioned very clearly by chat GPD and you have all the data in one place so let's quickly remove all the filters and there you have the entire dashboard so without any further Ado let's begin chat GPT can assist you with content SEO or search engine optimization in following ways number one is keyword research chat GPT can can help you to identify the relevant keywords and key phrases that are commonly used in your industry or required for your topic by discussing your content with chat GPD you can uncover valuable keywords to optimize your content for search engines so let's find some keywords to create content on shoes we will create a blog on shoes so let's add query to chat GPT so here we got few suggestions we can pick any of them if needed you can check these keywords in any keyword research tool to check their search volumes if you require so let's choose this keyword let's write a blog using chat GPT in 500 words on this keyword the next we have is content optimization chat GPT can provide insights on how to optimize content for better search engine rankings it can suggest where to include keywords naturally within your content recommends heading structure and advice on appropriate keyword density so to the above created blog let's find the optimization e so here we saw the number of optimizations suggested by Chad GPT for our content the next we have is meta tags and descriptions Chad GPT can help you to generate compiling metatags and descriptions that accurately repr present your content these elements are important for search engines to understand the topic of your content and display relevant information in search results so let's ask chat GPD to write a creative meta descriptions meta title and meta tags for this blog if needed we can rephrase these meta descriptions and titles as per our requirement by providing another query the next trick to master SEO content with chat GPT is content length and quality chat GPT can guide you on the ideal length of your content based on the search engine algorithms and user preferences it can help you to ensure that your content is of high quality engaging and informative which can positively impact on your SEO ranking so let's understand what what can be the ideal length of this shoe blog as we have already written a 500 Words length of blog let's change it to another one suggested by chat GPD interlinking and site structure chat GPT can provide suggestions on how to structure your content and incorporate interlinks effectively interlinking helps search engines to navigate your website and understand the relationship between different pages boosting your overall SEO so let's get few of the link recommendations for our blogs on shoes e the next one we have is user intent and readability chat GP can assist in understanding user intent and optimizing your content accordingly by discussing potential user question IES and preferences you can create content that aligns with what users are looking for enhancing its relevance and readability so let's check out if the readability of the given blog or blog created by chat GPT is good or not you can also test some other content with chat GP to check whether its readability is good or not while chat GPT can provide a valuable guidance it's important to remember that Su is a complex field and requires a holistic approach it's advisable to combine chat GPT suggestions with best practices industry knowledge and ongoing SEO strategies to achieve optimal results now most of you might have been an aspiring artificial intelligence and machine learning expert or you might have been having some aspirations on different job roues like business analyst data analyst but you might not know how to build a resume that is ATC friendly that is application tracking system friendly and get you a job most of you just go through the job description provided on LinkedIn inded noty or any other job portals and you just copy paste the uh job rules and responsibilities and expect the at system to crack it or if not the ETS system the hiring manager or the HR to click on your receiving right that might not work in all the cases so we have our AI friend Chad GPD to help us build the resume according to the job description and the ATS friendly nature of your resuming should help you land your dram job now let's take an example let's open one of the job portal platforms like LinkedIn okay so here I'll be looking for data analyst and here are my search results I have senior data analyst data analyst senior product data analyst let's go with this one which is about data analyst and here is your existing resume so let's say this is your existing resume and and you have a a lot of things to add in here you have your educational qualifications here you have your you know maybe the cover letter and you have your skills which are enlisted bottom in the bottom section of the resume right so it talks a lot let's say uh these are not the ones which the uh ATS system or uh the hiring manager is looking for how do you make it a little more interesting to do is I would use chat GPT I would go to the job description here job purpose and job description I'll simply copy the job description job roles and responsibilities and everything right now I'll go back to chat GPT and write a promp just tell chat GPT hi chat GPT imagine you are uh 20 year old or let's say 15y old [Music] professional resume writer now I need you to check on the job description for a data analyst and help me with the cover letter resum so it should be a two-way communication most of you end up doing some mistakes wherein you try to extract all the information just in one prompt so I would uh recommend you to keep it in a two-way communication let chat GPD know what you're up to let chat GPD know its role and responsibility right it should understand what you are expecting from it so I'm trying to convince it that it is a professional resume writer and I'm telling it to check out a job description which I'll be sending it in a minut and then I need it help to create me a cover letter and resume right now let it know about the job description okay I'll give you a job description you need to understand the key the key points of this job and critical expectations from the candidate here are critical expectations from the candidate here is the JD now is given me some of the critical roles and responsibilities that this particular job role demands from the candidates now uh you have all this right so you need a cover letter first so give me a cover letter covering the top three responsibilities or highlighting instead of covering you can write it as highlighting in my according okay so give me a cover letter highlighting the top three responsibilities keep the cover letter under 200 words so here you have your cover letter dear hiring manager I'm writing to express my Keen interest in data Andis position at your esteemed organization and uh I bring expertise in three pivotal rules some of the uh corporate languages that chat gbt helps you with is the one key factor which will help you crack your uh you know uh the initial stages of the interview you can just get uh a clickbait from the hiring manager and it's the best chance to get your resumer selected now let us proceed with the resume right build me resume using the job description so this is what you actually do but uh I would recommend you to go a step further right now you can use this template it will give you professional summary key skills required professional experience correct and education so this is not everything so what you need to do is take the key responsibilities right so you can take the professional summary as is given by chat gbd or you can enhance it based on your own words and you can give your basic details about your name address ZIP code email address phone number LinkedIn profile Etc you can go with the same professional summary or you can enhance it in your own words and coming back to key skills you can add your key skills here based on the profile you're adding and uh here you have professional experience and here you just have plain English plain statements right so what I would recommend is the plain English points will not help you if you can take the entire template as a test and when it comes to your uh uh professional experience I would suggest a few modifications here so these are the few modifications which will help you and your resume to stand up from the others correct so here you can add your educational qualifications your certifications and professional membership so in case if you have any professional certifications from authorized organizations you can also take them and attach them to this particular resume and references will be available upon request now coming back to the critical modification that I has been suggesting you so when it comes to professional experience let's say I have this particular professional experience on my resumer right so what I could do is uh tell chat jpt uh or you can also use the same uh detail that it gave you you can copy this and ask chat to quantify this can you please if I my experience you can use terms like 15% organic growth 10% reduction in expenses for advertisement this increased Revenue per lead lead by 12% so you can just add on some numbers right so it will when you quantify your experience when you quantify your pointers it will help the potential recruiter to understand your potential in a much better way and your resum will also be shortlisted there you go you have your new resume here and again giving you some key notes on this particular area so what you can do is you can also modify or enhance these uh professional experience based on the top problems faced by the company or top key critical roles and responsibilities that you need to fill right to solve those problems in that particular company and take those positions and secure the company right that's the overall point of it so ensure that these particular professional experience fall in line with these key skills at least the top three right and that will be self-explanatory for your recruiter and the rest of the part is as usual so the chart GPT resume always follows the ads format and the only major different what it makes is right the only uh difference what your resume and the rest of the people's resume make is the difference in the way your quantif finding your achievements the way you are measuring your capabilities and adding them on your resume to catch the eye of the recruiter are the few things that matter we have reached the end of the session on Crash Course on chat gbt should you need any assistance PP and other resources used in the session please let us know in the comment section below and our team of experts will be happy to help you as soon as possible until next time thank you and keep learning stay tuned for more from Simply learn staying ahead in your career requires continuous learning and upskilling whether you're a student aiming to learn today's top skills or a working professional looking to advance your career we've got you covered explore our impressive catalog of certification programs in cuttingedge domains including data science cloud computing cyber security AI machine learning or digital marketing designed in collaboration with leading un universities and top corporations and delivered by industry experts choose any of our programs and set yourself on the path to Career Success click the link in the description to know more hi there if you like this video subscribe to the simply learn YouTube channel and click here to watch similar videos to nerd up and get certified click here
Channel: Simplilearn
Views: 8,565
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Keywords: chatgpt crash course, chatgpt 2024, chatgpt expert course, chat gpt, chatgpt course, become chatgpt expert, chatgpt full course, how to use chatgpt, how to use chatgpt to make money, full chatgpt course, chatgpt tutorial, chatgpt course for programmers, chatgpt course for digital marketing, chatgpt complete course, course chatgpt, chatgpt for beginners, course on chatgpt, free course on chatgpt, best chatgpt course, ai chatgpt course, artificial intelligence
Id: vv0DD4eO5HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 46sec (12166 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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