ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis: How to Upload Multiple Files at Once

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in today's video I'm gonna show you a nice hack we can use on chat GPT code interpreter to upload multiple files at once instead of just going uploading one and one file I'm gonna spend up all our messages and just uploading right so what you want to do is go over to some kind of zip here because we can read actually zip files with the code interpreter so here I am on winsip and I have files here I can upload all sorts of files I have a video I have an MP3 I have some PDFs I have some text files so I'm just going to drag all of this over to winsip all right and I'm just gonna save it as something just files right okay save then I'm just gonna go to the code interpreter upload file go to files and find the ZIP file here click just open and as long as the file is under 100 megabytes you should be fine I'm just gonna go explain the files I just uploaded and here we can see we have six different files we have the Alice Alice in Wonderland text file we have our MP3 audio file we have an MP3 video file we have an Orwell book PDF this should just be George Orwell's novel 1984 correct we have a uh llm paper that's just called simulations and we have mid-journey prompts so now we are ready to work with this so let's try to create a mid-journey prompt from something here so I'm just gonna try look at the file mid J dot text that contains examples of good mid Johnny prompts and write three mid Journey prompts I can use as illustration for the book 1984 that mimics the style and theme of the Sci-Fi book so let's try that and there we have it three different mid-journey prompts that fits the style of the 1984 novel by George Orwell I'm just gonna copy all this run them through mid-journey and let's take a look at the results okay so the first was this panoramic view of airstrip one I actually think this this one quite cool right not bad I kind of like it so it's very dystopian with this monitoring system here and the second one also close-up of the protagonist Winston Smith uh yeah that could work right it looks kind of scary and the third one was the ministry of Truth kind of cool I don't know I think this works this could be an illustration in the book so yeah pretty happy with this now let's try can you write a summary of the PDF file for me please okay so I forgot we have two PDF files so this just brought a summary based on the first 30 pages of the George Orwell novel so I'm gonna go I meant the same one PDF file sorry yes perfect the PDF file is a research paper titled generative agents correct which discusses development and evolution of AI agents that mimic human behavior in a simulated social environment perfect that's exactly what we want let's just follow up for fun with create a couple of mid-journey prompts for the paper let's try look at the mid jado text file and create a couple of mid Journey prompts that could illustrate the paper cover okay so this looks promising let's just take this couple of prompts and okay so this was the first one this was the futuristic lab prompt kind of cool uh has this AI simulation vibe to it the second one was this agent prompt so these are basically simulation agents and that fits perfectly with the paper so yeah I guess this could work kind of cool red and yeah that was basically all I had for the day hope you can find this useful so remember use some kind of C program put every file you need in that saves you a lot of time sends you a lot of attempts on the gpt4 so don't use up all your attempts just by uploading different files thank you for tuning in see you again in the next one
Channel: All About AI
Views: 11,933
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Keywords: chatgpt code interpreter plugin, chatgpt, chatgpt code interpreter, openai code interpreter, how to use chatgpt code interpreter, how to use code interpreter, how to use code interpreter in chatgpt, multiple files code interpreter, upload multiple files code interpreter
Id: IfWvOwY069o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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