ChatGPT-4o เชื่อมต่อข้อมูลกับ Google Drive ได้แล้ว เชื่อมต่อแบบง่ายสุดๆ

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Let's meet again with IU channel today. It is very interesting. I'm really excited because I just launched chat gvt 4o. Or is it the first time today that 4o is here? Then click on the menu here. What's surprising is that it can connect to Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. It's very interesting. Today we'll We will take you to learn together. I must say. We'll click together to see if we can get it or not. Or if you have any problems, you have to tell them to do it. Let's watch live before we watch . Please press Like and Subscribe and share this good knowledge with others as well. Thank you very much. OK, let's talk. The subject of the story is today. Yes, sir, I will upload cartoon pictures. I came up to learn how to create new images from my own PC on chat gvt 4o, but today I have to say that I'm really shocked. Please see the additional menu. We will come soon. Let's try playing and see if it will be used. How about gvt 4o that the teacher used? Yes, it is a paid plan, about 20 coins. It will be worth it. You can use it here, but I'm not sure if it's in There will be free rand that many people are using. Is this true or not? I can't confirm this, but the acc that the teacher uses is acc that is paid monthly. 20 coins. OK. Let's just click on it and see what it will do. Let's start by connecting to Google Drive. Click to see. Once we've chosen Chat gpt, it will ask for permission to connect to the acc account we are using. work Or if other people want to change their acc account, they can edit it, but The teacher asks for a link to the acc account that the teacher is using and then continue. Or do you just continue? Wait. After a moment, K told us that our account was already connected. It was very wow. After a while they launched a new Windows for us and 3 were able to see various drives of the work. We are connected to this acc account . The teacher will try to look at it. The folder where the teacher keeps the 3D cartoon images that will be used for testing. Try clicking to take a look. Yes, we see the file. Two file names are the names of the cartoon files that the teacher I've created it for you to take a look at. This one opens Google Drive. Normally, the teacher's direct message will be like Like this, we can see them being thel that will be shown as cartoons like this. But when it comes up it's like gpt 4o, it just shows us the file name. I still don't see an adjustment that allows me to show pictures. I see it's a file name. We'll try it. Choose one picture and take the picture to read here. Then press select and we will load this image. Come up and use it in chat gvt 4o. It's finished. The picture has arrived. It's this picture. Okay, then we will try to give the command to create a 3D cartoon image like this again by changing the characters. Drama for children A cute fat man about 5 years old like this. This one is ready. What we're doing is ordering work and then trying to press. Send it so he can process the images for us. Is it the picture that the teacher had originally created? It will be a picture of an old person, a little older. And I'm talking about Enjoy with durian. He's holding a cute durian. The teacher will give it to him. Create a new image but change the character. The character actor is a child, which is great. It's really great that they can create pictures. New, using the same context of the picture as before. From an elderly man, about 90 years old, holding a durian. Then we ordered him to be a 5 year old child. This is a durian. Durian too, very good. I feel like using Google Drive, connecting directly to Google Drive like this, is very useful because Originally he would only upload from his computer. Is that right? Everyone is familiar with this place. But today they are making the AI ​​better , and it is connected to various services from Google, which is really great. And then in the next video clip. The teacher will connect to Microsoft One for everyone to see. Yes, what is the process like? OK. Yes, today I hope that this video clip will be It is useful for everyone to see. The advancements in AI chat GT 4o are complete. Do you have any comments you'd like to make? Let the teacher do something to show. You can do it. Please leave a comment below. Thank you. All friends and members who follow me. Yes, and please click Subscribe so that you will have Encouragement to continue making good videos for everyone. Go, thank you very much, and we'll see each other. New in the next video clip. Thank you. Hello.
Channel: IT around U
Views: 1,972
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Id: Wi0c3rMrOtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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