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hey welcome youtube family jose and i decided just to do a sit down chat with you and uh even do maybe do a book review with you some books that uh we think are pretty good yup that you might enjoy and a few other things yep yeah it sounds good hey let's hop right in uh if you have not seen us before and i know we're getting a ton of new subscribers we want to say thank you so much it's exciting to see our channel grow uh just a few months ago actually this spring we hit a thousand subscribers that took about what a year or more yeah and probably i think a couple years but we didn't really post videos in the beginning yeah so that was exciting a thousand but now we're almost at six thousand probably by the time you watch this it'll be over six thousand so thank you so much for subscribing we appreciate it um let's talk about the comments for just a minute shall we okay we were doing so good with keeping up with comments we first of all we really enjoy reading the comments thank you so much uh the comments are just overwhelming they bless us greatly and it's wonderful to read all the kind things that you write to us so we're very grateful but we have a problem what's that problem we're not keeping up with them so we had a goal to keep up answering every comment yeah and we just are not able to do that right now so if you don't get an answer yeah it's not because we're upset or we we just have so many comments we're not able to keep up but we read all of them and we will try to answer as many as we can yeah and we're trying to get more of a schedule down so that we actually right you know get it done right because we really do appreciate all of your comments that's right yeah it's wonderful to read that we read them to the family a lot and it's exciting um yeah shall we what's next should we hop into our books here yeah let's talk about a couple books here that we have uh actually that our families right a couple people in our actually all so we have three books and all three of them were written by people in our family yeah and we just want to share them with you and um one of them well talk about you want to talk the first one about your dad okay yeah two of them come from her family one from my family i'll let her talk about the first one yeah so this is my dad's latest book he actually wrote it a couple years ago yeah it's a few years old and um it's called an amish journey to forgiveness and it's kind of his life story or his um yeah his story and also his spiritual journey so uh i think for some of you it would be very interesting those of you who are interested in the amish the anabaptists um you know some of you might not find it interesting but i it's he he's my dad and i think it's a pretty good book it actually is really interesting yeah for me it was some of the history of where her dad grew up in a very conservative amish community in bern indiana right that's where he was born and grew up so it's very conservative and today he's you know uh definitely grown a lot and he lives here in libby montana yeah he became an amish bishop right and um first a preacher and then an amish bishop yeah and then for many years and so it's quite a journey i'll tell you if you're interested in his journey then then get that book and we will have the links below where you can just click on just click on the link and it'll take you right to the book and uh you can get the book there all right so yeah okay so i think i'll talk about the next book this is a book that my dad uh wrote and it just uh came out um what a few months ago i think yeah late fall um it's called growing deep roots and it's um the subheading is taught from childhood to adulthood in the amish culture in middle east and this is also dad's journey dad published this book himself and dad is 86 years old he'll be 87 yep this coming year and uh so there are some mistakes in here and it's not perfectly written but it's really neat if you um want to hear stories like um here's a story learning the hard way that he's told me many times about he was on the top of a 30-foot ladder or forget the length of the ladder was a tall ladder the tallest extension ladder you can get and the ladder gave way and he slid down uh the wall of the houses that he was painting uh everyday happenings um just a lot of stories about his life growing up basically the people we meet people all walks of life it's very interesting a lot of um here's a story about uh when scarlet fever went through dad's family when he was eight years old and how his sister contracted contracted the scarlet fever and this this is just the story of how she passed his sister at age eight is how old he was and so um just a lot of stories in here so if you like another just another book about my dad's story growing up in lagrange county indiana different place in indiana but a different completely different community similar but quite different as well from what your dad grew up right yeah conservative but not as conservative quite okay i'll let you go ahead and or say something i i think these would make some good christmas gifts yeah there you go you know someone you know who loves to read and also these our family doesn't even know we're doing this right they don't even know we're giving you or this is just our own our own thing here so so but i'm sure they'll appreciate it we've enjoyed the books and we thought you would probably too right so the last book that we have is my youngest brother marcus i'm not sure i think he's 31. okay i think he's 31. um he wrote this book now i gotta say i hate to sorry dads and dad but this is my favorite book of the three this i'll go ahead yeah this if you want a book that keeps you in suspense and a book that you can't put down this is a book for you it's called heart of the mountain a warrior's way book one he's actually planning on writing uh maybe two more books so and i'm i'm really proud of my brother i did not know he had this in him but he wrote really well and uh just had an amazing storyline right and he he did this all in the evenings by one finger typing typing it out with one finger because he's not uh learning how to type so yeah he typed it all out right with one finger so but i want to tell you what this book is kind of like this okay probably all of you know pilgrim's progress i think that is one of the greatest novels of all time like an allegory yeah an allegory pilgrim's progress if you like pilgrim's progress this is another book i think it's it's hand and glove to pilgrim's progress and that says a lot yeah but it is very well written i tell you it's it's very well done i mean i love the book yeah it's a really good uh good versus evil right yeah so yeah i am proud of this book actually out of um all of these books so yeah it's an easy read too it looks thick right but it's but the it's got big letters in it yeah it's not uh it doesn't take long to read it you can read it in a couple sittings you know two or three sittings and it goes fast and it's really a cool storyline so again all the links are in the description below yeah so don't forget to go down there and check them out then they're not expensive i think this book is what 10 bucks or 12 bucks i don't think it's even that much he's eight something eight bucks so it's very and he did not write this to get wealthy he wrote it because he wanted the message to get out yeah it's a great message he actually had like quite a few years ago he had a series of dreams right and so these books are come from the dreams he had basically and i believe he he uh he sells it at the lowest price that amazon allows him to sell if i'm not mistaken something is so it's very reasonably priced and i think i don't know how much is this book i actually don't know um but i think dad's book my dad's book is like 12.95 i believe so i'm guessing this is about the same 15 so they're not really expensive books so anyways check those out um we we've enjoyed them uh okay what's the next thing we're going to talk about uh shall we talk about the video we're planning oh yeah go ahead go ahead okay so we have we kind of have a special uh video coming up for you guys um and we will be premiering it somewhere around christmas probably the weekend after christmas for the weekend of christmas so like the day after christmas we're hoping yeah okay that's christmas is on a friday and we think maybe it's saturday or sunday after christmas right so the 26th or 27th yeah something like that so you just be on the lookout for it uh it's a true story we will be telling you a true story for once [Laughter] we're always telling you short stories but this is um just a story that is dear to us right so and that's all i'm going to say shall we tell you well let's tell them that it's about somebody in our culture oh yes okay it's a it's a story of the uh uh yeah an amish person in the amish culture right yeah it's a life story and it's someone we know and it's someone that we're going to share with you about so we're really excited about this video we we hope that this might be one of our best videos we've been working hard on it so you don't know might not be good but we did enjoy making it yeah took some time we took quite a bit of footage and um so watch for that that'll be coming out yeah yeah okay what's next and uh about the question yeah yep okay so we hope to do a question and answer uh video here soon so if if you have some burning questions that you want to ask us just ask away and we'll um we're going to do it right in a short while yeah one of the next videos we'll hopefully do a question and answer for you right yeah um let's grab a couple questions right now shall we yeah i guess okay let's do it i've got my phone here um so let's see we got um one that just came in um just a couple hours ago from laura she asks do your children attend public school so if you've gone back and watched some of our previous videos you'll know that we have a what's called a parochial school it's similar to a private school um basically kind of another word for private but it's known as parochial and our children go to school there it's close by they walk to school and walk home every day um it's a one-room school house one room they have a wood stove in there eight grades one through eight and we have two teachers i think there's what 21 students yeah i think something like that 21 we had some new families come in so i'm not sure if that's 21 with the new ones or not um so yeah that's the story on that and let's see let's just randomly grab a couple more because people ask a lot of questions and i don't always know how to answer here's one veronica asks me asks us how would i get an amish friend plus i am saved i'm glad to talk about god and jesus i wondered about the amish my question is how would i get an amish friend and i guess when i read that i thought about the verse in proverbs that says to um to have a friend a man must show himself friendly i think that goes with any culture um and i think it's just a matter of their to have an amish friend is no different than having any other friend um you just become their friend you know right i think sometimes it seems like it would be hard to get close to an amish person but i think just simply being a friend if you're close by to an amish person and you would like to just you know sometimes just stop in at their house give them a little something you know even say that you would just like to be friends that there's no um pressure in any way except just to be a friend and and maybe go help them do something that would be another thing that's meaningful to a lot of people because they don't go out as much and you know they're probably not going to go to town for coffee with you maybe not maybe but if you go and help them with their chores or help them with their housework or just spend the day can i spend the day with you right you know an amish woman which everyone is but she's usually very busy because she doesn't her con modern conveniences she doesn't have as many and so she's always working and so if you would just you know literally come instead of sitting and talking with her right help her with stuff help her wash the dishes sweep the floor and amish women typically make all their own clothes for the whole family so that's a huge job right there every wife has to be a seamstress as well so that's a big job yeah and plus all the cooking plus there's a huge garden so yeah okay that's a long question or long answer to the question now i'm not sure barbara you said who is sketching those pictures on this site i'm not sure this was on about the six by six bowl elk video uh we didn't do any sketching it was all video and maybe that's what you meant but um the my boys justin and ethan and i took all the video we take all the footage when we're out hunting we don't have anybody else go with us we just all do it all ourselves and all the videos that we make we just do all our own video footage somewhat somebody in our family either is taking the footage of us or we're doing it set up set it up and just video ourselves doing it now there was uh one question that we got quite a bit about uh the green drink that i made right for uh when we had covered after we had covert i started making a whole bunch of green drink for us to drink that really helped us but it is actually really hard for me to actually tell you how i did it and what i all i put in because i just put in a big collaboration of stuff in my green drinks like vitamin c powder and the base of it was like spinach kale and i even put comfrey leaves in it and red beet tops and carrot tops and then i would put in like yeah the vitamin c i would put in collagen i would um put in some other green powder that i had so it was just a lot of stuff so i can't really tell you how i made the green drink but i just say if you really want to do it just go find things like that and just right now you know i don't have my garden but now i buy some powder things and just um i would just suggest just kind of making your own anything green anything wholesome like that will be good for you i thought one thing i'll mention is uh i went a fair bit of comments about our hunting and i know some of you uh you know i can see your point of view it seems cruel and all these things uh for us we growing up it was a necessity like that was our meet like we didn't have any we just never have any opportunity was basically free food that was just a blessing and so we grew up always harvesting uh i mean our meat has to come from somewhere you know um either you buy meat at the grocery store or then you harvest it yourself either way an animal has to die that's just the actual fact of it you know and so our our uh goal is always when we hunt is to uh be as quick and humane as possible and not let the animals suffer and and then and then take all i don't enjoy the killing part myself either but uh just always when we harvest an animal it is such an amazing experience to you know be out in the woods yeah you know with your children or by yourself and just the beauty the hunt the experience and then when you actually harvest an animal to to have the the hard work of getting it you know to your house you know skinning it taking care of the meat and then you got to cut it up you have to grind it you have to put in your freezer it's a big job it's actually a tremendous amount of work and yeah so but it's i mean we could probably buy a beef you know and because you spend a lot of money on hunting and gas and you know everything a lot of time you know is involved with it but a lot of time but it's more than that it's it's more than just it's not just one thing it's the whole experience doing things with your children with your family and so anyways that's thank you for understanding i know it's difficult for some of you you may not be able to but it's it's our tradition it's our heritage i'm i'm just grateful that we can hunt that we can harvest our own meat and elk meat and venison is one of the leanest meats you can get and the healthiest rates you can get so we're very thankful yeah in a wild turkey we have wild turkey here we can get as well and so awesome yep all right what else are we going to talk about is that it i think that's all okay hey i'm just going to throw a couple uh pictures we recently had just a fun little thing that we did as a family so if you keep watching you're going to see what we got as a family um a new thing that we put in our house yeah so it may be interesting to you it might not but if you keep watching you'll suffer you'll find that out so thanks for watching montana haven yes we appreciate you all yeah thanks for subscribing and don't forget to at least check out the books uh put them in your cart check out i think they're all prime i i didn't check but it means you can get them in time for christmas and until next time thanks for watching yep god bless you reloaded okay we're taking the fish tank home there's wyatt being the co-pilot with the fish in that bucket there's chloe making sure i i'm driving right and there's all the gear back there the boys are hanging out the back trying to hold the fish tank on it's just completely loaded in here priscilla's been waiting on dinner for like an hour because we thought we're going to go grab it and it's like a 55-gallon fish tank that's really major to set this thing or take it apart so here we go we're driving home really slow oh my here they come what a big project [Music] to move the piano we'll just set it inside for now okay we just got done eating dinner and here's all the stuff we got to take care of there's the aquarium that we have to figure out where we're gonna put so i'm gonna move this piano [Music] yes okay we're filling it up with water hope it's going to be worth it for the job just meme assisting that name will do so um [Music] i guess it's okay to do the fish like that oh he's swimming like crazy trying to get away from the front there he goes one [Music] now we just had to figure out what kind of fish they are we bought these fish from a friend that's moving and we always wanted a fish tank so now i guess we have one now we can sit here and gaze at the fish we need to get even a couple more footage what do you think chloe couple more bigger ones pretty neat you like him oh yeah yeah we need to get some other ones more fish there's guppies and i don't know what all they are lots of different ones there's a neat one that's a male fancy guppy or something he said why it just sits there a long time and watches this these fish didn't always watching him this is the next morning it's pretty neat why isn't it it's the first aquarium white just got out of bed and came down to sit beside the aquarium and watch the fish swim it's really beautiful we're gonna get some lights for the top up here so that it's gonna shine down i guess it's gonna make it look really nice the guy had already had it ordered so we'll just have to go pick it up which is really neat okay one's gonna do our first feeding of the fish half of it on this side there they go wrap it on that side hey are they chowing down yeah there they are just doing this easy one korea okay chow on it give me this challenge i'm gonna put a shell in oh that looks cool nice
Channel: Montana Haven - Alaska Edition
Views: 16,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ex05MGiRY-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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