Chasing Vines with Author Beth Moore

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[Applause] okay Houston our next guest feels no matter how you came into this world you were made to flourish in life her newest book chasing binds examines how challenges are used to grow us when we learn how to lean on our higher power welcome New York Times bestselling author Beth Moore you are so welcome the first thing she said when I walked over was oh I want some of that popcorn site you shall receive I was sitting over here away from everyone I thought I'm gonna miss my pop no you are not like I said are you asking you shall receive right Beth New York Times bestselling author so we know where you are but let's find out where you came from yes did you grow up in the church like a lot of idea we were exposed to I certainly did and I have to tell you because I just think this is really fun for us and for all of us custodians I am a Houston oh yes oh I've lived here since my high school years say hello to everybody who knows yes I just I absolutely love the fact that it's my city that I get to be in the first day that this releases so it's so right now going is that bad I think that and I have just have to turn profile with this big hair in this nose and they go that is that well that's totally - so - all right so a lot of us grew up you know with our parents taking us to church and sometimes we would go screaming and you know kicking that's it and then I think you kind of go because your parents tell you to and then there's a moment in life where you go because you feel like you want absolutely remember that moment oh I absolutely do I was raised so so grateful to God to be able to say this in the church but I think maybe a lot of people can relate to the fact that my home life did not match who we became at church so we were in a pretty unstable environment at home and well a lot of things happening well I come from a background where there was a lot of difficulty between my parents I come from that ground of childhood abuse we had a rough rough time of it it does not mean that I was not loved as well right it just means that our sometimes can be even more music man it is it really is but I was raised in an environment where I was told about this one I'm gonna read a little bitty kid and they were just saying he's your best friend it was always like I have never even laid eyes on my best friend but somehow that was exactly how I got through it then you get old enough to own it for yourself and they say your best friend your best Jesus yeah that that was your to be taught that sometimes I love how you were taught oh look Jesus is your Road dog if you are doing something and you're going out you say okay Jesus come on we're doing it if you don't feel like he needs to be with you then you mean you stop doing what you're doing okay yes I just I love that I have that heritage and but when I got to be a young adult I began studying Scripture and it was just it was like a fish to water to me it was it's my world I've spent 35 years in a world of people that wear robes and sandals I mean my whole delgo you know afterwards and think I've got to completely realign to real life in 2020 yeah I've been all day in here yes thirty yeah let me clarify I said Jesus my Road dog once before and somebody goes that is so disrespectful what I mean by Road dog is that's that's your best time that's your money that's why I'm not judging you but the one isn't gonna let you know when you're walking down a road yeah so let me just clarify for you yeah okay so the first time you had a New York Times bestselling book what was that like well it's just crazy and one of the things that really helps you out that is a safeguard to your mind that keeps you from ever being really full of yourself is it's been so much work up to then and when I that wasn't yes or your goal your goal was to hello and there's always a side effect always from the time I was a little bitty girl I I want so much this sounds so simple but I want so much to to help somebody along their way my big thing is to see somebody get on their feet and then stay on their feet that that is what is really thrilling to me so yes that drives me constantly so if it is a help to somebody that's that is very satisfied you found a living proof yes yes and you can eyes on TBN teaching Bible courses you do all time to dub things like in the church but then outside of the church you write that's the great by the book it goes every right and and the ministries interdenominational that was very important to us from the very beginning that we could just embrace anyone who would let us serve Him would let us serve her that we would have the joy of doing that so yes our privilege you start every book with a Bible concept that captivate yes because you know so many times we'll just say things like you should know the truth and the truth shall set you free and but but there's a whole lot more to any one of the lines that need to be explored and so writing chasing vines you know the Bible is full of different you know and comparisons to growth and plants and vines things but you know matter of metaphor you were reminded of it yes when you were on a trip on a trip I have two grown daughters that are my very best friends in all the world and they also were raised in a household where every couple of weeks I got on an airplane on Friday night and I came back on Saturday now were they your best friends when they were teenager heaven no okay yeah lord have mercy clarify for anyone who had teenage daughters lucky her this is what you have to really really invest in but thankfully so often this happens to be true and so I had wanted all of these years ever I had been stocking up frequent flyer miles because I wanted it to come back to them for all the times they'd ever said bye to their momma and I travel somewhere to speak I wanted to tuck that away and have that come back at them so for years we planned this bucket list trip and it was going to be Italy we knew that pretty early on finally after years of planning it I wouldn't take anything for that because all the anticipation we got on the plane and flew over eleven solid days of just touring different places in Italy but one of the stops and one I didn't even really think I had are you drinking wine you know what we I was just wondering taking communion this is what you're doing you're doing we did take some community I have a daughter that is quite knowledgeable about it so the other two of us learned from her and we did go to some tastings because this whole idea completely captured me we stayed in a little end tiny little Inn in rural Tuscany and I as far as I could see hill after Hill before me were vines and vineyards and it was at the very tail end of the harvesting season so they were clipping the last clusters and I just fell in love and what did it for me there's always this moment we're done Matt a moment that comes every single book I've ever written has come with a moment and for me this one was when our taxi driver was taking us into Siena we were about 20 minutes out of Siena she was taking us into the city and she loved she said I love having Americans because I can practice my English so very very thick Italian accent and we just fell in love with her and she said this to me as we were driving through she adjusted her rear-view mirror because she could tell I was glued to the windows and she said do you want me to tell you something about the grapes and I said yes and I wish I could do it in her accent because she said it's so beautifully and it just dripped with romance she says the grapes she said but the grapes she said they lover the rocky soil ha ha ha and I learned a concept that day I mean it had me it was done yeah so had you to John 15 yes that that fruit comes from rocky swollen don't we have some rocky so my soil has never been anything but rocky and I thought great that's my fruit and it's a great here's the scripture I am The True Vine and my father is the gardener he cuts off every branch in me that breaks and that bears no fruit while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more even more fruitful yes and then verse 8 of that same chapter says it is - your father's glory that you bear much fruit and there's fruit there's more fruit and then there's much fruit and it's talking about just increasing and our fruit bearing and what became so fascinating to me is that truly anything when you get your head wrapped around the concept that a stressed vine is what is going to bring forth the best wine and we think about the stress that we live in and although the rocks in our soil and it's very very imperfect conditions and yet this is what brings forth and get you the best rid of oh yeah waters like hiding is interesting we had our gardener Randy lemon was on the show the other day and he said over and over again what you need to do with that plant is prune yes you did and then it like just blossom in the spring yes you do but you can get rid of that dead stuff but you want to hear something amazing because even the stuff that didn't work in our lives even the stuff that didn't come out well when that is clipped away I've been to vineyard after vineyard at this point so that I could do research those are dropped into the soil so those really those bad clusters that man that sure didn't turn to become your foundation of what to do again right your soil and fertilizes that ground it ends up nourishing that vine there's no end to it yeah you're never breaks down greatest lessons come for your toughest it's the truth and you know because life is not always fun but the thing of it is it can always be fruitful and then on the other side of that fruitfulness there is some fun there there's some fun going listen that really should have destroyed me and and here I said I I woke up this morning you know to be here early I woke up at like 4:15 and I'd only had just a little bit of sleep but I had this this just this joy just come over me and I got down immediately beside my bed on on my knees and just God how have you taken such a train wreck I want to sleep Debra my my life story it is just I just went in and out of the ditch just in and out of it and I think how many books is this Lord and how have you done that and all of this wreckage and in all of this imperfection and all of these flaws that's what he does and it's just it was outrageous yeah and it's that recognition and that you were able to make that power of choice and I'm gonna end with there's a group of elementary kids in a very tough part of town who are dealing with some really tough issues drugs all around the whole bit and I asked the little kids I said who was the most powerful person in your life right now and one of them says our parents it's like well not necessarily our teacher and then one kid said Jesus and I said even Jesus doesn't assume that you choose him you have the power to choose him and then he opens that door and that's not looking their eyes got widened it goes oh I see how it works yeah you are the most powerful person in your life you can make choices and then if you make that choice to have that person you can lift it all up too and be your Road dog right beside you it can make all the difference no Kay now I know y'all thinking you'll have to go to church on Sunday cuz you just had it but I just want to say thank you so much for what you do and thank you for sharing sometimes people like to present a whole nother life and that it's all been perfect but when we know that you're more like us right we've all been through some stuff but we can still get through some stuff you better believe it it has been a great pleasure thank you very pleasure and waiting back home alright Beth Moore's book chasing vines is available for purchase online and where books are sold for more information on Beth Moore and her ministry we have a link on great day Houston condyle go ahead real quick sake say hello to everybody who's saying hey I remember Beth I cannot tell you how great a pleasure it is to be able to say hey Houston you had my city and I love you so much everyone in today's audience is going home with a copy of Beth's [Applause] you
Channel: Great Day Houston
Views: 12,280
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Keywords: Television, Entertainment, Houston, Texas, Great Day Houston, Deborah Duncan, Morning Talk Show, Talk Show, KHOU11, Channel 11, Beth Moore, Chasing Vines, Author, New York Times bestselling author, faith, fruitful life, motivational, Living Proof Ministries, Jesus Christ, meaning-filled life
Id: 0rGF-hHk_N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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