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[Music] [Music] with eyes that hide the man Within you see behind the eyes of other men you've lived and died and come to life [Music] again and now you're standing alone at the crossroads of your mind you left your yesterdays behind but which road leads you through [Music] tomorrow [Music] you turned your back on yesterday betrayed a man who swore he'd make you pay or when you left you took his pride away you know he'll never let you break away so easily you'll have to fight before you free but how much more time can you [Music] borrow now in a single moment your P grows di one thought goes racing across your mind you right to meet the woman you stole from him oh no Char don't go Char don't [Music] go there's something hanging in the [Music] wind your past is catching up and closing in you've been halfway to Hell and Back Again and now you'd laugh in the devil's face with your last breath you'd run a race with life and death but will you live to see tomorrow [Music] char [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yeah what would you like tequila [Music] makings my name's Wade just wait mean anything to you no nobody came in here today asking for me [Music] no nobody asked for Jess Wade not a man ask for nobody not a man a woman beautiful no good woman but so high maybe beautiful to me not to you I got a message taking me a day and a half to ride in here and meet her [Music] [Music] I apologize Jess if I sent a message that I wanted to see he wouldn't have showed up so I sent a message to Miss Tracy Winn had come down here here you are in any case we're all glad to see you don't move Jess [Music] [Music] fto [Music] all right all of you know what I'm going to do what are you going to do Jess leave me again [Music] you all know I'm going to try for that door anybody makes a move to stop me one of you never makes another move understand maybe two of you which two think it [Music] over remember the first face I see gets [Music] it where are you going Mr go straight way hey Jess now you should have never left me Jess we missed you couldn't you tell I figured all right Billy see what he's got on him I'd say he's got on him uh boots and some kind of shirt some kind of hat that's right i' say he's got on advance take out his wallet idiot what kind of brother are you in front of him I do what I tell you do your own word v don't s to do it for you look you've been around us long enough to know that when I badmouth my brother I don't want to hear an echo I'll let him go now give me your gun bell all right Billy how much $6 all right Billy tell the man we're sorry we messed up his place gracias gracias now get on your horse Jess get on your [Music] horse [Music] all right let's move out [Music] [Music] how do you like The View Jess it's a long way down but you're not going to drop me what makes you think I won old friend you could have killed me back in that Saloon all right let's keep [Music] moving [Music] gab it's all right it's [Music] fixed [Music] $6 six lousy dollars left me for that skinny little vein told you there was no gold and it was skinny I told you it was skinny you told me nobody leaves me I live to be 100 I'll never get over it somebody left me you you know what Jess all because of Miss Tracy wiers my girl Jess you left me because of my girl my girl fell for you and you thought you could turn honest for her well you and Tracy see were crazy Jess worse than that you were blind stupid you got me here for a reason now what is it worked that vein for a year just to find out how skinny it was you left me Jess you could have had that let him take a look let him see what he missed doesn't look like much does it You' have been Rich Jess Rich than you ever dreamed of the rest youi that was never any future with you Vince Vince the soldiers just might stumble over the entrance to this Ravine now let's get going don't you try to give my brother orders oh he he's a warrior belly Roy good to have a worrior along show show Jess what he missed and what we got maybe we are make him guess all right Gunner mod take the canvas [Music] off solid gold over bronze yes maybe over $100,000 worth more silver and a man's up to see in a lifetime and you're going to melt it down melt it down oh Jess boy you've been away from me too long you forgotten I never think short always long what's long this time well now this this gun isn't just worth the gold and silver on it it's what they call a victory gun Jess fired the last shot against Maximillion all mixico is free it's a shrine Jess highest bitter you see what you gave me up for maybe your share of over $100,000 how far are the federales behind you not me Jess you they're after you I just want to make sure You' be in the neighborhood don't you want to know why they're after you you remember Norm Jess he got shot in the neck while we was getting away Norm never made it we buried him out there somewhere I let it get out that that wasn't Norm at all OD look at this J look at the posters they got out on both sides of the Border [Music] wanted $10,000 reward Jess Wade American 6'2 dark hair Fair complexion that fits doesn't it old friend Mexican government is prepared to pay $10,000 American dollar for the apprehension of Jess Wade who is the only identifiable member of the foul perpetrators who stole the victory gun from The chipot tobec Palace July 8th last now listen to this this is the best part Wade sustained a neck wound as a result of the gunfire from the guards on duty this man can be identified by the severe wound on his neck so that's it all right boys [Music] severe wound across his neck see who they're looking for Jess [Music] you [Music] all right let him up this one man is not going to make it to his feet let alone go anywhere all bring his saddle for how you suppose he did that who says he could keep on managing that one thing Jess you haven't lost any of your [Music] sand all right that's enough make him [Applause] comfortable that better Jess all right let's get ready to move up gab yeah take just with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] w [Music] no that's a lot more like it as good as new Jess except for your neck you won't be needing my tender care anymore you're free to go Jess anywhere where the Mexican law law or the Mexican federales can't find you or any place north where the American law or the American Cavalry can't run you down you're a famous man Jess don't ever forget it I [Music] won't [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] a [Music] yeah [Music] stop stop [Music] stop H Roy what the hell's the matter with you I quit this is as far as I go get go keep at it no no no we settle here no we'll settle up there about a mile or so from Rio SEO now are you talking I get a KN on the town keep at it let's get us up there in them [Music] rocks [Applause] [Music] Lord Lord can't say I'm going to miss that all right let's move [Music] [Applause] out oh [Music] a [Music] hi Dan Jess Jess I'm so glad to see you where am I I hope you'd be not of what I've read is true what have you read then coffee CU as bad as ever it's worse good as I remember one of your punishments along with your lectures was drinking your coffee what you wrong Dan it's not worse only as bad so be it s do you mind loosening that dust catcher around your neck I mind but do you want to hear what I've read you don't have to read it Dan you barel around when I told you not to your road with Vince hacket when I told you not to you've done everything I told you not to but one thing you never did was Lie how is this true no that thing on your neck it was put there Vince heckit yeah so much for that you know I showed one to her I didn't quite believe it myself but I wanted to see if she believed it did she well you've run a rough course Jess I think she thinks maybe yes well the important thing is you didn't believe it oh Jess important thing to you isn't me it goes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] d [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I would appreciate if you didn't mention I was here to anybody [Music] it's been over a year I wondered how long it would be before you'd come back for it where is [Music] it it's right here in front of [Music] you it's always been here right where you left [Music] it like me after a year I guess I almost look new to [Music] you you're back with Vince hacket aren't you tell me the truth Jess it's got to do with Vince it's got a lot to do with him I thought you were going to try I really did but now you're in the worst trouble you've ever been in posted Dan Ramsey showed you and you believe it stealing a Mexican National Shrine sounds like your idea Vince couldn't think it up that Victory gun should be worth a fortune to any of those Bandits down there trying to take over the government you don't believe I sweated it out by myself for a year I believe it's Vince again it's Vince but not [Music] again you're worse than he ever was at least he never made himself out to be anything butter crooking to kill [Music] her here it is and here's what goes with it the poster said severe wound across the neck you need something it can wait for what I figure after 3 days of fighting that wagon through the desert and that storm Billy Roy I'll be ready to head for the nearest liquor the nearest women the nearest of both are here my place oh Jess you loved me once and I loved you please don't use that to bring harm here just go about your normal business nothing's going to happen if you do as I say trust me trust you let's go down your use your way from the balcony I think you're right about nothing happening because if anything does happen I'll make sure the whole town sees those wanted posters on you and then never mind your old friend Sheriff Ramsey normal business forget I'm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here there T oh girly just what I've been looking for uh I you're going the wrong way shouldn't be going out be going in with me you go on in I'll be back in a minute oh girlly my uh name is Marcy well you come back you'll be good to me may get your picture on my [Music] homester who's that somebody you um shot oh I don't shoot him Marcy gly I'll bring him back to life I'll uh I'll be back in a minute don't you go away now you lost your chance at me why y girly I take what's warm and [Music] close scared Ary don't Fe it's just me a whole botle your regular stock no trouble hary just a visit me myself alone understand oh I forget I just forget I forget every girl I ever saw I see you miss Tracy you also forget none of the hacket bunches allowed in here you are without a doubt the most beautiful woman I ever wasn't allowed to look at but I mean to make up for that but all right Billy Roy out all these other girls go for kindlin you're the best you can forget Jess weed it's not up to you you can even forget my brother Vince I mean to make you forget both of them B Roy take [Music] everybody how am I supposed to recognize her when somebody cut out her face he's out Billy Roy no trouble just ease away from the bar and you and I go outside what do you got mine Jess have a drink with me and all these pretty girls outside [Music] well maybe I got something to say about who's going out and who's not don't be stupid beroy you and I just go for a walk talk things over I come you didn't say idiot instead of stupid I know why my brother's the only man alive could call me an idiot [Music] somebody just came in didn't they somebody against me cuz I'm a hacket listen Jess you shouldn't be calling me out you're part of us but besides I I know better to go against you anybody but my brother Vince be crazy to go against you he's crazy isn't he all you got to do is turn around and walk outside I'll walk out with you no trouble I'm I'm going to do just what you said you said turn around look I got my hands up you said walk out all right I'll walk out can't do a thing about it can you jzz shooting somebody in the back just Ain your style start walking Billy Roy Jess I'll handle this all right Mr Big Jess SED what do you do now you going to follow Tracy and me down the street for a nice quiet talk drop that gun Mr heck now you let Miss Tracy go and you come with me we get out [Music] hary take him home to his wife get open key over there [Music] quick [Music] you're just wait used to ride with Vince hacket bu don't tell him a thing jez let Vince do the answer it for you [Music] where are you going well you gentleman should be [Laughter] going Now you listen to me Dan Ramsey there's another one in there got to come out but I ain't going to try it unless you load up with this whiskey another shock like you just had is going to kill you wait a minute Opie you don't drink any better than your lecture Dan it's my turn to lecture you I drink enough of your lousy coffee and you always told me if I was ever clean you'd have a drink of whiskey with me give me that Opie I'm clean Dan you know that it's time for that drink now come on or my leg sh was that bad worse well if you two are through John wait okay I spent 12 years getting this place safe to live in you know that you got to keep it that way for me Jess till I get back on my feet I'm no law man Dan you're going to be I think I know who you're waiting for hold up your right hand hold up your right hand I hearby swear you in that's my Deputy oh Sarah the top drawer you'll need a key gun wreck thanks Jess all right op God digging if a woman 's eyes are blue she'll be sweet and true to you but if a woman's eyes are green she'll turn hot or cold or mean hey Mr Wade did you know Tracy's eyes are brown how's Sheriff Ramsey no worse off than I'd be if I took through 45 slugs in the chest if Sheriff Ramsey dies we hang him 2 minutes later you hear that [ __ ] they're fixing to hang you little brother they don't know what you're going to do do they Mr josin Mr Carter Mr Selby Mr toy you got a general store you got a bank you got a hotel and you got a livery stable and you got your rifles now protect them anything anything happens to me Vince will pick you and this town to pieces like a hawk blocks the chcken he'll be a lot quieter after the swelling goes down swelling from what that bump on your head I got no bump on my [Laughter] head you have now you gentleman give some sleep I want to see you in his office and Sun up and bring those rifles now what gives you the right to order us around this you want that Cannon for yourself off a bad don't you well you better watch out you can't use me for bait do you go to sleep or do I put you to sleep [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] M get off your butt and get on here all right what you the co eye out you got the last watch no all right now I don't mind the coffee going cold the thing is this why the hell didn't you tell me my brother didn't come back last night I didn't want to wake you I keep thinking till the last second need me back Gunner settle up you and I are going to take a [Applause] ride P maybe the best thing is to forget him we got to move on forget Billy Roy he's nothing but trouble Vince get us all caught let's [Applause] move [Music] I'm sorry [Music] him Gab Billy Roy is my fault budy one half hour from now I want you to Sidle down that Hill you're just close enough to throw scare under somebody 30 minutes on the dock on the [Music] dock [Music] [Music] they don't seem to be breaking their tails not much reason to probably got 20 trolls out like that looking inch by inch what are you going to do well get Billy Roy out of Miss Tracy's Saloon sober him up come back up here and watch which way they go oh I tell you Jess Wade even though you was with him I never really believed you was with him I was with him well that's going to heal all right but you're going to be carrying a pretty fancy scar hey you mind letting me know if the man who shot you is still alive tell me the truth what chances Dan Ramsey got well you saw him with me 20 minutes ago he wasn't breathing too good but I got a feeling Dan Ramsey will be breathing fine any day now Marcy take this for me please all right leaving your prisoner unguarded about finished Obie you're making it very easy for Vince hacket to come in what would you suggest I do I'd have men up on the roofs it's not a bad idea should have thought of it open up it's all adding up Mr Jess Wade on your feet nice day Miss Tracy morning Mr Tracy morning Mr J nice day Miss Tracy yes indeed Mr [Music] Selby Tracy [Music] te good to see you again trra wish you could still say that what are you doing here Vince I don't think it's possible for you to get prettier somehow you manage it really I learned a lot from you that's the way he started out last night ended up claiming he could make me forget Jess Wade and you all in one night Billy Ro is my fault I live with her I looked around outside didn't see any wanted posters on just W guess the sheriff didn't figure there was any hurry in getting them put up I saw one of them was there a hurry no there are other posters other towns below and above the Border you and Jess have that [Music] Cannon he trying to do you out of it you trying to do him when was the last time you saw Jess Wade difference does that make a lot always did always will well where's Billy Roy he sleeping it off up in your room he'd never be allowed in my room all right where in jail what's the reason this time he shot Dan Ramsey you did he may be dying self-defense no Witnesses me and everybody in here last night no excuse for it no excuse no wonder you ended it between us don't blame it on Billy [Music] Roy find what you're looking for well well well first time I couldn't open the door for you Vance I want him loose you want I'll tell you what you get that Cannon back in Mexico where it belongs and you in a Mexican court telling how you stole it and why you did this make him open the door Vance get these things off me you have till Sundown to get Billy Roy free on the street I'll come in for him and if he isn't walking free down the street I'm going to turn that Cannon loose I'll wipe this town off the face of the Earth you steal powder and shot too well you know me Jess always thorough well till Sundown or if you're smart before you're not leaving here who stops me you outside don't you leave me V Vance don't you leave your brother I'm not going to leave [Music] you p [Music] oh Jess you forgotten how I operate think I'd come into this town nak it as a jbird let's see just about time [Music] all right I'll take Billy Roy out the backway right now he stays oh what about them that Lieutenant is coming in here to ask about a man with a new shock mark on his neck fence if you want to keep B Roy alive you go outside and make sure he doesn't ask all right I'll get rid of them Jess after I do you've got until last Light to get Billy Roy free on the street all right out move what is this what is this i' like to talk to you for for afterwards seor first I must see the law officer about a wagon Lieutenant wagon with a big piece of canvas over okay and a man with a bullet burn on his neck how do you know about this thing I move around but why do you tell me about the wagon and this man reward I he $20,000 American do $10,000 said I heard wrong $10,000 and you can lead us to this wagon and this man $10,000 the reward will be paid Senor when the wagon and demand are recovered and sent back to Med Mon [Music] and [Music] 100 yds above the river crossing do tail I'll slow him [Music] [Applause] down [Music] come in how is he better than you think I've come to ask a favor Dan ask give me permission to let Billy Roy go Jess that's admitting your guilty is Accused if we don't set Billy Roy a free Vince hack it'll blow your whole town apart he's got that Cannon out there he says he'll fire it I believe him don't let Billy Roy loose there won't be much left you can't give into him you let a handful of Filth scares got nothing left hold that prisoner JZ I'll hold him I'll be right back Jess do you want to kill Dan he can't move or be moved but takes us to let that animal you've got in jail Go free let him go I do like he says Mrs R don't be a damn fool let him go my husband made this town safe don't listen to him now he's hurt out of his head I'm sorry [Applause] [Applause] easy easy that baby that's a Target over there I want that gun trained flat on uh let's see what we got here powder [Music] [Applause] fuses long sticks beautiful beautiful you know the woman at the store that sold me this must have thought I was prospecting for gold at the bottom of the Earth yeah do you know what an inch left on or cut off of this can do no what means a difference in yards where that Dynamite Hits and The Time vents give us beautiful la [Music] this is the regular Crossing see seor it is just that we don't cross here if the wagon is on the other side why do we not cross here Lieutenant if you had stolen something very big and moved it to the other side wouldn't you train your guns on the only [Music] Crossing very wise said you lead on [Music] I think here Lieutenant very shallow it's good for a Crossing after you [Music] sen [Music] large Elevate two notches lordy [Music] lordy we just may hit him dead on with a first shot [Music] [Music] k s Lo repl [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] a [Music] I [Music] I knew you were good gunar but I didn't know you were that good how'd you like that pinpoint did you ever see anything like that General Stonewall Jackson said I was the best he set it right in front of the whole regimen we got us a timetable Gunner well call it Vince already have Billy Roy let loose by Sundown all right get that gun down this hill till it's a quarter mile from town down that Hill down there that ain't a hill Vince that's a cliff all right let's get started it ain't right Vince it ain't fair to us one man's hanging is more better than five I ain't going to let you do it all right never mind him heab P all them Muses in here we got a long way to move this gun and we're going to get it into position if it takes all day all right move [Music] it [Music] well Mr Trader to all causes you've been as silent as a cricket with its throat cut you waiting for those federales to come get you or you waiting for Vince to blast you or maybe the law to catch up to you for stealing the cannon your brother will come in Billy Roy hey Deputy way you know what I'm going to tell you a secret I always liked you and admired you you never knew that did you you know why I felt that way about you you were the only man who ever broke away from my great God brother and made it stick only you didn't make it stick did you here you are back with him again he's still calling the shots and you're still jumping see what I mean I mentioned his name and you look out the window he could be 5,000 mil away and You' still be [Music] looking [Music] less than an hour at till Sundown 40 minutes to be exact I thought maybe you could just let Billy Roy go could ride out no trouble get off your horse vence walk toward me just make a move that's all I ass just make a [Music] move you know me JZ I'm not a man of violence I don't approve of [Music] violence [Music] you know what I'm going to do what I think I'm going to try a little longer [Music] Fus oh oh my God dear God no [Music] you killed him you killed him just as if you put that tun to his head I told you I begged you I let that animal go but no you save your own skin you [Music] kill [Music] you see it this is a wanted poster this man is wanted by the Mexican Government he stole that gun that's been firing on us that killed my husband that will kill all of you it says he can be identif sped by a wound on his neck there it is he thought nothing of killing my husband he'll think nothing of killing the rest of you make him let that prisoner lose force him one way to get that gun to stop shooting that Billy Roy go no trouble let him go wait we've had enough of this violin Our Roots are in this town Wade not yours get rid of Wade quiet quiet down everybody you got a cannon pointing at your heads and you're willing to to let a bunch of Riff Raff make you crawl maybe you can forget that Dan Ramsey was just killed well I can't but there's one thing you better not forget he'll blast you off of the face of the Earth no matter what because you know who's got that Cannon if I don't get get up there and tell him to stop that Cannon's going to blow this town apart all right Mr hacket take Billy Roy out hold up first man who wants to release the prisoner step up keep better it Jess well I'm overdue out of here I'm likably killed like everybody else you don't let Billy Roy go you're eye on the sun [Music] Jess turn them over to Vince Mr Wade 30 minutes mister or we all come to get you and we'll turn them loose all right all of you clear the streets that Cannon will be hitting a few more times [Music] you've done all you can do let him go I'm keeping him here I want to apologize for what whatever I thought I was wrong you are what you said you'd be don't count off the [Music] street 30 minutes come to mean important words to You Mr way 30 minutes can get to be as important as a man's whole life can't it a very very sad half hour for you Mr Wade you locking us both up Mr Wade so we can be [Laughter] cozy [Music] not much time Mr Wade won't be long before your good citizens come for you or my brother blows this town to plower land and he comes for you take off that gun dog come outside you finally seen the light Mr Wade you're going to take these things off me and let me go back to my brother [Music] Mr [Music] Carter Mr just white was one of the that animal is gone now maybe that canel stop [Music] firing send him a reminder Gunner with [Music] pleasure [Music] I guess that makes it pretty plain Wade didn't turn Billy Roy over to his brother or he hasn't had the time he's had the time he could have walked there in 10 minutes well somebody's got to ride up there and tell Vince hacket is brother's no longer in town Harvey you get the Buckboard can you drive me up there no Miss Tracy Tracy if I have to grab you and hold you you're not going up there there's only one thing to do get off the streets those of you who have sellers get down in them and take as many of your neighbors with you as your sellers will hold come off the street [Music] Gunner yeah V you Ain that Canon at night these things don't know whether it's day or night send them [Music] one we're about ready to knock that town off the face of the earth everything goes except the jail yeah all right load up all right yeah v v it's me it's Billy Roy I'm down here call out again where are you Billy Roy here Vin here watch out for way he's up in those rocks those rocks to your left [Music] here got it Gabe drop it down three notches L I can see you Gabe and Gunner where's heav mod I don't know where they are Jess if I go Billy Roy goes B he's going to kill me i' m help hold [Music] on all right it's a standoff Jess what do you got in your mind taking that gun back where it came from moving it into town tonight you want to keep Billy Roy alive B now maybe you got me where you want me maybe you haven't anything wrong with talking about [Music] it how come so much money don't appeal to you Jess and you don't even have to raise a hand to get it gotun [Music] [Music] it [Music] Chum on the [Music] [Music] way [Music] [Music] Leroy wait go friend just [Music] wait what do you do now V I'll tell you what you do now you in the cannon go back to Mexico with me [Music] not his fall it's not his fall I [Music] [Applause] know well it's a hard thing for me to say but ha I don't know how to say thank you I know how thank you Mr w [Music] [Applause] jez you're not coming back are you no I'll send for you you come when I tell you won't be [Music] [Applause] [Music] long [Music] oh [Applause] n
Channel: Movie360
Views: 21,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UgiKfkvdB7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 9sec (5889 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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