Charlie Cox, Elodie Yung, Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson On "Daredevil" | AOL BUILD | AOL BUILD

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hungry hey everybody happy Friday this is a pretty good Friday treat right guys welcome thank you so much for being here that clip is pretty awesome already and of course we have Elodie who's joining the season as a lecturer I'm sure everyone's super sad so for you three what's it like um you know hearing the great praise from last season and I'm coming back for season two um yes it's pretty exciting I guess um the you know when when we made the first season of this show we had no idea that we'd have the kind of response that we did and it was for about you know so it was so fun to kind of watch that journey as people really kind of embrace the show and it felt good for about 11 minutes and then we found out we had to do another season and the pressure was on to kind of like up the ante a little bit and it must be pretty intense because you're shooting you know all these episodes of course but then they're going out at once for all those binge Watchers out there um what's it like for you guys knowing that you know once it's out there it's out there for for good and people can watch all 13 episodes usually per season um uh yeah I think it's kind of exciting actually I think I like the idea that people can watch on their own schedule and however they like my parents do two a week you know yeah kind of pace it out how you want um and it also means that I think John made this point yesterday it was really interesting that it meant that you can you can actually risk losing your audience in one episode you know really being a despicable human being because you'll get them back you know five minutes later when it flips over to the next episode it is nice for you know fans especially of the comic book universe to be able to just watch at all because you don't have to wait once a week and let me tell you I've seen the first episode this season and you guys do not want to miss it it throws you right back into this world so tell me Eldon about jumping back into your character did you feel more comfortable playing foggy this time around I don't know that I ever feel comfortable in my life across-the-board uh but no I you know the first day we shot on season two the first thing we shot was in Josie's barn it was three of us and I felt really good you know it felt like we kind of didn't miss a beat so you know that sort of made me feel good about going into the rest of the season yeah you guys are kind of like the fellowship of Hell's Kitchen um by the way welcome to Union Square Hell's Kitchen thank you so LED tell me about joining this amazing cast and how you felt your first day on set as a lecturer um I feel very privileged really to be part of this and adventure I was I was myself a big fan of the show before I even audition you know equate it so um I already you know admired these guys a lot so you know getting to know them work with them and getting to be Elektra was quite exciting for me yeah so was it intense that first minute you found out I'm gonna be a lecturer oh my gosh I probably do my own stunts I have to get into you know kick ass shape what was that like for you yeah it was quite an overwhelming even when I got the news like Jeb was a cold me it was i okay I'm about to tell tell you three words that are going to change your life welcome to Marvel's oh wow games on haha so you kind of feel a bit of a pressure and and yeah getting to play such an iconic character I don't want to disappoint anyone um and I just you know immersed myself in the comics and had conversations at length with the writers and to get to know her and just you know working with these guys it's um it's something special and and it helped it helped me building my character for all of you it must be so so exciting to be a part of this Marvel Universe and as we see with Netflix you know they have the Luke Cage series Jessica Jones the defenders um so tell me about that and being a part of that world and what's it like to sign on to be you know immerse in this universe for as long as they can have you oh yeah well I mean we're kind of discovering it as we go along um my understanding was when we when we did the first season that that was it we would do one season of the show and then we would eventually they would make Jessica Jones and Luke a giant fist and then the defenders I didn't anticipate that we would do a second season of this show before we did the defenders at least but I guess it makes sense because it takes so much time to make those other shows that you don't want to you know do one season and then miss two years and then come back and did it I also think thanks to like all you guys and everybody who watched and was so supportive like we got to do a second oh yeah yeah so tell me debora about kind of joining this Marvel Universe we all know Deborah from True Blood of course and we loves out there what excited you about playing Karen especially going into season two where you've already familiarized yourself with the character um yeah I mean I I really like that she's you know she's an integral part of the little I call it our Scooby Gang you know I'm sort of a little investigative team here and um you know I like that we can play with her character in terms of her intelligence and also the romance and also you know some sort of complex controversial ideas that she has and um yeah just that well-roundedness is sort of rare sometimes it's nice to see a strong female character yeah in this you know Marvel Universe which just keeps growing man it's so great to see like a Jessica Jones I'm sure everyone out there it was very excited to watch Jessica Jones and have these female characters on screen as well with a lecture to you know tell me about being on set the kingpin from last season is no longer the technical villain we have the Punisher joining us this played by the great Jon Bernthal ah tell me about that experience and seeing him on set that first day and what what it felt like to actually play out the Punisher storyline it should be pretty cool yeah it's I think it's gonna be great I'm really excited for people to see what John did he's such a superb actor our first date I think his first day on set and our first date together was actually a fight scene so the first time that we got to kind of interact in any sense was basically throwing punches at each other and which was basically they were the most y'all relationship going forward anyway but um but you know the one thing I'll say about that is that you know what's interesting about his role this year is that I think it's likely less black-and-white as it was in the first season with a with a villain in Wilson Fisk this year the Frank Castle is more of what we call an antihero and one of the things this the show does this year is it asks a question you know what is a hero and it's part of that journey is Matt having to kind of come to terms with the idea that what he's doing isn't that different from what Frank's doing what the Punisher is doing and and actually maybe they're cut from the same cloth which is an emotional upheaval for him um how do you guys really sort of to that what's a hero and what's it been like for you to kind of see this new storyline with Frank Castle um yeah I guess I'll start I think you know obviously where Karen picks up in the second season is related directly to the extreme action that she took at the end of the first season which is killing someone and she did it in defense but it also was maybe more than was necessary and I think when Frank Castle comes into the picture who is essentially doing what she did on a larger scale so if people look at Frank Castle and say that he's a monster than is that what Karen is or is he a hero so I think Karen's identity is very wrapped up in the Punisher and and in daredevil and what he represents about you Elden um you know I look I mean I was really excited to work with John because I was a big fan of his you know when when they when they said he was hired to play The Punisher I know that name and I looked him up and I was like oh right he's the dude that's in every movie that's coming out right now that's how I know that guy uh but you know for me this season I think you know foggy is still sort of struggling with the same things and you know his idea of a hero was much different than say Matt's or the Punishers in the way that he doesn't want to do it with violence you know so I guess that's where fog is coming from the season and what about a lecture where does she come in with all of us what can we expect I know we're expecting her episode to maybe oh yeah yeah she takes her time to show up um the big entrance yeah that's a cool entrance which doesn't have the keys of Matthew's flood and she just gets in anyway um yeah well you know Electra's the old the old flame of Matt murder they met when they were younger and I think they I think they loved each other very deeply and so how can I answer this really anything away know exactly you know she will be an emotional component I think to the story because of this relationship they had and this is how you're going to be introduced to her like oh she's the old girlfriend then why is she coming back in Matthews life and you'll have to watch it I can't say much but yeah she misses Matthew a lot I think Oh guys some juicy little detail there they're not gonna give us anything I have a feeling um tell me about playing daredevil of course he has these extreme senses he's a amazing fighter what's that like for you to do do you do your own stunts how do you stay in shape and and prep for the role all those good details oh yeah good question I you know I do more and more of the stunts as this as the show has continued just purely because I'm getting better at it and I'm enjoying it more and and it's you know it's um it's it's amazing what the Phil Silvers the stunt coordinator and my stunt my stunt double Kris Brewster both extraordinary human beings I mean the stuff that they achieve with the budget and you know what we're trying the amount of time particularly we don't get any time for rehearsal I show up on the day me and John or whoever's in the scene we show up and we Elodie as well and we learn it there and then and try and shoot it that day or that night um and the other thing that's I guess interesting either people don't when they talk about preparing for it is that you if you train for something like a marathon or you do weight training or something you the muscles that you use hurt and you kind of get used to that what you don't expect is when you're when you're playing a character who gets beaten up a lot the muscles that hurt are the ones like the back of your neck because you're always like like throwing your head back cuz you just been hit you know and like your joints hurt because you have to fall on the ground so often that's the stuff that you don't get really can't really get used to so I mean I'm not gonna lie when I watch those fight scenes I'm like ow ow Wow there was one of the early scenes with John you know where he yes the scene begins with him kicking me three times in the ribs and I was like the first time we did it I was like I gotta it's kind of hard you know and I was like I'm not gonna say anything cause it's okay um and I just you know he's I want him to feel like he doesn't have to be careful cuz it's you know you have to have to act is to feel real um and then we did it again and I was like there's a kind of a bruise there that's getting worse and he you know and he would say to me how you'd are you okay and I'm like yeah yeah I'm good you don't worry about me you're alright and then at the end of it I was like dude you got to stop getting the rig's master what where's John probably shows ah walking dead fury whenever else he's in speaking of walking down I mean come on I wish she was here so I could just be like walking dead tell me what's it like to slip into that that suit uh that seems pretty tight yeah very clever um it's you know it's actually really I I hear from other superheroes cuz we all communicate I hear I hear that they often very uncomfortable to wear mine is actually this one is not the you know though the the supe premiered at the end of last episode of the first season and the we had there was just teething problems we had to work out which we were able to work out in this season and the cool thing about you know doing it over 13 hours is we got to kind of work that into the storyline make sense of it and and and part of make it part of the narrative but yeah it's a it's actually a very I can now initially I needed two or three people to help me put it on now I can do it myself so I feel very grown-up um and and no it's great it's fine the only problem is because of security reasons I put it on in my Inlet room or the trailer and I feel badass but then to get to set because of the security reasons I have to wear a dressing gown over it and I have to walk through the streets to these high right these like rooftops in like a dressing gown with these cool red bits but on and I don't feel so cool really mm-hmm um what's it like shooting in New York Deborah it must be pretty cool to be in you know one of the best cities in the world although they don't call it New York they call it Hell's Kitchen as I think um yeah I mean I think there are things about shooting here that you could never ever recreate in the soundstage I remember talking with Jeff lobe and he talked about a scene where cuz we can't you can't close off the streets in New York we just have to shoot around it and he said this in the back of the conversation there were just taxi cabs yellow cabs going by at full speed and that is that is something you can't pay fifty taxis to just keep driving around a block on a set it's the only thing that you can you can get and the number of times we'll be in josie's which is just this little bar somewhere you know and like a real ambulance will go by and their sirens and we just have to work that into the story it's just talk louder and pretend that you're really in New York because you really are in New York and that happens it's a little flavor like that I think really adds to it I know I was watching the first episode and there's a scene I mean your bromance is back your relationship your tie it you guys are walking down the street and I'm like all these people are those extras or they just walking down the street being like hey look Daredevils they're just people walking down the street yeah it's uh especially this season I think it's been it's been strange for me anyway because you know you start be shooting a scene and then I'll check some Instagram or something and there's a picture of Charlie and I walking down this street you know it's just like it's in it's really weird but I you know I have to say shooting in New York is do I mean it's awesome I'm sure two people might notice you with all those crazy fans from The Hunger Games yeah you know it's funny actually when I don't have the beard people you know will recognize me from daredevil when I do have the beard people think I'm Tyler Labine so that's cool hello hello thank you um I mean we talked about his costume how about yours tell us what was that like to slip it into that I know you've done some action movies gods of Egypt just came out recently GI Joe so what was it like to get back into that action world and slip on the Elektra costume anytime I do them you know an action movie this is my this this is where I actually work out somebody huh okay let's go back and train now because I'm quite lazy other than that so it's really my workout and and slipping in these costumes you know it's just you just really do feel badass even with the robe on I feel so good you know I wonder it um I'm I was a bit worried that I had to you know to wear the red bikini and as you say we are shooting in New York and we do a lot of nights and we do shoot during winter so I was quite happy to have pants on really and and I feel I really feel like Elektra when I'm in Elektra in her killing mode you know yeah the costume the size and I'm good to go yeah are you excited to kind of you know get the chance to work with Krysten Ritter and you know Mike and Jessica gel for Jessica Jones and Luke Cage and the defenders what are you looking forward to kind of bouncing in between uh Molly I'm sure all of you could make appearances in any of the series I I mean I'm really excited about I love Jessica Jones I really enjoyed the show and what I'm interested I'm interested to see totally how how the worlds combined because they show the two shows felt very different and I'm sure Luke Cage will will also have its own style in its own tone so I'm interested to see how they go about combining us all and what that story will be I mean I haven't I've no idea but I think it's gonna be great I think everyone's really excited right to see all that girl who is sort of make a shadow or like how cool and I like diverse the defenders are like I just think that's really cool in this day and age I mean it's so cool to see all these superhero movies yet every single one shows every single one has their own vibe and tone and can you guys kind of go down the line and name your favorite superhero you're solving that Android and so easy it's you my dear you're my favorite superhero of course uh I love you bro but Iron Man is my favorite favorite superhero are you gonna daredevil of course you know yeah I mean obviously dead at all but if I can't say daredevil um it's kind of the obvious one really but spider-man I just think spider-man Zoey's a good one yeah and of course we do have the old daredevil Ben Affleck as the new Batman and I'm sure everyone's super excited um so kind of uh being in this humongous superhero phase of Hollywood um kind of touch on that a little bit being a superhero yourself and in a superhero series do you think it's kind of exploded do you think it will ever get old well you know some people talk about this these superhero shows and movies being like a genre and I think that that's I think that's not true I don't think that I think this the shows are so diverse are so different you know if you look if you take for example guardians of the galaxy you know that's a completely different Hoan feel of film than you know Captain America Winter Soldier say similarly our show is very very different from Jessica Jones and also you know agents of shield an agent Carter in those shows so it's almost like what they what they try to do with this show which I think was really smart is that is to make sure that the show the quality of the show doesn't rely on the superhero element so that the show survives as a crime drama it survives because of the characters and the relationships and it's really a character driven show and the superhero element is just kind of sprinkled on top it's like a bonus um and and if you get that right if you succeed then there's no limit to how many of these shows you can make cause it's just you know it's just another aspect to it it's kind of nice that it's a you know a television series you don't have to really rely on the movie part of it how do you feel that's changed you know daredevil what would daredevil look like if it was just you guys in a movie rather than you know a series I mean obviously you can delve deeper into the characters in the story um you know but I also think and this is you know purely from a business standpoint when you make a movie you have to make all of your money back so in a way it has to be kind of a sure thing whereas with TV and especially you know networks like like Netflix it's sort of already all paid for so we get to be a little riskier we get to take more risk because it's not like if it isn't popular we've then they've lost a lot no luckily we were very popular thanks to all of you and so it's a success and we get to take even more risk so give us a few before I head to the audience for some questions give us a few things that we can expect the season to to look out for because we have until next week yeah I didn't even read the script hey you might want to ask someone are you one of those grab only reads you're apart and then just skips over I don't even read my I just wing it when I get there how about you maybe you share a little bit well I'm a bit like Elden but I'm gonna make an effort because you Parker to me um what you know in this season I think um I think what the writers really managed to do is to carry on with developing daredevil journey and and so we keep this we have this new AO this group here and and and the relations the relationship between Karen and and Matthew and between foggy and Matthew are getting deeper so you know fan won't be disappointed with this but you all they also introduced the Punisher and Elektra who are two really wide elements and and these guys are going to kind of force Matthew to question himself and his behavior and so if I answered your question that a lot is going on in these seasons but it's gonna be a bit darker I think and and quite interesting the dynamic between all the characters we can definitely expect some awesome fight scenes right yeah yeah yeah there's good I mean those guys the job that they're doing is really extraordinary there's a um they say there's a fight scene in the first season that obviously went down quite quite well which is at the end of the second episode I've got a hope there's a hallway fight scene which some of you guys have seen you so you know the when the scripts began to come in is the there's a one of the earliest scripts came in and I read it and at the end there's this sequence that has been written and I remember reading in going okay alright so they're gonna try and they're gonna try and we're gonna try and redo this you know we're gonna join up the ante here and and you know is it which was know as a nerve-wracking thing to acknowledge because maybe just don't touch that you know maybe we just leave that as it is and and we did this scene and it's it's kind of like either way like think that now it's kind of an homage to that scene in series 1 it's almost like it's that see though the world is kind of one ways I've described it is it's like that scene on crack so it's like crazy but I've seen it and it's it's a it's really it's really cool it's really cool it must be so cool to see like the comic books come to life even on the script and then for you guys to act it out must be exciting I know we're all looking forward to watching it but I want to open it up to all of you guys there's a ton of fans out here so if you have questions reach in we're gonna start with the question from Anne online viewer so Kathy would like to know for each of you what is your favorite line from the series that your character says can it be from either either a series ah the one the one that my friends text me the most is that though the line was that sounds pretty bad but I don't speak [ __ ] um I kind of like what like what a potty mouth Caron is and there's some wonderful line I'm gonna forget the beginning of it but something about like not swimming like swimming and [ __ ] and not getting any of it in your mouth sounds like I just love that they give this to like the blonde secretary it's great I think a lot of foggy signs are my favorite cuz they're so weird uh he kind of talks a lot like an old man like he says things like we need to load for bear fur gonna take on I can't see you hon it's like I don't know who really talks like that I guess foggy you know so I pretty much all my dialogue is my fear there's so many Sam exactly I'm gonna drop the ball ham so sorry I have a very very bad memory and also Spence's in English so it kind of goes away as soon as I learn it but um I'm so sorry they'll forgive you hi hi everybody thanks for coming I wanted to ask um since we've circled about Jessica Jones the last season of Jessica Jones we saw like undertones of mentions of slightly of daredevil so I wanted to know what Jessica Jones we make an appearance in this season we unfortunate cut we can't answer that question all that's over them right now just spoilers yeah uh-huh also can't ask that question yeah I hear you man I hear you but guys if they can't answer it that might mean it's true so yeah but you know I mean just to kind of give you something rather than just say we can ask that question you know the the idea is as you will as you will know the guys who have seen Daredevil and Jessica Jones will know that there are certain elements to the show which are through lines that they they do touch all of the shows and obviously Rosario Dawson's character Claire temple is that is the obvious example of that she's in many ways she is the common element and what was quite fun was that while we were shooting daredevil season two they were shooting Luke Cage season one and there was a um there was a scene I had with with with Rosario and you know she showed up and we started rehearsing and then we went into hair and makeup and she came back and she had this cup on her face um and I was like why because we had that wasn't part of anything that in the scripts of our story and I was like why was that this here and she was like well technically in the story two days ago I was doing this in Luke Cage and this is this is a leftover from that moment and I just remember thinking one very very cool - whose job is it to keep a tab of that because that is like the continuity of that is like a link the SERPs I'm not geyser for everybody yes probably just like oh crap hi everyone Debra I'm a huge fan of yours so I'm so happy to see you here but my question is for Elodie I'm sorry for mispronounce your name farewell farewell I think um could you describe like what fighting techniques you had to learn like what's your fighting style for the course of the season and will your sue also have like evolution like similar daredevil in the first season like well we have a different one is what I'm trying to say so um what would the fight sequences in the washroom sorry I couldn't really hear you Oh what kind of fighting styles that you have to learn like to play a lecture and then will your suit change during the course of season yeah why I'm you know the suits I think it's exactly as you said you know in first season you see an evolution in in daredevil caught Daredevils costume and it's pretty much the same you know at first she she needs to be efficient and she's quite casual and her outfit and then it gets more and more serious ender and so you all see an evolution in the costume and you know the we wanted Elektra to be a badass killer and I have practiced karate in my life I'm a black belt which is you know it's something but Elektra would definitely kick my ass so I I needed really to learn skills so in the choreographies we we had you know different styles we've imagined that she she trained it absolutely every kind of martial art so if you if you if you like martial arts you'll you'll pick up things you know you'll see that she does we have some wet time movements and some karate and some I don't know like there's a some some crafts my guy I think at some point we will have some boxing we have a bit of everything it's a good mixture of everything um but know what really I had to really learn in and master it was how to manipulate the size and because you know Elektra in her costume without her size that wouldn't make sense really so I really needed to learn that and it's tricky you know it's like having two big forks and she's like ed go and kill people with it it's it's a skill so I had to learn this and and you know as Charlie said we were surrounded by an amazing stunt team Lauren Kim who's my stunt double were we worked really hand-in-hand on every single choreography and she yeah she helped me a lot and she she was amazing so that's it's yeah that was that that was the program that's what I yeah that's it I'm exhausted I think you know all the work dang it is awesome that seems so it seems fun but it seems like a lot of work so kudos to you guys I think we have time for one more question um hi guys how are you doing I'm a little nervous right now but um it's super cool to be able to talk to you and everything you know there are a lot of actors out there that are willing to do like an amazing job like you guys so really it's it's really cool what you guys are doing and my question in a representation of all the actors out there is what did you guys advise them if they have an accent or it like you know to go there and do their thing if they have an accent yeah if they have an accent because like me for example I am willing to like do some work as an actress too so but I have an accent and it's pretty strong and I see that for example you you have an accent and it's great it sounds great like your accent sounds great beautiful but yeah but there like a lot of people out there you know willing to be actors too and and they feel sometimes that their accent might be a little you know a limitation or something so what is your advice I I'd say that you know like anything for me I I can only speak for myself I try to work on it as I tried to work on any skills because I think it's part of being being an actor you know learn how to whatever play tennis you know you know work on your accent it's just maybe just trying to put some effort in working in on working on your RP or your American but I think you know you should also go to the auditions just as you are and then try to bring who you are it as well on the table because I think that's also part of the job charlie you have an accent or do uh-huh I was I was just think it's such a that's a fantastic question you know and especially for a British actor you know I grew up in London and I have a lot of British friends and there comes a point in our career early on where it becomes apparent that you really need to work on your accent you're for us it was it's often an American accent if we want to be in any way considered for an American job you have to better do a possible accent and some people it's crickets a crazy art some people can just bang they do it you know they could listen to it my flatmate where the guy lives within London not an actor but any accent he can just do it like that he can he could think about it and do it me the complete opposite I have to work so so hard and like Elodie said it's it's it's admit a lot of people think oh I can either do accents or icon and I really I really don't believe that to be the case there was a period of time in my life where I was trying to work in Los Angeles and I couldn't get a job because every job I went for people like his accent not good enough it's just not good not and and then I got a job playing an Irish guy which is also for a British for a British it's it's for anyone is that northern I which is a tough accent and I decided to do something which is potentially sometimes in the acting world is considered a little bit you know extreme but I decided to stay in that accent for about a month that's just every shop I went to everyone I spoke to my friends were got so frustrated with me and I just stayed in the accent and they and and I you know got what happens is it begins to longer become that be an accent it starts to get into your bones you know what I mean but it really is about the time it's about drilling the sounds over and over again working with voice coaches working with people listening to I I download podcasts from people of that it of a certain area like you go go on a podcast and you find priests for example you know priests from churches in certain parts of the country or some part of the world they speak they're great to download because they speak coherently you can understand what they're saying and they're also from that region you know so it's authentic and I would just I would just listen to these priests and repeat them fact when I was doing the show Boardwalk Empire I found out halfway through filming that a lot of the crew thought that I was very very religious because because I was walking around with my iPhone and I was I was repeating these sermons um to myself and and and I remember like some of the cast and friend people come up and like over lunch and occasionally would engage me in conversation be like so what did you what do you think about you know you know you know the book of going to Matthew in the Sermon on the Mount I mean like yes recall Matt sounds pretty horse and I didn't know idea until someone told me but it's like great sorry to such a great question in it I really believe it's just about the work it's hard hard work yeah did you speak in your American accent when you're on the daredevil onset I do Yeah right most of the time on set I do yeah and and that's partly because I want to get in being practice you know it's also partly a security thing it's kind of weird if I speak to these guys in my accent and then they roll camera and I got suddenly going through my American accent I feel self-conscious because I feel like it suddenly feels or sounds odd in my head and I feel self-conscious whereas if I've been doing it all day these guys don't bat an eyelid it's just happening you know what I mean and it just makes it makes me feel less self-conscious as the owner is the reason well you're great in the show all of you are great in the show and I know all looking forward to seeing season 2 which comes out next Friday March 18th all the episode thank you guys so much for being here
Channel: BUILD Series
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Id: W8bfQVG3buw
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Length: 36min 17sec (2177 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2016
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