Charlie Chan - Dangerous Money

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we speak with me yes mr. Chandler sorry to bring you out on Saturday night problems Riley wait for clearing weather that's exactly why I need your help I'm under strict order to remain undercover but ever since I came aboard the ship [Music] since I've been aboard two attempts have been made to kill me you work for government i'm scott pearson sir agent the United States Treasury Department oh one of its most important agents I should say time to meet you mr. Pearson Thank You mr. chairman I've been assigned to investigate this hot money that's appeared among the islands hot money yes it's loot from the Philippines our treasures worth millions and currency in large bills someone aboard had discovered my perverseness triangle sorry oh hey it's a regular piece you're in it understand the show starting in the salon not gonna miss it I am I expect so we'll be more entertaining than parking where else he inside [Music] [Music] that was meant for me mr. Chan perhaps could have been an accident you're right this rope has been cut we've got to go to my cabinet no no better opportunity than during show to observe all persons on board come with me whatever you say mr. chan six to six one night and the fog was so thick you couldn't see you hearing that fur before you what's wrong you spying on now oh I wasn't spying what are you peeping in there for oh I was looking for pop I thought he might be inside Oh [Music] ladies and gentlemen the show about to start is a time-honored ritual on all ships crossing the equator we crossed the line tonight when the curtain goes up we shall all be in king Neptune's Court now several neophytes who have never crossed the equator before are in the audience they'll be tried before this great tribunal this hi marina thority King Neptune himself deep down at the bottom of the azure seas Davy Jones's Locker rests in mud and slime but it is always open to receive those whom Neptune sends no one knows what Neptune will say or do [Music] this is brace the person get me the captain quick good night you finish back where's dr. clip-on the missionary cap when you come down to the Salim right away quick dr. Martin maybe you can help George who is he traitor corporate raider I think I'm a doctor of science not of Medicine man is dead did you see what I saw yes I saw what you see where you going I'm going in to help pop a man's been killed that's what I mean what do you mean that's what I mean just what I said and I don't want to be hated I'm the one that's dead well you stay here I'm gonna help pop Oh mr. brace called the doctor I've already called him sir he's on his way Jan will you take charge yes captain first suggest you allow no one to leave so long no one can leave salon until mr. chan relationship mr. brace you'll take charge very well sir come with me captain assistance will remain here and keep vigilant eye open okay pop Rome has been ransacked captive most unfortunate Scot Pearson's papers already gone but his portfolio is in my safe he gave it to me yesterday oh that is good you had his countenance then to a certain extent yes I had instructions not to reveal his identity when did he first decide to speak to me only this evening he expected to do most of his work in Samoa it was only after we left Honolulu that he became worried did you know about this United States currency this hot money supposed to be cheap commodity on market yes I heard a lot of talk among the islands this portfolio was bound to have all the information mr. Chan you should take over his work very sorry but previous commitments in Sydney Australia would prevent my remaining and some are for a long time however I shall carry on investigation of his murder we will question people in salon at once come with me I took the liberty of removing the body mr. Chan the ladies here is the murder weapon thank you you are sure no one lets alone no one except the two men of the crew who carried out the body there we go sorry excuse please no one is permitted to Lisa long excuse me sir my wife and I are accredited members of the London society surely you wouldn't wish to embarrass us further you had left seats when unfortunate gentleman was killed no this is preposterous to imagine that we could learn to throw knives wasn't no traitor I've been on these islands for years you have knowledge mr. Burke why sure there's a dozen people on this boat could have thrown a knife like that I could have tortured myself so I said I could have tossed it but I didn't my firm about for me mr. Chang cotton courage or American cotton Millers I'm introducing cotton shirts to the Polynesians there's millions in it and say I figure that night must have been thrown I would appreciate enlightenment why sure somebody in the crew towards that one you look for a Kanaka or a melon Asian that's your man where are you bound now mr. Burke some more my first stop mr. Chan dr. and mrs. Martin are nervous and upset already surely their credentials are enough dr. martens a member of the International Society of ichthyologists I've been his assistant for two years Carolyn I could speak for myself if mr. chan is suspicious of us we shall gladly stay for the really no suspicions investigation too young as yet your destination is Samoa professor correct I established to make the eligible Museum there six years ago but the war came along and my work was interrupted but I said I would return and I am returning mr. chan that's all true I've lived in paying all my life your business is I'm a trader just back from Honolulu buying kit you do not travel alone mr. Erickson my wife's in a stateroom ill of a headache mr. chan I gave mrs. Erickson appeal for her headache before our during show doctor just when it started lady require any further ministrations which prevented you from witnessing show tonight I've been a ship's doctor for 25 years mr. Chan I've seen many such holds after attending mrs. Erickson I went to my cabin there were no other calls until this one mr. Erickson your wife's still too ill to join us here Joe what's gone wrong towel it's all right honey doesn't concern us you are feeling better mrs. Erickson little Stuart told me something had happened I thought I'd better beam your towel quite right there is all saying good wife's place should be at mates elbow in time of trouble are any other passengers for some more mr. chan I am for Samoa oh yes miss Simmons may I ask your business I'm going to a pier the Robert Louis Stevenson shrine tourists well yes I suppose so may I vouch for the seaman sir mr. bracy's sailed with me twice purser highly reputable reliable Thank You captain if you'll allow me mr. chan I can vouch from the Simmons would appreciate private conversation with both of you sometime tomorrow no cause for alarm I may question all some more passengers in private mr. Carr please one moment before you go yes mr. chan your destination is sommore no sir i'm Banford Suba wellington sydney change ships at silver showbusiness right say about miss Simmons she's staying at my place at angle two weeks vacation with us booked from Honolulu mr. erikson and I would be glad to vouch for her mr. chan no suspicion merely routine inquiry I always say watch these quiet ones by jiminy you never know who toss an ivory of these days but leave it to a big detective to figure fast like I always say you picked the most innocent-looking one you got the killer and believe me a dame can hide a knife like nobody's business are you referring to mr. Simmons sir when the shoe fits I always say put it on perk you'll apologize for that don't George please don't make a scene mr. brace there may be opposition I'm sorry sir please there will be no more questions for tonight everyone may leave some home I'll go go no further opportunity for show tonight so more passengers all seem very congenial each one have very good excuse for other lots of action going on all right [Music] time to worry to eat the whole thing's turned into a nightmare and besides I've caused you so much trouble oh I'd like to Chuck the whole thing now listen young lady we're in this thing together we're gonna see it through together remember remember I promise on a matter of days hours it will all be finished yes but George I'm so afraid of what mr. Chan might find out about us that's exactly what I want to talk to you about now Chan tries to question you alone good morning mr. chan good morning will you both please come to my cabin soon after lunch for quiet talk very very important yes mr. chan thank you so much Jorge do you suppose mr. Chan's found out anything I really don't know it's too early to say your honor when he questions you remember you know absolutely nothing that's our only safe course now yes Scott Pearson's portfolio you have examined Scott Pearson's papers captain no mr. Chan I was leaving that to you does it say how the hot money got loose Oh ruthless process of war renegades raid the cash and steal the loot that end of war a man named Lane vaguely mentioned here man named Lane and islands of Samoa seem to be only clue Pearson must have thought the stuff was taken to some more that his first concrete clue captain tiger going away from village is never feared unfortunate agents murder is proof he was approaching prey hello send the doctor over right away there's a very sick man here yeah uh-huh cabanne please hurry hey Jim no no you stay in that bed and lie quiet the doctors coming right over [Music] or usual papa modern criminology works come in doctor I'm sure glad you came he's a very sick man he keeps begging for water [Music] he looks back [Music] for beer deformers prognosis is uncertain therapy indicates immediate removal of the liver [Music] will you go do duck soda Lizzy [Music] don't worry this isn't gonna hurt you I know they duck cuz I ain't gonna beat it [Music] I'd advise leaving the criminal investigation and fingerprinting to the astute papa chant [Music] yeah he sure is so are our fingerprints oldest baby it sure is I asked again not accusingly you understand but merely as matter of information who is mr. Lane the way that of you know man named Lane I've never even heard of the man before believe me mr. Chandy nervous knows anything about this mr. Lane neither of you know identity of murdered man we never saw the man before this crews I'm inclined to believe what you say but I think your new killer mr. Chan I swear on everything I ever believed in we know nothing about it inclined to help you if you wish to speak truth mr. Chan there is something that I know no mr. Chan can't you see there's no use torturing a guilty mind sometimes pinch worst an ancient boot of torture for 30 minutes you have both evaded direct questions when we reach some more I may be forced to detain you oh you can't do that mr. chan then you wish to tell all you know there's nothing we can tell you interview ended for today Oh pop say I got the doctors fingerprints from the doorknob but I couldn't find anything on the murder weapon many persons have handled that knife since killer but pop all modern detectives take fingerprints no only old-fashioned criminals leaves such evidence behind I wish you would be here after dinner where is other criminology oh he's in touch we got a plan to fingerprint everybody on board get hold of him and both of you be here after dinner I may have use for your specialty oh you mean find some fingerprints on contrary find no prints and confirm theory chops 108 calling pork chop 7-eleven come here pork chop 7-eleven receiving chop suey wouldn't need what's he's doing now come in over oh oh he's go he disappeared well Calum tell him everywhere it goes come in over I'll chain him to the bottom of the sea okay Roger we go what you trying to follow me detective what to be detected explain yourself detecting who well you see I hate after you we have to the killer you see I'm mr. Charlie chance places i mean ii assister object guardian mr. Charlie changed some work to do yes but ain't you demanded washes the glances at the bar what if is well you see mr. Jim is the first assistant and he's got a job for you to do that's what he's saying little while ago only money talks listen the cook had a call to Ronnie yes can you alive anyhow so show me to the job I'm worried what are you worried about oh the way these detectives go snooping around the boat what mr. chan might even stop us from going ashore I wouldn't worry about it he won't bother us are you booked have you got more of a guy in there you seen him no sorry haven't seen him this murder now the way I figured the guy was giving a training deal that act about Kirk you know or something Oh and that person is girl bait as innocent as they look if you don't mind mr. Burke my wife and I wish to be alone a chair and alibis always a perfect front a perfect front for them that needed on the way figured we're all in the same boat or on the sea bore any [Laughter] photo said we want to cooperate now somebody on this boat killed that traitor if he was a traitor I'm sure that is outside our province and another thing there's something behind this precise a training role where the ions are flooded with like money you can buy a king grain bill for five US currency that's what's behind this killing hot money hey Kirk oh sorry Oh cute name is Chan say how's the murder coming investigation proceeding good afternoon good afternoon good afternoon I'm dead but no thank you we'll have tea in this n on it's an E no thank you steward please serve my dinner in my cabin I serve early I have much work and study [Music] where's mr. G a local now he's setting a trap exam will tell except my strip no you dope he's setting a trap for the killer to kill him what are we standing here for quiet please right [Music] [Music] keep still I made the sleep I wish you were [Music] gee pop you sure gave us a scare main I got butterflies will now look for no fingerprints but say pop when you planted this fighting to let us know we could have caught the guy right outside the door what do you mean we could record it you mean you could record him include me out experiment not entirely success I expected door to open a knife be thrown in thought perhaps might catch glimpse of killers hand but killer expert throw knife through two-inch slam what aim but pop we really could have caught him hasty man could also drink tea with pork here smart son will you especially on knife handle you mean fingerprints papa right boy we'll find them Hey look pop we've got fingerprints of almost everybody on board excellent collection perhaps after a while number two son be able to take up stamps well look papads it's been wiped off with oil it's been wiped off and never touched afterwards gloves perhaps knife never touched by human hands miss Jane you mean is who come through them little slits and stab that dummy in the back no he used gloves to throw it the spook did no perhaps knife not thrown in phraseology of Euclid x over y it world proposition still unsolved hey Jimmy what is you could get nothing he's a Greek mathematician but he's dead did but what's he got to do with the case being unsolved he hasn't I still don't get it oh good evening this is the last night dance mr. chan you're not gonna miss it are you oh no my opera humble self as candidate for waltz Tao has first wifely duty after that the pleasure will be mine I'll even skip the duty everybody's guessing on the murder mr. chan Laurel puppy over the latest news Tao I'll see you later mr. Taylor go ahead I wouldn't put it past them either captain if you put everyone into bring whom you suspect you soon would require very large brake [Music] I'd love to do you mind dear [Music] sooner mr. Burke one shield [Music] just like my husband fathers he was Swedish taught towels mother to polka and she was Polynesian each country's dance most beautiful dance in that particular country for our Polynesian see but see but since loveliest to me mr. chan oh very beautiful as just kings of oriental will hole deceiver see by the first knife will you be going ashore mr. chair ship will remain in for 24 hours expect to be able to come ashore and take advantage of your hospitality well good then we'll have a real Polynesian party [Music] [Music] [Applause] got any gossip honey mr. Chen is a marvelous dancer thank you I've been very great pleasure mrs. Eriksen [Music] [Music] if you go to the message see come so on okay that's all me to pay me your promise you'll get yours by my new sabe they now make a person show you another crack like that you will be shocked by no rust after watch it boy one push bro to un you'll be me bambam sure he'll take care of your feet after a while one word to anyone and this both you go over side you're savvy I'll slit you from into where okay coming no baby the people [Music] are you sure the first I didn't see you come out here to meet us quite sure since you're a threat to blackmail me and mr. brain slip for that that's an ugly word that's just a a redistribution of wealth a come on hand over miss well I haven't got it with me well where is it it's in the purse was safe I'd have no excuse to get it until we're in port or when we do get in port you better be sure to get it if you know what's good for you you have my word okay you keep your word and we'll keep your secret that's fair enough isn't it I'll give it to you when we get ashore and that's all I can promise so watch your step sister no tricks I know a few of them myself [Music] what's the matter ona gonna pale as a ghost oh it's nothing darling I'm all right it's just nerves I guess [Music] have you got any further on the case tonight mr. chan very little brother captain although I have investigated intelligently I hope still I have no wish to work fast not alarmed sorry I keep forgetting the murder is only part of the case say mr. chan have you thought of the rippers I know that papers are in good shape what did you say the word captain you are not thinking of putting the weapons in your brain are you [Music] [Music] hey pretty have you seen him no we gotta put the choirs on the Kanaka he knows too much can't you get by without that stuff are you kidding one peep out of the hawk and the whole thing is cooked come on let's find him [Music] [Music] [Music] sure yes I don't mean go overboard I saw him climb on the rail he just jumped overboard you mean Stuart go over sighted ship up own volition yes sir is there island near islands here within four or five miles we are close to our own landfall that's all he is deserter five mile swim mere straw for terrified Kanaka we have a motor game I could stop and put it over ah unimportant the connector possessed little information but much dangerous knowledge he swim to save on life you think someone wanted to get him and I'll be glad when we clear Samoa mr. chan this Cruise has been I might but not dull one captain I'm kidding he's as guilty as a weasel in a henhouse well pop will grab him if he is well he's got a bank rule that choke a water buffalo why not a mule you know Moo's well you come from beautiful know you want him shoemaker man Oh what shoemaking Milan you know oh you mean Jamaica well anyway it's hot morning I ain't never seen that much cold money and no place at no time say did you see the sizes of the bills yeah she's got a big rule fifty thousand dollar bills say listen fifty thousand dollar bills just don't exist well he did and his name is Big Ben and he's got this new job he's gonna be can the baggage he is yes tail him tail him everywhere he goes find out where he bunks and see if he has any incriminating matter in his effects yes but look he's got some lies don't throw in I will find them and this case is solved good no no no not those one small bag please yes sir what is this my equipment pop I gotta have it ashore but ship remain in part of Samar only 24 hours sure but we got a case to solve with assistance of scientific son should solve case in very short time I mean it's from your son mr. Chan sparks had a bit of trouble with the cold I hope he got it all okay number three sometime I usually have trouble with Cody himself miss Simmons father was banker in Australia stranded in Manila on way to United States of America with many valuable art objects well that's plain enough the girl's father hid the stuff and she's down here to get it on the quiet hmm kangaroo reaches destination also by leaps and bounds it's clear to me oh there are high stakes in this captain there are gigantic operators behind scheme I must have more information before I can't accuse anyone yeah perhaps are right mr. Chan but for my part I'd throw mr. brace in the brig and sweat this girl and blush quarry like quail Oh No good hunter never break twig underfoot how soon we can go ashore medical inspection takes about an hour we should be ashore before dark oh yeah you will remove those two other cabin where is other criminologist oh he's in touch I sent him on a mission round him up and say we go ashore before dark okay pop chop suey 108 calling pork chop 7-eleven come in over I just got in here we'll call Roger [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody fooling in my property [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] these islands should have restaurants of people who prefer not to dine in rubber chops no we're not return to the boat yeah I can get first-hand information for my report you will die run a customer to dining in bars I'm sure you will enjoy our dinner now this way please [Music] [Music] you would have dinner now mr. chan now that moment thank you later dinner miss Simon no thank you observe little showman captain [Music] whereas young lady's fiance embraced old checking his purser accounts they should be assure so you will come with me captain I have idea which may [Music] do you think she'll come through with it well sure what makes you think she won't nothing just wondering that's all what she go probably gone or room to get it what about that purser brace what I care about brace is the girl I'm dealing with look Burke what you were you go right back on board ship soon as you get it I don't need your advice you're in the pure armpits I'm merely selling something to Chan was too dumb to see please go back on board Burke if anybody gets wind of what your look to can pluck one pink and if it's big enough she comes [Music] Here I am a did you bring it yes well you promised that this will be the last one here of you whoa maybe honey maybe come on give this pays better than cotton goods once your sales but always a second four years old there's no code of ethics in your field then well sure but the dumb ones maybe but me I give my word a step at a time not promising too much not too little how do I know you can be relied on now oh I'll keep my mouth quiet on my little matter that's the deal but I figured they're a bigger fish in these waters and maybe I'll beat a couple more Hawks but as far as George mr. brace and I are concerned well your save her day you are sitting Petey Burke's a man of his word careful not to give too much words all good bye mr. Burke not the violin me just goodnight we meet again sometime mind inviting me to the wedding would like few moments conversation mr. Burton ah I gotta get back on board I left my wallet Mikey will step inside please you will also retain young ladies gift inside be seated look mr. Chang my company the southern cotton mills and okay me you have been fishing in very dangerous waters mr. Bert the gift please you sure well the whole thing is no harm done if you get caught huh look mr. Chan if you just let me go I promise you I'll I suggest you talk freely mr. Burke well I don't know anything oh I might have been gambling a bit rough but that's no crime as I see it it is blackmail you are on American silent what that's all I know and I will talk for you up to a certain point one board ship tonight the United States government agent was killed you have no agent I thought he was a traitor unfortunately not a traitor when he was killed you assumed natural role loud talking bragging know-it-all then suddenly you changed completely you become fatigued you confer frequently with Freddie Kirk and with deserting steward Pete during that time you have gained certain knowledge rich Chan I'll trade with you I'll trade what I found out if you will just let me go excuse please I do not trade onboard ship somehow you learn that miss Simmons is traveling under false papers you suspect that mr. brace the presser has falsified accounts and has smuggled her into the passenger list you use this knowledge for blackmail having begun blackmail you are soon aware there is something far deeper underneath then merely two lovers falsifying papers in order to be together look look [ __ ] can i I don't know nothing this will ruin me with the company you begin all of these activities on board ship on the night of the murder when you have learned someone have borrowed stewards Misco who borrow the coat I don't know look mr. Chan I got a wife and kids back in the stage let me go Oh borrow that coat if I tell you will you let me go will you consider same [Music] right through the neck mr. chan another one of those knives this man would have talked do you think he knew much mine our conspirator what now must ask you captain to have Navy services quietly to remove this then you will contact freddy kirk inform him casually that mr. Burke is dead be careful to keep matter a secret from the others if Freddy throws these knives hmm I believe little showman unaware mr. Burke is dead with this information his actions may prove significant I'll find him where will I meet you mr. Chan in the bar I could delay sailing a few hours if this complicates things not necessary captain believe case will be closed in ample time if you see number two son Jimmy and my assistant Chattanooga please ask them to report right thank you [Music] anyway didn't know what to watch mom how'd you know the other guy was a watchman well when I won't get talking to you he was walking around the building with a big gun strapped how'd you find Big Ben well I've teamed him from the ship like you told me that was American money $10 American let me give you one big pig man what the blazes cannot do with a pig did eat no fooling man you'll make yourself enough money to buy you 50 pigs he's peddling dice Chattanooga watch for the bankroll is hot morning watch boy come baby come bend 7/7 acid a see he comes ready [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] money some Kansas City bankroll oh you mean it ain't no good I thought losing some more [Music] you should have told me sooner onna now we've got to do something you can't George that man will expose you to the company mr. chair excuse face would like brief talk with miss Simmons just a second row time let me remind you mr. Chan that Miss Simmons has certain rights you can't legally question it well II wish to ask young lady one question and to return her property your necklace mr. Chan how did you I mean as mr. Berk in prison mr. Berk is dead did Simmons time has come now for truth you are British and you travel under improper visa no I can explain about those papers mr. chan the Simmons and I wanted to take this cruise together they're gonna be married sir excuse please I will go explaining mr. Simmons is here to locate and identify certain objects about once stored in banks in Manila that's right mr. Chan those things were entrusted to my father your father did a noble act miss Simmons he chose rather to save his wife and children than objects of art for this he was blamed oh you do understand mr. Chan I'll tell you everything my father's too well to make the trip and I know art as well as he does merely wish one piece of information who contacts your father in London and arranged this journey it was mr. Kirk Freddie Kirk mr. Chan is there anything we can do you will both take a special care of yourselves tonight I will contact you later [Music] and the fun is just party merely go for strolling village at the ship would killer yet Chan you see something my dear Oh mr. Chan how are you how are you hey is the drowning still unsolved or was it about knifing professor someone from the blade professors forget that's right that's right to be sure a knife or had he in the salon never then these Islanders are always throwing knife require great skill and delicacy to throw knife of this kind professor [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's my head there it is this is a fish museum it's finally doing get out of here [Music] [Music] Jimmy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] one of us better go get pop what do you mean one of us ain't gonna leave without you you gonna leave me [Music] come on let's get out of here pretty Kirk found out alright he's mature but Burke yeah he was hanging around the veranda when we carried the body out good when next we see Freddie Kirk pieces of jigsaw puzzle and they began to pick together what's the move now believe Kirk will make next move through fear [Music] watch it closely they see a clue of interest [Music] information seems to have upset mrs. Ericson yes mrs. Sherman evidently afraid death hangs over his head [Music] what excuse me professor I'll be right back [Music] [Music] aren't you going to take in the Siva Siva tonight mr. Chen only three hours still setting we'll have no time for show no think you can clean up that murder before sailing which murder mr. erikson yeah I guess a lots of them fella heard of them all little shamans saint to be in very great hurry that path lead to professor Martin's Museum that's right I figured it is a Martin crowd right from the start [Music] [Music] [Music] is he gay Larry's expert I couldn't see a [ __ ] front of me out there did you hear that laughs mr. Chang perhaps romantic villager I heard someone running someone running now Chattanooga hey it's pop hey pop we found it doodles of it money what's jail Oh how much your detectives have success yeah it's in the museum everything's stuffed with it what quick got miss Simmons and mr. Brasher immediately Oh [Music] there's enough money here to finance every trader in the Pacific mr. Chan we ought to throw that professor in his party in the break before the escape escape to where captain hey we're talking about a sloop remember could not get very far hmm miss Simmons miss Simmons go again do no painting yes it belongs to mr. Fitz Mars the banker at Wellington what's mrs. rushers miniature this chair was Chan [ __ ] look what's dead Oh Chattanooga mail a turtle someone coming [Music] many people come [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] you've destroyed the work of your issue you Pig all right you got your orders start packing it up you've been fooling with the stuff - no of course not who open these boxes I don't know but if any harm comes to mrs. Markham it had been for Chan we wouldn't have to pull any of this rough stuff Lane had it figured out that you and the professor would never get wise but when Lane heard you two were fooling around we had to move fast all right start packing it you were to drop gun mr. Erikson you find it out you'll find it for yourself you you big raise your hands everybody now ladies two get his gun water mr. Bress you will cover others and remain here yes captain come with me [Music] [Music] [Music] now hi mr. chan she's a man so what can you help a dirt a man fight right captain that is mr. Joseph Murdoch handyman at one time belly and now supposed wife of mr. Theodore M Lane pleasure salami get him oh you are supposed to save my life hey mr. Lane I thank you so much but why I was saving your chair not that night at the cabin or near water protect back in front I wanted him to get one in your neck with my compliments the time I could cover up brush thank you so much but you were entirely wrong about protection back in front ready to do we have been puzzled for many days and finally tonight in Barham you're supposed wife betray herself as man by walk mr. Chan excuse me please yes we can never thank you enough for what you've done mayor routine line of duty miss Simmons I trust your honorable father's possessions you found intact as far as I can tell I think everything's here an amicable ending to all problems even captain very happy he now have enough prisoners to fill old ships brig to overflowing Stan look hey pop this is how that thing works [Music]
Channel: Inter-Pathé
Views: 1,702,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: United States of America, InterPathe, legal movies, Charlie Chan (Fictional Character), Dangerous Money, InterPathé, free movies, Inter-Pathé
Id: kgEElXjTKgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 4sec (3964 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2017
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