Charles Poliquin- Training Volume, Nutrition & Fat Loss
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Channel: High Intensity Health
Views: 244,671
Rating: 4.8803649 out of 5
Keywords: Charles Poliquin, German training volume, Fat Loss, Carbohydrates and exercise
Id: jtWoU3bHrvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 59sec (4139 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
What about South Asian ethnicities that are a mixture of a combination of West Eurasian autosomal DNA subgroups (primarily West Asian/Near Eastern, with a sliver of NE European which takes a Northwest-Southeast gradation) and Ancestral South Indian (ASI)/"Australoid" in an autosomal context? South Asian diets are centered around carbs and houses a population of ~70 million diabetics. What is optimal for us ancient West Eurasian/"Caucasoid"-ASI mutts?
There are no carbs in candles.
See timestamp 19m50s for the nutrition discussion.
I don't think it's a coincidence that Sweden was one of the first governments to officially endorse low carb high fat diets.
Good thing I come from a German/Norwegian descent. That settles it, it's bacon wrapped bacon for dinner; greens just ruin the meal anyway :D
I haven't watched this video yet but happened to be reading an article by him where he says this:
Has anyone tried the glutamine-in-heavy-cream trick for carb cravings?
If anything, it seems all people of color suffer the most from carbs in their diets
gary taubes said the same thing as well. if you're not southeast asian you wont be able to take carbs well or something along that line. i think it was one of the interviews by carb loaded. i disagree though. im from singapore and we're pretty much a melting pot of people from east asia and southeast asia and YET we're the no. 2 nation with the highest incidence of diabetes among developed countries. goes to show that being asian doesnt make you immuned to the effects of carbs.