Charles Barkley on The Forward Podcast with Lance Armstrong

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hey everybody welcome back to the forward podcast I'm your host Lance Armstrong my guest this week get ready I'm just telling you this is an hour and a half plus of Full Tilt boogie Charles Barkley is with me shot this one out actually in Scottsdale Arizona where Sir Charles spends a lot of his time I yeah I expected him to come unfiltered and on fire but this was even more than that so enjoy that before we get to Sir Charles a couple of things that while I was out there I think I mentioned a couple weeks ago on one of the shows that I was I was gonna run the half marathon in Phoenix the rock and roll half marathon and then like a week before that I'm training for this for the Austin marathon at week two hami I've never done this to hamstrings so it's sort of it's sort of gotten to me for the last couple weeks it's getting a little better I think I'll be fine for for the Austin marathon but definitely had to back off the training and didn't want to go push it and a half out there in Phoenix was in Phoenix for my son Max's hockey tournament when when I told people or I tell people that my son is now playing hockey they're just like ooh are you are you ready I was like for what like like what what for what they're like dude a hockey parent like that's a special that's a special commitment I was like whatever they were right full-on commitment I mean unbelievable but I'm so proud of him I mean all his buddies and all his teammates have been skating their whole lives he's been skating for three months and he's just literally every every practice every game he's improving so it's really cool to see and and and it's cool to learn a new sport like I don't know anything about hockey I don't know about the rules that I don't know I also know is when you watch an NHL game you can never see the puck but proud of him so what else we got we're going to talk about how about the Patriots like is at some point does it ever end like that right I mean obviously they lost the Super Bowl last year but it's incredible I mean Bill Belichick Tom Brady 41 years old and you you gotta love it I mean you don't have to love it but you got to respect it and impressive so look forward to the Super Bowl last thing and I am talked about every week and I'm gonna talk about it again because it's getting in my lane now these scooters okay that are everywhere and I'm seeing them down on the bottom of dried-out creek beds and so I'm running yesterday and I'm running along one of my favorite trails and I see ahead of me it's like a little sign and I see that it's like it looks like a speed limit sign it says ten and I get up there and it says this trail is part of a pilot program that we're testing here in Austin scooters and bicycles restricted to ten miles an hour on this trail all right now the fact that we're we're lumping bikes in with scooters is just just I can't take it I can't I can't deal with this I I'm putting my foot down I'm gonna call the mayor I'm gonna protest I'm gonna pick it I'm kidding but where does it end I think we just get rid of them get rid of all of them not the bikes but the scooters and I'm also kind of kidding about that I just but I it's my thing right now it's it's it's it's the that's the you know it's a real thorn in my side anyhow Charles Barkley no need to really introduce Charles Barkley everybody knows or almost everybody knows his sporting career which he then transitioned into a very very successful broadcast career his show on TNT if you guys have seen it it's if you haven't you should if you have you know it's hilarious the dynamic between him and Shaquille O'Neal and Ernie and the whole crew Kenny is hilarious and and and having been in that position you know with George Hincapie during the tour shows you know a lot of times that's a bit of an act you know so they'll pick a side and they'll go at each other and and you'll swear that they can't stand each other then they get off set and they're high-fiving but Charles does it better than anybody else he also has the ugliest golf swing in the history of the world if you don't believe me go look on YouTube anyways enjoy Charles Barkley thanks turn it in and and also to Charles thanks for taking the time thanks for coming on [Music] sir Charles thanks for doing this no problem my brother so you met you made it through we're staying in this I don't know what it is like it may be like a timeshare place but there's the the gate guy yeah and I just went out for a run on my bum hamstring which I've screwed up the other day which bumming me out but so I come back and I got tapped on the guys window and I was like hey we have a guest coming at 6:00 I said he'll probably be late but uh he's coming at 6:00 so just heads up sent him up to 108 where we are he's like okay he's like who is it I said Charles Barkley the guy she was like okay oh you think he was gonna get you a fake Charles Barkley and he was so excited but got to tell me but we went to the bar right so he forgot to tell you didn't realize what what Villa you were here cuz he said I'll send you can call apartment of Villa must be nice to be rich and successful you still a villain I just own apartment I do you send me a text you said are you and your Villa and I was like what the hell is he talking I think he's in the wrong place rich folks call it villas so I just want to share with you and your wife who's around the corner and all the listeners just how hard it was for me to arrange this okay I just want to read something I want you to listen to this okay this is how you communicate with people who are trying to arrange things okay I said hey where are you at next week when my brother I mean days I said I'm in Phoenix the 15th through the 21st you say I'm going to Arizona in the morning I'll be there till Wednesday I said let's roll and let's podcast you say I'm in I say podcast Tuesday night you say done brother and I say are you in Scottsdale and I'm thinking you do live in Scottsdale and you say no I'm in Atlanta leaving in the morning and I said I mean do you live in the Scottsdale area when you're there you say I'm on a plane now heading to Arizona there until Wednesday morning so at this point I'm banging my head against the and I said then I say where should we do the podcast do you have a house there no response so then I say thoughts and you say when and where and I said how about 6:00 p.m. Tuesday where do you stay there no response then I follow up an hour later we can do it anywhere pretty straightforward you got a house there do you stay in a hotel or what no response and then I say call me when you have a chance no response and then I say we're staying at the rocks can we do it there no response and then I say yo what's up I'm bringing my guys out there flying out Austin in the morning I kind of have to know let me know and you go yes sir we're doing it my brother and I say where can you go well you said rocks correct and I go is that cool with you and you say well where is that I mean this is just the whole time I have been kids of I'm not a big text person clearly my texts are gonna be no more than five words at the most mm-hmm and that's after you if you ask me if I'm having a heart transplant brain surgery or getting a scoop on my knee yeah I'm when I said yes no yes or yes yes yes I refuse to have conversations in text but we're here now that's right and I'm looking forward to it and that's great hey it worked out but I told the guys I was like listen I think he's gonna be here I told you I was gonna be here I'm gonna be here yeah I'm excited to do it I know it's great let's talk about I read this story about Lin long yes this was an amazing that I guess was written by his daughter his daughter yes she called me right out she called me says can I talk about you my dad I'm like yeah you have no problem so just as a little background you I was in Sacramento speaking at Kevin Johnson's event who's now the mayor in Sacramento yes and he said I'm sitting at the bar imagine that and his agent guy just sits down beside me and after about 10 15 minutes we started talking and he says what are you doing I said well I'm in town I'm speaking tomorrow night of one of my ex teammates used to mirror actually blah blah blah he says cuz what are you doing he's nothing he said well let's go have dinner so he ended up going out and having dinner first of all we talked for like an hour to have yeah we're not going to have dinner just a really nice guy yeah and we swapped numbers and I didn't think I was ever gonna see him again he's live in Iowa right yeah and next thing I know he's in Atlanta on business I'm like yeah you can come by the studio I'm like okay and Shaq and Kenny well who's this dude I said man you won't believe I just met him casually a bar and then we develop a friendship you know we talked probably once every couple weeks got together a couple more times in different cities and unfortunately he passed away he passed away this summer well right before summer iris is right doing the NBA playoffs mm-hmm and it was really weird because I really an entertainer is really funny I had never met anybody family so I walk into this wedding there's 99.9% of humans it's better oh yeah I don't know what his wife looks like I don't know what his kids look like and I'm the only black person there and I walk in and the whole room fight Oh Charles Barkley's here yeah she does a good job yeah laying that out yeah yeah her name's Shirley her name is Shirley and she was so sweet just like my dad talked about you all the time it did everybody like oh you really do know Lin I'm like yeah we were we were good friends because like I said I had never met anybody that forever I'd never been an hour before and then I spent a couple hours with the fam when they were telling me how he brought all these people over from China and and sponsored them and he was kind of like just the obvious smartest guy in the room he's a scientist yes was this a cat lived her size yes cat litter scientist imagine yeah and he starts there telling me about how many people he's bought from China and sponsor I mean I guess that's the way you have to do and they got this really huge a really amazing Asian community in our city and it was just uh I learned so much about him that day yeah yeah I watched you that your eulogy that you yeah I don't know if you knew you were gonna do it but you want you to say something like I can't it's never easy no I've been you know I had to do like my mentor Moses Malone I had to do his I had to do his eulogy that's probably the toughest thing I've ever did in my life and it was I mean converses he's Moses Malone there's gonna be a ton of people there but that's probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life and he was amazing it was it was it was bittersweet I got a chance to tell everybody what he meant to me but the main thing I got a chance to just kind of say goodbye cuz you know funerals suck you get through those without I mean you did in his got those I could never get through those without crying I think the only time I ever got choked up was when my mom passed away a couple years ago I had to do that and this is what you're leading this is I'm glad you brought this I'm not glad you brought this up because I'm sure it's still tough for you to talk about and think about but the part of the story you're leaving out is he is he showed up at your mother's funeral yeah you know from a small town in Alabama and I pretty sure he's the only Asian ever been there yeah an Asian dude over here that's and I didn't know he was coming right no he's just showed yeah he just shows up and we looking around and let's say I'm from a small town in Alabama a few thousand people and all the brothers looking to be like yo man who's homeboy over here and I turn around he would like the only time I laugh during that entire period because my mom was sick and she obviously passed away but when I turn around and lens there which took some time and effort him to figure out the whole dynamic because I said you you can't get to my hometown you have to go through Atlanta or in Birmingham and do some driving leads out yeah that's there's no direct flight to Leeds there's no direct flights to leave only Leeds England that's exactly right but when he showed up it meant a great deal to me and it put it put a stronger bond on our friendship and then when I found out he had counselor and it hurt and hurt quitting and he didn't tell you he didn't want to he didn't want to like he was that's kind of guys like I don't you worried about like cuz but his daughter says something so profound she says I just want to thank you for making my dad and laughs the last few months of his life he says we got together and watch you guys act a fool doing the playoffs during the regular season and obviously you know you have a situation like that it's not pleasant and not fun but to give somebody joy that's why I tell people sports are important sports are really important because if if if you got laid off from a job you struggling in a relationship you've got issues with your kids you can't pay your bills if the Pittsburgh Steelers are doing well it left Pittsburgh up if like last year when the Eagles won now you might have crap going on but when the Eagles were winning the Superbowl it was really cool you know she see I was paying attention last year because I was watching I'm a styling Club fan and all those people who have been cheering for the Washington Capitals all those years and got their heart broken like the unbridled joy you saw it in a vests can also mean sports are important yeah it takes it takes you away from reality yeah I'm a Cowboys fan so I can relate to use it to the pain yeah well but you've had some good ones too now 25 years ago yes it was a long 23 years ago it's gonna it'll have been 23 years this Super Bowl but do you know if some team is the Dallas County listen listen it was that's the first time a Philly had one ever in like 60 years helmet man you're right but you know it's man is it but that's why I tell people sports are they important are they the most important thing in the world no right but they are very important yeah what is it like growing up in it by the way I have know what's what Leeds Alabama is somewhere outside of Birmingham so yeah I mean what is that like how many people there a couple thousand how many people in your senior class like 110 215 okay and it what cool thing about my hometown is you go K to 12 together right so we is so small like yeah the people at the person I want the first agree with I graduate from high school with so you know everybody yeah so like when I go back to the Lee's now I see all the kids and like you know my dad I'm like what's your dad name like oh I dunno your dad yeah like I say you know like a lot of people when they go to different schools people come and go but when your so K through 12 with somebody is you know everything about them yeah pretty much yeah you do yeah you would and then nobody moves nobody moves yeah which is a negative I agree yeah because one of the things that I've tried to do I'm not bragging on myself I've given go ahead yeah I've given a couple million dollars to my high school so poor kids can go to college you should definitely tell that if they want to stay in Lee's which I don't mean that in a negative way I don't want them to stay in Leeds I mean I want them to grow up in be Charles Barkley Lance Armstrong President Clinton is from a small town smaller than Lee's Hope Arkansas like you don't know what you can accomplish until you put yourself in a situation where you can be successful and as I was reading your story of growing up in Leeds because I think it was back up I think people assume you're six six now you are who you are hall-of-famer etc except people just assume that when you were in the second grade you were tall and they were in the fifth grade you were tall and when you were in the ninth grade you were told is it true that as a junior in high school you were five foot 10 220 pounds yeah you know because you know it came out later how who was this kid from Alabama who nobody recruited except Alabama Auburn UAB because I went from 510 to 65 in one year right over the summer and by the way that would have hurt you know I never felt that type of pain though people asked me to have asked me that before I would think but let me tell you something though it was a shock to everybody system it was a shock to everybody everybody's system and but it goes to show you though basketball it was it changed my life because at that point I would even think about the NBA I never thought I was good not to play the NBA hang on as a juror 510 220 pounds you didn't even make the team no I was a backup fat point guard at that point but when I got to six five and a half all hell broke loose watch out [ __ ] yes okay let's say it was so and I played like everybody who had me not really made fine well you know you your bench warm or you're not good enough to make the team I was wreaking havoc on their ass - you know cuz no he cuz cuz in my hometown you know that's one thing about being for small town sports are a big deal a football and basketball a big deal in my hometown and when I finally got my chance to shine I was ready for it so this is I didn't I didn't never thought about this but what do you do ooh being from Alabama but having gone to Auburn and we know what you know yeah at the iron war whatever the hell they learn bo what do you do when when Alabama's in the national championship versus Clemson what do you what do you do do you just do cheer for Clemson do you cheer for nobody or do you cheer for Alabama well that's a great question as I've grown up at matures I probably 20 years ago would have rooted for Clemson but now it's a grown man you don't root against anybody just cause they're your arts rivals you don't you don't want anybody to lose that makes you a loser or a hater like I want you to lose because we're not in a good you know like when I grown up I'm like I Ruth anybody who plays Alabama now I'm like Amen Nick Saban's agree that's college football coach ever I'm not gonna root against somebody who's good at sports yeah I already fed it's gonna be obnoxious and a pain in the ass of course they are but I don't really get like this weekend when I was watching the Cowboys I was just watching the game I when the Patriots were patrons are playing the charges I collect I just want to see a good game I don't you betting on these games of course I am that's awful it was good for Abed no but let me tell you this I don't root against other professional athletes because I feel like we had a fraternity I know what they've been through they know what I've been through good and bad so I don't root that's just a rule I have I don't rue it against other professional teams but also like I said I'm not gonna root against Alabama because all what any good at this point in your life you're not yes yeah yeah I know I'm working on yeah I'm working on it's a fluid situation you've been you've been rooting I just want to say this I want to say something seriously I'll say something that was quite funny but you've been a great supporter and friend and a ally of mine so I appreciate that I'm from from all over the years but but when it was tough and and and the best one you find out [ __ ] I talk about it every week this show is shows called the forward yeah like how you how you move forward in your life when man when you when you've had plenty of [ __ ] when you [ __ ] up man you found out who's real and who's not like when I have to spit incident mmm we're gonna get to the yeah I'm gonna read you I'm gonna read the audience a quote that you talk about all my all the friends to like turn on you when I got the DUI mm-hmm like I had my friends I was in jail for the weekend I said I want you guys to be my ears my eyes are here every [ __ ] it says so bad about me who kisses my ass every week and say come on my radio show come on my TV show you write it write the name down so when I got out we went out drinking I showed me everybody who said so bad about me him now when them guys called me I tell him to go [ __ ] himself I said yeah you you're like we should fire him he's a he's an [ __ ] he's a jerk I ruled out every person who said something bad about me and then when they called cuz like I say I understand part of our job is to deal with the media mm-hm you know they don't pay you all that money just to play basketball that's one thing that annoys me about today's game that's like I don't talk on I talked to the president one day a week or I talked to them early in a week at the end of the week I might do part of your job they're not paying you all that money that goes with it they got a job to do you useful to help everybody just a little pot of gumbo I don't know if you remember this but and I don't remember if it was a month or two months or three months or however many months it was after my world blew up but but we had the man eat a house situation yeah and I mean I was following it because I'm sports fan I'm Rita and and out of the blue Bing text from Charles Barkley I'm like oh I open it up it says brother thank God for Manny tail because it was such a story that idea is that it makes the old story go away it does to a certain degree except except but it's my story good but that's the thing though why you have to figure out who's in your cap or not yeah well because your story is yours and your family and friends you know like the public they're gonna turn the channel they're gonna go to the next movie to the next article to the next story and they forget about you but you still in it I remember when I was sitting in that jail cell when I got my DUI and I would say I was there for the weekend by the way they're very tough on DUI and I mean it's a it's like a thing nobody just toughest place in the country no question but I was sitting there thinking like man I'm really gonna find out who my true friends are you when things go bad and my friends were great so I got a text and phone calls from guys in the media like yo man you know you're screwed up I'm not gonna say you should be fired okay I had guys who I thought were friends of mine I did that really shows all the time of like oh he's got to get fired you know he he said he's an [ __ ] blah blah blah and I wrote down everybody's then I said well cuz you really felt like that the whole time you can't get mad at me because I did something made a mistake in there something stupid like you like you can't have your cake and eat it too like I would always tell Tiger if I could talk to him we're gonna get to take her like these people who are kicking your ass they always want to kick your ass you just didn't give them an opportunity and I hope now that he's back toward the top those the same people have been kicking your ass or kicking your ass kiss of your hands now you have to learn that because I tell all these young guys in the NBA today don't confuse making people money you making money as those are your friends mm-hmm those are two different things Chucky I mean I yeah when you're but when you're there yeah and you're the guy money's flowing and the parties are flowing there but women is flowing and the PJs are flying it's I mean everybody's your friend and so I do that yeah I know exactly we talk about that all the time on this show because and it's what I chose to do and the loyal listener will know this what I chose to do is in actually embrace that and learn from that and know what it's like yes it sucks to lose friends and to have people turn on you and that's that that kid if that doesn't hurt your feelings you're not a human being yeah I agree but the silver lining in that is when you have people who just appear yeah say hey man I haven't talked to you in a couple years but I just want you to know I support you and how you doing and I'm here in the end but the main thing you do a wall don't [ __ ] kick me when I'm down like you you can say hey you know what Charles laughs you were wrong you did something wrong but don't [ __ ] kick me that's it [ __ ] that bothers me like I'm sitting at jail cell I'll leave more footprints on my neck yeah like I don't hate Hey I'm in [ __ ] jail I know I [ __ ] up yeah you know hey you can it did if you're a true friend hey man I know it really messed up okay now let's keep it light now what are we gonna do to make it better but you got these certain people out there like I'm just gonna stomp on your neck because I can because I'm jealous of you I never liked your personality that's what drives me crazy but you survived it your look it is if that is you you you know it we all know I mean that's a big mistake a lot of people have made that mistake some people you know sometimes you know thank God nobody got hurt yourself or nobody else but you don't ever want to make that mistake again in your back you you you're great at what you do and your and I didn't follow that story that closely but I believe if knowing you that you that you were genuinely remorseful no question and so let's move forward to it and that's what you know that's kind of what it's all about speaking of forward which I don't think we can ever move forward from let me back up the scarring that occurs to anybody who watches you swing the golf club it is no you you can't unsee this and if anybody listening or watching I'm just telling you just go to YouTube or whatever with and type in Charles Barkley golf swing it is the Chucky I love you but this is the most [ __ ] embarrassing thing I have ever what do you why do you stop it's mental no it's I've heard I've heard I don't know if it's true that on the range you don't stop there's no pressure on the range what wears is a pressure at a charity golf tournament with no money on the line but mentally like the same reason I'm Steve sax couldn't throw the ball to second bait throw the ball to first base Mackey Sasser couldn't throw the ball back to the pitcher like it's not that he's saying he's not Santa himself the reason Ian baker-finch quit golf yeah he hit the fairway hit right like he hit the maintenance shed yeah but like you're not thinking about it when it happens I'm not guaranteed to got one at British Open he's not standing on the ball said I wanted his ball in the maintenance shed and then something that's happening does a disconnect there's a disconnect in there mentally no I I can't hear you I just don't understand you are an athlete that has the hand-eye coordination it is a round of lucky because you never lost it mentally like sports are so mental like like I say it is has never had an effect upon me and any other thing but I've seen it happen to other jobs and unfortunately and I don't even look at it unfortunately this a man as long as I can drink some beers smoke some cigars and get some peace and quiet I'm all right with the golfing like what I would like to play great golf or better golf of course I would but it's not heavy it has nothing to do with my livelihood I feel good bad for guys who ditch their goal in life to play on the PGA Tour and they're not good enough or they develop the yips and things like that like for me if I go out and suck at golf I'm gonna drink plenty of beer I'm gonna smoke my two cigars per nine and then I'm gonna get back to reality he came along the golf course oh not as much as I used to when I was what was the game what was cuz we gamble on the golf course at the time but in the day what was the game what game did y'all play on the golf course I mean in terms of game both side played four is five probably three to five thousand dollars per hole no no no so like up yeah like stroke play match play you know they call it wolf no well we bet on everything yeah you can side action with action burn expertise the belt yeah of course yeah you got a reward somebody for making a bird hammers yes we play all options yeah well listen just have one thing about golf this father you got a budget has Bin's you know who still think the Charles Barkley guys like that my name is on the Charles Barkley there's no reason I should be playing golf for money but all the guys could be great at sports you have to have an ego them to be good at golf look good at sports you have to have an ego and unfortunately sometimes guys bit with the ego instead of golf club that's what I do and I never like in the day if I if I knew that I had to do something in a bike race yeah it just had to happen in order for me or us to win yeah it would happen I promise you and at this point at 47 48 years old no matter what even money gets up there yeah I don't stand over a uh I don't stand over the ball whether it's a tee shot or a chip or a putt and have the same focus like I'm kind of like I don't really [ __ ] care which is stupid actually now that I hear myself say that well I think it's probably you trying to probably diffuse the situation more than anything there's like I mean because you want to win IP people don't bet people don't bet the money is irrelevant you just want to win you know I mean because it's not like you bet enough money to change your livelihood I mean it's kind of like it's kind of like going to the casino to be honest with you like which I don't do like I don't do blackjack or I'm not gonna win or lose enough money what changes in my life it's about the competition but hey Charles on the golf course your man the man yes man or man to man and and you've got handicaps and so it's it is supposed to be fair it is never fair in Las Vegas or Atlantic City or Tahoe or whatever it ain't fair yeah I don't build all these buildings that shine and and provide all these amenities for free and fly [ __ ] people all around because it's even it is not even it's not unfair you listen it's just like nobody wins not all the time like you gonna win this is the mind of a gambler let me just justified the final my god in Vegas is telling me one time the hope I got here goes oh no he told me he says he says you know this is business right I'll see you understand it I said so what's your game plan he says you're gonna win sometime and we're gonna win sometime my job is to get you here as much as possible right because we aren't our theory is we're gonna win more than you are I know that going in yeah the thing I gotta be smart about is I can't win enough money from them to change my life but I don't gamble like I used to because if I'm not gonna lose enough to change my life but you go through that mental depression when you lose it's a bummer but you just like can't believe how stupid I yeah and I don't want to do that anymore I don't want to do that because today you're depressed for like a week what would you want that I read one time you lost two million bucks or something or a million voters thought it was a big one I would be curled up in a fetal position I've won a million bucks know something at the time you lost no I'm saying I'm he's got to take it in contact I've won a million bucks probably eight times Wow but I've lost a million bucks probably 22 times okay so you're down 14 yeah my point like Joe's is just like the worst weekend's what were you chasing all weekend but when I quit gambling for a couple years totally quits don't cold stone cold not even the little football action no no okay because it will you losing that type of money you just a lot of money you can't be an idiot but I quit for two years I was telling my boy that's a man I really miss gambling and my friends could have a they they have to always be honest with me they're like do gap is not your problem being an idiot is your problem and I said well explain to me like Charles we have been in Vegas hundreds of times you've been up three four hundred six hundred seven hundred thousand dollars for a night and we're like let's quit and you says no let's get it to a million and and we're talking about four to fifty trips well I've been up to three four five hundred thousand dollars I'm like I got to get to that imaginary million then I would lose all my profit being lose that other million credit I had so a few years ago I started thinking like okay man you got a so I quit when they were telling me my stories to do let's go to Vegas let's win some money let's lose some money that's don't lose a lot of money and it would be a fun weekend right so I start so let me think about that so now when I go to Vegas take a couple hundred thousand dollars I'm like okay I'm gonna win a couple hundred thousand lose a couple hundred thousand now you're gonna go home with the same amount of money there ya know but I'm saying though it's better than losing a couple million one weekend all right let's not listen I don't want to sound like an [ __ ] here but I know they'll be mad about losing two hundred thousand dollars you show that sound that was an [ __ ] comment no no but it's the truth no well you lose a million dollars that's a lot of money number one but also you got depression would I'm not even sure the price don't want to sound like I'm a psychiatrist but you're just like in a [ __ ] your tail between the legs and you just you what if you lose a couple hundred thousand you're like okay I got my ass kicked we're good we came again what we had some fun and again not that I gambled but I but I did this is a tiger story that and we can talk about tiger because I want to talk about him because we share a friendship with him or share a previous relationship yeah it's been interesting but there was a time where and I don't I mean we this has been well-documented so I don't think I'm violating any trust here but you know I'm gonna get to the point where I think this is the thing that hooks people where where he called me once he says I just staged the biggest comeback since Lance Armstrong and I'm like oh no what and so he was and I I don't game on how the [ __ ] game works know what happens I don't know the room that you're in or so he was down I don't know seven eight hundred thousand but yeah and rallies back yeah and you know gets back to even and then makes a million yeah and so that's the combat just to come back but that's that's the thing to me like that if when you start pulling that off then you're like oh I got this [ __ ] like I can get down and come back yeah I think my best story I was down cuz I normally get a million dollars credit I was down to my last fifty thousand dollars so we got out in there being in my about for my boys we sitting out about we need hang on when you say I just wanna I don't want to frame this I want to I want to put myself in there when you say your boys are you talking about guys you grew up with guys you hang out with now now just good friends okay yes so we there one night I think I sit down about six o'clock and I was down I think about 800,000 so I get my last 200,000 and so we're playing like okay isn't a bad weekend let's just I'm not gonna be in a matter I'm down 800 I gonna be in a matter if I lose the whole milieu we sit down at our sis o'clock we're gonna lose some money whatever they are we gonna go to dinner so we stole a gallon I went like three hundred thousand I'm like oh okay so now you're down five hundred yeah and I just what you think they're like what do you think so let me try to get a little bit more so I lose a couple hundred thousand back and they're like well you're going the wrong two references with me I'm on chase now like I said I'm back I'm still up 100 say that's angle being it matter so the next thing I know is I'm back at a half of a yeah we have a serious conversation like now it's like 10 o'clock at night everybody's hungry everybody's hungry now I said so I send a ball I said hey go get some water burger hey we all that water burger the Butler bring us water but we sit at the table like five more eyes I'm not a person gambling so now it's like 1:00 in the morning the plains believe it at 7:00 and at this point I'm back up to about 750 telling y'all man you at down 750 no I'm on all myself 50 I'm only down to 50 now right and I'm like okay ain't gonna be mad if I lose 250 so let me chase just a little bit more next thing I know I win the whole million back and walk out with 250 in cash so that's what gets you that's what gets you and you just chase all the time yeah so I went from being down nine hundred fifty thousand to winning the whole million back and then walking out at 250 in cash and it's like it gets you but I don't do that anymore yeah I would drive me I'd be a nervous wreck I would never do that let's talk about tiger cuz I want to I want to talk about him and we were this was all I mean everybody knows his story yeah and and he sort of and I root for Tiger oh I think I root for Tiger I mean I think he's the greatest golfer ever live there's no doubt no disrespect to Jack Nicklaus I think with this generation what Tiger was competing against a great players coming from overseas I think he's the greatest player when I watch him in times the on television yeah yeah you think you want another major that's a good question I don't know I think because he created a generation of monsters I say at all I mean he's got Jordan Justin Dustin Brooks you know all those guys grew up and played golf at a younger age it got more so much talent because they had a great athletes great I mean the first half um slammed up slam dunk the basketball me that made it a golf and athletic sport yeah I mean cuz I know I know some of the Odegard they're like we never even thought about working out back in the day yeah Ben Crenshaw is down there walking the fairways having a pack of cigarettes but now but he the Tigers just created a generation of monsters he did that and he that previous generation he the fear that he instilled in them was just was was crippling yeah and these guys they roll up on Sunday he can wear a red shirt red pants red hat red whatever they're like let's go yeah but but but those guys he gave I was talking to Peter Kostis one time and him and Gary McCord or neighbors of mine we're talking about a tiger and we were talking about in their day like a young kid would come out there 21 22 he's like I'm just gonna try to learn it to it for the next few years I'm gonna start winning when I'm 30 mmm-hmm he's like Tiger changed the whole dynamic when they come out they're 21 22 they're like hey I'm one of the best in the world I can beat anybody that's probably the thing that isn't working out or probably two biggest things he bought it again because like a Gary and Peter were telling me no young kid thought they could win before they were 30 back in the day now when they come out they're 21 22 they think they're the best player in the world so you haven't talked to him have you talked I have not talked to him it's what Ivan either not not that I've reached out or I mean changed all methods of communication and it was the weirdest thing what happened I don't think yeah I don't think Jordans talked to me I just don't know and I don't know what happened by the way it's it's up to him yeah no question it's not like hey yo why are you not talking to us yeah in in and I thought it began and he was gonna get back with his wife which I understood that scenario but then after that I was like everybody that's more like yo man you hung out with this do for 10 years and went to his wedding y'all went on vacations he played golf y'all met in Vegas all the time I'm like yeah what happened I says I don't know what happened listen Tiger you know it I mean I mean he look he's an odd guy yeah but you know less and I'm not I'm not trying to be negative the one thing the tiger could have always counted off for us yo man we got your back no matter what my biggest concern with all this [ __ ] that he's been through the last X amount of years like you man who's around you there's like got your back no matter what and I'm not talking about people who work for you those are different animals it seems like who are your boys is your man whatever happened happened he didn't he didn't grow up yeah but he grew up singularly yeah he was he was Todd Marinovich yeah that was successful but the thing is like yo man I don't judge like I don't judge my friends like we come first of all we've all [ __ ] up I've never [ __ ] up and like you look in the minister yeah I [ __ ] up but I can't become stagnant because this [ __ ] don't stop that's one thing about this this dis limelight this Fame thing it does not stop when you [ __ ] up and I had to learn it many times everybody has to learn it but the one thing you can never do is like alienate your friends like cuz I'm um say like yo man whatever happened happened now let's go forward and that's probably the most disappointing thing with the whole Tigers in there you're like our taint again a perfect story so that happened and I'm not breaking in the secrets but is this what happened that night so I call I got a call from a friend of mine in a entertainment business and he says yo man your boys in trouble I said what's going on he says they got this big article coming out they got this girl in Australia with Tiger and she's on the record blah blah blah so I called Tiger this is the Thursday I'm on TV that night as a young man I'm I don't ever get involved in your personal business you know that because I have strict rules on people personal business I never stick my nose in our business but I says friend of mine in the business wanted me get your heads yeah we just got a call from the Inquirer and we we talking about it now I see you're my good luck so the next day it's out the paints given mm-hmm so I'm driving Alabama first thing in the morning and it comes called breaking news Tiger Woods with Bob and a car accident I'm like oh my god hope he's alright blah blah blah I don't even know all the other details or anything so I call and I'm talking to us I see oh man what happened he sister but he says he was an accident he's gonna be alright pop a lot and I says what happened he says well it's gonna be some bad stuff coming out and the last thing I told us agent Isis tiny it's alright to say you're wrong don't try to PR this thing I says I think the biggest problem with celebrities is they afraid to say those magical words I was wrong this is my fault they got all these idiots around them like hey let's try to cover this like this let's try to cover this like this like no just look at answer hey you know what this is on me that's like the night I got the DUI like when I went back to work I got suspended I looked in that camera and it says we'll charge you guys some I says hey this is on me not my friends not the bartender this is a hundred percent on me I apologize I'm glad nobody got hurt and I got so many people says man that's one of the reason we love you you didn't try to say bla bla bla bla bla bla you like yo I [ __ ] up but did you really promise the cop that you would tattoo his name on your ass if he'd let you go you know there's a couple things that bother me about that night that I've never talked cuz that baby baby that's a that's a pretty classic line yeah I mean it's a bad situation but why there are some things that always bothered me about that night yeah number one I think I was targeted hmm and so because I have a big New Year's Eve party every year and I remember we were all gonna go back to my house and drink cuz it was relatively early that night that it was New Year's Eve Eve so we're four cars in a line and I don't want to miss another celebrity's good that's their own business so we so we all slow roll to stop sign and I'm the fourth car when I slow roll the stop sign three cop cars come out of [ __ ] nowhere and I'm like oh [ __ ] I've been set up and that's okay so I play it off they arrest me so I so then I'm signing autographs I'm taking pictures then I started joking around and [ __ ] mmm and I say stupid stuff because I'm thinking like oh they are my friends I mean I'm already arrested ain't nothing happen so I started joking around and my bodyguard telling me don't you ever [ __ ] joke with the cops he's a cop the cops are taking pictures I'm signing autographs and taking pictures and yeah I know what you're thinking yeah we got Green Line I got green light yeah so I just let my guard and like I said my bodyguard has been a cop for 30 years James Haywood in Houston Texas and his wife Denise who's been a cop for 30 years he always tells me he says Charles all these cops don't like you hmm yeah so I can't believe he's I can't believe you were that stupid to let your guard down just do what they ask you to do well maybe when they start asking for autographs and pictures don't [ __ ] smile and joke around and I learned a very valuable lesson that night I did yeah yeah no I mean I bet I know what you were thinking like it's like oh whoa I mean selfies and an autograph with his green things like I could have been that drunk they let me go they're like hey you're good to go now you know they I'm booked me and did everything I signed autographs and take pictures they're like you're good to go now and I said oh it's gone do I have to get the tattoo your thing yeah I'll get a tattoo you know what I learned a valuable lesson just now too is I realized that at five ten and a hundred and seventy-five pounds and you being six six and two something if you believe it at that I'm not gonna it's a - I'm gonna start it with it - if you need a bodyguard that I must need like a [ __ ] army I think I'm the way things have changed now I don't think any celebrity can go out by yourself anymore for the simple fact number one people always want to fight they always want to [ __ ] with you that's one guy night like when and I'm pretty sure to happen to you like you can go out and everybody in the bar like oh that's Lance Armstrong that's cool right that's cool there's one but there's we always call it the one there's one guy who stands close enough to say Oh Charles Park was an [ __ ] Lance Armstrong's an [ __ ] and they're close enough just for you to hear like everybody else in the bar got a life of their own they don't give a [ __ ] that Lance Armstrong or Charles Barkley was in the bar they there to have fun eat dinner drink but there's one [ __ ] guy night Lance who's gonna [ __ ] with you yeah and I laugh about it now we call it Oh like my friends say oh I hear the one we have a boy because if there's gonna be one guy night who's gonna mess with you yeah and they only want to sue you no I mean they're gonna sue you I mean because you can't hit them but but they first of all they're not gonna fight you but they just want you to hit them or something right so with so many endless ways we can take this conversation look when I read but I'd forgotten that you went to Auburn so I just want to go back to Auburn for a second because I want to I want to tell you story so and I'm reading your history it you know coming from Leeds and then going to Auburn and then and then I look at the years that you weren't and I was like that was probably around the time that bo Jackson was there well boat was in cars with me let's get that correct so I was that first hang on this is my podcast yeah so I said I sent Bo attacks I said do you have a second I have a question he says call me and so I said listen I got Charles on the podcast tonight I said and as I've just learned I'm figuring out like you guys were at Auburn together I was like you gotta have some [ __ ] on him and he said you know you know bo Jackson talks it's so funny he's like he says he considers himself number one and I said what do you mean he says Lance he believes that he is the number one athlete to ever went to Auburn and I am number two and Cam Newton and Frank Thomas can find it out for number three every time I see bo Jackson and he said but by the way tell him I love him yeah every time I see bo Jackson we call each other number two I don't even car hey when we talk to each other we say hey number two how's everything going he said yeah everything's good he's number two how's your family Oh everything's good on my end like it was such an honor and privilege to watch Bo Jackson's ladies college gym first of all I met Bo in high school my football team was really good i didn't play for about my high school team so we played Bo's team and then we did the weirdest thing about bo both the same size in high school as he was in college and like he was like like he was a man among boys and to watch him run through our high school team being a year later I go to Auburn I think I was over in that year he came over the next year and it was an honor and a privilege to to watch him in college and even to this day he's a great friend yes but we have this little thing going we called each other number two yeah he truly yeah you he said you believe that you really are number one and he believes he's number one well no offense guys the [ __ ] monster but then at the end of the call he's like I have to hang up because I'm pulling up to the supermarket I was like okay no problem no thanks he's like I and he keeps going yeah it's like I have to go inside and and buy some cactus like what the [ __ ] are you told you're in Chicago it's snowing you're shooting what kind of honeydew is that like go buy cactus and bring him home he's probably gonna shoot at him you know but he's a big boner I know yes or bow like Robin Hood so there's probably no doubt about mind he if you go to his house right now he's got those cactus lined up like he's like he had assault one time he had like this big oh dear body yeah he just shot at it he was a great you know I guess you don't even know if you call him marksman but there's no doubt in my mind if you if he got those cactus he probably got him on some type of ledge and he just shooting at him yeah oh yeah well that's that's I don't know what that's about I don't know what that's about at all him and Carmelo not only two black people are no hot all the time yeah he does what did you think when you cuz it was so funny and we have similar stories but yours is a much bigger story than mine on this pit or what did they tell you maybe you didn't even know but when Gnarls Barkley came out mm-hmm do they like call you before and they lie yo we're gonna name our [ __ ] so all of a sudden you're listening to your lives in the radio and the guy comes back he's like that's man Gnarls Barkley everybody thought it was my band what's funny about it everybody thought it was my band I had nothing to do never met CeeLo and the guys but everybody thought like yo man you got a band I'm like what are you talking about like Gnarls Barkley I'm gonna do a huge pink yeah I know and he had like a bunch of hits but now I had nothing to do it everybody's like that's your band I might know that's not my man I had a similar thing happened of course Gnarls Barkley was like topping the charts and selling zillions or do you need another beer I do Dave what kind of beer is it always gonna Lord he's gonna leave where are you going oh my goodness this is this is the first this is actually a first this is a first folks we've never had a guest actually this well I did Joe Rogan years ago and it he likes to go long I'm like I was drinking too much water and I was like I gotta go the bathroom I was like what should we should we cut should we like hit pause or are you gonna edit this he's like no I just get up and go well I'll sit there and talk to these people so this is the first but you know what they get old the bladder gets small so I have you have gnarls barkley which was topped all the charts and sold zillions of Records I I do have a like similar situation a band this is a band from my hometown of Austin Texas and it's kind of a reggae rock band called Lance herb strong this is a true story Lance herb strong and and I've fancied myself a really crappy novice drum player so I play with him sometimes really yeah are you in a good no I mean I can play like the basic no yeah no I just do the basic four on the floor and get out there and the funny funny story is they thought I was gonna get pissed about it and make them change the name so they had a backup name well van in halen Oh which is actually so funny about that the when uh when celebrities hate people using their name or making fun of them yeah but I think that's hilarious I know but but but listen at the height of your career at the height of my career we just we two sick every lawyer we knew on them well but that devil bothered me I got a call from his own would have bothered me but it wouldn't bother me now no I got a call from this other celebrity I want to mention his name who was furious at Frank Caliendo for impersonating us right and I had never seen that until today so these guys my guys I said how haven't I never seen him sitting up here impersonating Charles and then they were like tapping on the shoulder like dude you were kind of busy at the time yeah that's so true so this other celebrity calls me my agent says hey this guy wants to talk to you Michael of course I can talk to him I said yes hey how you doing yes mr. Barkley I just want to tell you blah blah blah and we need to put an end to this Frank Caliendo thing I'm like what do you mean he's impersonating us first of all I think his impersonations are not very good I'm like yo man you need to take a and first but I didn't know the guy that well but I'm like you need to take a chill pill brother like first of all anybody who gets you free publicity is grateful your brand I also think he does a fantastic job so i YouTubed him doing you yeah you know sitting there with with with Ernie and Kenny and and you know you song about kim jong looming and bong yeah this little man and we're and we're in platform shoes I mean it is hilarious yeah we could call your bank and get your records I've seen him do a million people too he's really good I've seen him in concert before he's really good but me I think that the one thing that separates me I've never taken this stuff that seriously like I played basketball and I said this and I'm not trying to be humble I love what I did say it was the greatest thing ever but unless you're like a teacher of fireman policeman doctor lawyer somebody like that did you dribble a basketball don't take yourself so serious which brings up this point which we should have said I should have saved it but I I told you before we hit record that I was gonna break it basketball and have a dribbling contest and you looked at me like I was if you ever touched a ball before can you dribble a ball you asking me first of all first of all you know that's a good point okay like you don't play understand when you do these things then you do like those stupid stunts on the side to promote them so I thought be funny if you and me dribble the basketball and you looked at me like waiting you first question like this really nerdy white boy dribbling it'd be embarrassing no you see one of the greatest athletes of all time you'd be doing like some like little wussy yes did you see Conor McGregor trying to throw a football no no it was like a girl was throwing it and I don't know disrespect but he threw it like a girl and this guy wanted toughest guys and when he threw it and did you see I think I saw Julio Jones trying to kick a soccer ball like some of the greatest jocks in the world have zero skills the other way around well I mean I'm actually glad now that I couldn't find already thought about it too late to bring a basketball but it would have been [ __ ] hilarious but you say you didn't take it serious huh no no hang on are you you didn't take you you had fun doing it but I this is important and it's important to me it was about how serious you took the game and how well I was playing angry yeah so I was really mad so my senior in high school I flunked Spanish that doesn't surprise me first of all because I should have been taking Spanish so I didn't get to March but I still mean you didn't get to March I didn't get to March you know I didn't got in graduated out you didn't go you mean okay you didn't go through the yeah but what I did was I stood next door the baseball stadium and cry for like two hours and my dad who we weren't close because he left you guys early flew in from California another thing we have in common and he read me the riot act about what a loser I was wait he hasn't been there for 17 or a job you don't get to heli in and say that you write and I was already down but he came over from California and he didn't have any money but he spent the money to come see me graduate they're not even graduate and when I was sitting there crying for two hours I was so angry at my dad and I was so angry at this lady named Miss Gomez my Spanish teacher and every time I touched a basketball I wanted to stick it up my dad's ass and stick it to miss Gomez and to every kid who made fun of me because I didn't graduate like I was a total jerk probably but I just like I'm gonna get every one of you [ __ ] back and I'm gonna be successful and I'm gonna stick it to every single one of y'all and I played with a chip on my shoulder and then everything came to a creek like I tell people if you play little chip to the edge it's just a matter of time to fall off the cliff but Charles listen this is why and I just found the quote this is why it's important to me right because I played my whole career with a chip I mean when I say career I mean from similar situation dad leaves it's you know maybe I shouldn't have been like okay [ __ ] you world watch this yeah but I did that's the way I thought and so this is as I read and I'm gonna read this quote because it hit me hard you says upon retirement Berkeley was later quoted as stating in regard to his career and I quote I was fairly controversial I guess but I regret only one thing the spitting incident but you know what it taught me a valuable lesson it taught me that I was getting way too intense during the game it let me know that I wanted to win way too bad I had to calm down I wanted to win at all costs instead of playing the game the right way and respecting the game I only thought about winning I mean if I could make a statement about my life and my career that would be the statement but the thing is like I wasn't doing it just for the game I was doing it to stick it to people who the course your list your list but but it gets your ass in the long run and you don't enjoy nobody trusts me yeah you don't enjoy your successes yeah because like dude I've made the project's went to college for three years became a millionaire at 21 22 I'm in the NBA making maze of freakin dollars and I'm sitting that worried about my dad miss Gomez [ __ ] I went to high school with who made fun of me because I did March like it's Jenna saying like wow man are you doing good you've been three years of college you go to the NBA you a multi-millionaire you playing with dr. J Moses Andrew Toni Bobby Jones and you traveling the country Mikey taking you around the world doing the summer like Charles the parallels here yeah I never even really thought about it but the parallels are infinite yeah but then when I will not that night when I was sitting in a hotel room because I was suspended for a game and I was sitting in the Lu so I'm listening to the game on the radio as a matter of fact which nobody does anymore because they didn't have it on TV at the time that's how old I am and I'm listening to the game and I'm sitting as like in this rural hotel room I want to say Charlotte I can't remember his act but I'm pretty sure was in Charlotte because you don't want your suspends you can't go to the game and I'm sitting out listening to the game I let my teammates down I was I had my family my friends down but I was sitting there like yo man you got to calm your ass down like you a great basketball player why are you mad at and because because because really what happened was I was just starting mature like why are you mad at miss Gomez you flunked Spanish she just talked to class and then the thing with my dad I was hating this it didn't work out between your mom and dad but that's over with like your dad didn't do his job or being a father but like you can't carry that baggage around and I was sitting there in that hotel room it hit me that night to him you got one of the best jobs in the world and you're trying to stick it to some - school friends who ain't never gonna leave that area yeah and like you've been out of that area and you're making millions of dollars a year and you still thinking about them when you're playing like I'm sticking to these people but if the story as I read it is true I don't know if it's true or not but if you have a fan on the sitting courtside or close to courtside the hurling racist remarks I don't know if that happened or not well that has nothing to do with your old friends the problem the problem was because you just can't do that own him like defending it because it was stupid in the way you slice it like when I look at the replays I looked at a thousand times I just kind of spit down the fan was probably on the filter six roll and he was an [ __ ] jerk blah blah blah and I didn't find out till later they say some some some had got on a young girl cuz I would never spit toward the stands but like I say it was stupid but it was probably the most valuable lesson how the girl name was law in a role you ended up befriending or defending them and you're bringing them back to games and buying the tickets and didn't yes and it's just to me is crazy but she was she made it better for me yeah she made it better for me when I was at that was probably the one of the darker times she made it better for me like forgiving me and giving me a hug cuz you know disrespecting a kid as proud as low as you can go but when she gave me a hug and said everything's gonna be alright you know and that's like I would love to see where she was today see how her life turned out to she changed my life because man I was bitter at him saying like I'm gonna be successful you know so but yeah [ __ ] all yeah exactly I can't I've I've been there brother what about politics or we enter we out let's just not you either commit or we just say we're retired cuz you have to be tempted in this day and age yes but I realized that both parties are full of [ __ ] and agree I think that I'm an independent I lean toward being a Democrat but I think both parties are full of [ __ ] and I look at it like this I have bought a Democrat and everybody I probably ever grown up with is voted Democratic their entire lives and they same other than the fact that I can dribble a basketball they in the same shitty boat and they put a Democrat their whole life they in the same poor neighborhoods they school system is the worst they got no Economic Opportunity and diet nutrition yeah yeah we so the Democratic Party which I've always voted for they have bamboozled hoodwinked and led astray black folks and poor people and not done anything for us at least with Republicans you know they're gonna take care of rich people they're gonna do what they do they're gonna take care of risky but now that I'm old enough to make my own decision like take a step back like okay the public's gonna do what they do but the Democratic Party has been so full of [ __ ] especially for black people and poor people mm-hmm and I don't know if I want to get involved I don't want to go to fight go to work and fight every day you know what I mean listen you'd be crazy yeah first of all you'd be first of all you're too busy to go give up everything you're doing to go back to Alabama which I'm assuming is where you would feel like me laughs yeah of course they need you yeah of course all those people that you've just talked about for the last hour of course they need you yeah so that's always the pool from from people that have influence and and and and power and history and but I believe in decency hmm like poor people should go to they neighborhood should be safe they should go to a school that gives them a chance to be successful yeah I did say I think it shouldn't be crime-ridden a bad education that's that's not that's not the American dream America is the greatest place in the world but the way somebody's neighborhoods are the way some of these schools are and and zero Economic Opportunity that's not right this is the greatest listen and usually you the same way you've been around the world this is the greatest place in the world by far well I always say it's the best country club yeah yeah like I don't care what the the dues or taxes being the dues like people oh my dear my taxes I'm like listen yo this is the dues to be at the nicest Country Club in the world like I mean what do you want yes I mean you want some low dues and living some [ __ ] and you see all the time I like you see that my man over Khashoggi like he speaks against the crown press and they kill him and chop him up and doesn't happened right you see in other countries we can say bad stuff about the president and everybody can laugh about it or retweet it in other countries they kill your ass for talking bad but gets me about that just not to get did go down that rabbit hole but what gets me about that situation none of us we're in that Turkish embassy and but we all kind of know what happened so he was he was he was an opponent of them work you know wrote for the Washington and they killed him and then now all the guys that killed him are gonna get killed in and that's what they say that's what they say because first of all I listened none of us are morons with dr. crown Perez giving the order the butler and the waiters ain't gonna kill this guy right but and they say they're gonna be here responsible they just put them on trial but we don't know how to listen first of all I don't believe every single thing I've ever be I believe everything I read on the internet but it just lets you know how like we can actually say stuff about the president the governor the mayor here and people listen you don't get chopped up into a little bit of peace enough all right before we talk about basketball one other question just cuz in its in it is it is a political question sure and I've just followed this thing so closely any player forget football it could be in any sport kneeling during the anthem specifically Colin Kaepernick the ramifications that it has had I mean I watched NFL I see look I honestly don't know where I land on this but I do know that I see so many shitty quarterbacks yeah how was Colin Kaepernick not in the NFL he's like balls but what but if you were if you were the president and you're having a press briefing and somebody says to you I want to say these words sure president Barkley Colin Kaepernick kneeled for the national anthem last night do you have a comment I disagree with Colin Kaepernick for Dylan for the anthem I think you should stand for the anthem first of all he has that right I just disagree with him mm-hmm and I think is interesting most of it I think I saw this stat somewhere before the president called him sob and talk about we should do this there was only about twenty six players kneeling mm-hmm mostly because to me I think the anthem is important is significant I do a lot of work with wounded warriors and when you go visit these troop and they got no arms no legs and we treat our best awful number one okay totally agree when you go to visit these guys and you see what they ask them mean to them to represent your country I tell people man go on to the Olympics is a cool thing to represent your country is one of the greatest accomplishments in my life yeah IIIi but I honestly in in and I think we can agree we can all agree I mean the the origin of that protest mhm protest we had nothing to do with that it had nothing to do with the the the Armed Forces we've sent overseas to defend our freedom and liberty it was more about their community and yes and different way to do it it is different yeah but but I listen I'm just I'm gonna senators I think you should stand for the anthem mm-hmm I respect Kaepernick but number one he is blackballed he's never gonna get another job in the NFL but I wish he had a you just platform because he could have did it a different way he could have did his first Neil got everybody's attention then they took a hundred billion dollars from the NFL to put into those communities wasn't which which I thought was awesome by the NFL owners and some of those players but I personally my personal pain I think you to Stanford Anthony mmhmm yeah I mean it was a it was a it was the NFL was they had stress like they were they were running around like oh my god what are we gonna do you know and then also because they listen sports are about money I mean it players make a lot owners make a lot we need sponsors the sponsors they have a voice and you know when you start talking about the bottom line like everybody's making money yeah but they need sponsors to make money at any TV revenue to make money yeah so that go back I was telling you earlier like I think guys should do interviews yes it's important yeah we're on this little pot together let's talk about basketball yes and I bet just full disclosure I know nothing about basketball like I got a name for people like you we call them fans that's awesome yeah no I I just don't follow it occasionally I mean I'm friends with some players weren't but whatever but I just don't anything about like I'm followed a little closer now cuz the Denver Nuggets are hot this year and and tonight who they have tonight they play the Warriors tonight the first place in the West that was my sleeper team coming to the season I the Nuggets I need them to do well okay well we'll follow it but but in the Spurs being close to Austin that's RC Buford and Popovich and Becky Hamm and the great friends of mine and it's been fun to I go to some of those games but I could sit there like it first of all the thing I love about basketball games it's over in two hours yeah like you go to a [ __ ] football game it is four hours and you're watching 12 minutes of action mm-hmm that did you know that in the for our football game the total like the average time of total action 12 minutes well which really sucks about football first of all football is my favorite sport in boxing those are my two favorite sports but what sucks about football when you actually at a game you have like when you at home it's a quick two-minute commercial break and you move around any games back on well you have to actual game there's so much dead time yeah it's unbelievable I didn't know the exact numbers did you said that but isn't that's a trouble when you actually have a real football game there's no DJ though oh my god you can have somebody fun those and those long and those those commercial breaks lasts like 12 minutes it seems like yeah yeah who wins in a one-on-one contest between Jordan and LeBron and I mean tree like true one-on-one oh man I have a tough time believing somebody could be Michael one-on-one I mean III everybody's all about LeBron I love the broader to respect him but Michael is a different animal like he wants to and is going to win at all costs in anything probably to a fault he has probably to a fault he missed it I mean he got out but you know he he took me always took me but he's to go he's the best I ever played against and there's no disrespect to Larry and magic and you know car Malone and patio and those guys but there was one guy you like oh that guy's better than all of us did you see I watched this Allen Iverson it was like a twenty or thirty minute documentary after you I saw it it was on a was it on Vice it was on something like that and he Iverson idolized Jordan mm-hm and the first time so he's you know he makes it a league or the first game against Jordan and he's standing there in front of his idol this guy who just he's built his whole life and career around this guy and Jordan looks at him and says you're a little [ __ ] just punches him right in the nose with just tigers a lot like that yeah you read all these stories now how nice he is just go around I don't I don't think Michael or Tiger were capable in their heyday yeah of being friends with other players that's how I always laugh cuz people you know people with my story for example that I go okay I get it now it looks like everybody did it and he did it and we don't like it but you know it looks like it was a level playing but but he was such an he was such an [ __ ] yeah and I was like do you think Michael Jordan was a [ __ ] nice guy do you think Tiger I mean I wouldn't be surprised if Arthur Ashe was a complete [ __ ] was a stone-cold killer and so yeah yeah it's at some point you kind of have to be to be well I've never well even mean I'm not comparing myself to those guys they look better than me like I wasn't a friendly guy when I'm playing like that's what sports are my job is to kick your ass yeah I mean you're paid I'm like okay he sees the me are you yeah and that's just the way this thing works I mean I mean is there's no lollygag and everything like my job is to kick your ass and if I'm kicking your ass and you can't take it like I'm not gonna ease up because my that's my job what about this one like when I in again I'm in the only reason I watch basketball now no disrespect to the game to the fans er to the players put my little guy is he beat loves basketball nine he loves it he loves watch the Nuggets and the Spurs we watch it all the time and I mean these boys are just rain in threes like the guy you know these guys know their names from Lithuania they're from you know Mars the [ __ ] just rain and I like it like it's like I'm shooting a 3-footer I just then there's talk about a four point line is that legit like a well because the game lasts three points shooting now well how are you gonna do that well listen we got guys who shoot threes and shouldn't shoot threes let me hear this analogy every guy there's a lot of people ride bikes right yeah they can't ride in the tour negative so there's guys who are really good right who can't do the tour right every local guy in every listener he thinks he should be in the UH I don't think being Crips all were telling me this story one day about he was having lunch with Harvey Penick back in the 70s and and the guy came up to mr. Pinnock and said some about you know I was thinking about I'm the club champion I was thinking about like what are you thinking my chances are going he says I don't know if they're that good he says like well you said he says you know mister being crunched out right here he just wanna the Masters he said you think you can beat him me like well I don't think I could beat him he said well these are the type of people you gonna be competing against the local club champion can't like first of all that of course you played it won't be like a PGA Tour course the rough is like yeah yeah like the fairways about this wide and I'm like no you don't understand like pros approach for a reason I also think people take pros for granted I don't think that even pro bass well you're saying they're pro basketball players that should not shoot their shoes they should shoot threes we got seven foot guys who are shooting threes now yeah like well they make a few they think they're gonna make them own that do you but you have to look at the big picture just cuz everybody listen it works for the Golden State Warriors for a reason it's curry started I got it but they got through the greatest shooters who ever lived and the rest of the teams don't have those guys that's the reason they won three out of four championship and they probably think about it they've won three out of four you know draymond Green is not out there kicking guys in the balls they'd probably win four in a row he think about that it don't stop him from winning three or four in a row was with draymond was suspended or they would have won four in a row but there's notion that you got us to three I don't believe that I mean yeah if you got Kevin KD and stuff yeah you want to shoot threes but what are the chance you haven't thriller greatest shooters ever lived on your team it's not gonna happen right the Phoenix Suns can't do that yeah I can't name one player on the Phoenix my life depended on it I'd be dead I got you back I'll give you CPR mouth-to-mouth so is there gonna be a four point line I don't know I hope not okay I I agree I think it's okay and then where's Katie going then he's leaving you know he said I hate I hate it when he left okay see ya he's an interesting guy I think he he's he's a he's wired differently than a lot of guys in the league it seems like Annie and I only say that just guy who spends way too much time worried about other people think yeah yeah and he's a great kid I mean I was he's a great player he's a great kid yeah but when you argue with an 18 year old Twitter and they bust you and you got like a secret account and you Arden would tell ya you're yummy I don't blow it up yeah you are Kevin Durant you do realize that right you shouldn't be arguing with a high school kid who called you a name he left OKC I didn't know he did that oh yeah oh yeah who was your favorite who was your biggest rival and who was your favorite person to play against they may be the same person but who did you just kind of just put over there as like the part I had a crush is [ __ ] and then who did you every night oh my god this is so great I get to go well the best player I played against is Kevin McHale interest he had Birdman kill in Paris when I was playing for the Sixers that was a nightmare yeah in Philly Boston is its force rival karma long was a rival because we've all the two guys who really played the same position and I got Tim Duncan at the end who I think is a greatest power for whatever mm-hmm when a true gentleman a true gentleman just an amazing human but you know guys like him you know they get Popovich's one or three or four best coaches ever he's around a great man like David Robinson you got your noble in Parker you know that's just a great environment for somebody to grow up in you know that's important the environment a team that you are a part of well it's amazing that the the the the following in San Antonio I mean it's when I go to those games like it is June it doesn't unique situation and also Tim Duncan like I don't know I don't know I have the whole story but like you know he got totally something look Ian his wife split up he lost somebody in that and then his man manager like ran off with a buyer or embezzled a bunch of money like I'm like [ __ ] well you know 80% of professional athletes go broke well Chuck I mean we know yeah we know that but we also know why no I disagree first of all most these guys aren't gambling first of all like they're buying houses in cars the main thing Anderson and I I'm not concerned about what hot phrases you know a lot of these black guys myself included man we're trying to take care of the entire hood mm-hmm I bought my mom my grandmother my brothers and houses and cars and I probably gave away another two million dollars to family and friends trying to keep them my friend you know I try to teach these young guys today man you don't have to take care of the whole hood and hang on let's just do I mean we don't need to break this down too much but if you buy your mother a house in Leeds out or whatever that's $200,000 she's living in a mansion yeah Leeds Alabama okay okay and then grandma you know and then you can if I were an agent okay look I understand you need to look after your people and your friends and your family and the ones you love the most and so here's let's do it there and here's you want to get a car cool let's go get a car you buy buy a ring or watch cool you know but the thing I said then so first of all [ __ ] you is not that's not it they're on the payroll so that wouldn't that wouldn't be a good piece first of all they're on the payroll they on the payroll and the thing that sucks about it they always gonna go over [ __ ] payroll lake was first hand like I gave my mother and grandmother salary for tax purposes but they never stayed within the boundaries they always went over the limit mm-hmm and then like I say then my brothers and damn I can say family friends are blowing up your phone and things like that well that's only gonna get worse that's only gonna get worse yeah yeah I mean like I say people like well yeah guys got some cards on firstly bad all those cars are stupid gambling that's up to your personal choice but most study the reason these guys go broke there's two reasons I'm one they got like MC Hammer I said before like who and I don't want to put his business treatment I think is well knock when he had like 35 people on the payroll he had a 747 at some point no but I'm saying he had like 35 people on the payroll yeah at a novice in who I know well had 40 people on a payroll like no matter how much money you make if you got 40 people on a payroll there's two issues number one that's too many people but also let the day you retire you don't have any [ __ ] money well the income yep there that's right cash flow is very important time Santo Lake when you like I'm lucky because I wanted to television but like every other job today you retire you don't have no [ __ ] job you have no income you have no income yes and if you have been reckless or have thirty four two people on the payroll first of all you have to send your kids in private school that's your expense I think that [ __ ] goes quickly like I was blessed to go right into television but like if first of all television probably saves me hmm because but because cuz I can see I probably got three to four million dollars out there that I lent the family and friends I don't know I'll never see again yeah yeah yeah but my woman's text me she thinks she's getting sick I'm getting sick I'm crazy achy and hot and cold and feel like hell on a brighter note max who's our son went to hockey he's certain that's why we're coming here we're in Phoenix for this hockey tournament how much do you love my mother because she loves you Oh your mom she loves you I told her that I said mom guess who I have on my podcast today and she was like I don't know who and I was like Berkeley she's like oh my god she was so excited well she was she was so sweet first of all do you play a lot of golf I mean I try that's come back to Tahoe I don't I don't play the celebrity you know oh this is the one tournament that's all on what I play it Charles I don't know if you've paid attention in the last six years but when they invite people right they invite people that are that they feel like we're safe and gonna be welcoming it you know they don't invite people means they're gonna get five emails and say why did you invite that muscle so let me ask you a question so I don't get invited I'll tell you what tell me if you want to come out a lot and but you as my guest because there caddie is your go no as a player let me tell you something last do you think you get more [ __ ] from the press or the public no the press for sure see that because I because but see that's what that's the point I want to make to anybody like us who [ __ ] up week the press beat us Adelphi they're mad because they're mad mm-hmm the public to me is a lot more forgiving supportive want you to come back then depress right but you're forgetting the third player in this the third actor in this in this play and that's the host the sponsor you have an American decision forget I mean look no don't forget because the public has been when I walked in my life every day I walked through my day when I walked through an airport I walked I take my kids to school I go to the grocery whatever I do I never get shaved ever the press you know the press interprets things and I'm not criticizing them it just is what it is it's always a little negative but when you talk about something like this it's like a golf tournament where you have you cannot invite yourself so then you have a sponsor a host of whatever it's up to them and so you you know if they're worried that they're gonna get [ __ ] for listen there's always gonna be an [ __ ] but I'm actually you know what we don't need to go down this rabbit hole what I'm worried about is that I would get nervous in front of all those people and start swinging the golf club like you if that ever has been literally I would find the highest bridge and I would jump if I ever swung so there will be an Arizona clue in the middle of the desert yeah there are a lot of people there it'd be so much fun though cuz we got it when is it the third weekend of July perfect I can't do it well you it's during the tour we have our bigger that's our biggest week those our biggest three weeks you know what when they cancel the tour one year I'll be there with you I'll tell you what though man is you should come to Tahoe I will be there one year I will be there so that's when I met your mom to first know she loves she was so cool and I would say like mom you know you've worked it without Lance you don't have to bring him no I know and you did that with my woman - which is fun when you were going dark on me just last thing I'll say when you were going I was like I think he's I think I think Charles is I think he's flaking out on me and I told and I was like Anna honey I like I haven't heard like I don't know like she says you tell him that if he doesn't do this I'll never speak to him again because you remember what you said to her and we were we were that Pacquiao fight in Vegas and you came up and you said listen you gotta get rid of this loser this guy you know you said no no this is what you said you said honey how hard I mean anybody can pedal a bike that's what you said anybody can pedal a bike oh I just talked bad about you all the time oh yeah whatever talk about you were the greatest athlete in the world I says we can't hate about it ride a bike like if there's something I just said it to you I used to tell you to your face no I said wait a minute he's in great shape let's get that out the way but that's my theory that's my theory on sports if it's um everybody can do that's why I would consider NASCAR drivers like real like jocks so everybody can drive [Music] Armstrong Lance Armstrong eat your heart out it really isn't that hard to ride a bike yeah that's was like what do you think you think Lance is the greatest athlete in the world today do rides a bike if you sum everybody can do it can't be come on [ __ ] you dribble no you can't not good not good let's go have dinner let's have dinner my brother yeah thank you so much how are my skills were they okay they were very good thanks [Music] you
Channel: WEDŪ
Views: 180,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, cycling, NBA, basketball, Barkley, Sir Charles
Id: i3mxizJ6hJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 7sec (5947 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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