Charles Barkley and Shaq Roasting Each Other For Eight Minutes Straight...

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me and you could do that truck no we can't do that i can't hold your fat ass up i'm fatter than you ob like the first time i saw shaq in person i said man number one damn he ugly but then i said to see him but you give shaq a hard time for all the endorsements he does because he got a hundred of them he's on every five seconds rubbing lotion on his fake body uh cause it's not his body that's not his body trust me that's not his body i think i figured out why he does rub lotion on his body all the time that's the only way they can get his fat ass in a buick [Laughter] putting on me you're gonna take up eight minutes repeat your damn self mr sensitive no he don't miss him do it again i'm telling you right now you know i'm just assessing it so i'm gonna knock your ass out i'm telling you right now what's shackway oh he'd be if you get on the scale it's gonna be it's gonna say one person at a time and leave look we don't call him shaquille o'neal we call him petty white around here petty white and just for the record you couldn't play in today's game because you had they shoot three they wouldn't you wouldn't even get in the game today first of all i only talk to champions anyway kenny kareem rolling over his grade watching that hook shot know who that reminds me of my good friend who is your grandmother george hey man there's two mamas you don't play with my mom and my grandma i will reach across the table and knock your face off right now if you want even that good orlando hardware carried you down there okay hey cause they haven't thought about the movie and you're a bad rapper too my favorite commercials when you wore that dress head shaking reaction from tequila and i thought kazan was bad oh that was terrible oh wow that's the glasses hey hey i don't have a problem with your list i have a problem with your list chuck you ain't got me in the top ten whatever you're smoking down in reno you need to take it back to wherever you got it from but i ain't gonna argue with you you got two options when you get back here you face this or you take all your clothes off and you jump in that damn rake lake river ocean whatever it is you're putting these hands on i'm not in your top tip are you kidding me i mean it's going to be so exciting in cleveland really chuck are you going to cleveland yes sir if you need uh help getting them thick-ass glasses through customs do you and jack really hate each other it's not tricky i hate him uh he's not tricky at all he's a bully oh come on he's a bully he is not he think cause he's big he's a big old shrek look-alike chuck if you can't read three words how are you going to read the greens don't listen that's a funny guy i should say rest it on the desk right he didn't he's not a college graduate that's me and kenny let's get the ball to the big man let him dominate get the ball to the big man let it double that whoa man he's right up there in the net worth you know oh my god if he ever got my bank account he just killed himself [Laughter] looking look at it again here shaq boy ernie this kid right here boy he said shaq shut the hell up you got to quit yelling at me too i ain't yelling the glass is in the way you know you better quit yelling at me karen portland has the lead seventy-three to six jack your son's going to arizona yeah stuff like that she should have went to auburn you think you should have went to should have went to auburn arizona's a great school i lived there the only problem with it is that his fat ass probably gonna want to stay at my house all the time so that's the only negative about this kid coming to arizona ernie is amazing and shaq you you know people think we hate each other and i said we don't hate each other i said i hate him uh he loves me trucking about to say something you never heard me say before i'm good rick lopez is six foot six in the paint yes i mean you are an awful defensive player on the pick and roll they were playing defense like you did i don't know why anybody would even listen to you about that i was better defender than you you're the worst big man defender in the history of that other than brook lopez in game one way back in second grade for shaquille o'neal when he played a tree where'd you get that from oh hell no where'd you get that from that explains your defensive presence oh that is good but sorry to interrupt i know snitches get stitches but he was not watching the game and i have proof i'm just saying you you're not watching the game but do not go to him that must have been during the commercial when it comes to you know winning the championship you know nothing about this because you don't have to oh starting early and you don't really know about championships you didn't really do nothing but hey behind the arc and hit the wide open jumper anybody could do what you do i shocked everything all right with you guys uh yeah i like messing with i love i love digging with the little fella i told somebody he got thinner skin than flats family and i like him i like messing with him i'm gonna keep digging at him because i love to see him sweat he well he was definitely sweating there's no doubt about that got that cream soda friend diabetes all across the world as we speak yeah check it out and get uh get yourself a shack soda while you're at it make sure the soda's shelling well down inside a little toner you get a lot of sugar oh a lot of sugar in those sodas how would you eat churros and drink shack soda all at once [Laughter] i was thinking that maybe a shack and charles ticket could it be barkley o'neill or oh it's gonna be barclay o'neil it's gonna be o'neil barclay no he's not but see i think he's the vice president material you guys have already been you're vice president material oh i don't know if that's a compliment i'm gonna get it i said it i'm validated okay i can say yeah all right it's better to be quiet and we thought of food and speaking of move all doubt oh look at that okay maybe come across there put that plexiglass on your ass but i'm validating more about the damage why do you need to have your knees loose because i got bad knees from winning on championships but that was you ain't doing that every day with smoking you need to loosen up as well hookah listen listen to chikashi69 i mean kevin hart can go out there and duck if he can pull himself up on the rim you're just mad because you can't pull yourself on the rim now he can pull himself off remember you hold him real you broke down with your fat ass and i remember one time i pulled it down your fat ass was running that one you're right shaq just ugly big person this is called the 35 second burrito oh my gosh take human bites three two oh my god oh my god are you kidding [Music] [Music] oh god thank him he can't run no he can't play thanksgiving oh let's go
Channel: Dat Balla Productions
Views: 2,759,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bLs-vboKCrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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