Character Tier List by Growth Rates | Fire Emblem Engage

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yo what's going on guys this is on Punk and today we have a new Fire Emblem engaged tier list for you all in this video we will be ranking every playable character in fire emblemen gauge based on their gross stats and yes that means there's 36 in this obviously that's going to reflect why the video is long in this tier list it will be done based on their overall growths in the classes that they can Excel the best in their individual stat growths will be showcased with on-screen Graphics meaning their default values not including class growths for reference the rankings will all be based off their advanced classes that best work with their innate proficiencies and we'll be ranking all 36 from lowest to highest this video does not take into account personal skills with one exclusion to that which we will get into later in this video I hope you guys are ready for a surprise when you see how they're ranked and leave a comment on your most surprising character coming in at the number 36 spot is going to be FTA but actually she ties with Vander and citrine for the worst spots overall the reason she made it to the worst spot is basically because I dislike her just a little bit more than the other two just kidding on that but honestly I just had to pick one and she came first she comes in the bottom of the list with 230 total points of growth by default with only being able to reach 320 points in her Advanced sniper class which is what she excels in next up in the number 35 slot we have Vander and he's not any better than Etsy when it comes to his total growth he has 225 by default while increasing that to a mere 320 points if he is promoted into the Paladin or general classes coming in the number 34 slot we have as you probably remember from 30 seconds ago citrine she has a total of 240 points by default which is better than both the others but but when in her promoted Sage class she only reaches 320 points of growth the same as the last two up next in the number 33 slot we have Safir which is a character that came pretty late in the game and honestly I kind of forgot about her right after we got her she comes in with 235 total points by default to her growths and a total of 325 points in either the Berserker or warrior class regardless of what you choose taking the number 32 slot we have a gold Mary I know there are a lot of people that like this character but sadly her stat growths just aren't there her default growths total up to 240 points while in the haliber class she can reach up to 325 in the Paladin she can reach 335 total points of growth this next one will be a surprise for pretty much everyone coming in at the 31st slot is Clan he was my favorite unit my first playthrough but to much surprise his base stats and advanced classes don't bring him up all that much he has 255 total points of growth by default in which either the Mage Knight or Sage class really only bring him up to 325. for comparison the number one slot has over 100 more points of growth than Clan does the 30th best unit based on growths is Ivy another surprise when I found out that this was the case especially since she has her own unique class most other royalty units in this game come in around the middle or higher end of the overall class with their unique classes but sadly this isn't the case for poor Ivy she has a total of 265 points of growth by default and only 340 points in her lindworm class after that we have in the 29th slot another unit of royalty being alkirst he comes in with the same downfall as Ivy being low growth to 265 by default and up to 350 in his promoted class his unique class I'm not going to even try to say it correctly because it is a French word and I would just butcher it but it says something about Elite at the end 28th unit on our list is Amber he is a unit I never gave a chance in my first playthrough and honestly I'm not that disappointed in the decision he came with 255 points of growth by default and can go all the way up to 350 if placed in the general or Paladin class you'll start to see that a lot of these classes will be picked as they are just better overall for growths in my opinion because we are basically just comparing growths for this video another class he does have a decent growth in is the haliber class being at 340 overall points up in the 27th slot we have CL he joins you around the mid game Mark and is not a bad unit but he's also not great overall he has 265 points by default and can reach 350 points in both the dancer and Marshall master classes another unit that shocked me a little bit until I used them more was Veil which is on our number 26 slot at 255 total growths by default the only class I recommend for Veil is going to be the fell child class which is specific to her and can only reach 350 total points of growth number 25 is going to be Linden which is a unit that you get fairly late in the game seems to be a returning thing to the late game units tend to have worse stat growth than some or most of the early game units which is a big bummer for me he has 270 points of growth by default while moving that up to 360 in the high priest class and 350 if he stays in the sage class the number 24 slot is going to be taken by penet which is a crazy hard hitter with tons of HP but not much else going on for her she has 275 total growths by default with 365 in both the war or Berserker classes moving on to the 23rd slot we have Boucheron which is 270 total gross by default and 365 in both the general or grade night classes which is what he'll excel in up next in the 22nd spot we have Fran she has better growth than that of her brother Clan but not by all that much she comes in with 280 total growths and that can get all the way up to 365 while in the Marshall master class which is probably her best class zelkov comes in the number 21st spot by right around the middle of the pack he has 275 total default growths that can be increased all the way up to 360 in the thief class and 370 in the wolf night class the number 20 slot is taken up by Louis he is a fine unit that can hold his own in any difficulty due to his strength and has a 275 total default growth his growths increased to 370 if used in the general class in the number 19 slot we have diamon with 280 default growths moving him into the successor role will increase those all the way up to 370 points which is where I start to consider a unit to be good after that we have the number 18 slot filled with Tamara which comes in around the middle of the game having 295 default growth points when promoted to her advanced class picket she can boost that all the way up to 375. next in the number 17 slot we have Jade she by default has 280 total points and can bring that up to 375 in both the general and Paladin classes next up we have one of my personal favorite units in the game although she is not the best in the number 16 slot we have lapis she comes with 285 default growth point that can increase to between 365 to 380 depending on which advanced class you put her in in the Paladin class she reaches 380 and the haliber and swordmaster class she can reach 370 and in the hero class she only has 365 total growths in the 15th slot we have yunaka which we all know is a fan favorite and sad to see she's not a little higher on this list by default has 285 total gross which increased to 370 in her Thief class and 380 in her wolf night class in the number 14 slot we have fagato coming in with some decent default gross totaling 300 points these can increase up to 385 when promoted in his kopito class which is a pretty solid gross overall another well-rounded unit is our number 13 slot being Marin she has 290 total default growth points which increases all the way to 385 while in the wolf Knight class technically both Marin and fogato tie for these slots which was just luck of the draw that Marin was picked on the higher of the list moving on to our number 12 spot we have Hortensia now she was a surprise to me at first but looking back it makes sense due to her popularity she starts out as a unit you get later in the game and thus lead to keep her relevance you need to have higher stat grows so that you can keep up with the characters you've used your entire playthrough she has 295 total growths by default with 390 in her slave near class now we are really starting to give to some of the best growths in the game in the number 11 slot we got Celine which comes in with 310 total base growths and that can increase all the way up to 300 190 in her V damn class I believe again I said that one correctly but who really knows most these are in different languages that I don't know in the number 10 slot though we're going to be moving on to pandero which is another unit you unlock around the middle of the game he has a total of 300 growth points by default and that can increase to 390 in the high priest class which is probably his best class the ninth best unit based on growths goes to a fan of favorite being Alfred he has 295 total growth points by default and it promoted into his Ebony or class he has an increase to 395 total points next up in the eighth spot we have brunette which has a total of 300 growths by default he is not someone I use so I can't speak on how Grady is overall but when you promote him to either Paladin or great nine he comes up with a total of 395 points of growth which is great on paper after Bennett we come into the number seven slot which is everyone's favorite toothpaste Chan Colgate also known as leer they have 305 points of growth by default with an increase all the way up to 395 as the Divine Dragon class they obviously are a must-have for any playthrough as the game doesn't let you not use them coming in the number six slot we got Chloe to which whom we obviously all really like she has 315 growth points by default but when switched into the wyvern Knight class that can increase to 405 points overall she is a much better wider Knight than the griffinite but we can discuss that in her character video which we'll have out at a later time the fifth best unit in Fire Emblem engage based on overall growths is going to be my favorite Rosado he has 315 total default roads that will increase all the way up to a whopping 405 points if an in a wiper night and 410 if you choose to make him a general taking the fourth spot is going to be Anna with 325 growth points by default if you promote her to the sage or Mage Knight classes that increases to 405 points and the high priest class boosts her to 415 total growth points she usually that starts out pretty weak but can quickly become a great unit to have on any difficulty the third best unit in the game is going to be Felix oh I mean uh kagetsu just like Felix though from three houses he has some of the best growths in the game as well as one of the best units in the game he comes with 320 total points of growth by default which can increase to as high as 415 points in the general or Paladin classes he also makes a great swordmaster having 405 total growth points in those classes the second best unit in the game is going to be Jean the reason he is the second and best is actually due to his personal skill expertise he has a total of 240 growth points which is very low and compared to a lot of the other the high tier units but with his personal skill expertise it allows him to double all class growths when he is promoted to the general class he has 430 total growth points in the sniper Berserker and high priest class he is at 420 points and in the haliber swordmaster OR Marshall master classes he has 410 total points overall he can become a massive player in any difficulty with these incredible gross as well as he is extremely versatile and can be useful in basically any class you put him in coming in at the number one slot we have a surprise for me which was mavier he comes in way towards the end of the game like three or four chapters before you beat the game but he is a very powerful and versatile units have on your team he has 345 default growths while being promoted to the Royal Knight class increases to 440 points he also does good in the sage and Mage Knight classes with 425 total points of growth I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and learned something new about some of your favorite characters in Fire Emblem engage don't forget to let us know your favorite character down in the comments below and subscribe for more of the best Fire Emblem videos you'll find here on YouTube I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day and we'll see you guys real soon peace
Channel: Unpunk
Views: 35,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fire emblem, engage, new, video, tutorial, guide, Vander Clanne Framme, Alear Divine Dragon Lumera, Alfred Boucheron Etie, Celine Louis Chloe, Diamant Amber Jade, Alcryst Lapis Citrinne, Ivy Zelkov Kagetsu, Hortensia Rosado Goldmary, Timmera Fogato Merrin, Panette Pandreo Bunet, Seadall, Anna Yunaka Veyle, Griss Mauvier Zephia Marni, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, maddening, difficulty, somniel, chapter, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, growth rates, best character, worst character, stats, tier list
Id: 7uu6dOxgciE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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