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[Music] John Bates is the first character we see in the opening scene of episode one the way into this house was this mysterious character who is on his way to this Grand housee on a steam train hello I'm John Bates the new valet the new valet that's right John Bates is a military man he is from an Irish Scottish background he was injured in the B War fighting alongside Lord granson he was taken on as an employee of of the house largely out of a sense of Duty from Lord Gran what happened it's only the old wound but a shrapnel got left in or something it moved but it's fine it's not a problem and you'd let me know if you felt it was all too much for you I would and when he joined the staff of Downtown Abby it became quickly apparent it wasn't quite up to what was required Mr BS could you hand me that [Music] tray I'll do it and in the first episode Bates very nearly leaves because he's not fit for purpose the plain fact is Mr Bates through no fault of his own is not able to fulfill the extra du is expected of him Bas knew that um inevitably that would mean the workhouse for a lame man you know at that age and um this was his last chance I am very eager to stay him alone very eager indeed I mean to help until you find something I couldn't take your money my Lord I can take wages for a job done that's all without pleading or without begging or without um reams of dialogue we con conveyed a lot bre come along well Grandam saved his life by the simple Act of employing him wait get out bites get back inside and we'll say no more about [Music] it Fe sit sit everyone I just want to say a quick hello to my old comrade in arms Bates my dear man welcome to downtown thank you sir I'm so sorry to have Disturbed you all please forgive [Music] me you never asked the stuff didn't take particularly well to him bat you're all right perfectly my there was um confrontation there was rivalry I can't believe I've been p over for Long John Sila there was a a great dynamic between Bates and Thomas I remember series 1 and two you know every time we looked at each other it was like we were sucking bitter lemons or something they really hated each other now you listen you filthy little rat if you don't lay off I will punch your shining teeth through the back of your skull is this supposed to frighten me Mr Bates because of it is it isn't working he was kind of conniving and hiding stuff creating false crimes in order to get rid of this man how don't they find that snuff box what happens if they don't they'll organize a search won't they it wouldn't be Mr Bates not for all the tea in China I think B's contention with Thomas is because of his um Behavior she only tried to give me orders you mean she M you for a servant but he is a servant don't tell him that he'll never get over the shock [Music] how are you settling in very well I think unless your lordship feels differently Bates is Lord Gram's valet he's there to serve as his requirements in whatever way is necessary I nearly put out the new dinner jacket my Lord but then Mr Carson said The Dowager was dining here quite right must frighten the horses bats especially in the first three series confessed and opens up more to Lord granon than he does to anybody else there's something wrong between you yes but I don't know what it is she says it's nothing I've done but how can I believe that must be my fault because she is incapable of fault I don't know what to do the damage cannot be irreparable when a man and a woman love each other as much as you do my goodness that that was strong talk for an Englishman for some reason they could say things to each other in a very contained uh very British very stiff way they could convey so much to each other will you come back with me and help me through the veil of Shadow it's not what I expected my Lord but I will if you want me to I misjudged you bites and I abused you when we parted it I should have had more faith I'm sorry God knows you've shown more faith in me than I had any right to alone at last despite his unpopularity amongst the downstairs staff bates's arrival was welcomed by lady's maid Anna May Smith when he's first introduced to there's just one moment where Bates walks past Anna and they just look at each other and she just Smiles at him it's not a smile of pity it's a smile of two humans who just connect very gently when Mr Bates is told that he's that he's going to leave Anna takes him a tray up to his room he's obviously quite upset Mr Bates are you there they don't even know each other I don't think they've even had a conversation there dynamic in those early scenes if you look at them for me which which I love I'm ever so sorry you're going I'll be all right tell us when you fixed just drop us a line else I'll worry well we can't help [Music] that and I thought that was so touching the way it was written and we both really enjoyed doing that scene that was one of our first kind of Big scenes together sad to think about it's always sad you love someone who doesn't love you back no matter who you are he doesn't think he's worthy of love he he certainly doesn't think this beautiful young woman is going to be a potential partner nice girl that Anna do you know if she's got anyone special in her life I'm afraid there is someone of course do you think he's keen on her or is it worth a go well he keeps himself to himself and it's very hard to read at times but I'd say he's Keen I'd say he's very keen indeed that very tender and protracted development between friendship to intimacy to love it was so delicately done I love you Mr Bites I know it's not ladylike to say it but I'm not a lady and I don't pretend to be you are a lady to me and I never knew a finer one [Music] look at Anna she never said she could reel Bates did you know no my lady I never knew but isn't she marvelous yes she is marvelous everything is Rosy in the garden for B and Anna until the arrival of his of his first wife sorry to keep you waiting here I was up in the attics holding out some cupboards don't worry I've been having a nice time here with Ethel and Miss Smith she has this hold over baites and which we see in the scene where she successfully persuades him to leave the house you see if you don't come back to me I'm going to the newspapers with a cracking story and I'd like to bet the granthams won't survive private a diplomat dying in the bed of an Earl's unmarried daughter well that takes a ticket for the tale of the year it's a pack of Lies I assume that's loyalty and not ignorance because you see I heard that lady Mary needed her maid to help her carry him and yes you've guessed it your precious Anna is going to figure in the story too not to worry too much it's not a criminal offense is it just a social one she's throwing a spanner in the works for them which is exactly her intent what do you want from me firstly hand in your notice tonight I'll put up at the pub in the village what reason do I give you don't need a reason he comes back with a scratched face and having had a terrible [Music] time what was that about his wife's dead things obviously are not looking Rosy for Mr Bates as such in terms of the police after after various died and it just decides that you know we are going to be married with this ring I PL the my troth with this ring I PL the my troth it was a registry service you know it wasn't a big old white wedding um and it was a magical moment they've overcome all these obstacles and they've got married it's a very beautiful moment and we think that's it for them well Mrs Bates you've had your way with [Music] me John bites yes you are under arrest on the charge of willful [Music] murder I love you and I love you for richer for poorer for better for worse come along sir Bates was um a sergeant in the ball War he was a trained [Music] killer don't ever threaten me I forgot I was sharing a cell with a murderer don't forget it againat has the most amount of baggage of anybody in the world I think possibly do you never doubt for just one minute I wouldn't blame you no I don't doubt that the sun will rise in the east either she's the real trooper to stick by him but that's because they're so in love you know I'm ever so sorry to interrupt my Lord but Mrs Bartlet has given a statement that'll clear him at least um Mr Murray says it will make the verdict unsafe to Mr BS is coming back to downtown welcome back Mr bits I have waited a long time to say that thank you Mr [Music] Carson after his exoneration Mr Bates was finally given a glimpse of happiness with his new wife beer that's very racy of you I am racy what should we drink to the Future until the arrival of Lord gillingham's valet Mr Green you look to me like you could use a bit of real fun for once is that what you want what I want is to go back upstairs you're not telling me that sad old keeps you happy if you must know yes he keeps me very happy now let me buy please perhaps you forgot what you're missing I knew something wasn't right but I didn't know what [Music] happened what's the matter nothing I just feel like walking on my own that's all that was a really interesting period of time because we didn't know how much Bates knew and based on how much he did know what would he do but no scenes with an him he's not at his best come here better get on kiss me please or tell me what's happened one or the other don't bully me an know you were upset you were unhappy and I don't know why you say it's not me well I hope that's true but there is a reason and I need to find out what it is was really really interesting to play I know I know what happened Mrs Hughes told me I forced her to then she was very wrong it wasn't her secret to tell I gave her no choice H she said a man broke in and was waiting down here for you a stranger that's right because if it was the valets he is a dead man we knew Bates had this Darkness within him we knew if he was aware of the whole facts anything was possible would Bates have killed this man yes he would green but how can he be dead I'm only telling you what they told me that he was in padil and he slipped or stumbled fell into the road I don't know what to say when he was killed this man base of course was the Prime Suspect I bought a return ticket to London I planed to get there and back in the same day I went onto the platform but I never got onto the train why not because I [Music] knew if I saw him I would have killed him and if I killed him I would hang I couldn't do that to you thank God the next day when I heard what happened it was like the hand of Fate I'm into introducing a little bit of Darkness a little bit of threat bit of danger that was a brilliant storyline and um Joe she's such an extraordinary actor mad as it sounds I am so happy [Music] happy Christmas the whole green nightmare is gone God and then everything becomes quite pedestrian for the baates quite frankly for um most of Series 6 you're not too early to tell Lord knows the problem isn't big honestly my lady if I repeated some of the things you say downstairs should you be working I can manage and there's always backer and it ends with us having our Dream ending are you really happy I'm happier than I've ever been happy impatient excited don't say too much it frightens me we've still got months nothing will go wrong they become parents they become very very happy I am a father and I have a son we have a son John and um yeah it was M magical [Music] much
Channel: JamesLuver
Views: 175,332
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Id: 4aI1y3xgxQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2016
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