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[Music] this I can't do this is too stupid I can't do this in true DreamWorks Comcast beautiful studios stops new units here Voltron keepo batman designer background designer background painter visual development storyboard revisionists storyboard artist scoreboard supervisor character designer five minutes please get started alright I know joke baby yeah okay I got a lot to do today but I'm taking out some time to talk to your little baby show you what's what you infant little babies all right let's go let's go all right in case you haven't heard this ain't no baby Polly Pocket Barbie show all right that we're doing all right we're talking about making the big girl the big boy Bill's talking about getting a job all right if you want to go watch a little fancy video of people doing little fancy character designs just for willy nilly all right but the plenty people got videos like that out there good but I don't hear nobody's spitting any truth somebody to spit some truth right in your freaking baby face you see these guns yeah that's from hard work that's all it takes baby doesn't take no fancy brush that's all right what get off truck all right one example is Ross Tran all right he's got a character design video he put out a few months ago you can go check that out it's cool all right it's got it's a stepping stone okay he's making a pretty picture he's talking pretty words and that's cool okay if you want to shoot for that you go shoot for that I'm talking about working your way up getting a job and being poor not in that order necessarily all right I know for these videos I'm talking fast all right I'm putting a lot of information out there the reason I'm talking fast the reason I'm talking loud I've got a job to do after this I'm back to it there are things that I want to get off my chest there are things that I want to dive into this is my outlet by doing this by diving into these these studies that I'm doing all right I'm learning that's a lesson in itself all right if you want to learn something deeper and understand it more go go and try to teach it by trying to teach it you're gonna try to break it down and understand it yourself and you'll learn more that way again I'm going off on a tangent all right I'm gonna start talking about how to get a job as a character designer before I go into that I'm gonna talk just a little bit about the industry okay I'll say it right now 2019 the industry animation industry the entertain industry it's exploding right now there's we've hit a new level of entertainment the only reason I'm saying this is that a lot of people don't think that they can get a job in animation or get a job in entertainment right now is one of the best times to do it okay you feel like you can't get a job in entertainment we need all hands on deck right now okay and that's coming from somebody who's in the industry I do what I'm telling you it's kind of going against me I'm trying to get more people in the industry and that will essentially take jobs away from me but you know sharing is caring you know okay that's all I really wanted to say it's not a far stretch to shoot for animation or for entertainment it's a it's very quickly becoming a reliable and reasonable job to get as for pay not everybody not every studio is the exact same but it's gonna be roughly around $1,000 a week okay now that can fluctuate massively depending on where you are that's just an average of what I've experienced and I live in California and also that's before taxes so anyway moving on oh okay here's our talking points all right I grew up as a little poor poor baby okay in a poor family I'm gonna try to tell you how to do this the cheap way so I'm gonna talk about character design getting a job in character design and I'm gonna be talking about character interaction by taking a look at this piece right here okay I want you guys to pay attention to this because this is this is a my last video that I'm making in my other videos I talked about working your way up the ladder and animations I also say that it's obviously it's not the only way that you can get into the industry get where you want but what we're gonna be talking about is working your way up the ladder okay in a standard disclaimer that I put on my videos is that this doesn't necessarily apply to the people who are like prodigies this doesn't apply to people who spent roughly four years in art design college and then after school they just walk right into the industry because their skills are on such a high level okay we're not talking about those people we're talking about being a little baby all right becoming a character designer for animation step one fundamentals you're gonna hear it all over the place all right I'm not going to go too much into fundamentals you know what they are you just need to do the work all right quit your little baby wine and and go do the work of fundamentals if you don't know what to do take online classes okay I talked about in another video went to CD a concept design Academy in Pasadena basically the only class I ever needed there was the basic anatomy class with Kevin Chen I took that class twice and it helped me so much the fundamentals are so important the fundamentals meaning breaking down real life people figure drawing that type of stuff okay if you don't have the money for classes online classes if you don't have the money for CDA it which at one point I didn't have money to do that either at that point you just want to break down really good art that you enjoy need to break down photographs all right now let's fast-forward and let's say you've already done all that you've already gotten your fundamentals out of the way we've got a basic understanding of it we're gonna move from here so the other half of getting a job in animation as a character designer well for getting a job in animation in general you need to meet people okay this industry is skill based but if you don't meet anybody face-to-face if you don't interact with people they're not going to know that you exist on a personal level they won't know if you're a nice person if you're good to work with if you're easygoing if you're hard-working okay that's a big one you can't get any better than meeting people in class okay that's how I got my first job you meet people you meet students you meet teachers and you interact and you build a kind of like a community together you build the relationships all right I have another video talking about that okay let's say you can't meet people face-to-face last-resort you just send out emails you hit up people's instagrams you try to get yourself out there and talk and have a conversation with somebody let them know where you're trying to go ask people for advice take the advice show that you can improve from where they last saw your work all right but you can't beat person-to-person interaction in-person interaction that's very important all right and don't come crying to me about like well I live like five states away and I don't have any place to live and blah blah blah when when I came to California I swept in a bush there there kids in Africa don't even have a bush all right and don't talk to me about not having any money okay this is America you go get you a job make a a bit of money I mean unless you're not in America you know then I don't know I don't know what you're gonna do step 2 alright now let's say you're good enough you're at that point to where you have a grasp on things you're ready to be hired here's the bad news most people right away they don't get hired straight as character designers again there are those prodigies that are just so good right off the right out the gate but if you're not one of those people if you're like me and like other people that I've met in the industry who became character designers you're going to want to work your way up through another job title one of those titles is storyboard revisionists apply for a character designing positions yes obviously but in my experience it's so much easier to be hired as a storyboard revisionists than it would be hired through you know straight to store a character designer all right now talk about storyboard revisions in another video I'm not gonna repeat information like I said I don't care I'm not gonna do it all right and like I explained in the other videos is they're not looking for good painting skills what they're looking for is good drawing skills okay and this is something I should have cleared up earlier this is for television not for feature film just yet people typically don't just jump straight into feature film again you can if you're crazy good but for most people they have to work their way up through television which is now that's streaming services in television and you work your way up through that two feature film okay television as a relative to feature films televisions quick quick jobs they gotta have workers they got to have them fast and they got to be able to produce fast so this isn't the stuff that we're describing here it's not painting pretty characters it's not the pretty stuff that you see online that's the sad news of it is that you have to work your way up to that but you need to work your way up with good drawing skills all right you know what I'm gonna show you I'm gonna get you a little bit of learnt get you turnt we're gonna go over just a little bit of drawing how I would this is how I would about practicing for revisionist practicing for character design for animation and television let's go [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ethan Becker
Views: 81,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art, drawings, drawing, how to draw, animation, animation industry, visual development, vis dev, drawing girls, pretty girl drawings, concept art, how to draw faces, drawing expressions, illustration, drawing women, sketching, get a job in animation, animation art, disney art, dreamworks art, how to draw better, how to draw faster, how to draw hands, how to draw anime, how to get better at drawing, how to draw eyes, how to draw hair
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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