Character Creator 3 Tutorial - Importing Daz Characters into Character Creator

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hey everybody in this tutorial I'm going to walk you through the process of importing your dad's characters into character creator 3 alright so what we're going to do first is we're going to go ahead and create a - Garrett er here in - studio Corp 110 Pro we're going to go over here to figures I'm just going to throw in a dad's Genesis II female and this works with the other dad's characters as well we'll talk about that in just a moment and you can see right there and I smell some clothes so we're going to go to wardrobe and basic wear 0 1 we're going to keep our character really simple ok showing you the process you're getting started and go over the hair and run some to loose hair and then we can probably go over here to what's shaping and maybe modify the morsel little bits let's give it some maybe some bodybuilder details on the body there so that's the definition see the definition a little bit later a little bit emaciated all right that'll do alright and there's our beautiful within dad's character and we're going to go ahead and export her to FBX format but before we do that you need to apply a specialty pose and this is a T pose that comes included with character creator 3 I'm going to go to this subfolder here now this is the directory structure yours will call you different most people have it in their C Drive and other documents and stuff I have this template the template folder where you find all the icon templates and everything basically character computer 3 template and then there's a folder called Daz Dazz resource right here ok and as resource you'll find a number of different T poses okay / Genesis 3 female Dennis is too high wire Michael Victoria okay we're using the data Genesis key female character I'm going to just go ahead and apply this T pose is a dice on file to our character alright and you can just see all the people is here apply it larger and publish the images okay I'm going to choose my Genesis female there's eight female T pose right here and let's apply it to our character and click and drag it on to our character there you go okay that's all you really need to do from this point on we can just go ahead and export it so file and export I'm gonna just export it her as tested gals is our test subject here okay make sure you have 2011 binary selected and all these other options should be backed off here as well and add more of export rules you want to have a rule per head with a period at the end they're a little period you can't see it and just ignore that I'll provide a link in the description for our initial dads to missus the import tutorial and we've script into this video as well close that down and go ahead and accept and we're going to export this FBX file and when we're finished we're going to import it into character Peter 3 using a nifty little tool called the transformer okay so I'm going to close down dads we no longer need to have dads open right now and here we are in character creator so let's go into the transformer tool which is up here on the top left a hit to select transformer and select our test gal this is used for importing all the dad's characters onto the character creator 3 what this is going to do is this is going to note automatically notice that we have a couple of different items on our character they're cloth the fur on the panties that both cloth items the hair the to lose hair needs to be changed to a hair type okay so go up and select hair type here and there's also documents on our wiki that provides a more detailed look at all the different layers and which which items of clothing they suggest putting on which layer and whatnot I'll provide a link in the description for that as well let's go ahead and just press ok for now and that's going to import in our Des character right here okay there you go beautiful-looking genesis 8 female so what we're gonna do first is take a look at applying a pose to our character so i'm going to go over here to poses and in the main folder here let's go down here into motion plus and female i'm just going to apply a pose to her and we'll see the first issue to come up is we have the bra straps that are going through the characters skin mesh I'll be see something you don't want so what we need to do is we need to transfer the skin weights okay so we have a new feature with character Peter 3 that allows us to do that so let's go over here to attributes and you can make sure that I have my object selected that I want to transfer the skin weights or this case the bra I'll go over here to show skin weights pretty simple and we're just going to use the default template alright and that should fix the problem there you go ok so we have it weighted to our characters skinned mesh much more accurately now okay let's do the same thing for the the panties as well the bottoms if we just go ahead and selecting those zero two for example you'll notice that yeah you're gonna have problems with those as well especially on the back there okay so let's go ahead and fix that do the same thing so let's unselect the bottoms here and transfer skin weights and we're gonna just use the default template we'll talk about a different template in just a moment here I'm just go ahead and apply that and there you go all weighted fine and dandy okay so Turner to the stand pose and there you go everything looks fine okay so what we're gonna do now is just test out applying a couple of different morphs to mark here at this so once you import the character we can now apply character computer through your library to it which is pretty cool let's go over here to our morphs tab let's make it a little bit larger so you can actually see the names of our morphs and okay so I'll probably have a lot more morph than thunder you because I purchased a lot from the content store so so I'm like these petered bunny and Alethea you will probably won't have those unless you purchased the pack from a toka motion in our content store I'm gonna go down here to you know something like heavy for example if I click and drag that too heavy slider you can see our character will get heavier and so pretty cool stop you can apply all this all these different uh sliders to your character and make her dinner and use fitness to a buck her up almost like the bodybuilders slider over there in Dad's that we just had there and there's a body tone as well so all these cool different sliders that we can use well up this is always a popular one for after female characters okay you see what that does and I think we'll just go ahead and just leave it the way it is we'll work with what we have for now okay so now the next item of business is applying different accessories and clothing to your character so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and apply a different hairstyle so let's go over here to the base tab and go to our hair split holder actually there we go and I'm just going to go ahead and apply like a conforming hair volume one this agent scully line Bob I like to call it looks like that yeah FBI agent there agent Scully and the x-files and you can see it applies really nicely and accurately on to the character's head not a problem alright let's go ahead and apply a couple of clothing items I'm gonna go here to my eye cloth pad and we're gonna just go to our basic here and I'm gonna choose a whole body in let's try and find the whole body hold it there we go alright and I'm gonna apply a dress that I've uh purchase from the content store this leather dress is from one of our developers it's Tim you can find this in the content store I'll go ahead and I'm just gonna click on apply that to our character okay any most it this kind of has the same sort of issue all right so we may need to do to some transfer skin weights for this as well alright a little bit of an issue there on the on the chest area so let's go ahead and follow the same process transfer skin weights but this time we're going to go ahead and use the dress template okay and apply that dress template it thinks that normally fixes the problem okay you may see like you know some sort of breakage doing the mesh like this you know we could be lazy and we could just you know delete the underwear underneath it but I'm gonna go ahead and show a little bit of using the edit mesh tool okay so let's make sure that selected and make sure the dress is selected here so you manage it yeah yep and go to edit mesh alright so here you can use a number of different tools well I like to use is the sculpt tool and I like to use this one here you can pull it another way you can actually just really easily fix this like small issue like this you can also go to conform and in conform I like just increase the size by a few you know points here maybe even point five or point six one seven do the job point ten does the trick normally okay you can see in the back here we have a different issues so for this this issue I'm going to use the tool that I just had their go to porn and we're gonna do the Edit mesh now and these scopes and I'm just going to pull the mash a little bit further out okay so if I just go ahead and change my radius maybe a little bit larger I'm just gonna go ahead and pull this mesh slightly yellow just like this okay all right you normally if you're doing this sort of stuff you want to have a you know a larger larger radius you want to make one want to make it more uniform you don't have any like jagged little parts as you know all by themselves okay it's something like that and then of course you can also use these smooth too as well so you can smooth it just pump up this crank with a smooth tool here and you know some area like this where it's kind of a little bit there's a ridge in the back here you can pick and drag and just really smooth that up hit like this and let's move the mesh at any point you want down here as well let's go magically just transforming and becoming smoother okay you can go wild with that and the frontier is well for example if you don't want to have this sort of have this area and screw that up okay alright it's looking a lot better there and I think we're good to go okay so let's go ahead and throw on a jacket on top of this I'm gonna go out of edit mesh net pot mode now and we're gonna throw another jacket on top of this let's go to our content tab here and back to the main folder and we're gonna go into coats there is a leather accompanying leather jacket for our character here we can throw that on as well there you go alright looking pretty good and you can see a little bit of the same issues they're just on the chest area okay you can transfer the skin which you can find pants with the skin rates for this I'll just select default there so once we transfer the skin weights you can see there may be some issues but you can just smooth out so we can just go ahead to edit mesh here one more time and sculpt and just kind of smooth it out a little bit especially down here along the along the lower chest lower region and I just kind of smooth that out and you can probably bring it out a little bit as well and so just like this here and there we go and I'm gonna just this part here just pull this out slightly yeah yeah looks like that's all right you can have fun on your own time just enough messing with all this stuff here read part come out a little bit all right I think we're good to go maybe two piggies plan will show you that and you smooth out the top gear a little bit as well wrinkly areas and screw those up and if I'm not going to be too picky you can go to town on smoothing out stuff all you want all right let's go ahead and go out of edit mesh' mode here and we can also throw on some high heels just to complete the outfit since we don't want her to go to the club shoeless so let's go over here to our main folder one more time and down here to the shoes folder and I'm just gonna select so let's go ahead and maybe she's a professional outfit there's some cool stuff in there this is a separate purchase in the content store as well so you're aware maybe you can throw some boots on there something like this and it's there yeah now she's looking at fancy and ready to go out on the town all right and then we can also you know throwing some different custom poses as well if we want over here to our poses maybe stands 0-3 you know looking fabulous right there now once you've got the pose you want you can go ahead and test out a couple of different lighting scenarios by going over here to our project section and the main folder will have a Lightroom folder all right these are some embedded Lightroom templates that we can use doing something like this sky on fire one for example looking really cool like she's looking at a sunset or something maybe that's why she's scrunching her what I are winking through one eye right there all right or maybe something like this rim light one right here much more fashionable an you can see some on you know hard shadows on the character a little bit more interesting and you can do some studio lighting as well like studio zero one for example okay so very you know studio type lighting really depends on the scenario you want there's all kinds of different lightbox templates here you can go wild and choose whichever ones you want but that's the don't all I want to show you guys in this tutorial so I thanks so much for watching make sure you check out our other tutorial videos on character creator 3 and hope you enjoy it and make sure you check out our forums as well over at forum Volusion calm and I hope to see you in the next video
Channel: Reallusion
Views: 112,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: importing daz, character creator, tutorial, obj import, clothing import, daz character import, reallusion, DisplaySettings-cc:Daz & Poser(100)
Id: uuhCCgJQHYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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