Character Creator 3 - How to prevent Arm/Torso Skin Weight Transfer's

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hey guys i'm back with another video and i'm going to show you all a trick that i learned yesterday when i was uh trying to fit this jacket to my character so if you fit your jacket like this and you're having issues with transferring skin weights and the jacket around the torso is being mapped to the arms there is actually a tool built into here that allows you to i to isolate the arms so if you go to transfer skin weights and i don't know why i never seen this before but if you go to lateral partitioning and you check this and it is it isn't perfect but if you if you just hold down shift and select some primary points around it and i'll just select those three and i'll do this i'll press f to reposition it because it got off centered there and now if i grow this and i'm pretty sure by now you already see where i'm going with this actually i'm going to select one up here and uh up here and hopefully i didn't select the wrong one through it it does that sometimes and if you do that this will help to a great degree so just assign that to arms and apply and now when you go into the t-pose all this isn't going to get drug along with it now there is still issues with it around here and unfortunately there's not a whole lot you can do about that except try doing it again [Music] and this time maybe go a little bit higher turning nor back facing off and maybe select a little bit higher on the outside and grow it like that what you want to try to do is get all the way up to the crease without getting any of the extra ones that are underneath that's going to be almost impossible we'll try applying that and see what that looks like it's a little bit better and unfortunately this part here is going to have to be re-smoothed manually using skin weights and that's pretty much it so i hope that helped somebody and that's all i got
Channel: Unreal DevOP
Views: 4,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0GwnCbq132Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 14sec (254 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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