CHAPTER 5 FULL GAMEPLAY 🎃 Bendy and the Ink Machine ft. Fandroid The Musical Robot

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chapter 5 the last reel and today we're playing the finale of bendy and the ink machine what is this where am I what is that in singing it who is singing beautiful singing voice oh it's beautiful is it melody no I knew that song yeah yeah what's this everyone knows that song is it that is it the many thank you why are you here I don't know I was invited by an old friend jelly jelly no I can't leave yet more than weed using one minute we don't even exist just Bosley what's your imaginary human this place ok yeah what's the deal with this place ok I'm gonna let me out of here down here strangers aren't good things how can we trust you you don't even know what you want my name is Henry I used to work here yeah I did animations that I I honestly don't know my name I think your name is Allison they call me Alice oh wait but I'm no angel okay Alice or Allison you can rest we'll talk again later are you a nice version of that other evil lady okay sound arrest well I got a little bad that's nice it's only for a few hours no I still find a place I won't go far only of 26 just stay here hey can I on Henry okay Horace stay here like a good dog and as I can a good coolness I should say okay so she's leaving now this is confusing Horace you have an axe oh my gosh that's scary okay hello he's guarding yeah Boris Boris why you why do you look so scary don't burn me with your axe I need that weapon that's my axe Henry yeah here hello you must be hungry some designs ooh that looks sorry delicious oh we have looks like motor oil I mean as a robot that looks delicious but as a human I don't know if that looks very good why do you have a robot horn oh he's got a robot arm that must be why he's drinking the oil we're robot buddies okay Boris you're really scary this episode why is he so scary and gentrified he seemed like a nice a nice wolf before okay I know you're watching me hey I know it's right outside my door a little creepy I know but why don't win the rights on the wall you're the one writing on the walls that's great you for some girl is down here it's the only way they can be heard but you don't want to touch the ink for too long it can claim you okay so the ink is evil I had a feeling about the how I met Tom I was messing with things I shouldn't have been me that must be Boris I bet you find those tonics how do you call him Tom yeah it just seems to respond to it okay well I don't think he's very funny he used to be named Tom before he got under she was working a while back I was mapping out one of the upper levels when I noticed something reflecting off a piece of glass Oh I held him at last I backed through and on the wall behind me was a hidden message oh great bear in plain sight interesting face lady oh I kept looking and found more and more messages everywhere items like a magic mirror you can't see them with your eyes interesting only through this okay take a look yeah well thank you I don't know who's leaving the me but I think they know how to get out of here see what we did what's that I know we're okay along with them for a long time just leads me in circles okay it resonate think I meant to leave this place Henry yeah I don't know what your deal is are you real are you imaginary are you trapped here Alice please let me out of here Leanne thinks you're dangerous [Music] I I think you're the hope I've been reading that where I am go to Spokane go to sleep maybe tomorrow let me out of here how many days have I been in here what's going on that was really stupid Tom oh you should even go out now he's seen you it's a way better time Maggie I can evil he plans on here good alone Cthulhu bendy that's that would be very scary okay tightening up oh man why are you doing that why is so scary Boris please don't hurt me with the axe Tom I need his name is Tom we can't just leave him not with the ink - even right outside the door Lloris you do it you're got the sword wrong mechanical arm no way they're gonna leave here oh well then he's coming for me Oh escape your prison okay the games started the game is actually started I'm moving around and stuff oh this is exciting okay wait there's something here there's always hope oh man this musics interesting there's always hope so many questions trust us take this food you drop beautifully okay why didn't I know about that before I should have been touching things earlier I could have probably found that magic spoon touching things in the room and just such a move okay let's go this way all right let's get out of here looks like it's mostly just random items and stuff all right let's keep going all right look around follow me interesting I don't see anything else let's keep going I was like a little practice monster okay good I don't see any more secret messages okay you're back to your ink blah meself let's look around I don't see anything okay well we have to walk on these little place okay this is very nerve-wracking let's lock on the planks everywhere okay get the planks don't matter that much doesn't really matter where I walk let's keep going let's keep going throw it go around the corner no one here look there's some messages up ahead okay oh there's some sort of switch okay launch the barge ooh the Barnes what is the bars there's some sort of lever and there's some things down here let's pull this lever well first let me go smash this guy no that's nothing I think that's like a checkpoints eight-point thing okay I'm stuck Large Marge has been launched good job what is this some sort of crazy boat some sort of underwater 2 inch passageway thing there's nuts and I get inside oh there's another switch okay there's two switches for the street switches we did it we flipped all the switches we have the barge get inside and go oh my gosh this is like Willy Wonka this is scary okay let's go hop inside let's turn this puppy on turn it on yeah follow the Inc River whoa press and hold the barge throttle to move over wow this is crazy it's like wearing this like riverboat no we have to hold it down oh that's interesting oh my gosh it moves so slowly this is exciting we're in the river barge oh my gosh man where am I even going I have no idea what I'm doing I don't even know where I'm going up the side of escape is horrible nightmare oh my gosh look you what at this place oh it looks scary it's a giant I'm in the tulip regeneration I am being reborn because I died wow that was scary okay I got a do-over I'm back I'm back that was really exciting that was like one of the scariest parts of the game I'm really happy I did that actually I gotta do it right this time we can't kill me bendy hand let's go let's go Hey oh let's go and all this cool stuff man there's so much detail on this game I love this game it's beautifully rendered everything looks so epic and real oh my gosh here we go we're at the same spot we were before let's do it right this time okay keep going for only oh it's been exactly this time or did it did it did it did I oh I think isn't going to attack me this time to handle it away oh thank you the game got easier because I died because I was so bad at the game but there the game went easy on me when I was nice at the game Thank You old man move forward for it Oh so scary good job alright let's keep going let's keep going oh don't look back don't look back don't look back no I think we're almost at the end moving forward [Music] [Music] this riverboats exited mimic very different okay we've done it doesn't mean this place looks really have it whoa there's a searcher thing sitting up there it's you guys see that wow that was cool all right Linda jump off the boat now come on yeah we did it words of safety we're alive look at that search a guy up there alright let's go up there see their secret messages I knew there'd be some secret messages well I don't see anything that special so let's just keep going forward walking on the planks don't fall in the river oh what's that sound was that the last down hello oh oh it collapsed behind me so I can't go backwards darn it I want to go back am i riverboat what else is this stuff do hon there's no secrets back here is there none whatsoever alright let's go to this next checkpoint checkpoint great which a checkpoint activated I don't run out of Czech ones activate I think it just activates when you stand near it okay there's something over there something over there too all right let's go what's this gonna be all about hello hello what is this shanty town where are the people hello I need help I need to escape it looks like people live here or something Wow okay he will send us free la-dee-da la-dee-da I don't know what to do creator lied to us okay there's some secret messages once people now fallen into despair how come these secret messages don't actually say anything that different than the other creepy messages I mean it's all creepy messages there's just creepy messages everywhere creepy messages a bog creepy messages why are they writing some of the creepy messages and glow-in-the-dark ink I don't understand you bring death what you bring death oh my gosh I don't know what to do I think we gotta go through this door I just want to explore everything first that was Chapter two Wow okay all right I can take you I lied to you Lawrence yeah oh man you're looking scary oh wait don't attack me oh good he's my friend hey thank you Tom that was epic you took out Sammy Lawrence he was going crazy that was close you were lucky that's an understated sound like a weapon as well wait what's this vibrating what's going on what's with all the shaking was that him what I'm not bendy The Searchers and the lost ones for The Searchers and the last one Sammy must a lot easier all day now that he's gone looks like we're in for a fun oh wait oh my gosh Wow okay whoa [Music] yeah we did but you're not really where they're gonna crawl out of next that was so many probably best if we stay together from now yes please let's stick together Henry let's be frank you can leave the way okay I'm the leader yes I will leave the way okay let's go through this thing that just opened up let's see it okay everyone follow what's going on here okay slip again oh that's terrible and then we're gonna stick together it's inside the vault what does that mean it's inside the vault what's inside the vault I don't know what's inside the vault okay this is scary I'm on my own again all right let's explore what this area all about oh there's some stuff in here this awesome okay what's the safe today's appointment oh there's some swing and music oh my god Sammy Lawrence at 11:45 12 o'clock mr. Drouet lunch we got Charles the prodigy is the puppet guy the puppet guy that sounds like a synapse character let's go over here attention for best pitch be early for your appointments keep pitch under three minutes oh pitch meetings for like when you pitch your own cartoon ideas that's so cool wow this parts kind of friendly nice oh no no no no no no then he's gonna attack right here at one point max not very good okay let's see let's see no that's interesting Oh interesting okay we've gotta find some pipes drain the passage find the missing pipes hello oh there's lots of things in there okay so we've got a drain this area so to the next area let's find those pipes all right around [Music] here okay the very first scene was ending anything that's going around the inking yeah unworldly that's an understatement he's definitely from out of this world he's from below this world he's a demon a cartoon character come to life all right is this gonna open up here administration hello open up you silly door okay I guess we didn't explore this stuff over here oh there's something here huh this is where the pipes are gonna come out of so he must need some sort of in blob stuff if I remember this correctly okay well I think we haven't tried this door yet Oh doors open oh oh it's a point better get overtime I better get like a million zillion dollars for surviving this there Emily over time I better get some sort I better I better be able to sue this company for all their money seriously this is terrifying there's life-or-death situations all right let's pull this lever hmm it's opening slowly perfect the door is opening hey let's go monster scary okay Wow I don't know I don't care about what the same I got here Oh another micro tape I guess they don't listen this one oh it's Wally Frank's the guy who is out in bout a year oh nice okay I gotta get out of here I can't I can't can't wait all day for your message I'm out of here Oh another micro tape man this is just story left and right I'm more afraid of those monsters and chased me around though is there something blocked mmm are these doors locked with this one all about oh it's go again right now and that's really scared okay very scared of investors whoa foolish wait he's gonna make that okay okay Joey Drew has gone crazy he's gonna crazy these tapes are him just going totally bonkers he's training monsters they're soulless he wants to give them a soul the sucky thing doesn't make any sense this is like baldies basics right now I feel like I'm hiding all these classrooms hiding hiding hello come on hiding hiding he's going this direction I don't know what I'm looking for exactly he's hiding in these rooms I said they can't see me as long as I'm in the road there is my Mac words this way anyway what was I saying yeah Joe Nathan was gone crazy this is not good um I'm just gonna hide here for now hide hide hide wait these wait for these monsters to pass okay monsters oh there he is okay he doesn't see me oh it's got a really cool robot arms oh there's another one bull okay well I'm glad I can see me and I am reborn once again I am reborn let's do it again yes okay so there's lots of audio tapes to listen to is like a secret I gotta get rid of that and avoid all the monster oh and if you make my blog a blob of ink this is perfect I managed to get the blob of ink and now I can get the first piece of the pipe I think all I have to do is put it in this machine this small egg machine I guess there's also a machine Frank oh boy it's scary 0:06 with the bent knees around Bank digs around full ping run into this room run others a week is this the right room to hide under there no no I just wanted to put that paper it belonged I freaked out it freaked out I'm not sure baby bedroom it's gonna go away I think I need to hide out there but I want to get in fact oh good good you went away very good very scary okay round two let's just run and let's just jump let's just jump through them I mean I don't think they can kill me I think I probably run and get a blob of ink pretty easily let's just running jump run and jump hope it up if you got me it'll be funny scary noise just keep running keep something just keep Irani just keep jumping just keep jumping just keep something okay okay Rock'em Sock'em robots I am a scared robot running for my life I think they're still right behind me I think they're gonna chase me leave them in the wrong direction one of the leads in my eye just keep jumping around I'm gonna leave them into this room my strategy did not work outside keep jumping keep hopping from the grave let's do it so sorry about that okay yeah got that second piece of the pipe or is it the third piece now let's see [Music] all right okay we did it yeah we had all the pipe pieces on to the next area and perfect okay all right next area always the vault search the ball I'm gonna search it very well my friend oh I'm a sportsman looking good boy okay that's searching I'm playing I wanna have fun I'm a musical robot musical robots like to have fun and play music I'm trying to search this vault every nook and cranny okay I don't see anything the demon has taken it well what is it what was supposed to be in here what's in the vault there's a bunch of film reels in here with this looks like it pays to carry a rope you should try wait carry a rope around with you cumbersome the ink demon has something that will mean okay yes thank even have indeed it has my car keys where are you crying I'm gonna go to his lair I want to see his in this house seems to lead yeah I'm in the trail I don't know what the trail is like okay halo but there and by the wing but it won't be easy to open an account and they still are I'll need three gears a crowbar oh man some more I can collect wonderful nard I guess nice where where's this wait this looks familiar to me why does this look like the start this looks like ground level hey this looks like chapter one this is familiar and I remember chapter one wow that's so long ago so much time has passed so many adventures have been had and so many memories have been created I look it's my old work that is it no literally if my old that's not saying this for a second time huh okay I guess I'm just breathing in the nostalgia this is awesome nostalgia guys are blocking my path I can't get around you're gonna hop over the chair that was funny alright let's go this way I still don't see any secret messages what's this all about when you can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a woman's man no time to time her messages that guys what's up I don't think he sees us yes really yes oh my gosh why would why would someone write dent with an arrow like that that's creepy hey what's this crazy this is Belarus this is it's like a huge anchor machine I don't see any way around nothing to build a router will have to wait across we can't we're not like you and you're not like me you're not if we go in it Wow a drop of water in the ocean is where we smile you're made of years old to dissolve an ink and I don't even know what he's doing here yeah I don't know I am there even know why this is not happening to me here for a reason Henry oh what is the reason I don't know what the reason is in advance I understand it okay we can't understand it it's time I think it's cuz I was an old friend as man thus free I need answers I said I know what I had to do just a few seconds ago I know I have to go and defeat this guy I'm gonna be the hero I just wish I had a weapon or something okay let's go across by Tom buyouts and mugs alright let's go across and because release give me give me a weapon please machine gun it man maybe I'll get a machine gun maybe I'll get a weapon later and let's get something wow this place is freaky I mean it's boring for any last final messages it's dead like final boss territory ok let's go hey let's go I'm scared I think I can do this bendy I'm ready to face you whoa I still remember my name oh wait it's this or that ink monsters were created this feels like we're inside a giant machine yes look at that oh it's creating these ink demon things from those pipes up there okay so this is definitely some sort of ancient really crazy ink machine thing oh look look at that it's a Boris okay interesting Wow alright lever let's open open the door well what's that some sort of giant throne room chair this feels like a final boss fight look at those animations up on the walls it's so cool it's something and a happen when I go near whoa look at those animations those cartoons they're amazing it looks so good look at them wow so much effort and work went into those little cartoons this is so epic this is so scary to look at bandy he's such a cute little monster he doesn't seem scary in these cartoons he seems like a nice guy all look at me look at that huh Wow okay I'm just having a great time right now this this isn't this is delightful okay [Music] [Music] with your hands oh oh it's becoming [Music] okay oh my god for it's a big room somewhere well I think he just flung me through the wall or something full there he's running back I got a little Peterson of leverage to pull it over do this monster is deadly what is this monster was like spending his final form been divas ending stage this is creepy okay we're back Benny you're gonna watch the end of that video is gonna do something to you I can tell oh my gosh look at where that forward there's another lever no you flip the flipper already different lever just keep around exploring just run around like a crazy monster you can't do any attacks yeah what are we gonna do [Music] all the doors open three doors are open I needed three levers perfect all right this must be like the final section area right here I think I think using that last room doing nonsense that's good no another doing Oh what this doors opening okay thank you this I got scared those give me another lever all right who's laughing now it says on that wall very creepy I don't see any secret messages who's laughing now oh that's like my song lose that they know make sure you listen to my Benny make machine song everyone this oh this a machine over here disconcerning oh there's a lever there's a loud thing there's a handle one two three four oh he's in here he's in the room okay fools like that running around a tree or something okay two down two more to go Yeah right there is oh we just put that on my wall over there come on smash this fight I know you can your teeth three down one more to go I was your cartoon monster I wish you are like or definitely [Music] give me something some kind of weapons well oh wait we're back in the name girl rooms good I'm supposed to oh wait just like I did put in here yes yes like the thing in there whatever it is the end it's the real the ending [Music] [Applause] wow that was so epic that was so epic Wow amazing that was awesome whoa processing processing everything is in color oh my gosh there are different colors there are greens and blues and yellows and purples and all these different colors well but the door is locked well look at that look at that Wow it's stuff Mandy the plushy looks so realistic Wow look at those chairs look at those paintings look at this vase or is it a boss I don't know oh look at this music - what what era is this what year is this I don't know anything it's someone whistling I think I can hear someone whistling okay what's in this room look at this fancy hat whoa what's back here awesome some buried treasure nope nothing back here wow just look at these graphics oh there's a switch can can I put the switch no nothing like that Wow look at that lighting on the lamp this is awesome okay can I go back here no I don't think there is anything back here all right then the game is still going this is still been an egg machine chapter five I don't know what's going on okay let's look at the clock I can't read time I don't know what time it is wait wow that's some really good food so someone's eating here this is someone's apartment some human is living here okay wait let's meet this letter dear mr. drew huh I have to say it was a big surprise getting a letter from you after all these years I'm surprised you even remember me from back in the old days at the studio I mostly just swept up the place I'm doing good here in Florida lots of Sun for me and the Misses hope you're doing good to him sorry to hear about the studio closing down I'm sure he made a great little cartoons that was some good laughs okay gonna wrap this up the grandkids are waiting for me the beach so I'm out of here well the Franks oh my gosh it's a letter to Joey drew from Willy Frank's okay I think we might we might be in Jilly Drew's apartment right now or something okay there's some other stuff on this board to filed bankruptcy there's some sticky notes and posted notes Dani and Ben DS domain okay we've got another letter here oh it looks like it's from Alison Joey sorry it's been quite a while since it was my last I just got a sequel so I've been spending more hours in the recording studio tom is doing good thanks for asking he's always tinkering on something mostly still upset someone still is older vention warm regards allison Connor okay Wow okay so Joey still has good relationships with all his employees I'm a little confused and what time is this what era is this what's going on where am I Joey Drew was I playing as Joey drew the whole time I'm so confused okay what's this all about oh look some storyboards look at this Alice Boras and bendy wow this looks awesome look there's even a machine gun down there now that's really cool look at Benny with a machine gun blam or is that Sammy Lawrence I can't tell oh wow is this does this have to do with the game itself are we breaking the fourth wall right now and we stepped outside of the game I'm so confused okay what is this looks like some sort of kitchen area oh man something's back there - okay let's explore Oh activated oh it's really true and I'm heavy I don't expect you to our yet interesting well I know I know you have I have so many questions what is going on orders do I always have questions only important questions who are we Henry I don't know that's a good question I thought I knew I was but the success starved me nothing left but lines on a page in the end we followed two different roads of our roll maybe a crooked and bar oh like a pyro room use of the low road I let our creations to come my life interesting it looks like wow you look like a very wrinkly old man pushed oh yeah whoa is that a threat look at that scary please come visit the old workshop interesting face bro there's something I need to show you nice graphics okay something he needs to show me up it's for this door here whoa whoa workshop all right Joey I'm here let's see like fine wood he wanted me to see a mine again okay and now it has a new meaning wait oh my gosh [Music] circular loop it's like that it broke the fourth wall and we're going in a circle in the game just keeps repeating over and over again it's like a mobius strip the game is a mobius strip which is a very interesting concept in geometrical math okay Wow this outro is so cool look at that evil guy I think he was listed there as well that was awesome okay whoa bendy and the ink machine is there gonna be any more is there gonna keep going let's see well it's chuckling well what is this okay oh whoa you could see you could see the corner this is the rusty anchor machine there's a rusty egg machine in his house what the heck congratulations on your success your best pal Henry Stein that's me I'm Henry tell me another tell another one uncle Joey what the Uncle Joe it was so I was I related to Joey I'm a little confused I am slightly confused still the game didn't exactly explain itself at the end it said oh I'm sure you have lots of questions yes I have lots of questions what was going on what was happening I guess there has to be lots of fan series to fill in the gaps there because I'm really not sure if I understood the ending or not I think what the game is implying is that it takes place in some sort of strange world it's not like our world it's like a different world it's a world of craziness and in this world you just kind of go in circles all day long you beat the game and then you hope to disturb the game and you got to play the whole thing again I don't know because you can't escape the past just like Benny he's trapped in the past bendy and the kid when you look at the words the end but this game doesn't actually have an ending it just keeps going in circles there is no handing so I guess it's clever because the game is subverting your expectations because you think there's gonna be an end but then it just keeps going and it's like whoa I mean that's my best theory for right now it said somehow you are maybe you are Julie Drew I still like the theory that you are Joey drew and the whole time you've been playing is this guy Joey drew and he's like revisiting his own past through his mind or something like that I don't know I love to read your theories in the comment section please leave comments let me know what your chapter 5 theories are whatever what are your theories what do you think about this game I really don't know what to think a lot of calculations tonight to try to piece this together I believe there must be a purpose or there must be an intention behind this game in the ending I just have to figure out what it is mm-hmm Joey Drew's apartment well it was certainly nice to look at something in color and in the modern day I guess oh my gosh look it's Bendis and this is the classic end of a chapter I love it Andy's face you oven locked the scene tool in all previous chapters you've unlocked the archives bonus content Oh awesome perfect yay okay well there you go that concludes Betty make machine the entire game we played the entire game Wow I guess I can replay it with that new tool and look at new stuff anyone your host Android the musical robot bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Fandroid Music / Griffinilla
Views: 1,016,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fandroid, Song, Music, Singing, Dancing, Robot, Fandom, bendy, batim, chapter 5, chapter five, bendy song, bendy music, bendy gameplay, bendy fully, chapter 5 full
Id: EG_tag2gGDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 4sec (3004 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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