Chaplain Phiri: Singing Mutunhidzi NdiMwari- Worship Service |2021
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Channel: Laycluse Creations
Views: 226,374
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Keywords: Laycluse Creations, Chaplain Phiri, Mathias Mhere, Sermons, Pastor, Reverend, Kwekwe, cover me my lord, cover me my lord under your shelter mthunzi namba, AFM, apostolic faith church, apostolic church songs, RCZ, reformed church in zimbabwe songs, varwi, chaplain phiri sermons 2021, mufudisi phiri, pastor phiri, mharidzo dzeshona, vakuru, chiwenga, apostle, chinjikano ndirero, Sermon, faith, kutenda, vaccine, Cross Before Crown TV, Mutunhidzi NdiMwari, AFM Hym book, AFM conference, Hym book
Id: 8L_Y-UoZplU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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