Chaos Vantage - What's new in update 5

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to this overview of what's new in vantage update 5. we added lots of new features and in this video i'm going to highlight a few of those first i'm going to demonstrate how you can use live link to render animations directly from 3ds max then i'm going to use the place tool to align objects over different surfaces after which i'm going to use the new shot mode in the animation editor and finally i'm going to have a look at the material preview thumbnails and all their customization options as i mentioned we have even more improvements so i encourage you to download the latest build and try them out to demonstrate the features i'm using an interior from evermotion and i've also added a few animated trees again from evermotion as you can see there is point cache animation and i've overridden the playback to a couple of models to create diversity in the motion one of the new functionalities is rendering animation directly with the live link and it can be found in the toolbar as you can see we have the old functionality as well and the new one is right here it also requires vantage to be running first so let's go ahead and start live link all right now the scene is being loaded okay there we go the first thing i'm going to do is slow the exposure a bit and i'm also going to turn on opacity tracing let's bring the highlight burn a bit as well and while i'm at it i'm also going to lower the resolution and maximize the viewport so that we can see better by the way if the v-reframe buffer is in the way you can just minimize it but i recommend not closing it since it will interrupt live linking now that we have animation in trees i want to add some to the pool as well and in this case we have a static bitmap let's bring the material editor which generates bump but it's a static image so if i scroll the timeline there is no animation so one thing that i can do is use a procedural noise with animated face you can see the animated face here and plug this map in a displaced modifier on top of the pool geometry and in order for this to work the object will require a bit more polygons so i'm going to use turbosmooth to subdivide it using this approach the animated deformed geometry will be passed via live link in vantage and we can see the result when scrubbing the timeline the water is now moving and i'm going to play the animation to see that in real time we can look around and observe the behavior so let's have a look at how we can render this animation i'm going to press this button here and it will open up some settings these are fallout blue settings and render settings and the important part is that we recommend using physical cameras instead of perspective ones because there are some limitations of the regular and perspective cameras in 3ds max so i'm going to select the physical camera now i can set some resolution presets and so on but i can also get the settings from 3ds max um if i change some of the output settings from here like for example the animation range or maybe a resolution like so i can change him in the camera and pressing the get settings from 3s max will populate the output window with everything here so i'm going to refresh and get the settings again select the physical camera and just bring back the exposure again now that the physical camera applies its own exposure and bring up the highlight burn now i'm ready for rendering so i'm going to just press the start button [Music] and wait for the sequence to finish i'm going to cancel that and you can do that from the pop-up in 3s max or the pop-up in vantage both would work and we can see the result at the end of the video a quick note is that the second fly-out button here allows you to use the vantage native render sequence settings and the advantage of this is getting detailed information about the memory footprint of enabling or disabling certain features like light cache here and denoiser and so on but i'm going to cancel the animation and send the whole scene back in vantage so i can talk about more of the features that we've added okay now the scene is being loaded in vantage and we can maximize that expand some of the controls okay camera lights all right increase the exposure a little bit i'm going to increase the resolution no right now one of the small improvements we did was to add the placement tool that you get when you import a very scene or a cosmos asset in advantage and integrate that in the move tool so now we can move this along some of the axis or the planes and if i select the yellow cube in the center of the gizmo that will place and align the object along the surface of another object under the cursor you can see i'm not placing that along the table or the vas or anything else and that makes it easier to place some objects around the scene and let's have a look at another example in this case there is hierarchy of these two objects so i need to select the parent of both of the objects to move the whole object so the pivot point of this object is somewhere far along so i'm going to edit the pivot point using the tool for that and position that um in the bottom like so and now i can just select the parent and use the snap tool to move all the objects together like so and obviously i'm not going to place this chair here so let's bring it back and move on to the next addition we added some functionality to the animation editor the first one is the ability to create a camera between transitions and to demonstrate that i'm going to add um a couple of new cameras so the original here or the vray camera that's an animated one and i'm also going to add another one here and automatically there is a transition between the two let's uh let's increase the duration to something more that's five and go five and you can see there is a plus here in the timeline if i press it that will create a new camera at this position that makes it easier to insert keyframes during transition or refine some of the animation paths that you create by going and repositioning or modifying the new camera and updating it in the animation editor we also added a new mode called the shot mode and that represents the animation in a different way where you can see a queue of your cameras with transitions between them and the blocks of the transitions are with fixed length as you can see we have two seconds or three seconds but they look the same i'm going to delete all these cameras and create a whole new animation to show you how you can work with this mode so let's position the camera first in the original position let's delete that and i'm going to create a small dolly okay something like that create a new camera and i'm going to go outside and let's create camera here maybe also one over there like so make a small panning movement create the camera all right so let's uh so let's create an animation out of this i can drag and drop the cameras and you can see automatically there is transition because of this checkbox i'm going to also add new cameras over there but uh right okay i don't need this one so delete that i want the camera cut there great i'm going to adjust the first transition as well but as you can see this mode allows you to just clearly see an outline of your camera sequence with their transitions and don't have to think about duration in advance we've also replaced the denoiser slider with the toggle button because the nvidia air denoiser delivers great results without having to mix it with the original image we've also revamped the material lister you can see we have now thumbnails or swatches and these are completely configurable they lay out all the materials of the viewer scene you can switch between one column all the way to four columns and the thumbnails are generated when you scroll i'm going to keep it to two or maybe one let's select let's see an interesting material so that i can show how you can customize the preview you can change the preview mesh to different types of objects you can also change the illumination for example there is an internal light so that you can see two-sided materials easier and also rim fill and front light let's modify some of their parameters okay let's reset those back one of my favorite features is also the option to have a zoomed version of the preview so you can see the details better like so you can also change the environment i'm going to select an hdri let's make it visible by turning off the lights and maybe increasing the intensity if i switch the hdri well that's too much let's bring it back last you can change the sample count used for the swatches and thanks to the nvidia's ai denoiser 30 samples are more than enough to give us great representation of what the material looks like and hopefully this will make it a bit easier to locate materials and apply them easier in your scenes and that concludes this video i hope you like the new features thanks for watching and take care [Music] you
Channel: Simeon Balabanov
Views: 14,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chaos Vantage, Vantage, V-Ray, vray, RTX, NVIDIA, NVIDIA RTX, DXR, ray tracing, raytracing
Id: GhOQE8mndHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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