Chao Research 2024: What You Never Knew

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Sonic Adventure 2 battle a game that I feel like I Must Have Spent countless hours on over 20 years ago apologies to anyone who took psychic damage from hearing that and just recently picked up again on Steam after wrapping up my duties over at agdq 2024 and grabbing the event bundle over on Humble Bundle with a strange influx of chow videos randomly making their way into my Instagram feed I was looking forward to once again creating a chow Garden but this time using my adult brain to get things done little did I know I'd be putting in way more brain power than I anticipated all right everybody hold up quick quick creators note here from here on out I'm mostly going to slow things down you know I'm I'm not going to keep doing the whole meme tastic I'm a content creator in 2024 and I'm going to talk on naturally fast while doing a bright read so I can cram as much as I can into a clip that's anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds long because that's all the attention span I can trust people to have thing uh that's not how I actually talk the purpose of this video is to educate and inform and I want to impart this game knowledge in a way that you know doesn't overwhelm you and allows you to retain it this is going to be a more longform indepth possibly relaxing video which is honestly more My Vibe if it also happens to entertain any of you that's great let me know if it does you can leave a comment down below once you've watched the whole thing anyway just wanted to establish that thanks for tuning in I'll drop you off back at the end of that last part of the script I was looking forward to once again creating a chow Garden but this time using my adult brain to get things done little did I know I'd be put bring in way more brain power than I anticipated quick sidebar do you all remember when Animal Crossing New Horizons came in from the East like Gandalf at first light on the fifth day to save our sanity after Co hit and most of us had to stay cooped up inside for a long time y'all remember that as crappy as things were at the time the power of Animal Crossing really did feel like magic keeping the Darkness at Bay for a lot of us even though we couldn't physically be together we came together virtually and at times the sheer level of coordination we had was just surreal there'd be times when I looked in on our Discord server and saw what you're seeing on screen right now anyway as a veteran of that series with prior understanding of the mechanics one of the first things I did in that game was begin breeding flowers in an effort to achieve the vaunted blue rose for those unaware Nintendo applied real science to their flower breeding mechanics to the point where where using mandelian genetic crosses and punet squares to breed flowers with the correct alals was necessary if you wanted to breed your own hybrids remember high school biology I sure did and with some of my friends coming over every day to help me water my flowers after 22 days my blue rose project was complete a true Testament to just how much thought devs can put into a single side mechanic in a 2020 era video game so imagine my surprise upon finding out that the devs behind Sonic Adventure 2 battles Chow breeding system were smoking the same sh over 22 years ago holy crap this stuff is more complicated than my 12-year-old self would have ever imagined I proceeded to spend hours days even pouring over information on child breeding that I never even knew existed before March of 2024 there's seriously some absolute Legends out there who've done what they can to document this info whereas back when I was a kid all I had were schoolyard rumors web Forum rumors and this book which needless to say did not mention the word alals even once before too long I was applying my newfound game knowledge and on my way to breeding some really cool Chow but along the way I became interested in something while It's relatively easy to understand how to go about breeding your Chow to create one that has s grades across all five of its visible stats when it came to two of the invisible stats specifically luck and intelligence I noticed that there's no way to increase these grades in vanilla gameplay once hatched these grades are permanent for chiao meaning that the only way to breed a chow with the highest grade for these stats would be for them to be a descendant of a Chow that initially hatched with the highest grade but where could we find such a chow none of mine were hatched with the maximum grade and that's where this research Journey truly begins Yep this has all been intro Spiel so grab a snack and a drink sit back relax those shoulders and let's talk about cowo but first there's some things that you should know all tests were done using USA versions of all games however a brief instance on the Japanese versions indicated the same results stats were all viewed and crosschecked using a triple combination of Fu's sa2 save utility cristu Chow editor and Justin 11 3D's Chow stat menu GameCube Cube saves were converted by Fruity's sa2 save converter GameCube and Game Boy Advance saves were run in Dolphin as well as GBA emulators such as mgba were applicable shaxs enhanced Chow World also known as secw was brought into this research from the beginning will be considered its own version of Sonic Adventure 2 battle and will be noted as such where applicable games and versions used and tested were Sonic Adventure 2 battle for the GameCube Sonic Adventure 2 battle for steam Sonic Adventure 2 battle for steam modded with secw Sonic Advance 1 Sonic Advance 2 and Sonic pinball party stat grades will always be presented in the order of swim fly run power stamina luck intelligence and then two lifespan alals when said stats are relevant the term first generation Chow refers to any Chow not obtained through breeding such as preset Black Market or tiny Chow Garden Chow while it's been known that Chia and Sonic Adventure 2 battle could have the known maximum of 255 luck and intelligence the only method mentioned on the public facing internet at large for achieving this through breeding without using mods or an editor was simply all Chow from the tiny Chow Garden will have maxed out luck and Intel upon seeing this I began testing to verify this claim and initially found that this broad statement wasn't true which sent me down a rabbit hole of checking just how high Chow breeders could legitimately get their Chow's luck and Intel stat depending on which version or versions they had access to this Rabbit Hole would thankfully come full circle weeding out faulty unverified claims dating back over a decade as well as correcting my own faulty initial testing and instead honing it to completely replicable results at least as far as my personal copies of the game go but along the way I would also find myself collecting and verifying much more data that seemingly was just never verified never tested or never distributed for popular knowledge among the sa2b communities hopefully this solves that because I now know that at least a few people had knowledge of some of my findings or at least an inkling about some part of it I'm going to do my best to present these findings in a way that flows naturally but I know some out there are only here for the original conclusion so without bearing the Le lead yes it's possible to legitimately breed Gardens full of chow that have 255 luck and Intel without using mods to alter chow and without using an Editor to alter stat grades skip to the appropriate section for the details otherwise here are the findings of my testing and research as most Chow enthusiasts already know a on entering the Chow World in Sonic Adventure 2 battle for the first time your Chow save data is created and you are automatically given a total of four free Chow eggs spread across the three Gardens two of the eggs are placed in the Chow Garden which initially is the only accessible Garden one egg is placed in the hero garden and the final egg is placed in the dark garden regardless of when the hero and dark Gardens are unlocked the eggs placed in them are generated at the same time as the other two eggs in other words upon save data creation as many Chow enthusiasts also already know these initial four eggs do not have random stack grades upon hatching they are instead preset and will refer to them as such from this point forward depending on which of the six playable characters you first entered Chow world with when your Chow save data was created what some may not know however is that this mechanic is present in all three versions of Sonic Adventure 2 battle those being the GameCube version the steam version also known as the HD version on consoles and the steam version when modified using secw furthermore each version mentioned has its own preset Chow eggs per character in other words a chow Garden initially created with Sonic on the GameCube will have a different four preset Chow when compared to a chow save created with Sonic on the steam version and both of those Chow saves will yet still be different when compared to one made with Sonic on the steam version while using secw now pay attention because as far as I can tell less than a handful of people on the internet publicly claim to know this next fact did you know that each character has a second set of preset Chow eggs well you do now because when I stumbled upon this fact completely by accident while performing my other tests in game I had to test it and verify it across all three versions sure enough this mechanic is present in all of them in order to quickly access this second set of character preset eggs the player needs to enter Chow world with any character hatch their first two Chow in the Chow garden and then say goodbye to them both via the transporter after doing so the player must then save their Chow data and exit Chow World once that's done the player can re-enter Chow World using a character of their choosing and upon walking back into the Chow Garden they'll find two new eggs inside as it turns out all four preset eggs not just the two in the Chow Garden have been repopulated according to the currently used characters second set I can't claim to know for certain but basic logic and reasoning as a player tells me that this repopulation occurs as a fail safe mechanic put in place by the developers to ensure that no player would ever be put in a situation where they didn't have access to a chow to play with from what I can tell upon detecting that the current Chow save data has zero currently accessible chow or eggs in the unlocked Gardens regardless of ring total the game will repopulate the gardens with a failsafe set of eggs which is what we refer to them as going forward imagine having a vindictive sibling who went into your Chow Garden while you Ru away and purposely said goodbye to all of your Chow using the transporter if this fail safe mechanic didn't exist the only way for you to obtain two-tone normal Chow would be to trade with a friend or to utilize the tiny Chow garden shop via GBA linking neither of which is at surface level anyway viable on the HD version of Sonic Adventure 2 battle as stated these failsafe sets of four eggs will have different preset stack GR raes than the initial presets for eggs and they too are character determined in detailed terms whichever player character enters Chow world first upon saying goodbye to the other eggs and saving dictates which failsafe set of eggs is used to repopulate the gardens upon testing there was no instance of a third fail safe set contradicting a rumor found in a chow Island Forum post from over a decade ago if a player were to repeat the steps to activate the fail safe set with these eggs the game would repopulate the gardens with the fail safe set yet again corresponding to the character used to enter Chow world upon that third iteration to be absolutely clear the stat grades of this third set of eggs would be the same as the corresponding character's eggs would have been if that character had been used to activate the first set of failsafe eggs in the first place furthermore once the failsafe set of eggs is activated despite saying goodbye to them numerous times s in testing the next repopulated eggs never returned to the initial preset eggs and instead always remained eggs from the fail safe sets contradicting the previously mentioned Forum post as well which claimed that they would cycle back to the initial preset after the third set something to keep in mind when considering which eggs players want to start with but hang on there's more that breeders should know before starting their Chow saave data the same Chow enthusiasts who already knew that characters determined the initial preset Chow's stat grades probably also knew that generally it's been reported that there are three what we'll call character egg groups Sonic's group tails and eggman's group and finally Shadow Knuckles and roues group however now that we've proved the existence of fail safe sets these reports are no longer in entirely accurate through testing across all three versions all of Sonic's initial presets and fail safe sets totaling six One initial and one fail save for each version are unique from the other characters meaning Sonic indeed always has his own group tails and Eggman across all three versions share the same six initial and fail safe sets confirming that they are still in their own group Knuckles and Rouge across all three versions share the same six initial and fail safe sets confirming that they are their own group Shadow however is where we deviate as although he does share initial preset egg stats with Knuckles and rouge's group across all three versions all three versions of his fail safe sets are unique to him ultimately this means that there being three character egg groups is still generally accurate but not entirely accurate either way we now know all of the possible preset stat grades that we can get from each of the character egg groups as I was collecting repeat data samples for the preset four eggs per character yes I took no shortcuts I really did get multiple samples for each individual character both initial and fail safe for all three versions of sa2b I was reminded of something that I had already known noticed through normal gameplay quite a few of the preset Chow had above normal values for their luck and intelligence grades but first for those unaware let's go over how luck and int grades are indicated and what normal values are normally in game these two stats are invisible but thanks to previous researchers we have mods and editors today that we can use to view and for this case only view these stat grades many first generation Chow are shown to only have values of 0 through five in luck and int and when you consider that visible stats all use grades e through S this makes sense a zero grade would be an e one would be D two would be c three would be B four would be a and five would be S this is already known by quite a few Chow enthusiasts but if you didn't know now you know in fact through well over 300 egg samples and that's a low estimate based purely on what I have screen caps of I can likely count the amount of eggs that had a five in luck or int on one hand moving on as mentioned quite a few of the preset Chow displayed values for luck and int significantly higher than 0 through 5 and as we know 255 is the highest these values can possibly go so before I address the main observation that I began focusing on here let's ask this question first with all of the preset Chow's stat grades compiled how high are we able to get luck and int for our Chow in each version of sa2b the answers are 16 and 223 on GameCube and 221 and 198 on Steam with or without secw but as I said we're not done let's move on to the main thing that stood out to me while collecting this data what had been immediately apparent when I first began Gathering preset egg data was which eggs in chow exceeded the 0 through five values for luck and in every single one of them hatched with one of each letter grade spread through its visible stats henceforth any first generation Chow following this pattern will be referred to as an ABC Chow for example DCB ACB d e a DC Etc and uh just so you all know I have it written out as ABCDE Chow but for you know vocal purposes I'm just going to say ABC Chow they are the same thing just letting you know upon realizing this a new question occurred to me do black market ABC Chow also exceed normal values for luck and int so I began buying batches of Black Market eggs and recorded the results but wait the ABC Chow from this batch all have the same luck and end what if I use a different character I gathered more results but wait if preset stats change per version maybe black market egg stats change per version too and maybe they even changed based on which garden they're hatched in and maybe they changed based on which character the Chow save data was started with and maybe they change based on whether the initial preset eggs or the fail safe set eggs were used I had a lot more to test and a lot more data to record overall from start to now as I'm typing this up my research testing and compilation took over a week usually spending anywhere from 8 to 12 hours per day to ensure variables were covered and tested multiple times to ensure accuracy and replicable results in the end testing concluded that which character was used to create the Chow save data did not affect the luck and in of Black Market ABC eggs nor did it matter whether the initial preset or the fail safe set eggs were used across all versions what did matter in some cases was which character was used to purchase and subsequently place the egg inside a garden and in some cases the determining Factor was which of the three Gardens the egg was initially placed into furthermore in some cases both of these variables mattered first a disclaimer throughout testing every once in a while an ABC egg or Chow would end up with normal luck and int values in both stats from recorded samples this appears to Simply Be a completely random chance for ABC eggs and Chow across all versions regardless of character or garden they do not fit any observed pattern however Black Market eggs as a whole were at times observed to have repeated instances of eggs with the exact same stats as each other perhaps tied to sessions spent inside Chow world without saving and exiting after cycling through through a number of eggs this occasionally observed repetition was not investigated further as ultimately it doesn't Advance the investigation of luck and int at all since all it does is take previous Black Market egg stats and repeat them in possibly cyclical instances when Gardens are not a variable now disclaimer aside on to the results on both vanilla and secw steam versions all black market ABC Chow excluding those matching the previous disclaimer had one luck regardless of character used if the egg was initially placed in the Chow Garden two luck if initially placed in the hero Garden three luck if initially placed in the dark garden and had 174 Intel regardless of all known variables this means that for steam alone with or without secw two 21 and 198 are the highest achievable luck and Intel grades for chow breeding respectively on the GameCube version however results differ interestingly we again see character egg groups come into play though for Black Market ABC eggs the groups differ slightly Sonic and Shadow are a group with their black market ABC Chow able to have 0 64 128 or 192 new luck and zero Intel regardless of which Garden the eggs were initially dropped in those of you keen on numerical patterns might notice one there Tails has his own group this time and was in fact the only character observed where a difference occurred based on which Garden was used his black market ABC Chow had 222 luck and 144 Intel when the eggs were placed into the Chow Garden 127 luck and 139 in Intel when placed in the hero garden and 206 luck and 54 Intel when placed in the dark garden Knuckles and Rouge are a group once again However unfortunately their black market ABC Chow came out as zero and zero regardless of garden finally Eggman has his own group and his black market ABC Chow came out 120 and 132 regardless of garden this means that for GameCube alone 222 and 223 are the highest achievable luck and Intel grades for chow breeding respectively having by this point been made painfully aware of just how many variables there can be when Gathering data I once again circled back to testing the tiny Chow Garden on the Internet it's claimed that there are two versions of the TCG despite there being four different mini gamess paired with the Chow memory miname dependent upon which game the TCG is accessed from with version one being on cartridges of Sonic Advance 1 and version two being on Sonic Advance 2 and Sonic pinball party choosing to trust given information I Revisited quote version 2 of the TCG via Sonic pinball party as I no longer trusted my initial results from before I officially began recording my data and being aware of all potential variables unfortunately my results matched what I'd observed initially Chow hatched inside of Sonic pinball parties TCG indeed had 255 luck and Intel however their alals did not match sitting at zero and zero for both sets meaning that any attempts to pass on their luck and int through breeding would be for not for the benefit of those unaware Chow breeding doesn't rely on the visible traits of the two Chow used but rather it relies on four normally invisible sets of DNA two per parent Chow composed of each variable genetic trait each parent having two alals per genetic trait this means that each Chow created through breeding has its visible stats as well as its own two alals per trait determined by the options in those four sets furthermore eggs bought from Sonic pinball parties TCG and transported to the GameCube Gardens and then hatched did not have 255 luck or INT in either their stats or leals I also repeated these tests using a copy of Sonic Advance 2 however due to the rather inconvenient requirements for unlocking the TCG and Sonic 2 I borrowed a completed save file of the game in order to run my tests unfortunately while almost all of my testing matched the results of Sonic pinball parties TCG I feel that I have to throw these results out due to the one anomaly that caused me to say almost all of my testing the very first Chow that was already in the TCG for this save file had 255 luck and Intel alals while no other Chow that were hatched in that TCG did they all had zero for those alals I of course have ideas that could explain this but I'll go over them later regardless egg transport testing also yielded the same results as Sonic pinball party once hatched in a GameCube Garden the Chow did not have 255 luck or in stats or alals it was time to go back to Sonic Advance 1 and test test version one of the TCG revisiting my copy of Sonic Advance 1 with a fresh save and a better idea of well everything that I've mentioned so far I ran my tests and was quite pleased with the results after running multiple iterations and using multiple fresh saves to confirm results showed that any Chow hatched inside TCG version 1 on Sonic Advance 1 had 255 luck and intelligence stat grades as well as Al I then confirmed that these Chow are able to pass those alals onto their children regardless of which version of sa2b is used as expected eggs bought in the TCG and transported to the GameCube then hatched do not have grade 255 in either stat nor their Le I can only conclude clude that my initial testing from before I began meticulously documenting my methods and progress was flawed I'm willing to bet that I mistakenly based my initial conclusions on eggs that were bought from the TCG and then hatched in a GameCube Garden or perhaps it was even something as simple as being up too late and thinking I was testing Sonic Advance one when I wasn't whatever the case six days of knowledge made all the difference and allowed me to correct not only myself but years of inaccuracies and vague claims along the way # worth it additionally I can also confirm that the means to obtain TCG version one Chia including Jewel chow and then transfer them to Chow saves on the HD versions of sa2b do exist this can be done using actual Hardware such as a home brewed Wii and it can also be done cely through emulation of your personal copies of the games in combination with some amazing tools made by some amazing people online like the ones I mentioned at the very [Music] start video game preservation is important if you have the means always back up your physical copies of games and your save data in conclusion if a player has the means the highest possible inheritable luck and intelligence grades using TCG version 1 and the GameCube version of sa2b are 255 and 255 and if a player had the means knowhow and desire the same applies to the HD versions of sa2b now as mentioned previously testing of the save file that I was given for Sonic Advance 2 was thrown out due to an anomaly being that the initial already hatched Chow inside the TCG on that save file had 255 luck and int aals whereas all subsequent Chow hatched in that TCG did not an explanation for why this happened could be as simple as said chow originally in fact being from Sonic Advance 1 then being transported on the original owner's copy of sa2b then being transported onto their Sonic Advance 2 save however it's equally possible that said Chow was edited using cheats or that for some reason only the first Chow hatched in Sonic Advance 2 has 255 luck and Intel Wheels I don't think that this is likely but it's possible put simply there's quite a few possibilities here but with confirmation of Sonic Advance one's results combined with how inconvenient it is to unlock the TCG on a fresh save of Sonic Advance 2 it can be argued that for the purposes of this line of research there's very little reason to investigate this anomaly however for any Chow breeders who only have access to Sonic Advance 2 on the GBA and Sonic Adventure 2 battle on the GameCube it can be argued that this potentially matters therefore I encourage anyone with the drive and the means to test this to do so as there's no guarantee I'll ever get around to it hey everybody it's cmer here from the editing Bay this time if it wasn't obvious by now this took multiple days to record it actually took about a week and a half due to a combination of vocal cord strain allergies and my audio being a little weird towards the end of the script point is I know my voice has sounded kind of scratchy here and there throughout the video it's about to do it again here in this second part of this segment but it'll clear up in a couple of minutes I had some tea that I was drinking while I was recording these lines so that definitely helped anyway just wanted to give you all a little heads up let's get back to the second of the two Loose Ends finally in my testing the tiny Chow garden section of my writeup I displayed a bit of hesitance regarding the classification of just two versions of the TCG it's my understanding that the reason for simplifying it to two versions centers around features being added and now potentially the fact that only quote version one featured in Sonic Advance 1 Fantasy Star Online episode 1 and2 and sa2b itself yields Chow with 255 luck and Intel Wheels however my hesitance has to do with something I purposely glossed over while explaining the results of my TCG testing eggs that were transported from the TCG into GameCube Gardens and then hatched as you can imagine I was mainly checking these eggs and Chow for their luck and intels but I observed something else among them were some ABC chow and their luck and in stack grades did not match any of my previously established sa2b ABC patterns for example ABC Chow brought into the Chow Garden as eggs from TCG version 1 using Knuckles displayed new luck and in stats such as 168 and0 whereas we've already established that any ABC Chow that aren't preset or fail safe should come out as zero and zero for Knuckles tails on the other hand under the exact same variables showed TCG version 1 ABC eggs hatching into Chow with various different luck and int grades some reaching as high as 251 some as low as 1 intrigued I again used tales with Sonic Advan 2's TCG fished for ABC eggs and got varied but different results than Sonic Advance 1's eggs such as 86 and 113 or 129 and 154 finally I had tails pull ABC eggs from Sonic pinball parties TCG and was mildly shocked to see that every single one had 208 luck and zero Intel overall my research on the luck and intelligence stats of ABC eggs transported from the TCG and then hatched in sa2b is utterly incomplete as of writing as it quickly became apparent that there were a tedious amount of potential variables at play for the time being the evidence that I did collect and record indicates that although there are allegedly quote two versions of the TCG there could still be differences between say ABC eggs transported from Sonic Advance 2 versus ABC eggs transported from Sonic pinball party on a per character and potentially per Garden basis even though it is alleged that both games use quote version two of the TCG when combined with the already clear differences and findings from quote version one on Sonic Advance one it is unknown if any players or mod creators would benefit from continuing this line of research as anyone reaching back to the TCG on the GBA would likely only do so in order to get legitimate juwel chow and or legitimate 255 luck and Intel Chow for breeding purposes both of which can easily be accomplished with the Sonic Advance 1 TCG as with the previous loose end though it can be argued that for Niche cases this could matter to someone and therefore anyone with the drive and means to test this should do so I admit that I'm interested but there's simply no guarantee that I'll get to it before someone else does contrary to what this Research indicates I do have a life I've spent a boatload of time on this already and in case there was any question no I didn't get paid for doing any of this being a at home independent contractor is hard now that the quarantine years are behind us hopefully the results of my research testing data compilation and consolidation here will finally ensure that this all turns into easily accessible public knowledge in the sa2b and Chow breeding communities and that older and newer players alike will never have to sift through buried Forum posts s with unconfirmed or unsubstantiated claims I largely refuse to believe that I'm the first to have discovered even a single part of these findings as in the end I'm just a player who chased a vague claim additionally I'd be remiss to not mention that in the end I'm well aware that for many players out there who already alter their Chow Garden mechanics with mods as well as use editors to create whatever Chow they want these findings don't matter I use mods too and I in fact highly recommend them to anyone who wants to play Sonic Adventure 2 battle on Steam like I do I personally don't allow my mods to change any Chow breeding mechanics though and I only used editors specifically to view stats for this research it's simply my own personal preference to keep my cow quote legitimate for my current save file with that in mind I'm equally sure that there are also some players out there like me as well as players who cannot or will not use mods or editors so hopefully these findings are of use to them in their Chow breeding Journeys whether to let them know what's legitimately possible for them based on which version or versions they have access to or to help them net whichever a grade Chow they want when they start their Chow save data furthermore if anyone has trouble replicating these results or has thoroughly documented proof that can be replicated step by step which expands upon or contradicts any of these findings absolutely feel free to reach out to me personally so I can attempt to verify your findings and or correct my own these are purely the results of my testing meaning that if there's some weird unaccounted for mechanic that I'm not aware of someone else's results of the exact same tests could be different the same goes for the Loose Ends I mentioned while I couldn't possibly attach every photo I have documenting my findings I at least absolutely have them on hand for reference as for the preset Chow stats and black market ABC Chow stats I have provided them in full and can attest to having checked them multiple times for accuracy that said I am human so errors are possible but unlikely seriously I I check them over and over last but far from least enormous thanks to the Chow Island community for not only all of the work they've put in over the years that allowed me to comfortably revisit one of my childhood games 22 years later but also for actively encouraging supporting and thanking me for updates on my findings equally enormous thanks to and I'm sorry if I pronounce any of your usernames wrong I have only ever read them I have never heard them fruy cristu Justin 113d Shada datic and all of the other mod creators who have made this game better over the years especially those of you on game Banana I could not have conducted This research without your Creations please consider supporting these people and or their communities if you found any of this useful and because I know someone's going to ask if I don't say it if you're wondering how to support me I'm a moderator for various places across twitch Discord and YouTube consider visiting any of the channels listed in my About Me section over at calmer slab it's very important don't forget the underscore and if you want to directly thank me there should be an exclamation point tip chat command on my channel that will allow you to do so hey YouTube viewers we're going off script here since that was actually the end of what I had written out for this video so if this doesn't sound as polished or succinct as the rest that's why I just wanted to jump in here at the end and take a moment to first thank anyone who actually watched this entire video I know it ended up being really long compared to the super simple and very modern sea of Thieves ones I have on my channel so if you really did watch or listen to this entire thing I hope you took my advice and did it while having a snack or a drink or maybe you're like me and just put long form YouTube videos on in the background while you do other stuff either way feel free to flex in the comments if you seriously got all the way through I want to recognize those of you who did uh secondly I want to reiterate something that I briefly touched on in the video which is video game preservation yeah I'm serious about that if you have the means definitely look into all the ways available to back up your personal copies of old games as well as your save data you know do some research and look up reliable ways to do it not that long ago I managed to back up my childhood Pokemon red blue and yellow games and their save data and then took it a step further and even managed to transfer those Pokemon including my official gen 1 Nintendo event Mew all the way into Pokémon home yeah you heard me I said original childhood gen one Pokemon to the switch so yeah video game preservation is definitely worth it and sometimes it lets you do some really cool stuff like that I also just wanted to reiterate that this research and video were very obviously focused on practical application of the things I covered and that was very intentional this was never for covering why any of this happens the way it does in these games it was simply meant to State what happens and how to get those results as a normal player you know if you want to look into the code of the games and wax poetic about how all these values are generated and the rate at which they're generated that's fantastic my focus was on what can the average player achieve within the confines of those values the final thing I wanted to jump in with is sort of circling back to video game preservation I don't know how many of you know but back in the day there were event Chow like the Tails Knuckles and Amy Chow available and allegedly According to some web archived evidence from Sega themselves there were three other event Chow namely the shiny tals Chow the shiny Sonic chow and the shiny Shadow Chow known in Japanese as the suya suya versions of these character Chow they were only given out at special events in Japan such as the 18th Next Generation World hobby Fair the chiao community at large thankfully has legitimate ways to obtain and distribute the Tails Knuckles and Amy Chow thanks largely in part to video game preservation efforts even I currently have legitimate copies of all three of them but legitimate versions of these suya suya event Chow tragically as of the time I'm making this video anyway have yet to be found the they're currently lost media so as I end this video I'd like to put out the call to anyone out there especially those who may know anyone who would have been involved with or in attendance of Japanese events such as the 2003 18th gai Next Generation World hobby fair to please reach out if you can help confirm anything about these three missing event chow or even lead us to distribution copies of them at this time it's gener assumed by the community that if the shiny Tales Chow does exist it may not have any difference in its stat grades when compared to a regular Tales Chow but still we can't be certain however according to a Japanese Source it's alleged that the shiny Sonic chow and the shiny Shadow Chow both began with 2,000 points in their run stats meaning that since they were not Immortal chaos Chow like the other event Chow they could reincarnate and potentially end up with run stats higher than were ever thought legitimately possible their actual stat grades alals and level values are unknown just like shiny Tales meaning that even when artificially created using Chow editors no one would know what values to assign to those fields in order to perfectly recreate them so please help spread the word that video game preservationists and Chow enthusiasts alike are searching for these lost Chow hypothetically in a best case scenario all we need is to reach the eyes and ears of one person a single person who worked these events and has a copy of whatever disc cartridge or software was used to distribute these Chow so that we can confirm their base values preserve them online and give them a home in players Chow Gardens everywhere all right my voice is pretty tired now so once again thanks for watching if you found this video useful or enjoyable feel free to leave a like or a comment just to let me know you did if you disliked it go ahead and leave a dislike if you want to reach out to me hit me up online you know where to find me otherwise be kind to each other have fun stay safe and I'll catch you all in the next [Music] one life moving through your mind o I it came back for more
Channel: Calmer_GM
Views: 5,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chao Research 2024: What You Never Knew, True Max Grade Chao, Perfect Chao, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Advance, Sonic Advance 2, Sonic Pinball Party, Chao Garden, Chao Breeding, Chao Research, Chao Stats, Chao Hidden Stats, Chao Luck, Chao Intelligence, Sonic Chao, Tails Chao, Shadow Chao, Shiny Tails Chao, つやつやテイルスチャオ, SA2B, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Eggman, Rouge, GameCube, GCN, Steam, GBA, Video Games, Rare, Sega, Nintendo, 255, 2024, Calmer
Id: Y2UVnl1nfEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 59sec (2939 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.