Chant of the Mystics: Missa Regia Gloria (2 hours) - Angelic Gregorian Chant
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Channel: Patrick Lenk
Views: 1,407,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: healing gregorian music, healing gregorian chants, gregorian chants, gregorian chant, healing gregorian chant, gregorian chant catholic, gregorian chants catholic, gregorian chant music sleep, gregorian chant music monks, mystical chant, mystical chants, monastery chants, monks chanting, angelic hymn, gloria in excelsis deo, cherubic hymn, hymn of the angels, modern gregorian chant, angels music, angelic music, gloria gregorian, gloria chant
Id: o_uNf1vuP7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 53sec (7313 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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