CHANGE YOUR BREATH, CHANGE YOUR LIFE | Breathing Technique For Long Life |

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[Music] breath is the root of our life as long as we breath life continues once it stops life ends but there is a science to proper breathing that most people don't know 70 of our energy actually comes from when we breathe correctly while 30 of energy count from food we take when we breathe properly we take in oxygen which is used by our bodies to produce energy breathing properly not only keeps our body healthy but it also keep our mind calm the deeper the control we have over our breath the deeper the control we will have over our mind like we can control horse with its strains we can use our breath to control our mind but many of us don't know the right way to breathe in this video we will discuss the right way to breathe its connection to our mind and how proper breathing can lead to a healthier body a calmer mind and a happier life in the end I will share a simple breathing technique with you no matter how much your mind is stressed out it can relax your mind within minutes so watch the video till the end to get the full benefits breathing is a natural unconscious process that keeps us alive yet the majority of people nearly 90 percent are unaware of the correct way to breathe this lack of knowledge can affect both our physical and mental health today we delve into the most common mistakes in breathing and how rectifying them can instigate positive changes in our lives the first major mistake people make in breathing is shallow breathing our lungs are filled with approximately 300 million alveoli which are tinier sex responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide but with shallow breathing we utilize merely 30 percent of these alveoli leaving behind 70 percent Idol this results in insufficient oxygen intake and carbon dioxide built up in our body leading to a more acidic environment reduced immunity and diminished physical abilities in short we are slowly and unconsciously harming our health but how can we Rectify this the answer is deep breathing deep breathing ensures that air reaches the lower parts of our lungs thus fully utilizing the alveoli and this increases oxygen intake in our body and AIDS in the expulsion of toxins from our body an additional benefit of deep breathing is that it activates the vagus nerve a key component of our nervous system is like a super highway in our body connecting the brain to many important organs such as the heart and lungs it plays a crucial role in regulating our bodily functions like heart rate digestion and immune system this activation stimulates the production of happy hormones like dopamine and serotonin in our body leading to a reduction in stress anxiety and depression with deep breathing every cell in our body gets cleansed and revitalized but what exactly is deep breathing this is where the concept of diaphragmatic or belly breathing comes into play have you ever observed a baby while they breathe you will see that their tummy expands when they take a breathe in and contracts as they breathe out this is how nature wanted us to breathe using our diaphragm not just our chest when we breathe in our stomach should expand and then we breathe out our stomach should contract but as we get older and our lives become more hectic we unknowingly change our breathing pattern we start to take quick and shall we breathe that only fill up our chest and not our belly now this is the incorrect way of breathing and over time it can affect our health and well-being the diaphragm is a muscle that sits between our chest and stomach it helps you to inhale and exhale when we breathe deeply using our diaphragm something special happens as this muscle tightens and moves downwards it creates more room in our chest cavity this extra room lets our lungs expand more than they can as our lungs expand more then we can draw more air into our bodies and then our lungs can extract more life-giving oxygen to feed to ourselves at the same time we can get rid of more waste carbon dioxide when we breathe out so the deeper we breathe into our bellies the more efficiently our bodies can work and the healthier we can be that's why in yogic science it was said that when we inhale the air should ideally flow deep into our bodies reaching as far as our navel when we exhale the air should move from the area of our navel backup and out of our nose this was the way of describing deep and diaphragmatic breathing also as per yogic science hey humans average lifespan is between 65 to 80 years and they breathe around 12 to 20 times per minute dog leaves for about 10 to 13 years and breathe about 20 to 30 times per minute tortoise can live over 150 years breathing just three to four times per minute the slower any creature breeds the longer it tends to live deep breathing fortifies our immune system improves digestion enhancers cardiovascular health reduces stress and promotes overall well-being and thus can also extend our lifespan deep breathing not only has a deep connection with our body but also with our mind your breath is a direct reflection of your emotional state have you ever noticed that when you are angry or stressed your breathing becomes shallow rapid and irregular in contrast when you are calm or happy your breath is low deep and regular it is said in ancient wisdom that our lifespan is determined by a fixed number of breath breathing rapidly may cause us to use up these breath faster and potentially shortening our life on the contrary taking slow deep breath lowers our breathing rate calming our mind and thus can extend our lifespan there are certain breathing patterns if you become aware of these breathing patterns then you can easily come out of those negative emotions and feelings for example when you are angry you are stressed or you start to feel anxious you will find that at that time your breath becomes rapid irregular and shallow but if you become aware of your breath at that time and start taking slow and deep breath then you will find that within a few minutes your negative emotions will start to disappear and you will start to feel calm and peaceful the 478 breathing technique is a powerful tool that you can use when feeling angry stressed anxious or dealing with any negative emotion this method involves inhaling for 4 seconds holding the breath for 7 Seconds and exhaling for 8 Seconds before starting this technique find a suitable Place sit comfortably and place the tip of your tongue on the tissue right behind your top Front Teeth now empty your lungs completely by exhiling then inhale quietly through your nose for count of four seconds hold your breath for a count of seven seconds then exhale through your mouth perching your lips making a whoosh sound for 8 Seconds this completes one cycle repeat the cycle four to ten times the 470 technique offers numerous benefits it can help reduce anxiety lessen anger and bring calmness to your mind it can also Aid in controlling craving for food sex masturbation or any other Stronger Just assisting in Breaking Bad Habits moreover it can facilitate better sleep by using this technique you can harness the power of your breath to bring balance and peace to your life in addition to 470 technique pranayam or breath control exercises such as pranayama helps balance the body and mind techniques like kapalbhati purify and energize the nervous system or the hummingbird is an excellent way to manage intense sexual thoughts reduce anxiety and stabilize the mind in the end I would just like to say that breathing properly is very important for our life because it not only keeps our body healthy but by our breath we can overcome the negative emotions of our mind when we Master our breath we Master our mind our emotions and ultimately Our Lives breath is not just a life force that sustain us it is the key that can unlock a healthier more peaceful and successful life [Music]
Channel: Words of Wisdom
Views: 246,641
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Id: SW4d3Ai3ERY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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