Change the Way You Store Chicken Pot Pie Forever

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comfort food in a jar that's what we're doing for the final day of canary hello everyone and welcome to Sutton's days if you're new here my name is Lisa we are all about Pantry preparedness and while I am an ingredient caner at heart I have been doing a few more meals in a jar kind of thing and so today we're going to do chicken pot pie in a jar I'm going to show you how it works I am preheating my oven to 350° I left my knife someplace so Phil's going to get it but I need to get this done so I have 10 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breast got a great deal on it and I am cutting that up into nice bite-sized chunks you can make them as small as you want and we are going to parcook them this is a hot pack method okay this is not ugly chicken and that's okay so I'm just going to be cubing it up and putting it into my Skillet and and then I'm going to put it in the oven and I'm going to parcook it so that we can get started on all the rest of the good stuff the really fun part about this recipe is that you don't have to do just chicken you can do beef you can do pork you can do ground beef it's all fine and I don't know about you I don't think I've ever had a pork pot pie I've had beef and I've had chicken those are probably chicken's probably the most popular um but if you like pork Oh my God gosh do it do it do it do it it is so simple so easy and it's a good hearty meal and the fact of the matter is with the world as it is today pork and chicken are the less expensive choices for meat for protein so yeah substitute it if you swap out pork if you eat pork I know a lot of people don't but if you eat pork swap out some of your beef recipes and use pork instead or chicken and and see how they do because it's meat it's good it's all good now it's time to wash and prep the rest of the vegetables so the recipe is linked down below but in short you are going to need potatoes mushrooms celery carrots and onion and corn okay and if you don't like any of those leave them out that is the beauty of it you don't have to put up with what somebody at a manufacturing plant is stuffing in into a container for you you can make up your mind because carrots just need to be small when they're in pot pie and so do potatoes yes you still have to peel your potatoes okay now we're going to put the rest of this in here there we go and I have freeze-dried corn because I wasn't buying corn just for that and now we are going to turn on the heat and we're going to add our broth so this is not going to be canned like soup this is going to be canned as the protein okay so you don't have to worry about the half solid half liquid um I actually want a majority of this to be solids but the vegetables will cook down that's good and the broth that is in the jar will be used to make the gravy in the pot pie there we go everything's floating let's turn on the heat bring that up to a nice boil okay that is what you want to see you want to see the boiling we want to cook down those mushrooms that's important and make sure the rest of it is completely cooked like the freeze dried corn right we want that completely rehydrated the rest of us just getting a nice cook it will be fine it will be the same texture as the pot pies you buy in the store but you do want the lid on because you don't want all of that moisture evaporating evaporating when you cook chicken you're going to get a lot of liquid because there's so much liquid in it so that's not a problem because we're going to use a slotted spoon and we're going to be putting it into the jars so that's all we're going to do we're just going to now you can do it on a cookie sheet I just did it on a skillet cuz at the time it seemed like a smart thing to do okay not necessarily so I'm going to fill the jars about halfway with the parcook chicken would I eat this chicken as it is right now no I would not that's why it's considered par cooked okay and I'm going to make a mess while I'm doing it um you don't want to cook it all the way you want some moisture left in there and it will be good it will soak up any moisture and create more during the canning process but we don't need all that extra juice you can however add that extra juice that's in the pan which is what I'm going to do I'm going to add it to the stock pot that the vegetables are in because well it's good don't waste it if you don't want to go to that trouble then by all [Music] means feed it to the puppies let it cool off first though so the reason I'm doing half full um of the meat is number one I have 10 lbs I have seven jars okay so we're going to get all of it into the jars and because I want this to be more meat intensive than all the other fun stuff um we are eating more protein so that is the purpose I have to take some out of that jar I got a little heavy-handed there but halfway with the protein for me works if you don't want to use that much go lighter on the meat not a problem you still have to can it for the same time I'm doing quartz we're going to be canning this for the meat time which is 90 minutes for quartz if you're doing pints which you totally can do then do it for 75 minutes okay this should getting M now you notice I'm not going in there and packing it down or anything okay because the vegetables and the broth are going to get in around it so we will be debblay there was chicken there was some fat on the chicken no harm no harm at all it's in with the liquid that's in the pan the fat is where the flavor is I say that all the time so it will not hurt anything to be in there it just adds flavor you don't have to worry about it going rancid there's not that much so it's all good these kind these kind of projects are where it comes in handy having the funnel seven quarts fit into your 16 quart or they fit into your 23q it's a beautiful thing I think I said I was going to try to fit 10 lbs into seven quarts that's not going to happen that is not going to happen nope so we are going to just fill the jars halfway because 10 lb and 7 quart is a bit much it does turn into a bit of a clump when you cook it this way but that's fine it breaks apart you just got to give it a minute and go slow take your time enjoy the process there there's not a race going on here so basically you're looking for about 1 lb per quart or a half a pound per pint I'm just going to evenly distribute these a little bit more one thing I am going to do that you don't normally see me do is I'm going to add just a tiny bit of poultry seasoning to each jar it just enhances the flavor and it's one less thing you have to mess with when you go to make the the gravy this poultry seasoning is a homemade blend from my friend Marta um but you can use any any that you want okay so we're just going to go in there we're going to start ladling all this fun stuff up we're going to bring those jars to 1 in of head space I'm going to do a big scoop with all the vegetables and everything and then I will come back and I will top it off with the broth did I mention I'm a messic caner I am a messic caner are you a messaner I am okay who's excited about the drawing tomorrow it's going to be amazing we're doing the drawing live tomorrow at 700 p.m. Eastern Standard Time right here on Sutton's days and we are going to be drawing for all of the great prizes that are being offered by four jars and then here at Sutton's days we're also going to be offering up some really great prizes like a caner and a steam caner okay so now I'm going to go back and be broth heavy and I'm going to bring that up to an inch head space and make sure that there's enough broth in there this is the hot pack method which reminds me your caner should be heating up right now okay so when you go back to top it off with the broth you're going to be working for that inch head space okay and then take your pokem stabber your Chopstick anything except a metal utensil and you go in there and you debubble and that will typically get everything settled just the way you want it wash rinse repeat So Lisa is it going to overprocess the vegetables it's a pot pie you guys okay they're not supposed to be crunchy if they are crunchy you did something really really wrong so don't do that but you want that that inch head space that's very important there we have seven beautiful quarts of chicken pot pie starter let me get this cleaned up a little bit and then we'll get the lids on even if you're using a funnel you need to clean your rims okay so I just take a little bit of vinegar on a paper towel run it around the top of the rim you want to make sure because there is a little bit of oil from the food there is debris from the food okay you want to make sure that that is cleaned off because that will help prevent failures as always the sponsor of canary is four jars yes they are fantastic Lids amazing compound fabulous success rate I mean I really I have nothing bad to say about this company I truly just adore them and on the directions for their Lids they say to put them in hot water and soak them first I never do um it's kind of a uh let's cover all the bases safety feature um but I am also pressure canning 99.9% of the time I really have never soaked my Lids when it comes to pressure canning the canner has been heating up these jars are hot okay so we're going to take these Rings we're going to put them on fingertight that do doesn't mean super loose okay that means until it stops moving where you're not cranking it where there's if you were to put put effort into it you could move it more you don't want to do that okay because if you do then it cannot vacate the excess air inside the jar your Lids will Buckle you'll have siphoning it will most likely be a failed canning uh session and you don't that's not why we do this right so just finger tight that's it see and as always remember ugly rings are not a measure of success they are not a status symbol they are not an engagement ring my friends they are a tool okay so if you don't expect any of your tools like your Hammers and your screwdrivers to look like they've been used then you don't use them same thing with rings as you use them they will start to look like they've been used that's a good thing that means that you are putting food up for you and your family it's a tool not an engagement ring my friends okay so we are going to get all seven of these beautious jars into the caner voila and there they are okay we're going to put the lid on we're going to let it vent once it starts to vent a steady stream of steam we will put a timer on for 10 minutes once it hits at 10 minutes we will put the regulator on and once it comes up to pressure we will start our timers for 90 minutes it completely depressurized on its own and we are going to tip the lid all is well and now we're going to empty the caner look at that perfect bubbling away these are going to be great on the shelf for a quick easy meal like I said it can be a soup starter or a pot pie starter I have approximately I think enough for three more quartz so I'll be heating that up filling jars repeating the process but we are going to make we are going to make a pot pie now it's time to make some pot pie filling yes it is so first we're going to start off with a separate pot right obviously we're going to add some butter because we're going to make a rue it's very important it's what thickens up the liquid in the jar this is exactly why we don't can it because it thickens up the liquid in the jar so this is just a flour butter rude that's all it is now the purist out there will say same amount of butter as you do flour or same amount of flour as you do butter whatever the case may be I have never in my life measured them so I just put in butter and then I put in flour and then I mixed it all up until it's all Incorporated okay and that that is the beautiful way that we start our gravy for our chicken pot pie now I'm going to open a jar and this jar is still hot cuz it's not that long out of the caner but I know you guys like to see how it's used so we are going to we are going to drain the liquid okay and put it right in there there we go that's all the liquid in the jar poof and then we are going to take this and we're going to stir it around until it gets nice and thick what do I have my temperature on I got it on high I do everything on high I'm in a hurry but you'll find your sweet spot because it takes no time at all to thicken I mean just like that look at how nice and thick that is right we're going to keep stirring it around we're got some of those clumps yes we are okay and then we are going to take oo now we're going to turn off the heat okay so then we're going to take the remainder of the contents of the jar and pop it into the can or to the pot there we go and we're going to give it a good stir and then we are going to push this off the heat cuz you know it's an electric stove it's still hot but you guys can see how nice and thick that is oh it smells delicious now for the sake of time here is my pie plate okay and my oven turned on cuz I've been preheating my oven so next we are going to lay out the bottom crust of the pie I just for sake of time have a store-bought pie crust you can make your own no harm no foul what you're going to want to do is put this w w okay into your pie plate pop it in the OV oven for 10 minutes okay basically all I did there is I just heated up the crust a little bit so that it's not mushy right okay and now we are going to take all of the good stuff and we are going to put it right down into the pie crust I tell you what banquet ain't got nothing on us who grew up with banquet pot pies you did you I did I did okay and now we are going to take the top crust I'll be the first one to tell you I don't make pretty pies I make good pies there is a difference if who especially when you pull the pie crust apart anyway um I know some people make good and pretty pies but I'm a caner I I am not a pie maker okay so unroll that bad boy be careful cuz it is hot okay and we're just going to put it down in there just follow along with the rest of the pie crust see nobody's even missing that little part that I accidentally tore off okay and now we are going to just pop a couple air holes in there cuz exploding pie sucks we're going to put this in the oven um I'll let you know for how long okay that is a 30 minute crust yes it is H gorgeous so that is our pot pie that is our pot pie look at that bubbl in bubbl in yes now I would love to say that um we're going to have a taste test but no we're not there's not enough time it's got to cool off a little bit uh but that is going to be oh Phil is going to enjoy that you know how Phil eats it he puts a scoop of cottage cheese on top have you ever done that yep so that is that is our chicken pot pie in a jar I hope that you guys have enjoyed this hey hey hey pot pie in a jar this is awesome super simple meal super quick really good healthy real food no preservatives none of that fun stuff it's great I hope that you guys have enjoyed this month-long collaboration Canary it just makes my heart happy to see so many of you participating and watching and enjoying the content that all of these wonderful creators have brought to you I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of this collaboration and thank you always to for jars they are an amazing sponsor they're an amazing company to work with you know I absolutely adore them and everybody in the company and be sure to come back tomorrow when we do the grand finale where we do the prize drawings live Alina from four jars is going to be joining us and it's going to be a great evening there are six I think six prizes total to give out two of them are pressure canners one of them is a steam caner and then a bunch of other stuff too it's going to be a lot of fun we always have a good time maybe we can pull some information out of her what do you think okay everybody if you want to make sure that you watched all of the canary videos check out this playlist right here and until next time be safe
Channel: Suttons Daze
Views: 29,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken pot pie, pot pie, chicken pot pie recipe, chicken pot pie in a jar, canning chicken pot pie, meals in a jar, canuary 2024, forjars, how to make, i always keep these on hand for quick and easy meals - and you should too!, tasty, dinner, cooking, pressure canning, canning, how to make chicken pot pie, best chicken pot pie
Id: e53BwZbOv50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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