Chances to Change - A Happy Death Day Video Essay

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content warning for discussions of death suicide and jokes involving suicide graphic imagery and some uses of bigoted or insensitive language and spoiler alert for happy deathday and happy death day to you and as always these videos are just my opinions and artists objectives so let's go so when you hear about a movie called happy death day what do you think kind of cheesy title the poster looks like this the trailer looks like this I mean maybe you thought this looks like a dumb horror movie I don't want to watch because I sure thought that the second movie came out with the even corner title happy death day to you and I was personally not impressed but I had heard good things from a few critics I follow and so one day out of curiosity I turned on the first happy death day and was finally rosing delighted you're always this charming anymore just this one now I've seen both films and I want a freaking happy death day cinematic universe and let me tell you why [Music] all right so let's start with the usual rundown both happy deathday films were directed by writer director Christopher Landon he's actually the son of actor Michael Landon who you might recognize for playing Charles Ingalls from the Little House on the Prairie TV series and Little Joe Cartwright on bonanza now Christopher Landon has a pretty interesting filmography he wrote screenplays for the 2007 films blood and chocolate and Disturbia starring Shia LaBeouf disturbia was basically rear-window for high schoolers but the opening scene from it has stuck with me for years so good on him he then went on to write paranormal activities 2 through 4 and wrote and directed Paranormal Activity the marked ones followed by a film called scouts guide to the apocalypse in 2015 then in 2017 he released the first happy deathday film and the journey of that first film is pretty interesting in 2007 the film was announced under the title half to death and it was going to star Megan Fox and be produced by Michael Bay at that time Scott Lobdell who was mainly known as a comic book writer had written the screenplay he is still credited with writing the first film but Landon was brought in to do a pass on the script which made some radical changes and while Landon liked the new script much better the studio didn't and the film was dropped several years later he pitched the script to Jason Blum of bloom house productions and the film was greenlit with bloom house and Universal in 2016 both happy deathday films star Jessica Roth as tree Gelman she's a sorority girl with some issues she tends to be thoughtless and selfish and pretty accepting of her own bad behavior when you also rammed her tongue down Nixon's throat right in front of Danielle over the course of the two films she grows while never fully abandoning that edge which makes her so fun to watch next to her there's israel broussard as carter davis oh hey yeah carter is a good good boy like sear he's very good he's the one tree wakes up to every morning because tree got very drunk the night before all this and apparently invited herself to his dorm I slept on lines [ __ ] afraid you're gonna fall or choke on your own vomit like Janis Joplin then there's Ruby Modine as Laurie trees roommate who might be more than she appears she there's Rachel Matthews as Danielle the head of tree sorority and the worst samosa my head's the middle one which time are you going to deposit Charles Aiken plays Gregory Butler trees professor who was married and sleeping with his students wife that's kind of a buzzkill yikes rounding out the main cast there's Phil vu as Ryan Carter's roommate who mostly shows up to deliver this line but we'll get to Ryan more later now if the plot of the first film is as follows tree Gelman wakes up on the morning of her birthday September the 18th she's pretty rude to everybody and dodges calls from her dad and at the end of the day she's stabbed by somebody wearing a mask of their school mascot that Bayfield babies and sidebar that's the worst mascot ever and my colleges original mascot was an orange from their tree wakes up again on September the 18th she's unnerved I'm totally right now but she goes about her day don't mess with the county [ __ ] then she gets stabbed again and dies finally after a few go-rounds including one where she tries boarding herself up in her room which didn't work out she enlists Carter's help he suggests that she uses her apparently infinite number of lives to solve her own murder and that's when this movie gets fun [Music] one of the most impressive things about this movie is its pace and tone we're watching this girl die multiple times so there's the danger that the repetition gets boring to watch we also see her be kind of a horrible person right nobody's perfect and this movie has to walk the tightrope of making us care about what happens to this girl while also letting us have fun with its premise that's not easy and when [ __ ] starts to get real we feel that too if you're wondering why the time loops are happening or what causes them the first movie only has this it's your birthday huh hello it's symbolic whoever's killing you knows it's your birthday the sequel will cover that in a bit more depth but right now let's talk about setup and payoff [Music] so both happy deathday films masterfully utilized the art of setup and payoff now let's just dig into that concept real quick you might have heard the phrase check-offs gun or the rule of threes how about foreshadowing or red herrings all of them are different avenues towards the same concept in basic terms setup and payoff means that early in a story a detail is introduced and later in the story that detail will become important and when this is done well the payoff feels organic because it was set up earlier in the story a good example would be from the recent and delightful into the spider-verse in the movie Miles Morales needs to learn to use his new abilities most notably the web-slinging he gives it a try here and fails this is the setup the payoff comes after some tough truths are uncovered and Peter B Parker tells him about taking a leap of faith so we get this payoff now why does this matter why do we need set up and payoff at all well because otherwise you get to the third movie in a trilogy and suddenly you're bad guys this other dude who was never mentioned in either of the two previous films who we all thought was dead or like you get to the end of eight seasons and suddenly the queen is a homicidal fascist it's just basic narrative structure set something up pay it off later some stories can be more avant-garde but like the narrative arc this is a tool most mainstream stories will utilize but there's more than one way to go about this remember all those terms I threw around earlier well Anton Chekhov was a playwright known for such works as Uncle Vanya and the seagull he believed a narrative utility and every element of a story having a purpose he said this quote a lot of different ways but the one you've probably heard is if you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off this is the storytelling concept known as Chekhov's gun a very literal example comes from 2007 Shaun of the Dead in one scene we are shown a rifle in this bar later this gun will be used to fight off a zombie horde another similar concept would be that a foreshadowing early on in a story one can hint at or imply something that will come to fruition later a really fun example would be 2004 The Incredibles fashion designer Edna mode tells mr. incredible knotek's and later the villain is defeated like this the rule of threes is a concept which suggests a final payoff is more satisfying due to its repetition and also that audiences tend to remember well in threes so basically setup a concept remind us of it and pay it off later and for our example let's look at this one scene from 2010's How to Train Your Dragon early on in that film the young Viking hiccup is trying to tame his new dragon friend toothless he feeds some fish she's forced to eat some of the fish it's great but hiccup then tries to pet the dragon and toothless does not take that well that's the setup we get a little reminder here where toothless will not let hiccup touch him again and finally we get this sequence where the two of them are clearly starting to bond they draw together and play this little game and at the end of it hiccup faces toothless and tries again and after a moment we get the payoff it's great the last concept is that of the red herring or the misdirect which is sort of the inverse of all those other setups and payoffs you find it a lot in murder mysteries a red herring is where a story sets up something to mislead and distract the audience making the actual reveal a surprise and for our example let's look at the first episode of the cult hit series Firefly where we are introduced to this character Simon Tam our heroes are trying to fly under the radar while taking on passengers for a little extra cash and we're treated to shots like this emphasizing Simon as a suspicious character he's a little standoffish and seems overly concerned about some of this cargo that was brought aboard the ship so when they find out there's a mole aboard reporting their whereabouts to the Alliance the captain suspects Simon turns out it's not him in the real mole with this [ __ ] you see the misdirect was with shots like this and Simon's aloof behavior setting him up as an unlikable character while the real miscreant was just sort of less interesting than everybody else and easy to forget about until the time was right to reveal him the happy deathday franchise actually uses all of these storytelling concepts to great effect whether it's Gregory being the red herring in the first film with shots like this to make him seem suddenly very menacing minutes later we see him murdered and that rules him out as the killer or the rule of threes with Laurie's cupcake or how about Chekhov's milkshake what is breakfast Becky or this nice little piece of foreshadowing here where Laurie tries to tell tree her actions will have consequences in reference to her ongoing affair with Gregory which will be the reason Laurie was murdering her this whole time I think something like this is bound to have some pretty serious consequences you're right it is what's fun with happy deathday in particular is that due to the repetitive nature of the story sometimes it's not just set up and pay off sometimes it's set up and pay off and pay off he's going to fall and pay off sometimes we don't even get the pay off until the sequel what the hell are you always looking for under that desk I see my mouth where a girl I like to think sometimes it's a little thing like lump is long right and other times it's big things like he's been here the whole time it's just fun an effective storytelling whether it's being used to set up a joke so-called fine vagina that's the way that you refer to girls you and your hand are going to have a very lasting relationship have a nice day or being used to set up the emotional underpinning of the movie my mom's coming down I don't think she'd be very proud which brings us to the end of the first happy death day so in one of the later loops tree explains it all to Carter again sprinklers [Music] the questions and the pair of them end up at a diner where tree tells Carter that her mother is dead something that's been hinted at with the bracelet which seems to have sentimental value and with this scene where we see her watch that video of her and her mother in a way that can only be described as bittersweet we learned the reason she's dodging the calls from her dad is because her and her mother shared the same birthday and it used to be a big family celebration but since her mother's passing three years ago it's more of a somber affair I couldn't bear the thought of sitting through another uncomfortable celebration while we both pretend that everything is awesome and she tells Carter this you relive the same day over and over and kind of stoked to see who you really are I'm not a good person Carter and he suggests that it's never too late to change she tells him she's running out of chances earlier she passed out and ended up in the hospital where she was told she had massive internal scarring to the point that she should be dead now she admits to keep on giving wicker every time they come back and then this emotional moment is interrupted by a newscast on the television a serial killer is being treated at the University Hospital where tree briefly escaped her killer and ruled out Gregory as a suspect just a looper to ago and the serial killer John tooms seems to target young blonde women he's been here the whole time so tree goes running for the hospital convinced she's found the baby nest killer we even get a reveal here and then Carter who apparently followed tree to the hospital tries to help her here which goes really badly for him tree realizes she'll have to reset the day or else Carter will stay dead which leads to this moment see you soon as hole and so tree comes back one more time but this time she seems almost jubilant I can't believe you tried to save my life thank you so much no biggie just write home I don't know if you remember my name Carter it seems that with this loop she's out to do everything right I never should have started seeing you it was wrong don't expect me to let you coast by my class now all right dropped it can we start over I promise not to be such a loser what was I for my birthday what's the punch though look I know it's really random but I promise I'll explain everything tomorrow so meek marries one just say yes all right yeah she even goes and talks to her dad after avoiding him all this time I guess I avoided somehow it would be easier that's not what I'm here and I love you and I am so so sorry I hurt you it's really sweet and then she goes to kill tombs by the way I like to call this action tree I love action tree and in the end she wins hey since he's off she shoots him and gets to go back home to this scene what do you know which one happy ending right she goes back to her room where Lori's waiting and tree says she's leaving and getting as far from campus as she can true what's wrong me I was wrong then Lori presents her with the cupcake and tree realizes thanks but I already ate it last night I died in my sleep you're killing me she never actually ate the cupcake until last night oh I take a bite and then we learn why Lori is trying to kill her I know I've been a bad roommate but isn't this a bit much what the hell maybe because she wouldn't stop sleeping with him Gregory he's killing me over some stupid guy oh that's not the only reason you're done [ __ ] - we also learned that Lori had been letting tooms get loose in the hospital so when she murdered tree the escaped serial killer would be blamed for her death they fight and tree eventually kicks Lori out the window where she lands in front of this poor girl who did nothing wrong ever and we get a scene with Carter and tree in the diner talking about what happened Lori's little plot was super lame poisoning a cupcake really work half us we don't eat cupcakes she answers a call from her dad I'm fine I promise and Carter clumsily invites her back to his dorm so now that your bedroom is officially a crime scene and all we plan on crashing it is that an invitation it's really cute and then we get one final scene for a moment the movie tricks us yet again but actually this time it was Carter playing a prank on her Ryan shows up at the door begging to be allowed in the room oh I'm not sleeping with my cardigan this smells like hot pockets and feet and then they kiss and we get a final shot of that sticker on the door and that's the end of movie one this story was all wrapped up there's no way we can open this back up for a sequel right dumbass you sent me back oh you sweet summer child so in terms of genre and inspiration happy deathday where's its influences on its sleeve whether it's the works of John Hughes the aesthetics and tropes of a slasher film this much like other films which reference and remix recognizable cultural touchstones these films like to use those trappings to subvert our expectations again and again most slasher films involve some serial killer but in the end tree was being murdered by her roommate and in the sequel happy death day to you we start assuming that somehow tree is going through the time loops again only for this to happen Ryan Carter's roommate starts at the center of the sequel we watch him go through his day where he gets kicked out of his dorm by Carter and goes to the lab to meet his friends Samar and Dre played by Suraj Sharma and Sarah Yorkin respectively we might not get to talk about them much in this video but just trust me they're great we see that they've been working on this very science looking thing which apparently mysteriously activated the night before at 12:01 a.m. then the Dean comes in intent on confiscating the device and shutting down their project with it for rolling blackouts fried electrical circuits and it's all because of your little science projects with theses projects it's an abject failure we eventually learn the devices called [ __ ] short for Sisyphus in Greek mythology Sisyphus was the king of ephyra and he cheated death twice and was eventually punished by Zeus to eternally roll a boulder up a hill an apt metaphor for the time loops perhaps well as the day goes on Ryan gets some creepy texts goes walking around this ridiculously spooky dimly lit lab and suddenly gets stabbed by somebody wearing a baby mess [Music] so at this point we the audience understand in this movie we're going to watch Ryan grow by going through these loops although it only takes Ryan that first loop before he Clues in enough to say something to Carter and tree seriously I'm having nothing what's the call when you feel like you've already lifted something before Yahoo yes tree of course literally just escaped her own time loop so she clues in immediately to what's happening we even get a fun recap of the first film just in case anybody walked into a movie called happy deathday to you without seeing the first one and we get a full explanation of Ryan's thesis projects so basically we're trying to prove that time can slow down on a molecular level you dummy in an interview Christopher Landon said I was editing the first movie and I kept watching scenes with Ryan barging into the dorm room and throwing out that really sexist question and I started laughing because I thought what if he was the reason this happened there was something very comedic about that to me so Ryan was the cause all along those rolling blackouts were a little hint for what would come because this is when happy deathday to you gets weird and honestly delightful oh and by the way you're gonna die again and again and again also this happens so he confessed Ultron scared me oh she's not my girlfriend whoa are you my girlfriend okay so the trio set out to find who is killing Ryan action tree makes a fun resurgence and it turns out the killer is Ryan what the hell is going on here I was trying to close the loop but somehow I got knocked into a parallel time loop we're all in serious danger it's a butterfly effect you have to kill him meaning she's going to create bigger pumps if you do not stop him kill him now do that kill him basically Ryan activate [ __ ] to try and get rid of this alternate universe Ryan but instead of accomplishing that [ __ ] ends up sending tree back to Monday the 18th dumbass you sent me back and I just have to take a moment to point out one of my favorite bits of acting from Jessica Roth and this franchise incredible glorious iconic where is her Oscar but anyway tree is back in Monday the 18th except something is different where's the cupcake ok when you made for my birthday the one you poisoned I don't know what stupid joke Daniel I'll put you up to but there's no cupcake Carter and Ryan theorized that tree has been sent into a parallel reality I highly doubt it whatever version of tree existed in this timeline has theoretically been knocked into another reality as well and then we see Danielle coming towards their table just like she did in the previous reality and this happens sidebar that is the funniest goddamn needle drop I've seen in years there's another really great one in this sequence but anyway we learned that Danielle in this reality is interacting I'm auditioning for this year's production of The Miracle Worker all I know is acting wine is probably harder than actually being blind and also she still kind of sucks tree escapes that uncomfortable scene when she gets a birthday call from her dad she goes to meet him at the restaurant and the movie has one more curveball to throw us here trees mom is still alive in this reality and unfortunately so is tombs tree ends up going to the hospital to try and face him off and briefly get saved by Laurie who is very much not the killer in this reality and then is the pair of them tried to escape the killer Laurie gets murdered tree gets pursued by the killer through the hospital and then this happens and tree ends up accidentally falling off the hospital roof to her death rookie move tree also what dimension am I in Danyelle my girlfriend that bit really makes me giggle and so here's when the movie finally hits its stride this is how it's supposed to be my mom's okay or isn't trying to kill me I mean this is like the better version of my life right I need to stay here in this dimension she just wants all the science kids to close the loop but as they explained to her none of them can remember what they learned with the day restarting and it would take days to figure out the math to undo what Ryan did which means in this movie there's gonna have to be a living record tree has to learn quantum physics no seriously she does and she points out there is still a killer on the loose and they suggest that she killed herself rather than wait for the murderer to find her have a better idea cue the science and suicide montage and I'll just say here the way this movie treats suicide might not be for everybody like the girl could just take some pills or something but this is a movie so she finds increasingly absurd ways to reset the day landon said in an interview we call it the reset montage because she's not actually dying it's not suicide because she can't die it was really important for us to make sure that the way she was dying felt a bit cartoonish I wanted them to be humorous I didn't want them to feel like real situations because I never wanted anyone to feel like we were making fun of suicide because that's not the case some people might not like this montage and that's okay but I personally do find this to be [ __ ] hilarious and if you think this movie is done flip-flopping genres you're wrong because much like the last movie tree reaches a point where she's running out of resets I keep getting weaker every time I come back I don't know how many chances I have left same is the last film the deaths are still damaging her to some degree so when they finally figured out the equations and the Dean comes in to confiscate Cissy where do you have my office word it will remain under lock and key some other stuff happens which I will talk about in a minute but first I have to talk about when this time loop alternate realities Back to the Future 2 slasher movie becomes a heist movie unless we steal it back I love this movie it's insane the Dean confiscate [ __ ] and the gang cooks up a plan to steal it back involving Danielle's best blind girl routine and for some reason she decides to be French too so the gang steal back [ __ ] and then [ __ ] don't stop the killers gonna die so let's talk about growth huh [Music] so like at the start of these films tree is not a good person she even says so here I'm not a good person Carter a lot of it stems from her bitterness over the loss of her mother but a lot of it I think just kind of happened I think tree fell into these behaviors and was so busy trying not to examine the parts of her life that hurt that she didn't examine any of it at all she became this vapid selfish person who gets people fired and spits on uber drivers hi nobody's perfect but everybody has the capacity to change as Carter says it's never too late to change and after living the same day enough times tree finally has the perspective to see the mistakes she's made and to try and change them I do love the loop in the first film where she tries to do it all right and you go out there and get yourself a fine piece of man ass I love this running bit with Tim by the way not only do we get to touch on it in the sequel we also get a really funny callback to it once tree is stuck in the loops again and super mad about it RJ but anyways over the course of the first film we saw tree become much less self-centered and a lot of that is seen through her growing relationship with Carter the sheer amount of kindness he shows her eventually breaks through all her barriers and so when he gets murdered trying to save her towards the end of the first film she literally kills herself to reset the day and keep him alive I can't believe Mike thank you so much no biggie just home and in the second film even with the complication of his relationship with Danielle which like Danielle my girlfriend I don't get it and neither does tree but Carter seems pretty committed to it and is still really decent and sweet to tree throughout the film so yeah of course I wouldn't and not unlike everybody's favorite show the good place both of these movies also posit that we can become better through our relationships with other people love does that it changes you it makes you a better person but there's the added wrinkle in the sequel of trees mother being alive in this dimension what if this isn't the life that you're supposed to have I'm just supposed to go back to some dimension where my mom's dead you're living someone else's life that doesn't belong to you there was a scene at the beginning of the film where tree wondered if the events of the first film mattered if her growth still had meaning if the whole thing was just caused by Ryan's malfunctioning science project turns out it was just meaningless in that same later scene Carter tells her that she still has a chance very few people get when they lose someone just say goodbye initially tree rejects all of that and grabs her parents and tries to run away she ends up having this talk with her mom we all have to make hard choices tree that's life and sometimes the past is pulling us in one direction and the future is calling us somewhere new and then she sees on the news that in her absence Carter went to the hospital to try and save Laurie and he died so tree steals her dad's car and drives it into the powerplant killing herself and resetting the day one last time I hear that wasn't sure if he was sleeping or not that is the last time I'm dying for you and after all of that tree decides to go back to her own dimension surely one go back can't spend my life living in the past but she still has to make peace with people in this dimension so is Ryan in the other set up [ __ ] for its final run she goes and talks to Laurie about her affair with Gregory he's not worth it I know what it's like living a double life always feeling like [ __ ] about yourself as someone once told me that every day is a chance to be someone better maybe this is your day she also tries to talk to Danielle who she thought maybe she had misjudged you sorry but I've like made the nice three-way and nope she was actually right on the mark about Danielle and then she goes to see her mom to say goodbye do you want sweetie what's wrong you know people say I love you all the time it's not until you can't say it to that person's face anymore that you really realize how much you mean it you are so beautiful and so amazing I really thought I could have no honey nobody can because that's okay you'll get what you need in case you're wondering this is the scene that made me cry a lot and I haven't really mentioned Bear McCreary score but this track here is really nice [Music] and then after she says goodbye to her mom and the Dean takes [ __ ] and the gang steal it back and everything is almost ready she's gonna die tree has to do the right thing one more time even though earlier she said people die everyday Carter I can't be responsible for everyone okay she goes back to the hospital to save Laurie [Music] meanwhile the Dean finally figures out what's going on and with the help of a few security guards attempts to break down the door to the lab to stop Cissy from activating at the hospital we get the reveal that in this universe Gregory is the killer and Laurie was his intended target all along and that his wife was in on it the whole time you really think I was gonna let a little hole like that ruin my life then this happens I want a divorce and Carter appears to try and help tree as she goes running with Gregory in pursuit until the pair of them reached the MRI machine look who brought a screwdriver to a gunfight you're screwed and tree wins again hurray no seriously this kicks ass [ __ ] that guy she comes back to find Carter helping Laurie onto a gurney I'm so sorry what you just saved my life I wish things could have been different I'm sorry we need over and just so you know Laurie makes me really sad in this universe particularly with this bit here and then tree and Carter have this final moment together as the machine is about to activate and she tells him and we get a beautiful sequence that gives my trashy shipper Hart life as they kiss in beautiful slow motion and at the same time we watched the science gang try to foil the Dean and the security guards buying those precious extra seconds to let the device activate and it works sissie activates and the equations tree spent ages memorizing worked and everybody wakes up on the floor of the lab right where we left them when the device activated earlier in the film of course tree has to make sure I just [ __ ] my pants and that's the end of the movie I mean there's one less mid-credits scene setting up a third film and a goddamn happy deathday cinematic universe that I want more than life itself basically government officials show up to the school pick up the science gang and tell them that they acquired Cissy and they want to further explore its abilities so we just need to find a test subject Carter objects because you wanna trap somebody unit I messed up what they deserve it and trie says I think I have the buzz to recruit [Music] amazing perfect poetic cinema I want a third movie where we watch Danielle as trash as she is go through this crucible and come out better like tree had to and then I want eight more movies because this is the gift that these bonkers movies give us like I said before nobody is perfect no I wasn't trying to do it as an estate agent look Joe silence but everybody and I mean everybody has the opportunity to change and grow and in the case of tree she had nearly infinite opportunities every day is a chance to be someone better and she uses those chances she's not a perfect person by the end of these two films but she's grown to see beyond herself and she's accepted her mother's death in some ways I feel that the act of going back to her own reality in the sequel is a little bit of a selfless act yes she gets to go back to her version of Carter who she cares for deeply but their relationship is still pretty new and mostly based around all the loops she spent with him from his side of things oh she's not my girlfriend oh hey how are you my girlfriend okay also if we're being realistic I don't think his relationship with Danielle and the alternate reality was long for this world anyway but she gives up being in a world with her mother because it's not her world you're living someone else's life that doesn't belong to you it's what makes you you this version of her mother has memories of another version of her daughter they have their own memories and jokes that our tree doesn't share this giant cinnamon rolls from that bakery in Morrow Bay my birthday last year you don't remember you ate two of them this other version of tree never lost her mom and our tree deprives her of that reality by staying in this alternate dimension going back to her own reality means giving her mother back to her other self and it means moving on I really thought I could have nobody can because that's okay you'll get what you need the time loops are the crucible that tree passes through to become a better person and in the end she'll get not necessarily what she wanted but what she needed and sometimes the past is pulling us in one direction and the future is calling us somewhere new she'll be a better person not perfect because there's no such thing but better every day we all have the choice to be somebody better we all have the choice right now to be this [ __ ] or we can try harder and be better wash your hands and practice social distancing we're all just doing our best out there so we can make the choice to try for ourselves and for each other and in the case of tree she is no longer the person she was at the start of these films she's grown through her struggles and her relationships with other people the transformation was uncomfortable and sometimes painful but she made the effort and at the end of it she was changed anyway I can't change what I've done but I can start trying to be a better person today Landon said he named the character tree partly because it was a cute nickname for Teresa but also because trees need to grow when you think about it trees are always growing and so is tree [Music] I'm not kidding when I tell you I am currently more invested in this series than I am in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars sure I like some individual films from this series but these movies are just so fun sometimes I just want to have fun you know the third film is currently stuck in the phase where it seems there is a screenplay but the film hasn't been picked up by bloom house and now it just needs to be rescued by Netflix or something I mean we could pick apart these movies which maybe don't stand up to the closest scrutiny like in the first movie Laurie's actions don't always make sense while wearing the baby mask throughout the various loops it only makes sense if you just decide she's a blood psychopath because she kills a lot of people including Gregory who is supposedly the object of her affections which like doesn't make a whole lot of sense since I assumed she wanted treat dead so she could have him to herself or in the sequel where tree spends a lot of the movie killing herself to reset the day we learned that in that alternate dimension the killer was after Laurie so she could have just learned the math without killing herself it's not a huge problem but it does kind of nag me during repeated viewings and like we got an alternate universe Ryan who tried to kill our Ryan to stop him from using the machine now I do think this entire sequence is hilariously bonkers but later on tree has this moment in the alternate universe which Ryan completely brushes aside but like for a minute an alternate universe Ryan was trying to murder our Ryan and the movie can and will ask you to roll with that and then forget about it unless that potential third film plan to dig a little deeper into that concept much like another favorite film I've discussed on this channel this is the sort of movie that is at its best if you just sit back and enjoy it I won't ask you to turn your brain off but if you let yourself get swept up in the heart of it and the silliness - it's a good time there are more interesting behind the scenes details like the baby mask was actually made by Tony Gardner who designed the ghost face mask for the screen films originally they had a few concepts including a pig mask but Landon and his partner were expecting their first baby and he said he had baby on the brain and was maybe little scared of being a parent so baby mask also landon wore the mask around a bit to test it out and terrify their line producer which sealed the deal for the mask also the first film was not meant to have a sequel originally tree was going to die at the end of the film with Gregory's wife killing her in the hospital and I'm really glad they changed that ending especially because the sequel is so fun and with this final setup I want a happy deathday cinematic universe like if The Fast and Furious movies can have one why not happy deathday I look forward to happy deathday 8 which is a musical for some reason also I really love the way these movies [ __ ] with the universal logo [Music] it's such a fun way to set a tone from the very first frame so at the end of the day I recommend you watch these movies watch for Jessica Roth tearing up the scenery with this no-holds-barred performance watch for the incredibly charming chemistry between the two leads Carter watch for the cast of fun characters around them truly the cafeteria enjoy not only they can't be your elements but what lies deeper beneath the surface and just remember trees are always growing so [ __ ] got wild while this video was being made like initially I picked this because I just wanted a mental break for me and now I feel that everybody everywhere needs some joy in their lives because [ __ ] is hard right now to that end I'm putting off Jojo in The Book Thief again I already announced this on patreon by the way thank you to my patrons but yeah I will get to this video I bought multiple blu-rays for it specifically but right now I think we could all use some fun so to that end I'm doing you Knight's Tale next you guys strapped in it's gonna be wild and that's all for now thank you so much for watching and uh yeah I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Ladyknightthebrave
Views: 140,229
Rating: 4.9823041 out of 5
Keywords: Happy Death Day, Happy Death Day 2U, Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, Christopher Landon, Chris Landon
Id: m56k8D5wmHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 3sec (2643 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.