Challenging D1 Golfers at the NICEST Course in Kansas!

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what's going on guys welcome back to another hung off video today we're out at Flyn Hills National in Witchita Kansas um I'm here with Luke shler what do we have what are we doing today today we're going to be playing a four ball against my teammates W State uh this is I'm Conor guys I'm a freshman at WSU Ty Atkins also a freshman at WSU so we're going to be playing a fourball today here at point we're just going to be playing the front nine today we're going to be playing me and BR Team hung Go versus tinny which stay Team all right who's get who's getting the goat who's getting the goat who wants it who wants it all right it's us it's us Luke you want it team twig it was on you I want you to go all right I'll go I will go I'm coming off sick being sick there come through how far is this all we got a par five here about 5:40 I'm just going to try to rip one just left of this bunker here have a good look in Tracer that came backwards how in the world did H that that was so high start us off in play though all right Luke what we got be got oh Tracer Tracer Tracer first time he already first time it might have yeah oh [Music] uhoh I think that's that did have less spin though yeah all right oh yeah we like that take that a lot better lot better boys let's get going you feel great I mean it's a beautiful day we out of FL Hills National Sunny and 75 doesn't get much better not little Breezy little Breezy can't complain though it's always Breezy here Central Kansas this is what you're going to get kind of out of position here to go for it so my B yeah going to h a little p we're going to hit a little punch forward the Fairway goes right so I know you guys can't see that but going to punch one up that's fine right well I went in the water couldn't see it I don't think Brent knew where he was really going I didn't so that's kind of my fault I'm going to go right here that big tree oh no is that okay we're okay hit car pad fellas okay we're good we're good okay all right we're just going to hit a little ton here and we're going to working around this tree hopefully just end up right in the middle of the Fairway okay absolutely terrible shot but it's okay we'll be all right any more that all right guys not my best shot um got a bit of an angle here I got four iron just in a little layup paway well that did not go as planned so this is where we ended up um yeah I guess let's try and get it out there we did not get it out struggle line shot forgot uh forgot you can go sou far right in this so hit a little left uh we went in the water so I dropped here got 136 into the wind out of the rough can take a little PE go that's a look for six that's to look for Parks all right Luke's in play though so all right we got 115 so a little breeze off the left we're going hit 52 the ball's going to jump a little bit all right all we got to look for birdie be all right we can make that all right come on Lou I'm sorry I left you stranded guys we got 105 yards P I just want to get on the green for birdie so lot of win into us this this Rock High here is no joke it's nothing 105 y I'm going to try to get 50 hopefully has no spin it comes out we'll see it was just in a horrific lie that sucks it's all right no joke dude the rough out here is no joke no it's not a joke like that lie was horrible what because we're we are playing a down and I can't control how it's going to sit all that layup and that wet shot that's frustrating it's all right we'll bounce back come on oh it looks so good folks didn't turn it the end there folks yes it great had a kid great a kid love it show me something show me something come on love it good stuff there all right tie to in the hole here for bird all right little left to right left to right up the hill to Wi the hole all right we remain all square that's good that's good yeah yeah I'll go straight left all right Luke's op to go first cuz you made the par we love that this is so annoying Par Four about 4 h0 goes straight left so L's going to bombit over those bunkers and be good that good wow Luke with an aggressive line there hey I like that I like that Luke that a kid love the aggressiveness that a kid I think that's good out way BR yeah had a baby wow yeah all right should be pretty solid hopefully I didn't miss the Tracer there work yeah that's over it yeah good shot dude you're in the rough on the other side no I popped it up yeah D the Tracer on that one I bet you a ballmart not going to be good a ballar right there struggling folks where where did that go have no idea dude that tree is in play you can play Rob is rattled right now folks we'll be all right that once again shout out Seth Brian the homie he's going to be having us out here for some game for some games at this course a lot of the top juniors in the area and college golfers uh we play these little challenges in tournament style 2v tws whatever you whatever you call it um I mean you name it we're doing it so I think it's like every Monday so if you're a good golfer in the area of witch do anes hit us up um come play and showcase your skills on the channel hopefully going to try to keep it a little left have uph putt hopefully so oh no that was so close to being oh no all right just short folks just off the green try to go a little higher with this one see what we got that's 90 ft for bird guys we got 35 year 35 yards here after that bomb of a drive I mean that's the best Drive i' probably ever hit on this hole honestly tough spot downwind pin front right I'm just going to try to hit this high and spin we'll see where it goes yeah that's as good as I can do there pretty happy with that so yeah let's just go try to make the SP but we'll see like I said me and bran just ham and egot today I helps on the first Soul might be able to help here hopefully just makes the pot and I have those are the best birdies in the world whenever you can pick it up cuz your birdie Mak your partner Mak all right little right to left here me pretty Quicky holy come on baby from the let's go you want me to come on that's a birdie baby hard wowow that was a great looking pot that makes birdie and that puts this one down that hurts it's all right though plenty of golf left to play plenty of golf left to play in this stroke play one hell of a birdie though yeah absolutely terrific all right we got another part four here roughly 400 right Luke yeah this is a tough rly 400 very tight good little looks um you know everyone's going to smoke driver it's into the wind um kind of half to hit driver kind of half to hit driver and it's very tight so gunch left gunch right not forgiving Ty and Conor you guys have the honors all right 4 four just going to try to bleed this one down the left side here I mean it's fine this is is that popped up it just popped up well I bed it down the left side but it popped up so it's a good drive we're in he's in play we're in play yeah anything in play on this hole is awesome so we're in play but we're optimal 210 10 yards out on a I'm this so see if I can put myself in a in a hole here folks partner got you though that birdie is nice there's that driver there it is a little better oh that is that is cranked Tracer Tracer that is such a that is Crank That is that was that was hit far into the wind he's still going to have like nothing wow it hold it all right is that bunker no that's way over oh good it's bunker it's not buker it's bunker yeah it's bunker yeah I didn't hit it as good D two carry no that's like a 280 Carri the wind helped that definitely carried it was bunker bro it's 280 in the wind and I didn't it's not 280 the 2 rip low one middle yes Bey out a baby you know what four balls in play here on this oural yeah I mean it's a tough hole to hit in the play that was just a nice little draw ball all right so not not the greatest of drives here but I feel H it's all about being in play and we're in play so we got a shot at it we got a little nine iron here from 147 into the wind just going to try to carry it over that flag be on the back back half of the green oh what a kick wow a lovely kick go a lovely kick folks and we're on the back of the green like you said um so we'll take that every day we'll take that 13 to the pen over this yeah go just left of the tree of this tree no the one on the right one like 10 yards left all right well folks that hurts oh that came out good sit oh be all over it all right we got to look far we got to look for far he that's all I do kough that first one did you thin the first one yeah that was hit really well though wind seems to be dying down a little bit we got 95 95 yards I'm going to take a 56 kind of no it I mean out of the it just it just come out so hot it's all right though got to look finally put a ball in play see if I can put one up there 78 yards little hurting wind 60 all right a little bit of a pull but we got about a 12 footer for bird check this stuff out folks coming soon little ball marker ball marker action uh we got a limited we got a limited stock 50 we got three different kinds 50 of each coming soon but over to tie all right folks this is PR birdie just going to try to run it up there and then uh knock in my par give Connor a good run for birdie that work you got to make this for a break so much oh good try BR K it up than man con for bir here don't do it got about 12T here to go two up uphill need some good PA team Hong has all pars left it low good one down one down this next hole signature hole here um little long par three over the drink this is the good water out here folks nothing but the best I love my water got that water it was water now that's good stuff right there iron 232 I don't hit my five iron that far but it is kind of down we're going try to get it middle of the green don't want to be long here cannot be long can't feel Wind come on wind do something see it sh flew long this is a tough hole in this one we got five iron here I cannot I can't carry my five iron 232 but um we're just going to try to get on the green have us have us a look Partners out Partners out of the hole so see what we can do bunker bunker beautiful shot lost it lost it totally lost it it's all right that's all right that's all righty you're in a good spot one down guys team H golf's one down right now we're on the green we have the huge Advantage all right we got a pretty long bunker shot here after a not very good five iron um we're just going to try to get somewhere on the green and just have a chance of par well kind of chunked it oh we got a puff par what we wanted yeah all right not too bad kind of got steep with it but we good that's about yeah it's right there it's about all you can do right there all right it's out all right oh I got to go go so hard now you're going to make me have to make this and look it's com back wow all right well giv Luke left that short um we're trying trying to give this a run and uh see if we can't put it in up the hill left to right see what it does that ain't good all right folks we got a little left good a little meat left on the table here say l what do you say a good was hoping not have to putp mine for bogey but yeah you're going to this a situation we're in let's not get in up I'll give you a good all righty Horizon's got a pot to save us our par from that bunker spot so see what he can do I think he's going to make this he's like a lot though I'm thinking a lot wow good speed I think ni all right F about 4 here the hole I mean tough hole all right the hole still one up still one up three four right four on five going to try to go right over these trees ideally I hit it good and I have 200 Ys in 5 70 power five probably all right that was good that'll work hard at it little hey all right folks we're trying to try to hit a cut off the left off the right side of these trees we put us in the Fairway that was a nice ball on yeah good ball but it's got a cut folks it's got to go and cut and might be all right we'll might be all right wasn't in the air for long enough right I got this Brent's got it can always count on Brent that'll work yep in the it'll work in the Fairway for in the fa right there folks I let go yeah there's a chance Luke be okay if he hit it I hit it straight off the heel heel Cuts you always know it's cutting still in the middle got a little bit of a longer ways in that's fine we got 238 I'm going to rip a three right at that little um wind turbine thingy I'm G to rip rip a I'm going to rip a three on right at the fan because it all kind of feeds right so all right we're just in front of it so where are my towels see you in a minute all right folks good drive there 202 to the flag downwind we're in h seven iron go go oh it's way short folks that good no chunky all right short in the Fairway love the chip all right six iron 205 trying to get it a little p the give us a for I have a hold you what hold it folks was where' that go yeah mine yeah it's like 10 high left oh I got you all right well Luke says he has a gap here let's check this out forgot about the swing aspect all right guys we somehow found our ball and we somehow have a shot so we're going to try to get this back into Play That's that is the plan chunked it guys it's been a rough last two holes folks let's see if we can get one by the green though get back to there's no way I mean I hit the green guys we're on the green for bir but that rolled 20 yards to a slope I didn't want to roll down to but I guess we'll play for par again we need birdies guys we're just not making them not doing well off the te enough but we'll figure it out all right folks after a very chunky seven iron got a short Chip Shot um going to try to put some spinach on this and uh see how close it ends up boun a little short love a birdie putt I believe I'm going to have to land this like barely on and let it kind of trickle down there to the left as you can see there's a big slopes so I got 60 out spin all right here we go not really anything you can do going to get it done the bird I should Mark my ball yeah that's good yeah good job that's good oh I mean you tried to make it yeah did yeah I did definitely gave it a run yeah I was not leaving that short no you weren't no reason to you're there for birdie I mean you want to hammer in birdies TI's right there yeah all right folks about 15 ft or so for birdie here going to have to get give it a run with Brent being in close to birdie so wow folks that hurts that hurts the soul right there the lip out hurts a lot like good yeah so good man well guys they gave me my P they one down did that actually go that far right wow folks oh no crazy turn of events there thought there would definitely be blood like I said on the first te and on the te and uh you know Brent just hit a bad Putt and it happens this golf on the next hole went off the right we're one down folks so all right we're one up short part four here can definitely Drive the green today uh see if we hit a good one here oh that's a right pin probably short all right fol I'll be all right might be in the bunker green side bunker which is a good spot yeah it's a good spot we'll choke down driver keep straight right wow no keep it straight oh oh could be good that might be really good that could be so good folks too far right it's long I mean this is yeah this is completely blind so like you're just guessing how far right you really are on glasses came off on The Recoil come on same line as mine might be dangerous dve that might be dangerous TR come on I think that was really good nice I hammered that like same as mine yeah all right well that's going to be all right that's going to be just fine you got that not good we got 56 yards into um I'm thinking of just skipping it right right into that uh Little Portion just short skip skip yeah there it is folks that's a skipper draw Skipper all right folks we're going to have to get this one Airborne going have to get up to get over this all right just short oh where are you oh okay okay the RO I'm right here dude how did you not hit a rock I think we both cared yeah yeah but I could be wrong really good thank you is that all I can do un all right not bad not bad hey they might still need youran got thatd you all right all right we got chipper birdie here um my bad no you're ready to take it out um probably getting to make it Luke and Brent have really good looks at it so we're going to give it a run see if we can't see if we can't roll it in with the chipper he just did it thank you brother thank you brother thank you brother reaction my wow good chip bro wow bird well done with the chipping very impressive there all right this to have the whole tie after that tie all all right good pot good good pot thank you all right I think one up after six head into seven tough Par Four um three more holes to go uh let's see let's see if this can can become a good match here let's go all right about 430 yards Par Four number seven here going try to start one on the left side of the Fairway here oh sit down oh no oh no be all right oh no oh bunker if that's in the bunker you should be yeah and we pull oh no you know what you two are both oh car path two or one car path bounced I bounced twice maybe you rode the car path all the way up there yeah yeah great ball Luke yeah good yeah it's fine should kick right oh yeah Big T should be fine got a little py there yes sir all right folks in the in the right bunker here 155 little downwind we're going to take pitching wedge see if you can't put on the left side of the [Music] green no no all right folks looks like we got about 10 ft for birdie so we'll take that all day come on Jacob let's go let's go let's go baby let's go go Tiger Woods Tiger Woods sit oh no well I was worried it was going to catch that Ridge on the right if it would have done that it would have just ran off the front of the green but I think that almost went in rolled right past it all right that's a great shot yeah all right we got two looks at it for birdie SC the what SC the hole oh it scared the hole hey I feel like we should have won full in the road yeah if I can hold we're trying to do tough shot but there's the ridge I'm talking about I don't know if you guys can really see it on camera but if my ball were to go a couple feet further that way like Connor's took it mine would have been way all right Brent Brent and Luker in tight for birdie so we're going to have to give this a good a good roll see if we can't knock it in here here all right just push a little bit that's a good par we'll take far we'll make make him make it out a baby there we go folks out a baby can't make a two-footer but I can make a 15 all right all right match is all square all square heading into eight actually how far we got got be a little downwind I just got eight on I think it's that's good I like that for you is turn what the hell where I put it and have nice things well you definitely had it on your apprach shop yeah hey good swing yeah pin high right yeah that was a great swing all right there we go Freez of them and I missed it go be there go be there oh it is was that eight or seven come on wi work yeah Lally how'd you hit that not great literally right by me maybe just short of M oh he shut me up hang hang hang all right I mean it's like a foot off the green yeah it's on the first sh not get her high enough oh I don't know that was that was come to you Jacob God good good looks there no he did not S no he did not oh oh oh F wow he asked her to prom and she said no wow she said she absolutely said no she got swerve all right we'll we'll take we'll take part there it's tough we got one more look I forgot they were that slow rest I forgot they were that slow when you're in a team game the number one goal when your partner has a par and you're putting for birdie did you get that putt to the hole it wouldn't have gone in anyway bad line it's just a morale it's just a morale booster it is a morale booster but if you get it to that I mean it was a good two rabbit little rabbit footage are you going D stick yeah all right beautiful ball wow just sit in the right spot right there dude all right that's still in the throw yeah yeah that was cream oh get right kick right oh there's also a tree there coming right guys that's going have to go that's that's going to have to go you guys are going to see that's in the Fairway On a par four and he might have not have a shot on balls man there it is there it is no win no in yeah still great Drive Conor that no spin that's that's it also we have a change in the rules if we tie this hole we will do a playoff on hole 10 yeah might as well the part three it's the coolest hole in the golf course for sure guys it is beautiful this horse is visually stunning but that that golle is better than most it's better than most exactly that's exactly right so all right we're out of the hole we're out of the hole I hit it in the woods water can't do that oh I was trying to hit a gr go I know that's on me I was was trying to hit a draw in there and keep it right I mean look how hard the shot all right we got 181 came over the top we're going to hit six iron we're going to have to hit it pretty good we're just going to favor the right side here me against Luke so let's go our balls are right 5 yard St Park so it'll be a chip off folks it's such a hard shot because you're into the wind hitting five six yeah soft softly oh my god wow wow good shot what a chip great chip I live I mean that it'll be a tester I mean that is a tester but you got hold that all right my good good I want to play 10 all do is good good let making eror so we can play whole 10 so we can all play yeah yeah you good with that hey if you're doing good good you guys tie the holes yeah we're Square we're Square yeah we're square and we're playing whole 10 so we're going to go play hole 10 we're all square heading into hole 10 first playoff hole you cut the camera what do you think sh s I'm worried this might go WR you still want to get this up in the air yeah I'm not going to get mine up in the here oh be the number Miss be the number yeah pretty good 12 ft 10 ft behind the hole and the popper I hit that bad but it got got through the ring you never know though all right it's over the bunker it might be put but it's going to be the longest putt you'll see a hung go f it is the longest hung butt you'll ever see my have enough speed just have enough speed have enough speed go guys that's two today thought I made some long distance you know what got my part in the par there is no worry now oh my gosh wow folks that was a great P that was a great PT what do we have to do I mean tie almost makes I almost Mak I think we just grab a wedge off right there so we tied first playoff hole so we're just going to go about to 60 yards about the ladies te and if we have another tie here it's going to be the first draw on the hung Golf Channel wow hold done what are you wow what' you hit there good shot what' you hit 58 it's all right BR I got us I have the right little ping come back though hey we hit ours we got to play with kick left oh no that's off the I'll be the match ball moved when I hit it hit it the ball I was about to hit it and the ball mve another CH for the K good that's good keep it keep it oh no wow dude this hole everything looks like it's going in and then it doesn't everything looks like it's going in and then it doesn't yeah wow great P great P good P kid hey this pleasure great match great match pleasure man always lucd there Bird go way out way all right guys that's our first match for the summer series of playing two division one golfers me and Brent are 1 and0 in the first match of this summer so we going to be playing two division one golfers don't forget to like And subscribe folks for more for more golf videos from D1 golfers we'll see you on the next one hey guys as always Gohan golf to the Moon let's go peace thanks to Brent and luk Brent and Luke for having us out on the channel today always it was a pleasure a great time hey thanks to Andy Robertson and L get over here and Dave and all those guys hurry up L get over here there you go thanks to all those guys again for letting us out here being able to play this wonderful golf course on an amazing afternoon uh we got more content coming your way so please stay tuned like And subscribe to all our social media platforms we have a Tik Tok and an Instagram and a YouTube talking to you specifically please guys like And subscribe thanks to these two for coming out we'll catch you in the next one baby
Channel: Hung Golf
Views: 943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, HUNG_golf, hunggolf, Hung golf, Golf Hung, Golf Challenges, golf vlogs, golfer, good good, GM Golf, golf in kansas, ks golf, golf instruction, how to play better golf, live golf action, live golfing, tiger woods golf, titleist golf, Golfers in Kansas, Kansas Golfing, Division 1 golfer, Division 1 golf, funny golf
Id: TBKuOx0PIq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 56sec (2996 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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