Chain Whip for Beginners!

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all right it's Jake ma with Phoenix longevity Arts now listen up we got chain whip which is a very difficult Chinese kung fu weapon it's my favorite weapon okay sphere is a close second but I love the chain whip but for a lot of beginners who can't pick up the moves right away like second nature this is very uh uh scary and daunting and it could be quite a task so when you're using the chain whip there's always the element of fear involved because that bullet size dart on the end could easily any moment come up and hit you in the face this Dart right here okay so we're going to take this and we're going to toss this for a second we're going to use a string with a tennis ball attached to it any of you can put this together it costs like 25 cents I got this at the dollar store and you could just spin it the same length and the same techniques as the chain whip so one of you ask for a beginner level chain whip video um to to further explain the beginning level techniques of the whip okay so check it out if I'm spinning it towards you what I tell my beginners is you want to First be focused on getting the whip spinning in a vertical manner because every technique with the chain whip is easier if the whip is spinning directly uh vertical right next to my hip right next to my leg right next to my head okay so like a longitudinal uh spin if I get it going like this diagonally it's not going to work because um the spin is off okay I have to bring it back to a vertical path ready from here the first thing I show beginners is this spin number one spin then on the other side of the body number two spin then back and forth like a nunchuck back and forth okay the number three spin is you let the string go under your armpit and once it touches your armpit you immediately turn to the other direction and then bring it back okay so again we're going forward number one spin it's going to touch me in the armpit I turn my torso and bring it back under the armpit bring it back under the armpit back under back under back then number four spin is under the armpit but then instead of just bringing it back simply I let it touch me in the tricep and I bring it back under the armpit hit my tricep bring it back so under the arm hit the tricep the whole key to the chain web is to turn your torso from side to side and be active in the body if you're not active in the body it's going to like hit you and you're not going to be able to spin it continuously so under the arm under the arm I'm going to turn to the side so you guys can see let me turn this side a little better so from here under the arm under the arm under the arm under the arm under under under the other hand can be just in the chest so it's nice and safe and this is what beginners do what I show them just go under the arm under the arm but now I show beginners how to finish and when I finished with the chain whip I want to kill it so what I do is I step forward I keep the spin going I use my other hand and I cradle it on my forearm and then flip it up and catch the ball or the dart if you have a real chain whip okay so again from here I'm going to spin it under the arm under the arm under the arm under the arm then step forward keep the spin going kill it on the forearm flip it up and catch it very calmly and very relaxed what beginners usually do which is fun for me to watch is they they kill it on the arm and they wrap it around their arm okay or they kill it uh on the arm and they fling it off too fast and it like hits them in the head okay or they look like a fan at a baseball game catching a home run over the fence and they're like going back like going back forward oh I got it okay so you want to be calm and relaxed nice and chill so we're going to go one more time I'm going to go under the arm under the arm under the arm under the arm get the number three and number four spin going and then step forward keep the spin going kill it and very calmly fling it up and catch it kind of by your done Tien okay like when I learned baseball as a kid they taught us how to cradle the egg and catch it softly same idea with the with the ball so to recap we got number one spin number two spin then we go back and forth number three spin is under the armpit and turn your torso and bring it back number four spin is under the armpit turn your torso then over the tricep and turn back right away and the last number five spin is catch it on your forearm and kill it and that way you'll always have control over your whip okay take the string and the ball and practice this on your own and have some fun CH whip is a lot of fun
Channel: Kung Fu & Tai Chi Center w/ Jake Mace
Views: 485,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chain, Whip, for, Beginners, beginner, jake, mace, chainwhip, weapons, weapon, kung, fu, gong, martial, arts, traditional, section, steel, whip, china, chinese, spin, shoot, nunchuck, nunchucks, nunchucku, nunchaku
Id: eNH55EMGyO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2012
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