Chad Smith Hears Thirty Seconds To Mars For The First Time (REACTION) with my wife

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hello and welcome back my name is Andre and I'm  Dominica and we back again with another reaction   to to chat Smith well I don't know what it is  exactly but it chat SM the title says here's   302nd to Mars for the first time and here's okay  all right so we we had a little bit so this was   sent to us uh on Instagram and because I saw Chad  Smith I was sold already I love Chad Smith he's   from Red Hot Chili Peppers uh one of my favorite  bands the name doesn't say much to me okay well   you know nothing probably not but he's one of the  I would say one of the greatest um drummer of this   generation or his generation I should say and um  and my understanding is that he's he's going to   be hearing the song for the first time and trying  to play along and apparently um it's going to be   great all right all right I'm really curious me  too ready yes do you know the song have you heard   it what the fck was that is is that the actor  is the comedy one we watch watch some films F   no it's I show you I show you after when we when  we finish no it's not him it's not him I show you   after we finish yes it's very it's very common  knowledge that they look alike very much so so   this is made this is yeah this is Chad that's  for sure he not the actor no It's a drama from   chili I don't know nothing right do you know the  song have you heard it what the f was [Music] that   it's some kind of emo thing I don't know what the  it is I feel violated do you want another PA you   do different or uh no okay nice no I fing nailed  it oh man swear Chad how are you feeling you are   you scar I'm I'm nervous why why are you nervous  what what kind of music makes you uh terrified   anything I don't know well you're in the right  place because uh I've wanted to do this video   with you for a long time okay great so you guys  do this thing where you play songs that that that   other that drummers don't know or or probably  aren't familiar with isn't necessarily their   style so to speak this was a hard one to prep for  because you're a you're a drum nerd and you know   a lot of music so uh we have a few options so if  you know the first one you got to let me know oh   [ __ ] you I know what I'm playing it I don't  know this one just jamming it at home so here   comes some music that I've probably never heard  before and I'm going to try to play along to it   and and do my best uh take a good musical stab  at it and and see if I can make sense out of it what if I want it to break laugh at all  in your face what would you do now it's in three I [Music] think hang on ah so he hears the song  without drums and he have to put a drums   and he needs to yeah just hear the melody  and singing and he needs to from the what   he's hearing he needs to create his own Dr  ah wow but how he will do that well he's a   drummer so and he even said he's a nerd  so he's funny as well so that's why I oh   yeah he's very funny uh all Red Hot Chili  Peppers guys are funny anyway yeah let me   go back let me go back just a bit more so  I so you all right we are here in the full   truck with DRS included and then they're going  to show us what he hears okay go now it's in three I think ah it's just the so they took  the drums for him is okay all right [Music] go I you break me down bury me bury me I finish with what if I wanted to fight beg  for the rest of my life what would you do you say you wanting what are you waiting I'm   not running from you you w w  me down me me I am finished [Music] with look in my eyes  can't be K by you what that what do that nothing seems to  change know now this is who [Applause] I for [Music] know how come how  does it know I don't [Music] know [Music] wow I have to stop at this I'm  so sorry it what I'm go back oh my God I'm   in shock it's so good let's go back a  bit [Music] please very meig very big   I am big this with [Music] you my eyes  you're killing me killing me [Music] all lost me down break me down [Music] what the [ __ ] was that wow I we live we listen  well we listen in a minute okay you know what   for me didn't sound like original yeah but this is  definitely you know for the for someone like us to   understand what's happening we we cannot we cannot  comprehend it's a it's not possible but it's good   definitely you have to be a musician because he  even when the song Started okay yes so I go in   three okay so he's go in three or whatever that  means he knew he already was figuring out in in   his so that's why it was a I but how do he know  when to stop when the song because he going in   three that's your answer he just knows it's you  know what it's I don't know my my face hurting   me from smiling to watch someone was so enjoyable  exactly it was so beautiful to see him playing and   then every now and then when was the shot of all  these guys they sitting in this complete disbel   you know was just happening and he even at some  point lost one of the drumstick did you hear he   reach for another one wow that was so so amazing  my got on it I do let's see his way of playing   drums is basically but I found it with the Red Hot  Chili Peppers whatever uh whichever instrument is   played uh whichever them you know that when they  when he sings Anthony KES when he sings He sings   whole body FIA when he's B play oh my God he's  very Express and then the same with Chad when he's   playing drums it's like the whole body the face  the mimic wow I'm so excited it was so beautiful   we're going to listen in a minute okay is that  like My Chemical Romance or something that was   actually a really good guess that was close that  was pretty close do do you know the song have you   heard it it's some kind of emo thing I don't  know what the [ __ ] it is what is that wait wait um I don't know the uh the song song it's  called The Kill the band is 30 Seconds to Mars   ah Jared's band Jared Leo yes and well his  brother's the drummer yeah okay yeah so how   was that um I don't know not as terrifying as  you thought no I was like once I figured out   it was in three I was like okay I can kind of  play along to this it'd be interesting to hear   what the actual drum fart is I'm sure it's not as  busy as that well we'll we'll play the original   before we do that do you want another pass do  you want to is there anything you do different   or uh no it's confident no I [ __ ] nailed it of  course you did you're like yeah right sh did CH   we'll play you the original okay and you can  hear the part okay here it is that's fun that wasn't what if I fell to the floor couldn't any genius come break me down  marry me me I am finished [Music] with I was kind of right [Music] I don't  know oh you got pretty close for me it was really   really close I yeah I I cannot make the difference  where I you would be probably we would be able to   say tell the difference if we knew the song We  for us it was first time we heard the song uh   but you know what I I don't know he was close  he wasn't close the way he plays the the drums   is absolutely amazing it's it's his energy is  so look at his face you sure you sure he's not   actor he's really not he's D brother's de they're  not they're not even related oh my God I like him   so much already oh it's so superb let's finish  this he is amazing I didn't know that wasn't bad   well we might have no no no no fine I you know  I'm going to call Jared I say you know if your   brother gets sick man just yeah you got a new  G yeah flee to join you uh I don't think so oh   okay well what I got a washer though yeah this  looks like from a from a snare tension rod must   be a drummer that broke a stick in that song  woo [ __ ] hell 50 Seconds to Mars that I feel violated um so I just played to this song  that I didn't know and and it was it was   fun because I love improvising and jamming to  like new music and whatever it is and um know   this is not my normal wheelhouse this kind of  thing but um you know just trying to listen   to the what I think the arrangement is going  to be and where there going to reverse chorus   and breakdown and verses and try to play  what's right but I don't know I had a lot   of energy in that song so I just decided  to inappropriate over overplay overplay   which is uh you know kind of fun but you  know let's get back to [ __ ] that I know okay wow wow oh my God thank you so much that  was so enjoyable uh that's so cool I never see   something like that before my God I really yeah  I never seen I don't know why I feel so good   about it right I don't know happened the whole  energy of the video was so cool to watch it's   definitely him wow definitely like they say  he's a drum nerd yeah yeah he knows his but   you know what for I it's like every instrument  I I said that in how come you know someone's got   such a talent and such a knock for things and  that they they they do it something so easily   you know for them it's so effortless I'm sure  it's a hard work but what I'm trying it seems   for the he just played how is it even possible  that's how is when you love something I think   so if you he's doing it for all his life you  know his passion he follows that through uh   you can tell it's like this he even when he talks  he's just swling his he was in three was in three   was I know yeah yeah yeah once I figured out  it was in three yeah that was easy peasy and   for me I have no idea my God that was so cool  and he cool too he is cool he is really cool   he is really cool wow I did enjoy this one so  much all right hope you enjoy our reaction and   see you again next time have a lovely day and  all the best bye-bye enjoy your day bye for now
Channel: MerchantOfAlba
Views: 29,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chad smith, 30 seconds to mars, thirty seconds to mars, chad smith 30 seconds to mars reaction, chad smith 30 seconds to mars, chad smith drumeo, drumeo chad smith, red hot chili peppers, reaction video, chad smith reaction, chad smith will ferrell drum off, the kill, drum solo, jared leto, reaction to chad, reaction to chad smith 30 seconds to mars, reaction to chad smith, drumeo first time, drumeo hears for the first time, drummer reacts, music reaction, reaction channel
Id: T4fF5ySUuDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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