ChaCha Never Gives Up - ChuChuTV Storytime Good Habits Bedtime Stories for Kids

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ChaCha was a talented little boy. But he would get disheartened, when he couldn’t do something easily. And so if something was challenging, he would give up very quickly. I can’t wait to try out my new roller skates. Oh no! Come on, ChaCha. Try again. It takes a while to get used to roller skates. No! I’m never going to roller skate again. ChaCha’s parents were worried about ChaCha. They wished he wouldn’t give up so easily when things were hard. Because he was missing out on many fun things. One day, ChaCha’s mom spotted a spider in the garden. Oh, look, a little spider! The spider was trying to build a web for its home. But each time the spider tried to connect its thread from one wall to the other, the thread fell short. But the spider didn’t give up. It kept on trying harder and harder. I must show this spider to ChaCha. ChaCha’s mom brought him over to watch the spider. Together the two of them watched until the spider finally succeeded in building its web. Come on, Spider! Don’t give up! You did it! ChaCha’s mom then showed him some ants in the yard. They were struggling to carry scraps of food that were much bigger than them. Look at these ants, ChaCha. Even though they are really tiny, they are able to carry food scraps that are much bigger than them. But they are so tiny! Yes! But notice, no matter how big the challenge, they just don’t give up. You can be like them too, ChaCha. Remember these ants and don’t lose hope. Keep trying until you succeed. ChaCha’s mom then suggested he try the roller skates again. ChaCha, why don’t you try the roller skates one more time? You may fall, but if you keep trying like the ants and the spider did, I’m sure you’ll learn to skate very well. Okay Mom! ChaCha decided to try the roller skates again. He did fall a few times. But ChaCha kept on trying. And he learned. Soon he was skating very well. Look, Mom! I can skate! ChaCha had a lot of fun skating. He was proud that he didn’t give up and instead kept on trying until he finally succeeded.
Channel: ChuChuTV Bedtime Stories & Moral Stories for Kids
Views: 1,702,199
Rating: 3.8356504 out of 5
Keywords: ChaCha Never Gives Up, Cussly Learns To Save Water, bedtime stories, bedtime story, stories, story, stories for kids, Bedtime Stories for Kids, moral stories, moral story, animal story, animal stories, wildlife, friendship, moral, values, good values, kids, children, stories for children, children's stories, storytime, chuchutv, chuchu tv, shows, chuchu tv stories, good habits stories, chuchutv stories, cussly, cussly stories, house safety rules, safety rules
Id: -WHdt1RtoBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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