CGIAR: Feeding our future

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Oh [Music] as the climate gets warmer it also creates longer periods with no rains and more periods with lots of rain including flooding the people who are most affected by this so it subsistence farmers there's over a billion of these people whose primary asset is what they grow [Music] no one got automatic oficina de or Nevada disconnect our daily bread you know now you as out of Hoonah the only way to reduce the suffering to poor farmers is to help them with better seeds that make their crops more heat tolerant or drought tolerant and just higher productivity the CGI our system is a group of global research facilities helping to improve all the different crops with a big focus on the crops that help the poorest one of the leading a CGI our research centers is simin the International maize and wheat Improvement Center and working on improvements to maize that are more productive that a resistant to drought and diseases it's a leading example of the amazing work the cjr system does to help smallholder farmers so our idea is to bridge new varieties that respond to climate change that means a varieties are coping with droughts coping with a heat stress and also the diseases and pests that come with our change under manager Tanaka for me paranoia told me as Yasuo don't rely on Aki looking- I am eternally the imagine the winner it's only in communities were from us adopting the new varieties it means they are able to get used at 20 to 30 percent above the other farmers who are not using drought tolerant varieties improving the productivity in a crop like maize in sub-saharan Africa has a cascading effect in terms of eating have a more balanced and healthy diet and send their children to the food's a piece of climate change a lot of the discussion is about reducing greenhouse gas emissions but the thing that's not gotten its share of attention is helping the poorest who did not omit these greenhouse gases for poor country farmers the cg system is the only hope we have we owe it to help them make much improve seed that can save millions of lives [Music]
Channel: Bill Gates
Views: 104,752
Rating: 4.9132075 out of 5
Keywords: Bill, Gates
Id: 91vVVzj75pQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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