Cessna 172 Crosswind Landing with 21 Knot Wind Gusts

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I thought it was going to be a nice day to practice crosswind landings that's County Executive Airport information problem 2 2 5 3 through the weather when 1 0-0 at 9.16 visibility 1 0 ceiling 6000 overcast however the takeoff was a little rougher than I expected okay this is Pedro crosswind okay kind of interesting not long after getting into the air I discovered why the takeoff was a little rougher than I had expected helicopter 45 is northeast request to come inbound k zero zero zero two one for custom zero oh the wind was now gusting to zero it's something else give me a sinking feeling in my stomach and that was tower was giving wind reports along with clearances this is something that they do when the weather is kind of sketchy and this was the first time that I'd been so low wind tower started giving wind reports charlie traffic makes your left down with the sky on five eight right at one o'clock on two miles southwest bump into the Northeast Rams helicopter I should go clear days ago when any sort of birds looking for topic for today I don't know if it was this short approach or buffeting winds but even with a maximum three degree Bank in the pattern my wave overshot the runway the plane is coordinated here and you can see what a crazy crab angle I'm coming in that just tell Victor under-18 for Jessica won a clear-cut she goes that's not to eat Victor I'm high and chewing up a lot of runway so this first one is going to be a go-around I overshot the runway again but this time I was far enough out that I could correct it mental note when there's a strong crosswind widen out your downwind bitch of under-18 credit lamping 1/8 clear lands if not to evict you as you can see here I get blown to the right after landing I correct it before taking off but you'll notice I get blown to the right again on takeoff one of the benefits of flying with cameras is you can go back and review the footage to identify exactly what went wrong watch the takeoff here and see if you can determine what it is that I did wrong that caused me to drift to the right so what's your assessment I'm gonna rewind and give you my assessment now disclaimer here I am NOT a flight instructor this is not advice with that out of the way my conclusion is I had the crosswind correction on the ailerons cracked but I executed a regular takeoff that is I gently lifted the plane off as soon as it was ready to fly but I think I will do differently in the future is and keep the plane on the ground for an extra five or ten knots and then pop it off the runway the extra speed should give me more authority with the ailerons and rudder which I anticipate will help me stay on the centerline okay it's about the worst wings I've ever had why did I make that a full stop I don't know that was stupid I should've stopped okay for five days under-18 or Jessica oh good for 5-8 get the option ready action for five idiots cleared for the option on 180 so much going on I forgot to widen my downwind and overshot the runway again for a third time set counter helicopter seven two four four Charlie he said Casey copters we'd like to northbound departure and we have the lemon before Charlie stays to tax away problem and now Boyd over slyness a smartphone problem the partial rampion risk of cluster okay appreciate that thank you stereo crunchy t7 thing I went to get or shorter 180 Bravo rift take up not bad departure so peggeleh schedule sure short fittingly exact error sister six five six year Papa five to the estep bound with Bravo I would like to do one touch it go and then around broke will stop air left base for my 186 here papa okay that was crazy what the hell am I doing here matters once I've got two one yeah yeah it's 2-1 I can tell you that oh my good three miles northeast bound 2.70 be descending for the better reset your capacity what 2500 below 12 cars miles southwest bond 3000 says [Applause]
Channel: Eddie Burris
Views: 701,616
Rating: 4.723217 out of 5
Id: _3zKgmuqfuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2016
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