Cernunnos The Horned God of Celtic Mythology - (Celtic Mythology Explained)

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god of the green lord of the forest I offer you my sacrifice I ask you for your blessing you are the man in the trees the green man of the forest who brings life to the dawn in spring you are the deer in rut mighty horned one who roams the autumn forest the hunter circling around the oak the antlers of the wild stag and the lifeblood that spills upon the earth each season god of the green lord of the forest I offer you my sacrifice I ask only for your blessing the name caninus was one given to an extremely powerful and ancient deity that was widely worshipped throughout the world and still lives even to this day canoe nose can be translated to mean horned one in Celtic and the Horned God was just one of the many names that the deity went by his origins can be traced back to nearly every culture throughout time but the name and appearance changes canoe nose has his noni Celtic mythology is perhaps the one we're most familiar with he often appears as human or at least human-like with the antlers of a stag sometimes even with horns that we dissociate of ass a tear or a form resembling the Greek god of the wild pan and much like the Greek god con unas was seen to be a call of the wild nature and fertility amongst many other things being the deity so heavily associated of nature he was often accompanied by a group of animals that were thought to be symbolic of the God the stag the bull and the RAM he was also often seen holding a horned or spotted snake despite appearing as somewhat human many believed that he wore a human face and did not take a particular interest in the concerns of humans he was a protector of animals often being called the Lord of animals and it's very likely that few hunted in his woods without a piece in the God first there are those who saw his connection with animals has also been connected to our own deeply buried instinctual and animalistic natures the earliest known depiction of con unas were found in northern Italy within the region of valcamonica which was under Celtic occupation from around 400 BC his worship continued to grow in the region of gold which covered a host of countries in Western Europe and the images of the Holland God can even be found in the French capital of Paris while digging under the Cathedral of not Road on an ancient pillar was found it was named the pillar of the boatmen and it contains 16 carved images from the greco-roman Pantheon as well as some Celtic inscriptions there is a coven of a man with horns which has led many to believe that it was indeed the home God Canoe knows there are those who would argue that the image could have also been a depiction of the Greek god Pan it's fairly difficult to read because of the tablets age and the erosion and damage caused over time but inscribed above the image in Latin is the word air Nuno which we can assume refers to the Celtic interpretation of the Horned God it's impossible for us to identify every home God as con unas but the image on a pillow shows a talk a piece of jewelry that was common amongst the Celtic people it was often used to show a person of high status and in some other cultures talks are thought to have mystical powers being able to ward off curses and provide the wearer of protection during battle with con unas being a god that was thought to protect all animals he can be found wearing a talk around his neck or hanging from his antlers sometimes even just holding the piece of jewelry in one hand with a snake in the other one of the most noticeable depictions of the Horned God can be found on a dundas truck cauldron where we see him holding a talk in a serpent surrounded by numerous creatures a dog a raven and a stag creatures that we often see appear in tales of mythology and folklore caninus was a God worshiped in both pagan and Wiccan practices the cycle of the seasons in some working practices followed the relationship between the home God and the goddess with con unas representing male energy v4 symbolized the death of the Horned God as the land and vegetation became dormant during the autumn and winter in the spring however the horn girdles were erected where he would impregnate the fertile goddess of the land this interpretation of the Horned God and his relationship or marriage with the mother goddess is a relatively recent pagan and Wiccan concept and was likely not one celebrated by the Celtic people the ancient Celtic people would have seen and worshiped canoe not in a different manner they would often attempt a commune of the God seeking to receive some of his power dressing themselves in animal skins and adorned in skulls to honor full and wildlife there are theories that the Celtic interpretation of the Horned God could have evolved into what the pagans believed to be the green man a spirit associated of nature and man's reliance on a cycle of growth that comes with spring the green man sometimes appears as an ordinary man covered in leaves but sometimes he takes the form of a walking tree similar to the race events that we see in Tolkien's middle-earth canoe notes at times as a very misunderstood God for several reasons naturally because of his homes and the occasional depiction of a large erect phallus images of con unas can be misinterpreted as a symbol of Satan with the Christian Church not taking kindly to the worship of other deities they quickly labeled the pagan following of caninus as devil worship and they did their best to discredit all aspects of the home God's character constantly comparing him to Satan as an attempt to make it almost impossible to distinguish between the two the depictions of Satan at a time included horns that resembled the Celtic deities we can assume that this was done deliberately and it certainly created confusion amongst those who had never heard of the Celtic interpretation of the Horned God there are some accounts that associate con unas with the underworld being somewhat of a guide to the dead he was able to move amazing stealth and grace being able to walk through thickets and woods without being seen or heard it's likely the way that he moved was considered otherworldly and thus he was thought capable of walking in between the veil that separated the realm of the living from the realm of the dead he was known to help guide the dead from their previous life to their new one where he encouraged them to continue the pursuit of wisdom and happiness kanoon has been seen as a prosperous God ties in of his association with the Yule season the 13th of December until the 25th what many of us will consider Christmas Day during this period he was referred to as the gift in stag a mystical creature whose antlers were thought to symbolise the strange powers of the winter solstice season it was thought that sometimes he would appear on the 26th of December where he would encourage those who receive gifts to give them away to those less fortunate than themselves there isn't much if any Celtic literature surrounding Canoe knows and this does lead to a lot of confusion around the God what we do know for sure is that he was a God who went by many different names in many different cultures over the years he's been associated of a host of different things he was the god of the wild fertility wealth life and death the hunt and of course animals whether you believe con unas was one of the many interpretations of the Horned God or the original his influence in aspects can be seen in many different cultures from her nay the english god of the wild hunt japan the great god of the wild in greek mythology Pacha party the lord of animals in hindu mythology and even Blair's the god of the forest in the slepak pantheon sadly caninus is a god that we don't know much about and the majority of that falls on to the Christian Church attempting to erase him from existence as someone who is quite fond of the Greek god Pan con unas is also a deity that are naturally drawn to I don't consider myself particularly well-versed in Celtic mythology or pagan and wickham practices so if there's anything I've missed or you'd like to share your thoughts with me I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below as always I've been your host with ology and fiction explained
Channel: Mythology & Fiction Explained
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Keywords: Cernunnos, Cernunnos The Horned God of Celtic Mythology, Cernunnos smite, The God Cernunnos, SMITE - God Reveal - Cernunnos, The Horned God, Cernunnos: Looking Every Which Way, Cernunnos celtic mythology, the horned god celtic mythology, cernunnos the horned god, Who is the great horned god?, What is the Celtic pantheon?, The green man, horned god wicca, Who is the goddess of nature?, celtic god of the forest, the horned one, celtic mythology, mythology and fiction explained
Id: n2sCerl-MJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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