Cercle Story: Chapter Two (melodic mix)

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Alright! Come on, it's time to leave us alone Pol. So now you want the beginning of sunrise too? Hey, you won’t get us this time Leave us alone, ok? [French 79] Are we good? Yes, please stop him now. He’s crazy! Let’s go! 3, 2, 1… Go go go ! We might wake up at 3am tomorrow To prepare everything The best would be a transition after the sun has fully risen And then, we dive in the clouds and we switch. We’ll be setting up everything until 4am It's 6:05 am 5:30 am: we start shooting. We’re shooting Jean, let us know when you’re ready. Stay like this, stay like this! There is Jordanian sand in this thing. Amazing! As usual. This is natural light. Yes, it’s beautiful… Just like you. Cheers! Participating in this adventure feels really special to us. The Ariège department thanks you. We can already see a few dropouts. It seems like Cercle Stories are particularly intense. What happened to me was so awkward! I joined the video call, and then I saw that I still had all this extravagant makeup on So I turned off the camera. Happy birthday! It’s my first time on set, it’s amazing guys I mean look at this sunrise Guys, this would be such a stupid mistake to lose the drone! This location is stunning, so… what else? And… IT'S A WRAP! I love how he was casually holding the mixing table up in the air. Thanks for watching this episode… And welcome to our next Stories! And now you insert it in the TV [jokes]. Wait, is that the maximum zoom you can get? Yeah. It sucks! We need to move forward. I think you should bring it even closer. Armand! Get out of the frame, we’re shooting. We’re done.
Channel: Cercle
Views: 692,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cBy7qhJ4eyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 31sec (2971 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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