CENTRALIA MINE FIRE - More Evidence of Where It's Burning Today (Pennsylvania)

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foreign started burning 60 years ago although the fire no longer Burns under the actual town it's still burning today and in this video I think we found some more evidence showing where the fire is burning and the direction it's heading if you'd like to see what we found continue watching and come along with me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] mine fire started burning although it's no longer burning underneath the town itself it is still burning today several years ago we found this location steam vents off big mine Run Road which confirms the mine fire has moved on actually we return to the spot recently within the last two years to do a cooking video where we cooked beans and hot dogs inside this event since that time our good friend Adam tereska who's very knowledgeable about Centralia told us that he thinks there's more evidence higher up of the mine fire still burning so today we're gonna be traversing this Mountainside to see what other kind of evidence we could find a sensor here I figured why not get some readings with my temperature gun in the past we have capture readings anywhere between 125 and all the way up to 200 degrees so let's see what it's at today Okay so shooting into the hole there we're showing 118 degrees if the fire is moving away which we do think it is in this area that would make sense it's not burning nearly as hot but obviously these are near surface Temps deeper you go hotter it gets this is going to be our first path it's the least difficult and most direct so we're gonna head up there now the one thing I do want to mention I was talking to RJ about it who is actually here with me is that we have some I guess you could say doubts a little bit that there's actually more evidence up top so when I say that it's because Adam our friend I trust his word he knows what he's talking about when it comes to this town and things related to the town so I don't doubt his word that there's reportedly more evidence up on top what I do doubt is that when it comes to mind fires typically the lower you go is the more signs that you'll find at the fire is burning closer to the mines themselves or in this case we're going higher now the only exception is if the covain that's following or burning is actually rising in elevation if that's the case then it would make sense that we might find more evidence up on top I truly don't know what we're going to find today but part of the adventure is just seeing what we discover along the way so with that being said let's head up top those of you watching don't worry I'll get you up there you just sit back and relax all right so we made it up top there's a plateau area reasonable is an old road it's my first day talking give me a break so we made it up came to a plateau does resemble an old road and there is a vent up here also known as a Fisher which you can see is forming along here this one is kind of deep and dark and steamy all right so this one is reading 122.5 just a few degrees hotter actually one 123 we peeked out at so this one's kind of vertical and again if you were to dig down get closer to the source you'd easily see over 200 degrees this is something we come across before and it's actually multiples of these these are borehole pipes that go down to the fibers burning to monitor the fire itself you see there is a wire coming out it hook up a device to read the temperatures and the gases and everything so we're going to come across probably a few of these throughout but the ones in Centralia themselves used to spew Steam and heat they're much wider in diameter these ones are more or less just for the readings themselves and this one is number three report we have to mount right now and just taking a break because it's actually really warm out it's near 60 degrees here just before New Year's but I wanted to mention something because recently on my channel I uploaded a video or we made mention of Centralia the mine fire itself and the video I released was about the Laurel Run mine fire that started back in 1915. now that video has nearly 70 000 views and out of all the people that commented on it less than five percent knew about the lower run mine fire but nearly 100 of all the commenters know about the Centralia mine fire now that fire started back in May of 1962. and since that time the fire has moved away and now from under the town of Centralia it followed veins and coal and old coal workings and it's actually burning south and east of the town of Centralia and that's why we're here today we're in the general area because we think that we're going to find more evidence of the fire burning in this direction and if so we'll be able to see what it's doing to the landscape and have a better idea as to actually what direction it's heading so once you've finished our little siesta here we're going to continue up the mountain well as we were sitting down taking our break RJ looked up and spotted this now I don't know if this is anything at all or it's just a weird coincidence so this looks like it's partially man-made has some very smooth sides and clear-cut edges it's almost like a marker of sorts is there okay so yes there is confirmation this was something at one point it seemed like a little divot here so there's a something that was created and altered by man and just in the middle of the hillside here of it as we come around the other side of this tree we can see a flat surface right there looks like it's been leveled and altered so we're gonna see if there's anything up there and maybe stood there one time so we're certainly on amount of material here you can see this one over here protruding this is actually dug up I'm going to show you guys in just a second there's a little depression here this material was laying on the ground right here it looks like it's a lot of comb and waste material I dance with this whole area is and it goes off flat in that direction but it's an embankment off to the side and behind you guys I know it's difficult to see but we're actually pretty high in elevation looking across as the other mountain tops where we started and where the road is is way down there several hundred yards so there's that material which came from right there someone dug it up searching for something whether it be coal or anything but this was placed here semi-recently now aside from the traffic noise down below it's actually a really nice area and these Woods kind of give off Blair Witch vibes it's kind of a a unique landscape but as you can see behind me there it does keep going up so we're heading that direction and we're probably gonna when we come back down come down a different section because I do know there are other pipes and we may have even bypassed some other vents but we are determined to reach the top because that's where we're basically told to go and look up there so just another step along the way but we're going to keep climbing foreign we are essentially on top of the mountain we've reached the summit now the question is are we going to find anything up here all right we're going to kind of search around see what's the best direction to go because it's kind of really sprawled out and we're gonna see if we can find any clear evidence of steam or some areas where there's no nature growing at all so RJ and myself had a little meeting here and we came up with a game plan so what we're gonna be doing is heading in this direction where we started is down below there kind of in that direction we're going to go across for a ways and they kind of cut over this way nice looking kind of Bleak that we're going to find anything up here but it doesn't mean we won't it just may be hard to find but at least there's two of us two sets of eyes and between the both of us we usually do a pretty good job of finding things that one another may miss after covering some ground We Came Upon something but not something we're looking for found a hunting stand tree stand here so nothing mindfire related but the one thing I am liking though is this Forest here is really sprawled out we could see for quite a distance but I don't see any evidence of fishers Steam or bare patches of land where it's too hot to grow but we're going to continue though and fingers crossed we will come upon something so we walk clear across there somewhere in the distance is the tree stand upon some Mounds here and some discarded trash so it is evident people have been here falling apart that's something else looks like it's sat in there I wonder if there was insulated at one time but you guys can drop in the comments and we found a bucket it was used for target practice it's like maybe 22. as you can see We Came Upon a trail it's like an off-road Trail over there is that embankment which leads to believe that someone brought that mysterious item in on this Trail and tossed it over there so we got one question answered RJ's following the trail that way I'm going down this way it does kind of descend and curve to the right so we're going to see where it may take us to also the landscape has changed a bit too so we do have a better shot of seeing evidence of the Mind fire because as we look off in the distance here it starts going down there's more mounds of material oh here we go here we go here's one of the old monitoring pipes T30 so that's evident that something was taking place here back in the day most likely related to the Mind fire so is looking more promising down here I think we may come across more evidence but that is a good sign though we're heading in the right direction so we're going to see if there's any more of those around any more Fishers or events that will lead us to believe we're in the vicinity of the active underground fire so this is a good sign like I said this show that the flyer was burning here one time and it's definitely moved on it's not an actively used pipe there's no heat nothing's showing the fires burning in this area but one time this was placed here for the mine fire now we're going to continue on this Trail because RJ's looking on the maps this should take us to a big clear-cut old workings area we're kind of curious to see what it looks like over there from there we're then going to kind of down shoot through the forest here make their way in the general direction of where we started with the active mine vents between here and there we don't know what we'll come across but continue watching because you never know what we'll discover along the way foreign looks like some material has been dumped here resembles an old structure possibly and some glass some old wood and framing there's a screen kind of deck there tires and some more trash it almost looks like a door right there too good thing is we're farther away from the traffic so it's much more quieter up here and this was a recently used trail I see some relatively fresh ATV tracks you can see the leaves are kind of ruffled up but we're not too far away from the area that RDA wants to check out so once we do a ride there we'll continue on but of course if we do find anything interesting along the way just like that we will pop in and share it with you I do try to make my videos as inclusive as possible and make you feel like you are here with us at the same time don't want to record every single footstep and every wisp of wind so it's not over the top uh drawn out so there's a bottle find it's like a like an apple juice possibly there's a date of 95 on it I think 10 cents looks like it says 10 cents and then I know yeah maybe possibly look like an apple juice started me almost it's kind of coincidental off-camera RG made a comment that it's a good thing we're seeing a lot less trash than we normally would in the Centralia area well We Came Upon a big dump here uh significant stuff yeah it's on both sides so let's check it out see a sneaker is there a toy oh yeah Legos you see sneakers too they're size 13 I'll take them am I glad I wore this shirt today because uh winner winner chicken dinner blue Power Ranger I know somebody's probably looking for that well we found it we'll put it right here in the tree for you it's gonna guard the trail so I see everything from roofing material to bottles toothpaste so it's actually another toy dressing bottle I gotta find out what that other toy is oh okay look at a head of hair on that one I don't know who that is they got a big head of hair like a purple afro that's a really unique toy for me to find might be I'll place them there size 12. oh almost fits me got some Nature's material growing on them it's unfortunate to find all this trash but it does make it rather interesting to kind of search through but on the other side here there's actually a lot more there's like a bottle dump here now we come across the bottle dump down by Burnsville where 61 is rerouted around graffiti Highway but they were really old bottles kind of buried in the ground these are just dumped here somebody likes their Rolling Rock oh okay this one hey check this out Vino Italia that's actually a neat bottle had a cork in it oh here's the Moonshine found the Moonshine I don't know anything about bottles I can't tell you anything other than that they look cool it does blue I'd probably be taking it home with me Uncle Fester so as unfortunate as that is is something sharing with you guys because it is what we do come across not all the time but at least down in this area it's not uncommon to come across trash near Centralia in the town itself there's a lot of those closed dead end roads from where the houses used to be you unfortunately find a lot more trash not only on the roads but on the sides of them as well it's kind of out of control even do town cleanups every so often to kind of get it under control but here on a rather remote Trail no surprise that we found this but I think this is probably the coolest find for me it's like a like RJ said Genie bottle but Vino d'Italia corktop glass bottle again if it was blue I'd be taking this one a big moonshine one home with me but we'll leave it here for someone else I guess big open cleared out area here it's rather barren I'm going to show you on Google Maps what it looks like so following the trail led us directly to here and it's a couple thoughts that are crossing my mind about this area number one it's possibly old worked or stripped out areas number two which I think there might be more leaning towards number two is that this might be where the fire was previously burning this is mostly no new growth here it's all new trees very kind of barren and not very dense I guess you could say so it looks like it's an old burned out area where nature is starting to reclaim it now don't know for certain it could be a combination of both but regardless it is here in the area and there are Trails leading to and from here but we don't see any evidence of steam or smoke or burned out areas but it's a big open area kind of in the middle of the Mountainside here so we're gonna now continue behind you guys and make our way down towards Big mine Run Road and look in those areas that look more promising from earlier to see if we do find any evidence of active burning so sometimes it pays to go off the beaten Trail because the trail continues up that way and RJ initially wanted to go that way he said you know what let's get off Trail let's just go through the forest the woods and see what we come across and it paid off because we've come across several pipes here there's at least three with an eyesight and there may be more so we're again in a good area right now this is similar to the other one this is T45 and as we keep going down there's two more that I see now they don't again they don't look like vent pipes they look like the monitoring pipes but it can't be 100 certain but there's no other reason that I could assume that they would be back here other than to monitor the Heat and the gases here's our next one t 15. and this one maybe t16 I was way off t46 so these are graphed and numbered somewhere whether on a paper log or in a computer system for where they're located but there's a grouping of three right here on top of that these are old material piles from workings known as like I'm stuck in a tree branch here uh waste rock material comb various stuff that they don't use or sell so they basically create Mounds here so nine times out of ten when you see stuff like this this is man-made from long ago but we got a lot of ground between here and where we started so we're just going to keep going and hopefully we'll continue to be lucky and find more evidence I'm hoping we could at least find at least one or two new vents that we haven't seen before at the very least any other findings though we will share on our journey across here this one is I don't know it's like upside down numbers let's say s 65 that's different from the other ones but similar to the first one that we saw they had the cap on it right past that we'll pick up another Trail here so I shouldn't make are traveling a bit easier now it does go down this way that's going away from where we want to go looks like it goes up and there might be an old one here to the right I think we're going to stay in this direction and that's going to bring us down below where we saw that initial pipe that brought us the good news that we're in the right direction so I think we're gonna headed that direction so keep coming with us as we continue down would it appear to be that old road yet another one see the markings on this one s 70. this one looks like it's uh freshly um rubbed on yeah it looks like they almost took something to it to try to this looks like it's pretty shiny silver there I'm guessing that that's like they welded the nut on to be able to help spin the cap off yeah and of course when you're on a journey or an adventure you have to admire the beautiful nature landscape right here another tree nothing impressive about it but what's surrounding the base of it definitely is a combination of rocks Nature's carpet leaves and the Sun's shining on it right now just makes for a nice image so the road we just walked down where the S70 pipe is stops right here looks like that road was created specifically for that pipe behind it it's more raw and natural but we're still going to keep heading in this direction because we're going across and down slightly foreign [Music] [Music] a lot of ground since the last clip you saw we walked down this main trail or Road and looks like it's still actively used by all-terrain vehicles and it came down to a T goes to the right and to the left but just off to the right is yet another pipe here and is there marking on that one s like s79 right there so I think what we're going to do is just search this area a bit more to make sure we didn't don't miss anything before we continue on that's me going away towards Ashland I believe must be going up closer towards where we're parked and Centralia would be up towards that way we're getting closer we could hear vehicles right behind me though I did find just the smallest of stone walls kind of surrounding that tree I don't know what the purpose would be why would be right here and how small it is but it is man-made now the road is down there but we're parked way up there so we're kind of going diagonally so we're going down and across to hopefully kind of come to uh close to where we started and actually just spotted another wall up there too almost looks like a you okay gotta get your sea legs so right around there is remnants of a wall similar to how you would see on a farm like a property divide so that may be what it is but this looks like it might be an old game Trail here so I'm gonna head in that direction update time we were coming across diagonally as I explained earlier and we ended up having to come uphill again on this road that we're on right now because otherwise it was a straight drop off down near the road we're also able to see where we started which is probably about three quarters of a mile in that direction we went really far off course didn't realize it and we covered a few miles of zigzagging through the woods and RJ spotted something really interesting I'm gonna crop it and show you guys right there is a utility pole with some insulators now those are not Telegraph ones those are utility for electricity so it's just laying here in the middle of the Woods most likely was for the colliery back in the days of Supply power to the equipment or buildings that would have been here back in the day and as we continue up the road here are coming across yet another pipe now if you guys remember earlier when we plotted that first pipe I'm like yeah we'll probably see a few of them little did we know we're probably even closing closing in on 10 or 12 of them s 76. so that's where we just came up we're going to keep going up a bit more even though it's going up higher in elevation it's at least getting us closer to where we started because if we go down here it's pretty much straight Beyond this point and if we get down to the road we'd just be walking up the road we're at least in the woods here we're a lot more likely to see some more findings all right are you guys keeping count because we came upon another pipe now one thing we've discovered is a lot of these roads and trails and path that we've been walking are pretty much created for the installation and or monitoring of these pipes this is s81 so they're going up a number 81. the year I was born that's my pipe I claim it so those who are watching this point and are keeping count feel free to comment down below in the comments section with your guess as to how many pipes we've come across I'm actually an account during editing at the end of the video I'll put the total number on the screen the strangest things you find in the woods and here we go with the toaster oven Fiesta brand with a hot plate on top I think it's missing is the glass door in the front and it's just partially buried right there next one directly in line with 81 s82 so we would jump from 76 to 81 so there is a few that we missed somewhere but they are going in numerical order I'm gonna keep our eyes peeled no new vents but more than enough pipes this kind of goes to show you the extent they went to back in the day it's a monitor this mine fire whether or not it burned under here before or is possibly headed in this direction that's Up For Debate but regardless they have in place back here from far away to nearby oh RJ told me to keep my eyes peeled and I did I found him some souvenirs found some downed insulators and these are as you can see much bigger than the Telegraph ones that we usually find like the clear green ones these are for electricity that one 's running away is in perfect condition this one's on a bracket but it's partially broken but it's on the original bracket and the pole it came from is right there that circular right there it's cut so they cut it and it toppled and they were laying here until I found them another tree to find gravity here growing off the embankment roots are completely exposed and it's uh almost like a spider web of tree roots and it's sprouted up into three different trees but down here we have another pipe this is not the one we found before but similar to the first one oh yeah it opens up his wires and a connector so that is what they'd plug in their meteor device to to get the readings and it's 100 intact so we're gonna put it back in there keep it protected very neat no number on this pipe but still keep count it does say New Haven Connecticut four inch OEM yeah possibly so what you're looking at right now is a big open area down below and it's very familiar at least to us but those of you who have watched my prior videos he'll look familiar as well because when Adam gave his tours here we actually covered this area and walked all the way back to where he found that garbage dump and the pickup truck that was looking kind of suspicious at the time so we know where we're at and we can't upon another pipe no cap on it so we haven't seen this one yet is there yeah I can actually see this thing coming out holy crap after oh yeah that's hot grab your temperature going all right so this pipe here is the most unique of them all because not only is it open on top it's a testing pipe but there's actually steam actively coming out of it so we're in the area where the fire is still burning and this is the reason these pipes will put in here to confirm that although the testing portion of it is no longer as you can say active or used it is spewing steam out the cracks of it there's a number on it number the two number two three and we're going to do a reading on it so Ambient Air Temperature is well it's really warm out 67 degrees oh yep I had 55. okay so yeah we're 60 degrees and we're gonna come over and we're at 100 instantly and if we can get down into it 109 110 13 14 16 18 we're climbing 127 yeah it's climbing so it's uh significantly hotter if you leave it there and the Heat's Rising it's probably not 100 accurate because of the heat running into the sensor but regardless it's also warm to the touch too and not sure if you guys could see it but there is steam coming out now with the Ambient Air Temperature being as warming as it as it is it's not very visible but if we were here on a cold day this would be a cloud of steam oh yeah there you go that's a perfect shot you're welcome thank you so that is some pretty neat evidence so we can confirm the fire's still burning but it hasn't moved a whole lot from what we discovered but this is a great finding we have come full circle because we are back at the upper Fisher steam vent that we checked out earlier that goes straight down and the first pipe we checked is over there so we have covered a lot of terrain and I've basically scoured this area top to bottom so I'm going to safely make my way down lower and share a few things with you although it's one more day the steam is still Rising and right below me here is the same mine vent we cooked our lunch [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign location by me there is the steam vent where we cooked our lunch a few years ago and where there's some other active Vents and little do we know is just up above that is where that pipe is that's spewing out steam right now so a couple things I do want to share is that number one I want to I do want to thank Adam for giving us the information to come out here because he told us about this a few years ago and just got kind of pushed to the the back burner and we finally made out here today to confirm whether or not the fire is burning up on top of the mountain from what we've seen there's no clear evidence of that what we did find out though is that much further down closer to Ashland there's many more vent or monitoring pipes so I don't know if those are precautionary to make sure it's not going that direction if that's where it's burned previously but we do know though it's burning right here still not as hot as it was when we first discovered a few years ago but regardless it's still burning here and there are projections as to which direction it's heading people have reported that Ashland is next on the map to eventually be eminent domain like Centralia I don't know if that's going to happen or not but it is reported that there is at least enough fuel enough coal to burn for at least another one to two hundred years but today was confirmation that the fire is no longer under Centralia and that it is on the outskirts but closer to Ashland right now and although this is the main source of venting right here within a little square area further out we didn't find anything thing at all except for that one Barren area that RJ wanted to explore it's rather bare and looks like all new growth can't confirm or deny if that is mind burn land that's not out of the question with that being said though right now on the screen I'm going to put the total number of pipes that we found now if you are correct or at least closed then good job for counting and sticking along to find out the total number of mine vent pipes if you haven't seen my lower run mine fire video I highly encourage you to watch it because it goes back to 1915 and when the time became evacuated and demolished is when this fire started here so they overlapped a little bit of time also I'm in the process right now I'm doing some research I'm going to pick up a new tool a new piece of equipment that's going to help with these types of locations with heat sources so stay tuned for that I'll be returning here and so Laura and mine fired to test it out and give you a new view new different look and how we can spot these underground mine fires anyways guys we made this far thank you so much for watching thanks to rj70 productions for joining me as well make sure to check out his video to see his View and take on our adventure today and you never know where you'll see us next so thanks once again everyone and as always I'll see you in the next video
Channel: JPVideos
Views: 171,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jpvideos, centralia, centralia pennsylvania, centralia mine fire, underground mine fire, mine fire, coal mine fire
Id: 4qSeTCwxszY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 28sec (2488 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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