Central West End in St. Louis

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okay it's Thursday June 9th 2022 it's 4:07 p.m. 83° F we're in the Central West End Neighborhood we're doing a tour of that it's one of the 79 neighborhoods in the city of St Louis and the most populous in 2014 the American Planning Association named this as one of the 10 great neighborhoods this is the cathedral Basilica right here it was built between 1907 and 1914 has the largest Mosaic collection in the Western Hemisphere inside they worked on those from 1912 to 1988 over 75 years this is the mother Church of the arch dicese of St Louis for Roman Catholics and the seat of the Archbishop I have done a video on this inside the mosaics are unbelievable there is a vault in the basement where three Cardinals and an Archbishop are buried right there is the angel of Harmony that was built in 1999 it has quotes on it from Martin Luther King Jr and Pope John Paul II hey right over here next to it is the archbishop's residence the Bas Basilica has 415 million glass tiles making up those mosaics and over 7,000 colors okay as we walk along here this is the Catholic Charities building right over here is the statue of Pope John Paul II he visited St Louis in 1999 had over 100,000 people at the Dome down town right across the street over here is the old nean mansion one of the oldest mansions in the Central West End it was built in 1888 and it now houses the law offices of the mosis you see those Mark moski signs he's running for the United States Senate he was involved in that gun toing incident that we've heard so much about we're about 6 miles west of the Gateway Arch this is Rosati Kane High School right over here Bishop Rosati was the First bishop of St Louis he's buried in a vault at the old cathedral downtown so there's the Basilica right there now right over here behind it at 40 421 Maryland this is where the David Francis Mansion was he was the only person to serve as the mayor of St Louis and the governor of Missouri it was built in 1895 it was torn down this is now the Queen of Peace Center it's what this is but this is where his Mansion was his funeral was there in 1927 Queen of Peace Center is now is a member of the Catholic Charities Federation which you can see there this was built in 193 6 Grover Cleveland and Teddy Roosevelt both stayed here at the David Francis Mansion when it was here for the 1903 Louisiana Purchase Expo dedication day they were from opposite parties so two presidents stayed here as well as David Francis so this is where he lived on this site now Francis Field at washu is is named after him also he did a lot of work preparing for the World's Fair in 1904 here you see an example of gates there's a lot of private streets here still in the Central West End but not like it used to be this is not a private street that I'm on these are open okay we've gone just down the street a little bit here at 4232 mcferson this is the Kate chop pan house again she's one of our most famous St louisans this was built in 1897 she moved in in 1903 she died in 1904 actually at the World's Fair at age 54 she wrote short stories and novels she has a star on the St Louis Walk of Fame of course in the delmare loop in 1899 she wrote The Awakening one of the most popular novels ever she collapsed at the World's Fair there is a uh plaque up here I see see what that says okay this is Fullerton's Westminster Place here the 43 and 4400 blocks Joseph Scott Fullerton bought this street in 1882 now in uh he was a union officer and lawyer and then a brigadier general in the Civil War became a postmaster after the Civil War in 1867 bought this street in 1882 okay so we're just walking here on Westminster Place for there's a Victorian style for there's a TS Elliott William Greenleaf Elliott his grandfather is one of the founders of washu okay this here is 4446 Westminster TS Elliott lived here again that's one of our very most famous St louisans maybe the most famous won the 1948 Nobel Prize in literature this was built in 1904 he was 16 when they moved here this plaque on the house is for as Dad they call it the Henry wear Elliott House and his father is one of the founders of Wu so TS Elliott lived right here here's a plaque that plaque right out here on the sidewalk so we made it through there that's Fuller Westminster Place this was The 4400 Block we hit the 4,300 block right before that at second Church Presbyterian Church this was built in 1896 you see that Tiffany window Theodor link put that in there he's the architect he also did Union Station here's over on the side you see these are tiffany windows for there's some beautiful landscapes along here still on Westminster Place okay this is 4629 Westminster this this is where Tennessee Williams lived again he's one of our most famous St louisans lived in this apartment about 1918 to 1922 won two Pulitzer prizes a street car Named Desire in 1948 and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof in 1955 he was a playwright and screenwriter took details from this apartment from the glass managerie and he has an original Star on the St Louis Walk of Fame in the the delmare loop of course here you see this sign says the boyhood home of Tennessee Williams this is the back of it you see that fire escape he wrote about that okay this is persing here Joseph Pitzer lived on this street he was a Missouri State Rep he bought the St Louis Post Dispatch at an auction at the Old Courthouse in 1878 and became a congressman from New York many awards are named after him Pitzer prizes Joseph Pitzer he lived right here okay we're on Maryland down here here's the World Chess Hall of Fame see that giant chest piece out in front but my uncle and my you to check out the mum great thanks too hope it's chill oh yeah see for for for for [Music] okay so we got a quick flavor of that hey I'm now now we are in the same well we're on uclid right here that's the schafle branch of the St Louis Public Library that opened in 2002 okay so this is the busy corner here on uh Maryland and uid that's the Chess Hall of Fame right there chess club right over here and so I'm like [Music] okay that's two horten place right over there is where Albert Bond Lambert lived our Airport's named after him Lambert Airport he was an aviation Enthusiast and a friend of Charles Lindberg Charles Lindberg stayed at that house right there on two hens now his father was Jordan Lambert from the Lambert pharmaceutical company and he invented lisine had used it for decades Albert Bond Lambert who lived there was a golfer in the 1900 and 1904 Olympics in 1904 of course it was here in 1900 it was in Paris he took flying lessons from Orville Wright and was a World War I veteran he supported l his his plane was named the Spirit of St Louis because of his friends here in St Louis as he made the first Transit Atlantic flight from New York to Paris he Albert Bon Lambert was the second of five kids his brother was Gerard Barnes Lambert and he is the one who uh marketed lisine as for bad breath so that they could sell more of it and their their office was down on uh Locust uh by where the Schlafly Taff room is now the war the Lambert pharmaceutical company it became Warner Lambert and then eventually fizer in 2000 now Gerard Barnes Lambert his uh Albert Bon Lambert's brother his daughter was bunny Lambert melon she lived from 19 10 to 2014 she gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to John Edwards presidential campaign which he used to hide his pregnant mistress so she wasn't too happy about that she was friends with Frank langella the actor uh this is bunny Lambert All and I'm talking about you as friends with Jackie Kennedy bet Midler Frankl Angela was in Dave with Kevin Klein who's from Clayton that's way off the subject so Albert Bon Lambert our airport is named after him Lambert Airport he died in 1946 so again there's that two Hortense place now over on this side was one Hortense place this is where Earl Thompson lived he was another financial backer of Charles Lindberg he lived right over here [Music] so we're still on uid here coming up to [Music] mcferson there [Music] Pie Pizza there here in the Central West End now the one that was in the delmare loop that closes that's where Obama liked his that's his favorite pizza place he got it from a different location though it's called up down here on uclid it's a game room you got pizza smells like pizza here's another Fields Foods here we saw the one in downtown west here's the one in the Central West End hey this is Waterman Boulevard right here okay we're here at 5127 Waterman Boulevard this is where the Joseph Erlanger house this is a National Historic Landmark there's only 37 in the whole state of Missouri there's 14 here in the city of St Louis one in St Louis County so this is one of them it was built in 1903 right here in the Central West End this was his house from 1917 to his death in 1965 he was a physiologist neuroscientist he measured electrical charges that pass through nerve fibers and established a relationship between action potential and nerve diameter he and his partner Gasser won the 1944 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine he lived age 91 that's the Joseph Erlanger house it is not open to the public and take a look at that plaque up there again though I see there it is National Historic Landmark there's the back of that bush F Mansion okay so here's one Portland Place you see that MOSI sign down there this this is where they live right here this was the bush F Mansion ad Dolphus Bush his daughter Anna and Tony fa his son Edward they got married the McClosky bought it in 1988 this is historic Portland Place right here William Bagnell who was in the railroad tie business he lived here at 12 Portland Place that has been demolished the Bagnell Dam in the Lake of the Ozarks is named after him Charles sticks lived here at 26 Portland from scks Bearer and Fuller it eventually became Dillards as we know George Warren Brown lived in there from the brown shoe Manufacturing Company he lived at 40 40 Portland Brown school at woe is named after him Brown Shoe Company it became Karis Diane Sullivan the CEO now but he lived in here too George Warren Brown Dwight Davis the founder of the Davis Cup he also lived in here on Portland Place so that's Portland plac as you you can see there now right across the street as we're coming up here you got the Park Plaza tower that was built in 1929 and we'll see this better as we approach up here better okay so we'll take a look at this from across the street again that's the Park Plaza Tower built in 1929 it uh is condos now and over here's the ches chase Hotel was built in 1922 the historic Chase Park Plaza this is where Tony larusa lived here manager of the Cardinals for 16 years this is where he lived that's our Deco there the the uh laa Tower these merged in 1961 they did have wrestling here wrestling at the Chase from 1959 to 1983 on Channel 11 Joe gagola was an announcer and then it was mainly his brother Mickey was an announcer Mickey garagiola this is where George Clooney stayed when he was filming up in the air here at the Chase Park Plaza just about every president Warren Harding Franklin Roosevelt Harry Truman Dwight Eisenhower George Bush Bill Clinton John Kennedy Richard Nixon Jimmy Carter Ronald Reagan they've all been here to the Chase Park Plaza Jackie Robinson of the Brooklyn Dodgers Elvis Presley Dean Martin Nat King Cole Jerry Lewis Frank Sinatra Sammy Davis Jr Minnesota Fats Dick Gregory he's from St Louis anyway went to suner high school the comedian Bob Hope Liza Manelli the Rolling Stones Liberace Jerry Lee Lewis Andre the Giant Dick the Bruiser Perry KO MV Griffin Gladis Knight Harry bellafante they've all been here to the historic Chase Park Plaza there's the 100 above the park right there and Forest Park is right over here cross from The Chase that's Forest Park over there over 1300 Acres that's where our zoo is and all the rest of it the mun the science center the art museum the history museum now also right down there is Barnes Jewish Hospital I'm not going to go down there by the hospital Tina Turner worked there in the Maternity Ward it's where the Wash U school of medicine is down that way Carl and Gertie Corey were there they won the Nobel Prize the Cory crater on the moon is named after her they pretty much invented the area of biochemistry they learned about glycogen and the enzyme that causes it to break down carbohydrate metabolism they were out in front of the Chase Park Plaza here again I did go in there on the Christmas in St Louis [Music] video that's where the pool is can't see a whole lot from over here and right up here is where the cinema is opened in 1999 don't you like hey we're back here at Maryland and uid again now this is what's down here if you continue on Maryland baritalia restaurant for and again the uh Plaza tower part of the Chase Park Plaza you could get there if you keep going down this way well I guess we'll wrap it up that's our tour to the Central West End it's difficult to encapsulate that in a video but I did the best I could subscribe if you like it and like it thanks a lot for watching
Channel: OrganSTL
Views: 6,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jb_XSd5weBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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