Central African Republic Vlog #018

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[Music] Central African Republic getting the Central African Republic visa in Malabo Equatorial Guinea took two days and $85 two months later I would leave Bamako Mali and take Kenyan Airways to visit the country for may 8 to 12 2017 to phosphonates and kick in tobacco like this not just a fit my Buster straps around your waist keeping the fastness at the front on board we got mixed nuts and champagne I was excited because Central African Republic would be my 34th country in Africa transiting in Nairobi I took a regional flight on an Embraer 190 aircraft the airplane was enroute to Bunge central african republic via Entebbe Uganda because UN workers like visiting Uganda on the weekend they were returned back to work in Bunge on the weekdays on our pit stop in Entebbe Uganda we flew over Lake Victoria on final approach I wondered what I would experience in a war-torn nation Kenyan Airways once again had exceptional service lunch was served we crossed over jungles and rivers his country had 4.5 million people and had a history of civil wars upon landing I noticed the airport was surrounded by UN soldiers and pickups protecting the airport for our arrival outside on the tarmac I saw World Food Programme aircraft and Red Cross aircraft finally we arrived in Bunge and everyone disembarked the plane of course the first thing I saw apart emergence from the terminal for UN vehicles I left the airport and caught a ride with a fellow passenger into the city leaving the airport I saw guys watching taxi cars as well as motorcycles on route into the city we passed large crowds this was a francophone nation so they all spoke French and their local language sang-gu there were so many people everywhere crossing the road right in front of us then I saw a pickup truck with armed men standing in the back holding machine guns oops I better hide my camera these guys were protecting the peace but they sure looked intimidating my fellow passenger was from Burundi and came to work in Bunge for the UN these motorcycles sure like swerving passing and taking risks on the road like this guy the roads were wide but had no centerline markings and nobody paid attention to the zebra stripes everything was so exciting for me but at the same time I was afraid of the unknown I had no idea where I would be sleeping that night I was recommended to visit the Catholic mission for place to stay which was nearby the stadium I think so much for the ride it was nice to meet you okay on the airplane from Burundi you're gonna be here for nine months yeah and you are from Central African Republic yes okay thanks very much okay walking to the Catholic mission I met some locals selling food I understood tomatoes limes okra pepper and greens but what was this brown paste I learned it was peanut butter called para she'd then I saw bugs being sold for food but what kind of bugs were they here a sign red don't touch guns because they could be explosives this was Central African Republic I arrived in Central African Republic and now I'm gonna go visit some places here there's a deep hole here everywhere I travel in the world I would find random holes in the ground you had to watch where you're walking to avoid falling in the ground searching for the embassy of DRC now and to my head a messy come without bail to my knees after getting my DRC B's so I went to search for the cathedral the notre Dom I passed by the marketplace where everybody was selling clothes then finally I found the Cathedral with some gift vendors out front [Music] this guy decided to be funny I found this church over here it's a roman catholic church's cathedral notre-dame the limit : concepciĆ³n there's also another side Church over and destruction it's an interesting area of town how are you I don't smoke sorry this kid was about 14 years old and was already smoking there's UN vehicles everywhere I look around here these mangoes were four cars passing by on the right side of the cathedral was an outdoor area for praying with benches lined up inside the cathedral some boys were gathered in the front here were the confession booth and then a portrait of Francis's visit in November 2015 besides Pope Francis Pope Paul John the second visited this country in 1985 his cathedral was built in 1930 and his floors were made out of bricks now the boys went up to pray oh you finally made Mumma meanwhile outside a pickup full of UN armed soldiers stopped by the mango vendor to buy some mangoes for lunch oh I made it here to the church and I met John and he was looking for a piano because he wants to practice it so he finally found this electronic piano right here but the problem is is that it needs to be plugged in of course yeah and the plug is missing so you're waiting for your friends so you have a concert that you're preparing for in two weeks they were all nice to meet you John thank you yeah I asked John if I could stay at his family's home and after asking his parents he said it was okay here's the cybercafe we're having problems finding electricity here in bonds we start moving rooms [Music] even though this guy was blind he didn't want me taking any videos of them singing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and then music practice was over and we all headed home we left the cathedral I went to look for motorcycle ride to John's home day to Tuesday John's family is who would host me during my week stay in Bunge I spent the night at John's family and then the next day we walked through his neighborhood back to the main road I woke up now we're gonna walk into albums by the street bus wowie it had rained that night so there were many puddles to navigate around people were surprised to see me walking through their neighborhood and they asked John finally waiting for the taxi I saw guys pushing carts with long sticks on it I saw bowls of brown powder and wondered if it was coffee this was the market a place with a thousand eyes on you I had to be careful from someone getting upset about seeing my camera locals love slicing these leaves to make them look like grass and then cooked with them here was another lady slicing leaves to make them look like cut grass then it was time to catch my taxi ride to Walley but was there even room for me don't worry they wouldn't make room I got the front seat but I didn't expect to find feet dangling next to my head from the roof every day was a new experience here I guess they privileged me by giving me the front seat I don't think I could accept sitting on the roof and paying for it I would rather hitchhike before our cave to sit on the top of a taxi roofs in this country was one of the rare countries where hitchhiking was safer than taking public transportation we drove through villages and saw all kinds of interesting things like this truck that was overloaded not only was it me in the front seat but also a mother and her child along the way I saw a bitter Cola not to be insult to accommodate more passengers the driver put words on top of his roof to allow passengers to sit down you had to be thankful for this type of transportation otherwise you'll be walked along the road like these guys busy going along the road and we broke down now our cars so full it's not full until it's overloaded we just have to fix the car before we can continue much we'll manage but hopefully we will sometimes they don't like you to film so it's hard to do this they fixed the minor maintenance issue so it was time to climb back onto the car go continue no mercy there back to the brim now you can't get any more people on and the way we continued on our journey to Bali Wow I couldn't believe my eyes but this was Central African Republic people even hung to the back of the car as if it were a truck meanwhile our vision was obscured by the legs dangling over the windshield but this was normal everyday business for my taxi driver we came across this town that had so many butterflies then we came across the UN vehicle protecting a shipment of bagged water that a truck carry Nets had tipped over and crashed going too fast around the corner arriving in Bali I asked the ride from you and pickup and they gave me a ride to the waterfall there's so many butterflies here just looking on the ground so you can see hundreds we're going to look find the waterfall here and Walley you can stay at the hotel and then there's also a way to go down the stairs to see the bottom of the waterfall my guides taking me there right now the UN people were surprised to see me here they said no tourists come here it's the worst country to visit 20 and for transport did you say here was the first stop on the way to the bottom of the waterfall they got a little hydroelectric dam over here I'm gonna search for some mangos I'll a Porsche shade of money you see okay these were two toys and games of village kids playing with tires or anything that had a wheel to Mars lamang Quebec fuel no problem I was surprised they ate the mango skin apparently it was okay the trace you're really big just looking at the trunk of this one it's not really huge and these two here's another kid playing with his makeshift play that his parents made for him I saw a vendor selling torille powder and then the bees just loved it they just love whatever this is there was a village store beside the road I [Music] was in the bat tour I visited this small town I'm just gonna walk up this road try to get it right back to bunkie a little kids like to follow me around take the see what's happening right come top-down too so difficult names so you're curious about me why I'm here yeah I'm just gonna walk up the road and try to find taxi all right merci beaucoup it's very green here it's the rainy season - these people were selling some roasted peanuts in front of their shop then I saw some villagers hey guys pigs let's go check out the pigs and the piglets hey piggies oh you guys are scared here I found some villagers brewing their own alcohol how are you Jason okay what is this it's like a millet I like your hair como tu fais ah this school seems to be functioning like cole Jardine does unfounded Wadley shoots I got the classroom the canteen the bureau and the toilet has the four rooms that they have even little children will carry things on their head we're walking through some fields here with my little tour guide he doesn't speak any English but he knows a little French and Sango people here are called central Africans as long as you're in a safe area it's okay here yeah flies around your head - these flies just like to keep on following us I found out that his parents are dads of it just him she must be an orphan I got a ride with these people in the back of a pickup truck they're carrying a bunch of rocks back on the main road I some more pickups loaded to the brim you look like the left side was heavier they sure knew how to maximize space especially with using those boards and having people dangling from the ends this guy was so relaxed he was even on his phone wait how many people are on this thing up there were at least 25 people on this one even sitting underneath the people just another day in Central African Republic and then there was the motorcycles how could they overload a motorcycle I wondered finally caught a ride back to Bunge and his pickup truck whoa how hitchhiking was so much more comfortable than the local taxi from picking up some cargo and took a deal over here you were at the local mangle vendors there was that funny hairstyle again finally I made it back into town this was local outdoor restaurants this was all you ate pinch the chunk of Gozo mushed it into a ball and dipped it into the sauce this child vendor was selling samosas to children playing PlayStation I guess they even had child entrepreneurs you had to start somewhere my phone was dead so I asked a local vendor to charge my phone then I saw a clothing auction happening all those clothing donations from Western countries came here and then these guys sold them they sure gathered a crowd with all their auctioning back at home I met John siblings studying and doing their homework under a dim light for Jaguar the light is so low I can't see nothing here on day 3 I visited downtown Bunge this was one of the local cafes in downtown I went to the internet cafe to try to book my flight ticket internet was so slow that it took me 1 hour to get to the payment page and then the electricity went out I felt like I would be stuck in this country this was the post office where they sold postcards and then I got in trouble for taking a picture of this structure and downtown yeah I was always getting in trouble in Africa I wanted to go to Mumbai keys so I caught a ride with this guy across town these people all lined up to get their vaccinations this guy was getting ready for his shot first they disinfected the area then they jabbed the needle in and squeezed the syringe this guy took it easy and remained calm i skipped him by key and remained in Bunge all day long I love the way they shook hands in Central African Republic they always snap the fingers for Thursday my trip to Mumbai key the road was wide open this morning and the UN soldiers were making their morning Patrol [Music] to do model agency blown away from a valise [Music] it was another muddy day but everybody had to get to work this carts was way overloaded but the board's had to be transported somehow that guy had a hard time pushing that cart I walked across the bridge to start my journey to him Becky there goes someone pointing at my camera my two options for transportation was either to take a taxi like this one then sit in the front seat with no view and 20 people on top of me and even have the possibility of breaking down in the middle of the jungles or hitchhike in a private car with the whole seat to myself the choice was quite simple [Music] there were two pedestrians whoa what are they carrying on their heads every taxi that passed us was overloaded and then there was always the random car that broke down in the middle of the road my driver arrived at his destination of B so so these guys were trying to fix their old car that broke down too pumping up the tire with air the old-fashioned way like a bicycle nearby I saw people drawing white powder like this one that ground up the cassava and made moist powder to dry in the Sun it makes powder like this these were the mats upon which they drive the cassava some tarps were set up right next to the roadside everyone I was a local attraction it seemed it's got to be fair methanol come on top tell to wash my face Abu Bakar McKenzie Puente del Cielo want a hearing pots on your head here was common everyone did it here comes another fully loaded taxi was this guy pointing to me definitely this guy was pointing here's a farm for palm oil they're searching for palm oil and manufactures yeah I first tried dropped me off here in Busan go they have to wait for another ride hopefully I get one I hope to get to buy key where I'll visit the Cathedral the monastery and possibly the University I went to visit the palm oil plant these were the barrels where they heated up the palm kernels where workers welcomed me in and showed me how it was done here we had a bucket of palm kernels it's really hot so they're getting oil from it and it's all gonna go and be sold at the market place this is how you do it in the Central African Republic merci portlet or no c'est bien this is how the knot looks like when it first starts out sooner c'est pas pourquoi je viens ici to detest on PE this won't be too much of a fuss travel along fairly al exterior please be someone is not a process et me you have EDC to levy way but first up on me man what would not you wife economy apart don't help ie to betray la forever ally on America hear a motorcycle passed by loaded with a bunch of water jugs and the passenger on top sitting on top of the truck wasn't any problem here either here comes another overloaded van this guy even clung to the back of the van holding on for his dear life let's check out this taxi it looks pretty full the wheels are even wobbling on both sides let's hope he's a careful driver then I wanted to get a good photo with the villagers but they were not too enthusiastic about it and then I got a ride in the truck oh boy what happened here I think their taxi broke down I'm glad I didn't choose this transport the truck dropped me off at a checkpoint where the guards wanted a bribe but luckily this car came along and picked me up so I asked the guards if I could leave and they said yes I got so much amusement from watching the other cars this car didn't even have a windshield screen this fan broke down or did it run out of gas well I guess they fixed it here it comes ever so slowly through the quad fold lined road you didn't want the passengers to fall off here we have the Cathedral of Joan of Arc in and by key there goes that green van again wow it's fairly Lulu I'm surprised nobody is pushing it you can even see someone on the other side walking as fast as van is driving I decided to take three rides to get here - I'm Becky I got to meet some people and I'm gonna visit this Cathedral as I approach the entrance I saw some stray goats from me when they saw me they ran off my [Music] the stained window glass was impressive for this part of the world [Music] this was the back and this was the front Oh what is this I think the goats were here that's a pretty nice church not many people come to visit church in Africa but that's what I'm doing these days in different countries this is a shape area of the country to visit so I haven't having any problems except the control people wanted to charge me two thousand which is about four dollars to pass through but I told him I was hitchhiking I didn't have money for them and bikie it's usually about two hours away from Bunge so now we're trying to get mangoes from this tree we got a big stick and he's gonna go shake the tree with a stick he looks like a good mango up there [Music] they're just loving the mangos here Sabo in Oman so now it's time to be mangoes we're just trying to catch them everyone's working on them giving the little kiddos they got a kid up there and then they're catching them careful Oh to put them in baskets this mango is so close to the ground I can just pick it I got a whole crowd here maybe I'll try your mango very good mango and every one selling mangoes around here for sure combien por la manga they say dancing foreigner do I see she's poor about sink I jumped in a medicines on frontier Land Cruiser and he drove me across town to find the University here was another Land Cruiser getting the car wash in the river some cars drove so fast on country roads you had to jump off the road just to give him space that wasn't too safe driving I thought with all the pedestrians on each side of the road I'm so surprised that you can just balance this on your head if I made it to the University of Bunge oh I'm gonna go check out this university save one there's support on that day to go through this university you have to go through the forest there it is the University called is dr so these buildings are spread out over this campus which is not that big actually but it looks like the dormitory is down that way there's no one here though this was one of the teachers homes so I went to knock on the door right now this vacation we for one weekend what's the vacation it's time for registration our registration session in you say there's 40 teachers and how many students 120 and when was the school built in 1800 so many years assuming you see you live here - yeah great smiles I was able to meet Joel here he's one of the 40 teachers that works here what is the problem in central Africa for instance at Kelly protocol problem people want to change by liberal of election election not in a right and Judy after selection but Mike he was always safe no I'm afraid foresees one person is being in Bakke now which is so great okay for instance but we don't know but so far it's been okay so sorry we didn't have enough time to discuss but it's three o'clock and I need to go back to Bunge okay Thank You Tien meet you and I hope that you come back again well I met Joelle and he's a professor here since 1991 it's getting a little late it's three o'clock and it takes about two hours to get there so I'm depending on a hitchhiking rights and whatnot so we'll see how that goes the first hitchhiking ride was on a motorcycle to the main road there were four people on this motorcycle do you see little baby's head sandwiched between the driver and the passenger my next ride was more roomy with only me as the passenger my next ride was on the back of a pickup truck with a bunch of passengers who didn't like the video camera [Applause] say no take one for my G we drove through villages like this one away for the next ride we had to stop here for a little party will continue soon I gave up on local style hitchhiking and chose a private pickup truck instead but then with this pickup truck we first ran out of gas but luckily our driver carried a spare Gerry cannon next our tire would break our tire broke so we had to fix it everyone had to drive around this including this big semi-truck mysterium mechanism broke so they wanted to fix it by using a torn shirt fabric to wrap around the axle followed by some rubber straps the fabric shirt wasn't strong enough so they sent someone to get rubber straps lined this together back in town I waited at the bread shop for my host John to meet me one of John's neighbors invited us for dinner but with no electricity we had to have a candlelit dinner my shoes are really dirty from the mines so one of John's little brothers clean them for me see you later guys thanks a lot it's nice to meet you and off we win for my last day in Bangor I love this hairstyle we walked through the school grounds on our way to the main road in the morning the school kids would praise in front of the altar it's a lot for the church yeah I like it well enough you Jesus I remember you now all right we took a motorcycle taxi into town with me on the back what are the most dangerous forms of transportation but the most prevalent in this African country this place on the left was a National Assembly again here was another UN vehicle moving through town and this beefed up armored vehicle here was the expensive five-star hotel called Leger where diplomat stayed while visiting everyone wondered why I did stay there I got some scenes from downtown but then people started causing trouble and asking me why I was taking photos so it stopped there's five dangerous areas and Central African Republic you can't take a bus from Bundy to Chad because here's the water it's dangerous you see you say American soldiers Asif Kony was the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army a guerrilla group that formerly operated in Uganda you see saying supporter at the stadium people used it as a place to jog I bet some we're athletes practicing for the Olympics there was a bar resto at the stadium so I went up to sit in observe the traffic there were UN trucks UN pickups then there was the armed un pickups with soldiers sitting in the back motorcyclist rode right next to them and then the police pick up let their workers sit on the back of the pickup with their feet dangling off the side here was an armoured vehicle and then an ambulance the UN police was colored red and white then I saw a truck with German written on it edica was a german supermarket how I wished I was in Germany right now Oh what was this an armored vehicle with machine guns on top here was a president's billboard here were some patriotic billboards it's me it's you it's us I should have stopped here at the sign when I arrived but now I was leaving so I had to pretend here I arrived in Bunge yes in the Central African Republic yes all right I didn't know why but black people automatically thought white people drove in cars so that's why this guy was asking I was just on foot to the airport this was the airport business lounge in Bunge then it was time to check in captain I came outside I saw UN aircraft and World Food Program aircraft and then this funny-looking Antonov 74 we finally took off and that was the end of my five-day trip to Central African Republic it was Friday and the UN employees were taking their weekend vacation to Entebbe Uganda we passed over rivers and jungles of Congo on behalf of Kenya Airways official Pacific as the pride of Africa arriving to Entebbe International Airport and the rare week when all the lake flies would hatch outside on the tarmac you can see thousands of Lake flies there were so many it looked like snow kid yeah I'm Jason Jason thanks for watching and stay tuned for more adventures
Channel: jaysondudas
Views: 33,065
Rating: 4.7964602 out of 5
Keywords: Central African Republic, Bangui, Boali, Mbaike, CAR, Bangui Central African Republic, Adventures, African travel, Dangerous countries, Taxis, Cathedrals, African cathedrals, Hitchhiking, motorcycles, UN, United Nations, Africans, African taxis, dangerous taxis, CAR vlog, Central African Republic vlog, Bangui vlog
Id: gO_p_IXRKjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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