Centerplate Spokane: How to Set a Table of Ten

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hello everybody welcome to the Spokane Convention Center Centerplate training videos we're going to show you how to set a table today now first of all most of our tables are six foot rounds with Tim chairs sometimes they're eight but for the most part they're ten so the first thing you do is you put your tablecloth on and you'll always notice on tablecloths there's a sieve and the seams are always down and the down side of the seam is where the tag is so that's pretty easy to do so the first thing you do is let's put out a table and some people get really good at it and throwing them out generally takes going to both sides let's put on the table that's the first thing we do and the second thing to do is we adjust all of our chairs and the chairs the edge of the seat of the chair actually goes right to the edge of the tablecloth so for example right here where it's hanging over a little bit more you see how the edge goes right to the edge of the tablecloth and so make sure all your chairs are lined up properly the next thing we do to keep everything balanced in or in order is we put down the napkins so we've got Joel and Jeremy here let's go ahead and put some put down the napkins and the napkins are going to be centered on the seat of the chair you see right centered on the chair and basically this is how we always set tables there's always going to be some variation it depends a little bit on the menu you may get an extra four corn extra spoon or what but for the most part this is going to be your basic set now after the napkins are down let's start with the silverware and I generally start the knives and if you use the edge of the right edge of the chair as kind of a guide for your knife and then generally the thumb of the rule of thumb at Hunton is that the knifes bottom wall Silver's about a thumb nails from the edge of the tape sole and then I go over if I'm right handed I go around the table clockwise so my right hand on my working side my strong side is facing the table so here we go the Joel if you guys want to follow with the forks because the forks are gonna go is on the left side and we probably are going to put on two forks one is for the the main course the entree and the other one is for the desserts the question of which way does the handle of the fork face and it's very easy to to understand if you just think the handle of the four faces towards the other fork right here you can see how this handle is on this faces the fork now if you had a spoon up there with this that would face where the spoon goes because the spoon goes on the right side of the knife and with that we'll get the spoons out and then we're pretty much done with the so work go ahead Joel and the next thing we're gonna do is we'll put out our water and Jeremy was gonna put out the water glasses but I also want you to see that he's using a cocktail tray or a cocktail round or a waiters tray it's got many different names I want you to feel to use these trees as much as possible they really make you more efficient and the water glass goes on the tip of the knife right above the tip of the knife and all Jeremy and the coffee saucers if you imagine a little circle created by the spoon there's a very circle up put your saucer in there see right in there right in the little curve of the spoon and then Jeremy is putting the coffee cups on and the handle of the cup is right about four o'clock [Music] [Music] it just this berries to the center of the table but basically there's always going to be a salt and pepper sugar and pick your water and a picture of coffee now once we serve we'll bring out cream and dressings and this sort of thing we make this would be your dressing many times use more than one pressing but again every every dinner is a little bit different but this is your basic 7 now I'm going to talk about one other thing very quickly and that is when you work the table remember I said earlier your right hand is your strong side so always have your strong side facing the table as you go around and go around clockwise because otherwise if you were to go this way and then use your right hand to work you're always walking backwards it's very inefficient so clockwise strong now if you're left-handed and just the opposite just the opposite to go around counterclockwise counterclockwise with your working hand or strong side facing the table and with that that's how we basically set a table oh I think we forgot one thing did we about that let's get that on now the bread plate goes right above the top so we forgot the bread plates while we're only human we're all human we all have to strive to learn this especially that plate carrying so watch that plate carrying video and remember to stir serve with your strong side facing the table thank you very much and I'll see you in the dining room
Channel: Centerplate Spokane
Views: 19,149
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Id: o5GnUbrWPMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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