Cellular Respiration and Fermentation

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okay everybody this is going to be our presentation for fermentation and cell respiration the first thing I'd like to do is I'd like to point out a few things these are the notes that are used in class and the thing I wanted to do is start previewing the information that we're going to find inside of our slide shows a little bit more easily this helps you organize your thoughts and it helps it a little bit easier to navigate when you're trying to learn new ideas the topics that we're gonna be covering today are gonna be aerobic and anaerobic what those terms actually mean how they're different from each other this will actually play a big role later on we're also going to compare photosynthesis and salt aspiration now this should be really important because we already learned a good deal about photosynthesis early on if you don't remember anything you can go back to the previous presentation that we went through aerobic respiration process we're going to learn about that we're also going to learn about the two processes that are really going on are the two systems that are taking place in there called the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain and then we're also going to talk about the anaerobic respiration processes known as fermentation there's two of them that we're going to focus on those two are going to be lactic acid and the other one is going to be what we call alcohol fermentation so we're gonna really focus on those two versions even though there's more than that so at the end you'll also find a summary and we'll try to make things work from there all right so like I was saying cell respiration it's going to be the chapter that we've been working on for photosynthesis that's chapter four but we're going to pick up now on section 4 and section 5 and then we'll divide that into another portion which will be section 6 so cell respiration this is going to be a extremely important process not just to animals which have only mitochondria but it's also going to be an important process for plants as well because they contain mitochondria as well well well if you remember correctly we said plants contain a special kind of organelle called chloroplasts and the chloroplast is responsible for making sugar well that should eventually needs to get broken down and we need to make some energy from it in the form of ATP in order for that to happen oxygen needs to be present and this process is called aerobic cell respiration there is a process that that doesn't require oxygen there's a few processes and that's what we call fermentation also known as an aerobic respiration now this process is almost a mirror image of photosynthesis and we'll talk about some of those similarities here in a little bit but I just want you to recognize the the beginning of one is the end of the other process so the beginning of photosynthesis is the end of cell respiration and the beginning of cell respiration is the end of photosynthesis I'll show you an image on the next slide that makes more it makes a lot more sense from that this process also it has two stages just like what we see in photosynthesis they're different from it but there they have some similarities and we'll talk about those here in a little bit and it also takes place in the organelle called the mitochondria which once again is kind of like the the alternate brother of what we call a chloroplast so let's check it out alright so the processes that we see here they're going to be cell respiration and photosynthesis photosynthesis should look very familiar to you because we spent a good deal of time already talking about it you should already have this formula committed to memory but just in case you don't its carbon dioxide and water those Rho and light actually those are the processes that we consider the reactants of photosynthesis they are used to help make sugar and oxygen if you know that formula you're sitting pretty nicely because basically sugar and oxygen are going to become the products of photosynthesis but also they'll become the reactants of cell respiration so basically organisms that use cell respiration take sugar and take an oxygen they break that stuff down and move it all up or reshape it and all that and they basically create energy in the form of what we call a ATP and sometimes heat is released as a process of that and we also make some carbon dioxide some water sorry I couldn't squeeze water on here my bad but anyway cell respiration is pretty darn important because the byproducts the end products of cell respiration actually become the reactants that we find in photosynthesis so go ahead guys remember we have the reactants and we have the products the products of one become the reactants of the other and that's how we have the relationship between cell respiration and photosynthesis so without plants we probably would not have a very effective anim lien system where we rely on cell respiration and without animals really protists as the photosynthesis wouldn't have the things it really requires too easily so it's kind of nice thank you trees I'll help you you help me so there's some major differences that we want to be able to recognize between some aspiration and photosynthesis I tried to do you a favor and leave some check boxes here so you can kind of check off to make sure you understand things if I look on the left side cell respiration it takes place in the mitochondria and it makes a lot of ATP if I remember correctly I believe it's 36 ATP it might be 34 to 36 it might even be up to 38 I'm sorry I can't remember off the top of my head I should have done my homework before I started talking it's also used to make carbon dioxide and water and energy which we saw on the last slide and it's made up of two stages what we call the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain which is related to the process of oxidative phosphorylation you're not going to have to memorize that unless of course you're in a ap biology class now in photosynthesis the process takes place in something called a chloroplasts chloroplasts are these organelles called plastids and they kind of act like a mitochondria they're pretty unique in the sense that they they absorb sunlight but they do kind of act like mitochondria in the sense that they do generate electricity inside of cells they make a little bit of ATP if I member correctly at something around six or seven ATP it's not a lot not nearly as much as cell respiration it's still very important but it's not nearly as much it's used to make sugars and oxygen from energy so we're actually using energy from the Sun to actually convert that into sugars and oxygen and it has two stages you'll remember light dependent and like independent which we call the calvin cycle just if you want to review that stuff go ahead and go back to that last presentation that we talked about photosynthesis on so what we're gonna see here is a nice summary it's a good image that really simplifies the the processes that occur during aerobic respiration if I look on the left side here I see this green bluish looking block box I keep saying blocks box that says glycolysis glycolysis is the process where you make glucose a six carbon molecule and you convert that into two 3-carbon molecules and then we can like separate those pyruvates from each other which by the way they're called pyruvates also known as pyruvic acid these are going to be broken down in the Krebs cycle and reused and we're going to actually make some energy their glycolysis you'll notice out here actually takes place in the cytosol which is the cytoplasm so it happens outside the mitochondria um it also has a the benefit the added benefit of carrying some some electrons through NADH all the way over to the electron transport chain which is at the end of this process I'm down here at the bottom you'll be able to see it does make some ATP as a matter of fact it makes exactly two ATP every time it works which is a good thing because it allows us to have energy and to have the molecules that we want for this process to occur so without this process nothing else would happen that means glycolysis must take place at the beginning of all forms of respiration and it even becomes pivotal and fermentation which is anaerobic respiration next up once we have those pyruvates made they start to move through that membrane of the mitochondria once it's moving through that membrane we go through a process called the Krebs cycle and basically that's when we're converting our pyruvate sin to something called acetyl coenzyme a that gets cycled around and we reshape it into a few different shapes and basically we're making a little bit of ATP once again not very much but we are making about two ATP in that process we also have the added benefit of charging up some electrons thanks to nadh and fadh2 pass on into the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation I should point out to you that the electron transport transport chain happens in the mitochondrial membranes here and it's a lot like that process that we learned for the photosystem ii in photosystem one the light dependent reactions that we see in chloroplasts but the added benefit of this version is that it is able to make a lot of ATP I believe our number here is going to be 32 ATP that is a ton of ATP and your body loves it and remember this process is happening kind of all the time every second in all of your cells that have mitochondria which is all of them so you're creating tons and tons of ATP all the time even though if you're just sitting there watching a PowerPoint listening the mr. Olson drone on and you could say you're doing nothing at all or you could say your body's making a ton of energy thanks to oxidative phosphorylation which just makes you sound super smart so here's something to remember let's go ahead and define what aerobic and anaerobic respiration mean air aerobic respiration is the process that requires oxygen in order to take place if you've ever heard of somebody doing an aerobic exercise they were probably breathing pretty hard because their body required more oxygen we used that phrase to just determine things that really need oxygen to take place anaerobic means not aerobic therefore it means you do not require oxygen so no oxygen takes place and the cool thing is we have a lot of organisms that have adapted to survive in anaerobic environments and we kind of utilize those in different ways glycolysis this is a really important term we just kind of talked about it on that last slide and it's the process that splits glucose a six carbon molecule into two 3-carbon molecules and it also makes two ATP so this is the process that must take place before cell respiration can actually work or do anything and this actually works for both anaerobic and air aerobic cell respirations okay so let's go ahead and break down the process of aerobic respiration into two parts which we call stage one and stage two stage one is known as the Krebs cycle I'm pretty sure they should actually have it a little ' of both of us and it's also called the citric acid cycle we'll talk about why it got its name here in a second but I've done my best to keep this as absolutely simple as possible and if you actually study these processes in depth you'll realize I'm just grazing the surface I'm hardly talking about them really at all anyway so this stage its job is that it's going to produce energy molecules that are later going to be used in the electron transport chain if you go back to that image that I showed you earlier just two slides ago you'll be able to see the energy from the Krebs cycle does get used it helps transport electrons through the electron transport chain in order to make a ton of ATP so step one here you got to recognize that these three carbon molecules from glycolysis are going to get broken down there's a special molecule that's going to be involved and it's called a siedel coenzyme a that's a co with a capital A at the end you'll see that picture coming up here in a second this is going to be a really important molecule by the way it's broken apart using enzymes this this molecule eventually get added to another molecule that's that's a four carbon molecule and then we'll start adding those together and start tearing it apart and well every time we tear it apart we'll start to get a little bit of energy that we can save it for later I'm a small amount of ATP is going to be made here this ATB ATP will be used for the second stage that's that's the electron transport chain and carbon dioxide is going to be given off as a byproduct here so in the next image I want you to take an eye and keep it on the process of what's happening to the carbons these three carbon molecules and what's happening to the carbon dioxide in this diagram the first image I'm going to show you is a very simple one and the second one is a bit more detailed but we can still follow along with it so this is the simple version I like this version because it actually shows you just how many carbons are located inside of there next to its name we see here pyruvic acid at the top of the image here pyruvic acid is the same thing as pyruvate generally speaking and this isn't always true I don't think but if it ends with a te the letters a te pyruvate it's probably also known as an acid somewhere so this is called pyruvic acid or or pyruvates anyway we can see we move two hydrogen's off of here and we break off a carbon dioxide a little combination here and since you have three carbon and you remove one from the cut of co2 you end up with two carbons left behind which we call acetyl coenzyme a that molecule is talking about on the last slide this two carbon molecule is going to be added to a different four carbon molecule and we're going to form a new six carbon molecule because 2 plus 4 is 6 called citric acid which we also know is citrate this is where the actual krebs cycle gets or receives its title its second title called the citric acid cycle and so if we have six carbons here and we go ahead and we eliminate a carbon dioxide molecule and two more hydrogen's we end up with a 5 carbon compound we once again remove more co2 we remove some some hydrogen's we end up with a 4 carbon compound we can change the structure some more keep it a four carbon compound lose some hydrogen's and we continue this process and and every time we're pretty much popping off some of these molecules were able to convert in it nad in to NADH which can later be used in in our process for the electron transport chain so we're also going to be making a few ATP molecules in this process which you'll be able to see in a lot better detail here in a second but anyway these four carbon compound eventually get recycled so we can come across a new acetyl coenzyme a that gets added to the four carbon compound and we recreate citric acid and we recreate that entire cycle once again now this only follows one of the pyruvic acids one of the pyruvates from glycolysis this really happens twice overall this happens two times when it comes to how those pyruvates are actually handled so yeah this one is a it's a bit more complicated but I still like it because it actually does a really really good job on showing you exactly the shapes of those molecules and how they transform throughout this process so if we look at the very top of the process from glycolysis we end up with the pyruvate which is pyruvic acid and you can see it's got one two three carbon molecules attached to it and then that eventually will be converted into acetyl coenzyme a which if you look off to the left right here on the top left corner it's got two carbon molecules I'm sorry two atoms this will eventually be added to another molecule which is originally a four carbon molecule Hey look it's like the same thing we already talked about anyway they'll be added together we make our citrate which you can see over here is a gigantic six carbon molecule and then we start to play around with the structures a little bit basically we just kind of shuffle things around and when we do that we start converting nad to nad H we pop off some co2 s we're able to make once again nad nad H we're also able to make a little GTP you're not gonna have to remember exactly what that is but I just want you to know it might be a thing and anyway we're just going to kind of go through that process where we modify these molecules and we kind of pop off co2 and this is where the co2 in your exhaling breaths come from the this is the co2 that you release as you breathe out the second stage of cell respiration is called or reference as the electron transport chain or oxidative phosphorylation I once again and over simplifying this process it's it's a crime what I'm doing here but stage one what happens is energy is being transferred to here from the Krebs cycle so that process we just looked like looked at is actually sending over some energy that energy is really going to be utilized to help us absorb some oxygen so now when you ever you inhale in your breath the oxygen from that process is now being used we're gonna make lots of ATP once again earlier I think we said we make about 30 ATP and water and heat are gonna be given off as byproducts here you can actually kind of test this idea if you put your hand to your mouth and breathe out you can feel you are giving off heat if you are giving off heat off your body we can tell that something's going on inside of us in terms of energy and we're also giving off water we sweat out water we urinate water but we also breathe out water and yeah even though we're required we do still give it off as a byproduct sometimes this image should look vaguely familiar to you when we were talking about photosynthesis I actually referenced the electron transport chain during that I believe during the photosystems we said photosystem 2 photosystem 1 which was part of the light dependent reactions these two processes are strikingly similar to each other they both take place in a membrane that we find inside of the energy processing cells or organelles inside of cells the only difference really that we see here is well there's no light involved in mitochondria they actually have those energy molecules we made previously from the the citric acid cycle or the Krebs cycle that's really going to start down here and we're going to kind of convert some energies use those up and it helps us move those excited electrons along through here and as those electrons move through there we can see these hydrogen ions move across that membrane and they're gonna change the gradient the concentration gradient of those hydrogen ions to one side of the membrane finally when we get down to the bottom here we can see we do make a little bit of we do make a little bit of water as a by-product here and once again I told you we do have water as a by-product and since we see such a high concentration of hydrogen ions inside we pass through another molecule once again just like in photosynthesis called ATP synthase which if it ends in an ASE it means it's probably an enzyme and this is the enzyme that helps change adp into ATP molecules and that happens each time one of these hydrogens move across that membrane and that's an amazing process which we can certainly make a ton of ATP with and I believe we make 30 so that's a that's just a really powerful process that really occurs there and this is why we work as efficiently as we do and this is why you love to have sugar all the time so let's go ahead and talk about fermentation this is gonna be chapter 4 section 6 mmm section 6 listen to me messing up anyway let's go ahead and and try this so we already mentioned there's this process called glycolysis and I just want you to remember this is where cells break apart six carbon sugar molecules into 3 carbon sugars and it also makes 2 ATP molecules now this process does not require oxygen and early restated the things that happen that do not require oxygen are called an aerobic processes they actually usually stop functioning whatever oxygen does appear and fermentation is also really just kind of a process that makes glycolysis continue fermentation itself doesn't actually make energy it kind of uses up another form of energy to help us make ATP which can be used later in cellular processes the example of the image that I have up here these are actually yeast cells these are a fungi that are adapted to live in an environment with no oxygen or very little oxygen and basically they make their energy very little bits at a time by making to to ATP over and over and over again and when they're doing that all they're doing is just allowing glycolysis to continue they do make a byproduct we're going to talk about those two byproducts when we talk about the two different forms of respiration or a fermentation that we really care about here so normally you maintain your oxygen levels but when you do hard work when you actually are breathin tough and really working hard your body needs just that little boost it needs that little bit of extra help because you cannot possibly keep up with your oxygen levels over a period of time if you've ever been sprinting and you noticed you know you get very tired very quickly you just can't maintain a speed that's because your muscles are literally saying hey I can't do this anymore I need to stop or I'm not going to work properly and basically you tell your body to use another energy source to help give you that boost to continue to work properly so basically we need a different energy source so we can still function in these kind of extreme situations so we use fermentation or at least a version of fermentation to conclude continue glycolysis for energy processes yeah so we're gonna study only two forms of cell respiration that are anaerobic called lactic acid fermentation and alcohol fermentation these are the two most common ones and actually you'll be very familiar with lactic acid fermentation from just being alive but alcohol fermentation is actually probably the most profitable biological process that's been used here on earth I think more money's been made using that than pretty much any other at least by manipulating this process I just want to point out to you that both forms of this up you know cellular processing involve a molecule called NADPH as its energy source it does not use ATP it actually just produces ATP so you use a special kind of currency to make a better kind of currency that we use all the time in our body in class I use the example inside of our body just like in this planet in this world there's more than one kind of money a different kind of currency in the United States we use the dollar but in Europe it's very common to see them use the Euro while the the usefulness and value of those change over time basically you can still do business using two different forms of currency and you can exchange the two well NADPH in this case is going to be kind of like the euro and we're gonna make the ATP kind of like the American dollar basically we use a process that uses some euros to help us make more dollars which is our really common form of money we use here in the United States so yeah that's kind of the example hopefully that makes sense anyway remember both of these processes lactic acid and alcohol are both going to be an aerobic processes they do not need oxygen in order to work so these are pretty helpful in moments where you've got to make a move pretty quick or if you're a bacteria that lives in an oxygen-deprived area and we'll talk about a few of those so to continue the tradition of keeping things overly simplified and truthfully fermentation isn't too complex especially compared to the aerobic respiration here we go we're going to talk about that what's actually going on there number one glycolysis makes ATP we talked about how it actually makes um two ATP that can be used for elsewhere in NADPH these pyruvates from glycolysis are three carbon molecules they're gonna be formed and then they're going to be basically converted from a pyruvate into what we call lactic acid or called lactate this is a really important by-product that we actually see in our muscles after you work them out if you were in class today when I am recording this I'm recording this on the 3rd of November I told you one of these stupid stupid stories that I tell you sometimes where when I was in high school I I remember working out on a bench press for the first time in my life and I ended up making my muscles so sore that I literally couldn't even pick up a remote control or my star crunch that I wanted to eat for a snack after school hopefully you've never been in that situation but what was happening is I was building up so much lactic acid in my muscles I really didn't feel like moving them or do anything with them this simple process is basically described here we see we start off with a glucose molecule it goes through glycolysis which basically means we're breaking the sugar glucose and we are going to create something called pyruvate as we convert this form of energy and we're using this form of energy what we're doing is we're turning that pyruvate into lactic acid or lactate basically it's still a three carbon molecule it's still both three carbon molecule but we just kind of change the structure so that's all it's really happening there if it builds up in high enough quantities that's when we start to fill that real good pain or soreness or burn that you experience in your muscles sometimes it's a good thing gives you a good sign that you're using those muscles as you're working out tells you kind of your if you're working out certain muscle groups that you're targeting or sometimes it happens at the most inconvenient moments as let's say you're working a whisk and you're trying to make some whipped cream for your delicious pie maybe your arm starts to cramp up and starts to hurt because of the buildup of lactic acid from that repetitive motion alcohol fermentation is a lot like lactic acid fermentation with one major difference basically number one we start off glycolysis makes ATP and nadph number two same things the last process pyruvates these three carbon molecules are going to be created and then these pyruvates are going to be converted but before they're totally converted we break off a carbon dioxide molecule to make them work properly basically this carbon dioxide is going to become a gas that is released so we start to see bubbles basically form inside of our mixtures here you see this all the time when it comes to making things like bread bread is pretty much utilizing yeast and basically containing their burps and their farts as they as they eat some sugars and basically you're trapping that inside of the dough and that's what actually makes the little bubbles inside of your dough which makes your blood bread so fluffy and delicious the other thing is the part that is left behind is now a two carbon molecule and that two carbon molecule is considered an alcohol most of the time it's ffo alcohol or ethanol the this alcohol is the most common alcohol that we see all around the world this is what we find in wines and beers and like champagne and this is the stuff and actually this explains exactly why champagne and beers are so foamy and bubbly if you've ever seen somebody like after a race car competition a race they'll open a bottle of champagne go spraying everywhere and that's because there's so much co2 trapped inside this simple process is is really shown in this little diagram here once again the top part is always the same you have a glucose molecule here to convert that via glycolysis into a pyruvate and this is where the changes occur the pyruvate is turned into a two carbon compound it's a two carbon compound because pyruvate itself is a three carbon compound and we just break off a co2 molecule and then we are left behind with the two carbon compound which is basically ethanol which is going to be those alcohols that are used in beverages as well as energy sources so I want you guys to remember what these are actually used for fermentation doesn't make energy itself it actually spins energy and a different kind of molecule and glycolysis actually makes the energy that we care about fermentation just helps that process continue to occur lactic acid fermentation of course is used in your muscles and it's utilized by some bacteria and fungi as they try to survive in low oxygen environments like the bacteria that exists maybe inside of your gut alcohol fermentation pretty common especially by humans what we've manipulated with it we help make our breads our cheeses or our actual digestive they can rely on this as well which could mean that you do have a byproduct inside of you called alcohol so we have these specialized cells and side of our livers that actually are designed to help remove that stuff so to summarize kind of everything we've been talking about you need to know what the beginning and end products of cell respiration are if you remember back to that I think that was the second slide or third slide I showed you the two cellular or chemical formulas you need to know the chemical formulas for both photosynthesis and cell respiration but in this case cell aspiration you got to know cells that have mitochondria need to take in oxygen and they need to take in sugar and from that they make energy they make water and they make carbon dioxide as a by-product the next one here I'm how are anaerobic and aerobic respiration different from each other well basically aerobic and anaerobic just mean one has oxygen and one does not have oxygen so air aerobic means it uses oxygen and anaerobic means it has no oxygen if you know that you'll be in pretty good shape do you see the differences in similarities between cell respiration and photosynthesis well I hope so because we did an entire slide where I distinguish the differences between them just make sure you recognize those you should already know a good deal about photosynthesis and now all you got to know is the the small differences between them which really if you get down to the nitty gritties of it isn't too different from each other you got to know what the two systems taking place during aerobic cell respiration are you should remember we have that process called the Krebs cycle and then we also have the electron transport chain which I'm going to write here is etc' the Krebs cycle I wrote curbs that's hilarious Krebs cycle okay our EBS I'm so dumb I don't know if you're gonna listen to this but you can make fun of me and my poor spelling abilities at 11 o'clock at night what is really happening during the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain do you know what's going in what's coming out do you know if ATP's Bank being made is it a lot is it a little those are things that you should also be able to answer as well what is glycolic and how is it used in these processes well glycolysis is the very beginning of all forms of respiration and heck even with fermentation it's pretty much just being forced to continue and that's why it's suspected as effective as it is lactic acid and alcohol fermentation how are they different from each other well they use the same beginning process through glycolysis and they use the same molecules that help them work but basically lactic acids by-product that ending product is what we call lactic acid which is what you know makes your muscles hurt and then alcohol fermentation is instead of making a 3-carbon lactic acid or lactate on what we end up doing is making ethanol which is a two carbon molecule and then we break off co2 so really you should also recognize there is an extra byproduct of alcohol fermentation and that is carbon dioxide yes
Channel: Olsonology
Views: 9,810
Rating: 4.8762889 out of 5
Keywords: fermentation, biology, olsonology, science, anaerobic, aerobic, cell respiration, high school biology, ATP, ADP, energy, cellular energy
Id: WZ_oPq2QIRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2016
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