Celebrities Surprising Fans Compilation 💖 2020 (NEW)

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[Music] [Applause] [Laughter] we gave into the fire I know I should've fought it at least me and honest so SOI I need to be the one who takes you home you sound beautiful I'm gonna miss you so much I am better and all these other corny jokes and them like crazy but you put this in there 50 to 1 what difference 3 2 1 [Music] [Applause] little stiff and all these other corny jokes and them like I brought them here I might as well I like every single time he rustles any single person that's in the WWE he is amazing anything that I could do to meet John Cena I would do I would risk a limb to meet John Cena John Cena was here right in front of you what would you do I would be I would be yelling [Applause] [Music] three-two-one [Applause] I love the voice it's my picture in 3 2 1 I'm sorry that's just like I think [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay well see follow cousin Sal that's cutting this out following them up the stairs and that is the sneak peak hall and stick your head through that hole and we will give you a special [Applause] here's a picture that you posted you do fantasize about Taylor Lautner a lot I do actually my husband made that for me it looks very very fake I don't know exactly it looks so so fake it feels like I feel like you should have a shot at actually making a real one so Taylor come on out [Applause] Oh it was perfect it was she is lei Yin girl you are a queen you are awesome you are absolutely beautiful and no matter what anyone else says you have an army behind you and I'm proudly part of that army you have an army behind you oh my gosh with you in front of me I give you and I no one I know what I know she gives you everything but boy I couldn't give it to you have that take sorry do you like surprises yeah we do let's look at this right here all right yeah that's real they're in Vegas they're live right now hey Channing I don't know why y'all are in Vegas it seems hot why is everybody got shirts on you think they'll let DJ coward in the by the way is it major maybe I'm not on her [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 13,585,880
Rating: 4.9466629 out of 5
Keywords: celebrities surprise fans 2019, best celebrities surprising fans 2019, celebrities surprising fans 2019, celebrity surprised fans 2019, celebrity surprising fans, celeb surprise fan, celebrities surprise 2019, best celebrities surprising, celebrities suprising fans, celebrities surprise fans, celebrities surprising fans, celebrity surprise fans, celebrity surprise, celebrity surprise to fans, celebrity surprises fans, celebs surprise fans
Id: ivs0-cP91gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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