CCIE Topic: 1.3b EIGRP Best Path Selection
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Channel: Charles Judd
Views: 1,003
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: cisco, ccie, cisco enarsi, ccie enterprise infrastructure, cisco enarsi 300-410, cisco encor 350-401, ccie lab, my ccie journey, ccie training, ccie blueprint, routing concepts, cisco routing, eigrp, 1.3 eigrp, eigrp adjacencies, section 1.3, k-value, 1.3b eigrp best path selection, eigrp metric, reported distance, feasible distance, successor route, feasible successor route, feasibility condition, eigrp classic metrics, eigrp wide metrics, named eigrp
Id: Kb-fY1RNA_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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