[CC] 弱電箱 路由器網路架設 開箱新家網路與WiFi架設與教學 - Wilson說給你聽
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Channel: Wilson說給你聽
Views: 28,126
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Keywords: wifi分享器, 無線路由器, 路由器, 網路, wifi, 無線網路, wifi6, wifi 6, asus, tp link, netgear, 路由器評測, 弱電箱, ac+ap, 網路孔, best router 2022, wifi 6 explained, speed test wifi, netgear orbi, unifi, udm, udm pro, dream machine pro, best router, speed test, ac+ap vs mesh, 弱電箱 裝潢, 弱電通 弱電箱, 弱電箱 路由器, wifi 6 路由器, wifi分享器 推荐, wifi分享器 设定, wifi分享器 小米, wi-fi 6, wifi 6e mesh, mesh wifi, wifi 6e, wifi 6 router, wifi 6e router, wifi 6 vs 6e, wifi 6 vs wifi 5, wifi 6 mesh, wifi booster, unifi dream router, 軟路由
Id: 7kRV5oj6yGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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