CBS News Bay Area 10am 5/15/24

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[Music] [Music] I'm R Yamoto this is a minut of the family of man who died in police custody in Antioch has reached a $7.5 million settlement with the city a civil rights lawsuit accused officers of excessive force in the death of Angelo Kinto in 2021 he died in custody after suffering a mental health crisis the encampment at UC Berkeley is starting to come down the demonstrator struck a deal with the university officials who said they'll review the school's Investments with Israel protesters have been camped out on campus for weeks calling on the university to divest a big rig carrying 73,000 lb of rice flipped over on Interstate 80 in Oakland made a bit of a mess of the morning commute from the East Bay to San Francisco crash happened on the exit ramp just before the toll plaza around 2:15 this morning the bay areas only Prime Time newscast at 8:9 p.m. on the allnew Pix plus 44 table [Music] 12 heading into the next couple days we're still dealing with that may gray we have small day-to-day changes in our forecast for us thanks to high pressure sitting offshore Shore driving the storm track well north of us keeping us nice and Mild with those cloudy conditions in the morning hours and clearing conditions throughout our Inland areas into the afternoons now it does get breezier as we head into this afternoon all throughout the Bay Area wind gust moving in from offshore anywhere up to around 20 to 25 miles per hour at Max near San Francisco stretching over in a Fairfield but other than that one thing that all of our microclimates do have in similarity is the fact that we're all staying dry beautiful dry weather for us as we head into the next 6 to 10 days issued by the climate Prediction Center let's take a quick look at what's happening for us today though still a little bit cooler and cloudier along our Coastline throughout this afternoon we're going to top off in the 60s today anywhere from Oakland over into San Francisco 70s in the heart of Redwood City 50s near Half Moon Bay now the more East we go the warmer it gets inevitably right all of our micro microclimates anywhere from Livermore up into Antioch are going to warm up into the 80s this afternoon with 80s expected down near Los gados now as we take a look at the next s days there's not too much changes in the forecast for us at least when it comes to our daytime highs we slowly cool down into the low 70s heading into this weekend's forecast but it's still 7s partly cloudy skies until next Monday and Tuesday where high pressure starts building in again we start to warm up and we'll see sunnier Skies all throughout our Inland areas especially in those morning hours meaning beautiful sunrises around the corner but if you live closer to the Bay we're going to hold on tight to those partly cloudy skies into next week and 60s all week long with mild conditions lasting into this weekend's forecast well Bay Area cities are trying to find out ways to get people into downtowns the performance of hybrid work has made it tough or the permeance of hybrid work has made it tough though it's a different story at night than it is in the daytime yesterday we showed you it's still quiet during the day on weekdays in downtown San Francisco but at night oh a lot of restaurants and bars are seeing solid foot traffic and cell phone data backs up those two realities so today we take you to Downtown Oakland to see how things are recovering there here's Max daro like San Francisco downtown Oakland is still a shell of its pre-pandemic self during the daytime during the work week while it is getting busier there still is an absence of people who work there during the day but a different picture of Oakland's recovery unveils itself in the evening that shows some promise for the town but it comes with some big ifs with another day of work at her Oakland office complete Monique rans is headed home to San Francisco yeah I've worked downtown uh almost 2 years now like many people who work downtown she's a hybrid worker and makes the commute a few times a week we're in Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays and then work from home Mondays and Fridays her office attendance has recently increased up from 2 days to 3 days a week it's still not the most bustling downtown I've seen as far as cities go but it seems it seems to be getting a little livelier but it's still pretty slow downtown with hybrid work the norm there is still an absence of people during the day that once kept the the town busy there's a few restaurants that have closed since I've worked here yeah so it does seem like things are not the best for businesses nearby by using cell phone data to get a complete picture of downtown population patterns Now versus pre-pandemic numbers rather than just office vacancy rates the University of Toronto's School of cities has been tracking downtown recovery rates for several years of the Cities they track Oakland's downtown is on the slower side when it comes to recovery during the Monday to Friday working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6: p.m. it's at about 63% of pre-pandemic levels during the day but per the cell phone data downtown activity jumps at night hovering around 100% of pre-pandemic levels we have 21 on the book today it must be a show you want to check on that the fox which is why Chef Nelson Gman and his team game planned for what would be a busy night at his Restaurant sobre Mesa which as of lately has started to become the norm again let's do it up it's a lot of positive energy right now so let's keep it going we're coming out of that hole we're coming out strong and we're just going to keep on going Chef Nelson says he noticed things start to pick up a few months ago it's still not perfect of course uh there's still people not enough people walking the streets but there is an uptake slowly I wish it uh was happening a lot earlier when people other businesses that were amazing were still around he believes some of the changes due to investments in making Downtown Oakland safer though he says more does need to to be done definitely is help especially in this area having uh the parking garage that's outside on 19th Street having a program where it's only $5 at a secured lot after hours uh that has made people feel a lot safer 1 L lime juice the restaurant business is never easy but during a time when many have either chosen to or had no choice but to leave Oakland Chef Nelson says he owes it to the town to be a part of its comeback as hard as it is and it's still damn hard uh but there's this like light at the end of the tunnel Oakland gave me my my dream and made my dreams come true so I always be indebted to the town and I think that's what keeps me going because they give me so much I have to give back I feel like it does get a bit of a bad repap while she enjoys being in Downtown Oakland the days she's in the office Monique does see how the permanence of hybrid work creates a major challenge for downtowns as they come back or really come into a new version of themselves I think it does make it tough for cities um with people just commuting in and not staying and frequenting businesses locally as much aside from work so when people are downtown she hopes they'll think to support local businesses first so they can help move the town forward while there is more after hours activity happening in Oakland crime Still Remains a serious concern for a lot of folks there despite his positivity about the town Chef Nelson recently dealt with his own shair share of problems with crime his other restaurant Alamar was recently broken into multiple times and Monique's employer has brought in more security to make people feel safer when they go to and from work which she says she thinks has been a good idea so when it comes to Oakland's recovery prognosis Dr Karen Chapel with the school of City's downtown recovery project says Oakland has a unique set of challenges that could continue to cause problems even though our data shows that it has great after hours activity I think a lot of that is changing actually in the negative Direction I'm seeing a lot of recent restaurant closures a lot of store vacancies I think Oakland's going to need a little bit more of a boost uh to come back exactly where that boost will come from however is the million dooll question and one bright spot for Oakland The Returned of First Fridays a monthly event came back last month after a break that began in December due to financial challenges in San Francisco the school board is taking drastic measures to address the district's financial crisis as projected the run out of money by next year and administrators say layoffs and school closures are likely coming now the school board is considering putting up a790 million bomb measure on the November ballot much of that money would go towards School repairs it would be the largest measure in the district's history but but only cover a fraction of what's needed and as the district grapples with their own budget help is on its way for educators and staff who can't afford to live and work in the city the average rent for a single bedroom apartment in San Francisco is about $2,900 now some Educators who just won a lottery drawing are in the preliminary list to move into a brand new apartment building in the Outer Sunset the need is so great 938 people apply for a coveted space at the 135 unit chirley Chisum Village on 43rd in Judah I had a chance to speak to one kindergarten teacher who says Landing a unit at that complex could decide whether he and others stay in San Francisco or move and teach in another city with the help of a bearded dragon his name is uno he's three years old codium Isam finds different ways to teach and encourage his students that's why they call bearded dragons right dragons have scales right and so you can kind of feel the scale when you rub up having a class pet is teaching them the responsibility how to be safe with it and how to be respectful right of others when they have the class P and whether it's in the classroom or in the halls of Malcolm X Elementary it's all about making meaningful connections the kids mean everything to me connections that form a bond when a teacher is able to live in the same city where he teaches because those students can see you outside of school they can see you in your normal daily routines that is why when the San Francisco Unified School District and the city of San Francisco began building an affordable housing Village for educators codon did not hesitate to apply I applied the first day I'm not going to lie I didn't hold back and this is one of the units codon is hoping to land so this is a nearly complete uh three-bedroom home Matt Franklin is the CEO of midpen housing who is building the 135 unit Shirley Chisum Village in San Francisco's Sunset District the rents will be below Market they will be calibrated to income so that the rent burden is not too great for any of the households households to fill a studio up to a three-bedroom apartment well this is my favorite space in the building and a teachers's lounge with a million dooll view of the ocean and we know that it's not easy for teachers they're hard jobs they're important jobs it's hard to live in the Bay Area on on teacher pay for godon he lives in that harsh and expensive reality prices were definitely shocking and so to have a one bed room for 2200 a month I was like shees this is crazy no price is so crazy the district says they've lost several quality teachers who've had to move to more affordable cities and for codon and other Educators this is a chance to stay in San Francisco I think this speaks to all of retention right especially for teachers that look like myself retention to continue to make that connection and you love the kids I love the kids the same kids he hopes to continue to teach at the school within the district and in the city he calls home and Brent at this particular complet range from as low as about 830 bucks for a month for a studio to 1100 for a three-bedroom there are two more projects in San Francisco and the works for the public teachers School teachers one in Hayes Valley and the other one in the mission District elsewhere in the Bay Area Los gados and Daily City have also built housing for teachers and still ahead on CBS News Bay Area pot shops are everywhere but what you don't see is their struggle against the black market and as a dispensary it's tough for us to compete with the illicit Market way tag along with the cops busting illegal operators plus some of the most dedicated Giants fans Love Making a Splash and now there's a change at Oracle Park that lets those kayakers watch the game from the water and how the bay area's Filipino Community is connecting with their culture and history through martial arts [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] daytime highs today are warming up into the 70s and 80s throughout the Santa Clara Valley it stays cooler and cloudier along our Coastline Half Moon Bay in Pacifica topping off in the 50s this afternoon and as we make our way into San Francisco well it's a similar Trend just a little bit warmer into the 60s there and across the bay bridge over in Oakland we're warming up into the upper 60s with 70s once you head up into wine country now we have a little day to-day changes in the forecast for us as high pressures parked just offshore keeping the storm tracks well to the north of us keeping us dry as we head into the next seven days and daytime highs you're going to look very similar to what we have today for the rest of this week well calia's cannabis industry is a multi-billion dollar industry but the black market is still big business according to the Department of cannabis control the state made nearly $5 billion in legal sales last year that's actually down from 5.3 billion in 2021 but dispensaries are here are having a different struggle competing with the illegal stuff this comes as the nation's top bosses with drug enforcement are expected to make the most significant change in US drug policy marijuana could be reclassified as lower risk cannabis would be a scheduled three drug like ketamine and steroids considered less dangerous and less addictive AR Kenny Choy joined a team of Law Enforcement Officers cracking down on the illicit operations it's a challenge to draw customers lately hos operates Mo Green's dispensary and Lounge in San Francisco as co-owner and CEO we're charging our customers way too much and as a dispensary it's tough for us to compete with the illicit Market or what we call the traditional Market that black market includes illegal grow operations distribution and unlicensed dispensaries Kevin mackinery is a commander with the California unified cannabis enforcement task force We Exist specifically to deal with the elicit Market K UCF officers raided what they say is an uncommon unlicensed dispensary in downtown San Rafel serving a warrant detaining two individuals and seizing all products instead of doing single dispensaries our focuses on organized crime the more significant violations associated with uh the of cannabis Market including labor trafficking the tax evasion the weapons charges the state task force has seized more than 53 million in an illegal cannabis in the first quarter of this calendar year and shut down several indoor operations in the Bay Area it starts with the cultivators there's a lot of indoor cultivation in the Bay Area especially in the East Bay uh mostly run by Chinese organized crime legal dispensary owners like hos or skeptical law enforcement can make enough of a dent in the illegal Market they believe the only way to survive is if lawmakers SL taxes on Canabis products and more you tax them out of existence which has happened to a lot of our grow ERS and our manufacturers and drro um it's just it's going to be very difficult to you know for a lot of people to to to continue you check out the bud down there a national survey conducted in 2022 by Whitney economics a cannabis industry research firm found that fewer than one in four cannabis businesses were profitable we want them to be successful so in essence everything we do is either to protect the public or to support the legal market and generally those are the same thing at the same time we keep cutting and cutting and cutting um obviously you know with with all those cuts come you know uh just a a a tougher environment hos is optimistic despite the hurdles and challenges it's not all going up in smoke just yet well the DEA still needs to jump through some hoops to reclassify marijuana and that process could take several months and if you ever been to Oakland Coliseum you're probably seen all those empty seats of the parking lot well now the Ballers want to make use of them the team asked Stadium leaders to buy those bleacher seats the seats funded by taxpayers were originally supposed to be used for both Raiders and A's games but after the Raiders relocation the seats were moved to the lot the Ballers say they hope to use the seats next year as a way to honor the city's Sports history we're excited to partner with the Ballers for the inaugural season here's a look at the broadcast schedule you can watch the first game on pix Plus on Friday June 7th the season wraps up on August 30th well the Giants are hoping to avoid a series sweep against the Dodgers tonight they lost 10 to2 last night marking the giant six loss in the last 10 games with win or lose fans out in mcov Co feel like they're winning on the water the name of the game is a catch a splash home run hit and it gets pretty competitive the only problem has been fans there can hear the game but they couldn't see it until now as Lauren Tom shows us baseball on the water only in San Francisco and seaf fairing fans say a new change to their viewing experience is not only making it more enjoyable to watch from some of the most unique seats in the MLB but safer to watch from the water every MLB season for 58 games Mark the shark Garrick paddles out to mccovy Cove and comes back empty-handed but he says the two times he usually retrieves a splash hit are addictive oh for a minute you don't really realize it's like oh I got the ball and then about two seconds later it's holy crap I just got a splash hit because there's only so many of them and right now we're sitting on 103 when 104 hits hits you want to be a number and the only way you become a number is to get a splash hit and it isn't just about chasing that goal Mark says his time on the water has helped him conquer a history of anxiety and depression when I hop in that Cove I don't know what I if there was any worries today it's gone for that 3 4 hours and I'm in the cove for seven Seasons Mark has patiently listened to the radio taking guidance on each left-handed batter but thanks to an investment from the Giants that reportedly cost $100,000 he now has a 12T screen to watch from the water we're not used to it yet it's like I think you know it's just one of those things it's like wow this is so cool at first we were like oh this is different did it take the Mystique away of not knowing seeing it seeing it we're all excited at first it was like uh and then it was like yeah it Chang real quick another legendary kayaker is Dave edland better known as mccovy Cove Dave he says the new screen is taking the viewing experience into the modern era it's kind of like when I had a black and white TV at home and my dad bought a color TV 1965 I I I couldn't live without it it's also expected to attract more kayakers adding another layer of safety for fans on the hunt for a splash hit what's happening we're seeing already is the more casual fan that doesn't bring a radio they're watching the TV so it's kind of like an early warning system both super fans are holding out hope for a big catch this series against the Dodgers a splash hit from left-handed Japanese player and Dodger sh Otani we're all Giants fans we want otani's home run if it goes out there we have no control who hits the ball in the Cove but if otani's ball goes in the Cove boy we're going to want it keeping their eyes on the ball and the screen out in the cove and Lauren tells us the Giants are also investing in a ramp down on pier 48 to make it easier for these kayakers to paddle their way into mcy Cove still ahead martial arts is more than just self-defense and fitness has providing the bay area's Filipino Community a chance to connect with its Heritage Filipinos were're 2,000 plus years of mixing and matching many different cultures and our fighting style reflects just that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's another day of May gray in those morning hours clearing up into the afternoon especially throughout our Inland areas Antioch conquered all the way up into the North Bay we're warming up into the 70s and 80s this after afternoon but just like yesterday it's still cool and it stays cloudy along our Coastline with an onshore wind anywhere up to around 20 mph into this afternoon near San Francisco topping off at 62 degrees as we head into this afternoon if you're curious as to how long we're going to see a weather pattern like this well we're in store for a lot of the same as we head into the next seven days a little bit of a change when it comes to our daytime highs in our Inland forecast and a little bit more Sunshine as early as next Monday and Tuesday but other than that we're still holding on tight to the 70s all week long lasting into next week too that's in our Inland areas though like we mentioned all of our microclimates are doing something different so if you live closer to Oakland or San Francisco we're seeing more 60s in the forecast for us and speaking of that Sunshine next week we won't see it nearly as much as some of our Inland areas but we'll continue to keep a close eye on that as we head into our forecast heading into this [Music] weekend all month long we're celebrating aapi heritage month with stories highlighting the history and the culture communities All Around The Bay Area Filipino martial arts has a long tradition of honoring the language history and culture from the Philippines but it's not very well known even among its Community here and abroad but for those who learn it martial arts gives them a chance to connect with their own Heritage Sean chitnis has that story Camille sabuka wanted a new fitness routine and a CH to learn self-defense skills when she started as a student at the Legacy Filipino martial arts school but it was also a way to join a community close to her it quickly reminded her of the time she spent practicing Filipino folk dance what I noticed is that the footwork pattern was similar to dance so I was like oh this kind of makes sense to me I kind of know what I'm doing 5 years into martial arts she has earned the title of Guru as someone who continues to learn and also teaches here Filipinos for 2,000 plus years of mixing and matching many different cultures and our fighting style reflects just that Master Joseph Bautista has been running a martial arts school in the Bay Area for almost 15 years he says it's not often to find a place focused on this style with Filipino martial arts unique in its emphasis on using weapons students range from ages 4 to 80 to have a place that you can identify as something that comes from your own culture from your own ancestors whatnot right it really speaks to the heart located in Daily City which has one of the largest populations of Filipinos outside the Philippines even for Joseph he says there was a disconnect between him and his culture until he started to explore Filipino Marshall Arts all around are reminders of that culture to help his students appreciate the language and history that go with this style of fighting I think for people to have a better understanding of what they are capable of doing they need to be able to identify with someone which they see doing what they want to do themselves and that chance to honor your heritage is what keeps him and others like Camille going both able to now share this piece of their identity with others I feel like it was very serendipitous and what I needed at the moment well next month Legacy will celebrate its second anniversary June is also the month of Philippines Independence Day and we'll bring you stories like this all month long on our newscast and streaming on CBS News Bay Area we will post all of our sto stories on we're coming up in our next half hour in CBS News Bay Area Bay Area City struggling to keep up with this booming population we're now stepping inside the brand new campus that will give some breathing room to an overcrowded School District plus how the owner of San Jose's first Halal Mexican restaurant found a recipe for success by putting a new Twist on Old favorites [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm R Moto and this is the minute the date is now set for the recall election of alamaa County district attorney pamet price the Board of Supervisors made the decision to hold it during the November election the County's top election officer said a special election would have cost the county up to $20 million in San Francisco another Union Square retailers Calling it Quits treen company is leaving after 172 years the Jeweler says it's two palow Out locations will remain open a retail broker says the company was in negotiations to renew their lease but ended up pulling out and part of Highway One near Big Sur set to reopen Friday morning Governor Gavin Newsome's office says that's nearly 8 days ahead of schedule back in March a storm triggered a rock slide and left the section of the road and passible the bay areas only prime time newc at 8:9 p.m. and the all do pix plus 44 G [Music] 12 heading into the next couple days we're still dealing with that may gray we have small day-to-day changes in our forecast for us thanks to high pressure sitting offshore driving the storm track well north of us keeping us nice and Mild with those cloudy conditions in the morning hours and clearing conditions throughout our Inland areas into the afternoons now it does get breezier as we head into this afternoon all throughout the Bay Area wind gust moving in from offshore anywhere up to around 20 to 25 miles per hour at Max near San Francisco stretching over in a Fairfield but other than that one thing that all of our microclimates do have in similarity is the fact that we're all staying dry beautiful dry weather for us as we head into the next 6 to 10 days issued by the climate Prediction Center let's take a quick look at what's happening for us today though still a little bit cooler and cloudier along our Coastline through this afternoon we're going to top off in the 60s today anywhere from Oakland over into San Francisco 70s in the heart of Redwood City 50s near Half Moon Bay now the more East we go the warmer it gets inevitably right all of our micro microclimates anywhere from Livermore up into Antioch are going to warm up into the 80s this afternoon with 80s expected down near Los gados now as we take a look at the next seven days there's not too much changes in the forecast for us at least when it comes to our daytime highs we slowly cool down into the low 70s heading into this weekend's forecast but it's still 70s partly cloudy skies until next Monday and Tuesday where high pressure starts building in again we start to warm up and we'll see sunnier Skies all throughout our Inland areas especially in this morning hours meaning beautiful sunrises around the corner but if you live closer to the Bay we're going to hold on tied to those partly cloudy skies into next week and 60s all week long with mild conditions lasting into this weekend's forecast well you can call in the bay area's Boom Town Dublin's population has been increasing so fast it's come with a lot of growing pains now it's about to begin a new chapter that's been a long time coming between 2010 and 2020 Dublin was the fastest growing city not just here in the Bay Area but the entire State and new numbers from the state's finance department this week show its population was still growing last year that growth is carried to Dublin Schools we talked a lot about districts struggling with declining enrollment but well Dublin unified is Bucking that Trend with nearly 13,000 students it's practically bursting at the seams now it's on the verge of opening the brand new Emerald High School to help alleviate some of the stress on Dublin High across the town well it's the first new High School in alabania county in 50 years and a major upgrade for students and staff many who have been squeezed into portable classrooms Julia goodr got a chance to check out the new campus be one of the students who had some input in its design hey guys come here real quick fumi manette is a freshman in High School class of 2027 getting into that wall she is leading a school rally this particular day but you might call her somewhat of a short timer here on this Dublin High School campus ground are you going to miss this gym no no cuz I've been I've been inside emeralds gym it's so much better boomi is talking about the Emerald High Gym across town on the east side of Dublin it's part of the new 374 million dooll High School set to officially welcome students in the fall but until then the Portables sit in the back of Dublin High so fumi along with other Emerald High freshmen have been attending classes on the Dublin High campus all year Francis Roos is Emerald High's principal his temporary office was formerly a science classroom at Dublin High there's the horal office here on Dublin High and uh it's our humble beginnings of the brand new high schools and in just a matter of weeks the big move new office mod I feel like it's it's Christmas morning the district says between 2010 and 2020 the Dublin Unified School District grew by 92% a second high school has been decades in the making to ease overcrowding really small footprint but as you can see all of our buildings are two and three stories tall except for the gymnasium and the locker room with a grand Student Union lecture hall science labs and a 31,000 ft gymnasium Phase 2 two and three are still under construction and boxes filled with chairs and desks still need unpacked but the mood right now very exciting the population has just boomed as you can see when you drive through Dublin there there are what used to be empty fields or Camp Parks are now housing developments not to mention a shorter commute by 25 minutes for some if a student is tardy they can't give the excuse that uh it was a long commute right most likely not anymore funded by Bond measures Emerald High broke ground in 2020 fumi says she's looking forward to walking the brand new halls to class not only is it exciting it's very surreal she was part of the design team it's really cool to me cuz like as you can see this place looks like a college campus she also helped pick the school colors it's like Dublin it's it's really it resembles Dublin it resembles how green we are it resembles our scenery as for the mascot a group of students recommended arow and I asked them what is that they said well we googled Celtic dragon and that's what came up and so that landed on top I kind of love it cuz I love how we can shorten it to arrows heren and Singh will have two children attending Emerald High so I'm personally really excited cuz the one of the reasons we moved to dein 20 years ago was for the good schools the community and so just to finally see this happen has been exciting after years of planning and construction momentum is building you look excited I am I really am yeah um I love this school already already off to a great start well freshman and sophomores will start on the new Emerald High School campus on August 13th the school will add a new grade each year once the campus is fully complete it will have room for 2500 students well between Rising food and labor costs to the lasting impacts of the pandemic has become tougher than ever for some restaurants to survive the burger pit for example is Staple in San Jose for more than 70 years shut down its last location last month after the owner says he faced a 70% rent hike but we met an entrepreneur who's found a recipe for success by blending several cultures with its religious beliefs as lemmer Mar shows us he's put his life savings on the line and well it's paid [Music] off you can see here that we're making real Barbacoa wrapped in the banana leaves with brisket the flavor from the banana leaf really gives it a nice smokiness to it Hisham Abdel fata is a Filipino Palestinian American whose El Halal Amigos Restaurant is a Melting Pot of foods flavors and cultures my favorite culture to be immersed in was the Mexican culture heam grew up on San Jose's East Side loving Mexican food and my first job at 14 was in aaria as a as a dishwasher and prep cook he worked his way through Mexican restaurants which led to culinary school and then a few more Mexican restaurants there was just one problem as Hisham became closer to his Muslim faith he couldn't eat many Mexican dishes anymore because it wasn't Halal which means permissible in Arabic I was going to food trucks and ordering a cheese cadilla it was terrible so he started experimenting cooking Mexican food Halal style that is without lard or pork and he used only ethically raised and slaughtered beef a lot of my cooking I did at home to help fill that void and a lot of my my friends a lot of people were telling me man you're really good at this when Co hit and he was thrown out of work he gambled his savings to start the El Halal Amigo's Food Truck in four years his food became so popular it escaped from the street and came indoors to a brick and mortar in San Jose's Willow Glenn District so getting to a brick and mortar was phase one of battling Chipotle it is a success story that came during a tumultuous time for San Jose business while some never survived the pandemic many have found a way to come back strong says San Jose mayor Matt Mayan the pandemic was a challenging time for small businesses in San Jose but when we look over the last 10 years we've seen net growth in small businesses San Jose is an incredibly diverse and entrepreneurial City in fact we have 66,000 small businesses we've seen a lot of them hang on and then start to thrive coming out of the pandemic San Jose mayor Matt Mayan says the last decade has seen the greatest number of businesses launch in San Jose a third of them are micro businesses with just two to nine employees I credit a lot of that to first and foremost the just incredible entrepreneurs we have in San Jose and the community that loves to support its neighborhood small businesses also the fact though that we have prioritized making the city safe and clean as we get back to basics the city also offers grants and tax credits for businesses that move into vacant storefronts and last year the city launched a small business advisory committee made up of Business Leaders like Christina Buie it's important for the city to hear our needs Christina is the advisory committee Vice chair and the owner of Love Me Nots a small Bridal and dress shop there's so many programs out there that businesses can can go towards to help maybe with marketing social media um and just how to become a better business back at El Halal Amigos heam found Partners to help him with one of of the top challenges small businesses continue to face the rising cost of rent and food the rest is up to him and a core group of employees who have been with him since the beginning the week we opened our food truck I had $40 to my name I looked at my crew and I was like all right guys I don't know how I'm going to pay you but we're going to get out here and just do our best cook from your heart the clients will come and he's exposing his dishes to new customers every day I feel like as a Muslim it gives me a place to try a lot of good variety of Mexican food but also not feeling guilty that I'm not having halal meat M Nar in Arabic means fire ham is proving that taking a risk doing the hard work and having great partners are keys to making it during hard times chos and of course it helps to have a product that appeals to Food Lovers of any faith well the restaurant also held a single Dem celebration with discounted food music and dancers up next trash inspectors in the South fa checking bins and raing how well people are recycling there we see some non-recyclable paper the pilot program meant to clear of confusion about what goes in the bin and how dogs could be the key to helping some Bay Area kids learn one of the most important life skills [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] daytime highs today are warming up into the 70s and 80s throughout the Santa Clara Valley it stay's cooler and cloudier along our Coastline Half Moon Bay in Pacifica topping off in the 50s this afternoon and as we make our way into San Francisco well it's a similar Trend just a little bit warmer into the 60s there and across the bay bridge over in Oakland we're warming up into the 60s with 70s once you head up into wine country now we have little day-to-day changes in the forecast for us as high pressur is parked just offshore keeping the storm tracks well to the north of us keeping us dry as we head into the next seven days and daytime Highs are going to look very similar to what we have today for the rest of this week as Californians we all know to be environmentally conscious but there's a real head scratcher 95% of Californians have recycling but only 30% of recyclables actually get recycled most of it ends up in the L fill and in today's Project Earth am mov explains how one Bay Area city is flipping your lid Anthony Santa Maria is a man on a mission early in the morning he flips the lids of dozens of recycling bins well we see some non-recyclable paper uh plastic wrap Anthony is part of a new pilot program run by the city of San Jose the idea to eyeball the contents of curbside bins on collection day to give residents a little feedback as to why now we are seeing a lot of increase in unacceptable materials in the recycling carts that are non-recyclable or either recyclable materials that are too dirty to recycle contaminated bins are on the rise the city's director of environmental Sciences explains so a recycling cart becomes contaminated when the wrong materials are in it particularly liquids and food because then they spread out on the paper and other products in the cart that make it so we can't recycle it anymore if they can't be recycled the item ends up in a landfill where the food and drink slowly rot creating methane a powerful greenhouse gas and it also impacts rates so the more um that we have garbage in the recycling cart the more the program cost which means the more the rates go up for our community back to the bins stickers get attached to each cart either a green good job or a red oops with tips on how to do better this is an oops Yeah oops is sort of semi humorous it's not that negative from my perspective it's far more effective the light touch than the negative touch Dr David Spiegel is an expert in human behavior at Stanford School of Medicine he applauds San Jose's approach especially the added visual tips if on top of that you show people how to do it you feel a part of the team rather than part of the problem as for the locals I think it's good San Jose resident Dirk leand de with his two kids Benjamin and Amelia I think it's a good way to uh to help the the citizens of San Jose doing a better job the family will soon move back to the Netherlands where the recycling rate is 80% compared to San Jose's 57% but they need to do continue this um initiative like for next couple of months maybe a year maybe two years continue to educate people and then if you see a change that's a perfect result of the project it is a work in progress out of all the ones I tagged I believe there were two good jobs out of I I tagged 85 the hope to make recycling as simple and easy as Child's Play and if you want to change your recycling habits just go to and check out a list of items that are not recyclable that usually end up in the trash coming up how dogs are helping Bay Area kids to unleash their confidence [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's another day of May gray in those morning hours clearing up into the afternoon especially throughout our Inland areas Antioch conquered all the way up into the North Bay we're warming up into the 70s and 80s this afternoon but just like yesterday it's still cool and it stays cloudy along our Coastline with an onshore wind anywhere up to around 20 mph into this afternoon near San Francisco topping off at 62° as we head into this afternoon if you're curious as to how long we're going to see a weather pattern like this well we're in store for a lot of the same as we head into the next seven days a little bit of a change when it comes to our daytime highs in our Inland forecast and a little bit more Sunshine as early as next Monday and Tuesday but other than that we're still holding on tight to the 70s all week long lasting into next week two that's in our Inland areas though like we mentioned all of our microclimates are doing something different so if you live closer to Oakland or San Francisco we're seeing more 60s in the forecast for us and speaking of that Sunshine next week we won't see it nearly as much as some of our Inland areas but we'll continue to keep a close eye on that as we head into our forecast heading into this weekend well there aren't just amazing best friends dogs are helping some Bay arey Kids Master one of the most important skills in life there's zai [Music] hod a library is traditionally a quiet place so bringing a dog inside would definitely be barking up the wrong tree however here at the mil Valley branch seeing 2-year-old golden retrievers Kona and Sophie doesn't give anyone pause oh no I can't watch two veteran therapy dogs Kona and Sophie are here to lend an ear he took over all the little castles as part of a program called share a book s where fur meets fiction and kids can follow the scent of Adventure is there a seahorse inside a reading to pooches it is a great day on the farm biscuit 11-year-old Sunny Chamas is a DieHard reader but every now and then she gets a little shy I feel way more confident reading allow when I'm like near a dog and not like so many people it's pretty amazing the idea says Lisa Block of Marin Humane is to provide a non-judgment Zone to help kids ease some of those reading Jitters dogs really relax us they allow us to have fun um they even lower our blood pressure So for anybody really but especially kids who are maybe struggling with reading doing it to a dog is just it feels good you found a little llama biscuit in fact researchers at UC Davis found that kids who read to therapy dogs for 15 to 20 minutes a week saw a 30% Improvement in their reading fluency Tony Souza is an educator and the library assistant at mil Valley she says not only does reading to dogs improve skills it creates a positive association with libraries in general most children once they've read to the dogs once want to come back again and again look biscuit for sunny reading to Kona was a boost like no other it's like you can read without a care in your mind like you don't you don't get judged at all woof woof getting kids to fall in love with books by unleashing their confidence and marinum says if you have a dog that's good with kids and you like to volunteer you can check out their site at Marin well thanks for streaming CBS News Bay Area I'm ran Yamoto we'll be right back with your first alert forecast and a look at your top stories I can't watch [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm Ryan Yamoto this is a men and the family of man who died in police custody in Antioch has reached a $7.5 million settlement with the city a civil rights lawsuit accused officers of excessive force in the death of Angela Kinto in 2021 he died in custody after suffering a mental health crisis the encampment at UC Berkeley is starting to come down the demonstrator struck a deal with the university officials who said they'll review the school's Investments with Israel protesters have been camped out on campus for weeks calling on the university to divest a big rate carrying 73,000 lb of rice flipped over on Interstate 80 in Oakland made a bit of a mess of the morning commute from the East Bay to San Francisco crash happened on the exit ramp just before the toll plaza around 25 this morning the bay Aries only Prime Time newscast at 8: 9 p.m. on the all new pi plus 44 table 12 [Music]
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Id: pie3fi7ym4g
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Length: 61min 50sec (3710 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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