CBC @ Vashon- 2/18/20 - Boys' High School Basketball [Varsity] - DJCF-TV

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and good evening and welcome to high school basketball from the dmitri shostakovich on tation and severe entertainer with Dimitri Johnson I'm Kevin pulley and we are at what's been called the game of the year between the Bastile Wolverines and the cadets of CBC DJ talked about this atmosphere tonight oh my goodness man it is an unbelievable environment I mean it is jam-packed you got two big time players going to big-time programs and you even had the NBA all-star Tate them in a house Jason Tucker to support his father this is great this is some atmosphere DJ I don't think there's a seat in the house and talk about these two teams DJ it's number one in the large school in the post-dispatch and number number one in the small schools but Vachon and the small school submission of our schools and this is just I just like that heavyweight phrase your alley fight here yeah I mean is I mean you got you got some prime time players playing and and you like the coaches you got think of the irony you got coach irons who's the son of the legendary employ Don's then you also have when you talk about being big-time you got Tatum who's won every place he's been is won a state championship so you're talking about two programs that's unbelievable and a Machado program is historic program that's big-time and they know for putting together very good program no question about and you talked about the two stars at the onset of the broadcast EJ let's talk first about Caleb Club cruisin young man headed to the University of North Carolina he can do it the swing man he can do it in on averaging 27 points a game what I like about Kaitlyn love let me tell you something he can shoot it I mean this kid has just water in his veins he couldn't light it up but you got to get on to him quick but when you talk about Cameron Fletcher he's long-range he has the ability to make plays and do things on the court so this should be a great for hate showcase no question about it and he's teams they have some really great role players playing with the two stars that he Steve's DJ and so hit it is really going to be sensational and we're just moments away from the players introductions which is always something really special here hope you're enjoying the game being brought to you tonight by superior entertainment along with the Demetrius Johnson Charitable Foundation and these two teams cadets come in they've won eight straight and Bashan again always the power dominating the public high league and of course they play such a national schedule do the push on Wolverines and their head coach Tony irons what a thing I like about both of these programs they they play the best and you got to give both of these coaches tremendous kudos because guess what they don't mind playing they come to your house you could come to their house you go to a backyard there come to your backyard it doesn't matter they play the best all the time and now I'm gonna player introductions [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] and of course the introductions of the vishawn Wolverines coming up next [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so there you have it be player introductions DJ and white I seen your head for shaman they turn on the lights and begin to introduce those Wolverines and they showed a video to go with it yeah the thing that I have to be just impressed with is that they know how to do it over here in the shine you know coach Tony irons has done an outstanding job making sure that these kids understand how important this is and how to play at a high level absolutely just about set to jump Center as Antoine Richardson will jump for the Michoud Wolverines and for CBC it'll be number 23 Michael West and we're just about set for basketball action the showdown tip ban is controlled and the cadets will have it that's with the basketball early on here in their black jerseys with the black trim quick shot taken up and love shadow miss they shine the Wolverine with Russell inside a quick block and the ball was gonna go out of bounds the bill turn from the Wolverines and the cadets get it yeah you can see the emotion all right mighty way is this bracket right that's all is this they want to play at a high level no question about that was there all this energy from the crowd you certainly see it that's with the basket part right now early going first quarter action no score CBC and the feed down low in the - Larry Hughes jr. getting on the board for CBC yes nice pass let me you just to the slip off the slip screen and it was able to he is easy shot talked about Larry huge junior deejay we certainly saw his dad for many years to the Apple don't fall far from the tree we shine with it where is Fletcher shot and he knocks it down yeah that's a big time child Fletcher and when he swore up like that it's hard to stop amiga knocking down all night and of course as DJ mentioned he said it to the University of Kentucky ball turned over here by the cadets Wolverines to get it early going they're up by 1 3 2 so our score yeah what I'm liking about the team I mean it's like just feel allowed both of them right now just taking their time to feel out to see what's going on in this game tremendous so we shine with the basketball right now this is Fletcher he hit that first three for the Wolverines I'm gonna get a turn over here and Ron Richardson that time got his feet tangled up sometimes when you're trying to move and new things you you're moving your feet just take an extra step so cadets come back first quarter action bit of a push there and now foul called and that one's gonna go against Nick turn and Nick is saying he jumped into me yeah I thought it was pretty good defense I thought Nick current head you know was woman this be pretty good and depending on how the officiating is gonna be you you want to let them play you know you don't want to be officials to determine this outcome certainly not so at the free-throw line Smith first shot is up and good from Brinson thank you shot is good so we're tied at 3 there's another three ball coming and / missed on it down oh nice move and can't get that one to fall yeah nice move or just someone able to finish it but I like the aggressiveness oh what a pass oh yes that was a nice pass by Martin he dumps it off knocks on backboard bang good shot there's Fletcher here comes the three and it goes down big shot as Richardson knocks that one down that's a nice rhythm by Richardson he squares that baby up and just drop it thank you have a quick in the in action listen and Nick turn will push it for the Wolverines turn to the basket scores yeah that's a nice plays by Nick current he saw the defense in have their they back to her and he did a great job first time pressure flat church at a halt lays it in oh yeah that's the good press right there Mortimer shine is pulling up the heat on CBC here is the cadets 3-ball goes down and Larry Hughes junior with the big three ball and we get a timeout yeah you see this game's gonna be a heck of a game that was a nice shot by Larry used to you he's at squares up man and just dropped that thing hey you can see this is bragging rights because both of these these teams know one another personally they compete in the summer they compete walking down the street and they're gonna compete tonight on the basketball court no question about it and is interesting DJ we talked about the comparison of a heavyweight fight they they don't seem to be and then coming right on bullhorn toe-to-toe in the ring here yeah I thought they would get a little feel for it but you know what they know one another right you know they said okay we're gonna come to your house and do our thing and be able to get it done that's what I can appreciate about both of these teams they got great coaches great tradition and great players and you know you talk about both coaches DJ both these Kirk just really have kind of a laid back to me get too excited too hot I don't well oh no I tell you you see Tatum humma Tatum gets to another level Tony irons is a little more you know just mellow but Jen I love books he's coaching yes sir on the drive and appling will rim out two point lead for the Wolverines right now ten eight for 36 ago first quarter and as DJ said you see Justin Tatum and Obama's gonna really get an animated right now oh yeah oh he's the enemy I love watching him coach I mean he is so animated Michonne set to inbound I was gonna go away it gonna be a turnover and a cadets gonna get the basketball that time just with some good defense from CBC and what I like about these teams they put pressure they'd like to put pressure on on the other team and make them make mistakes so cadets come back with it we Robert Martin out high for CBC and ball tipped away savers a battle for it and tie up and look like we might have had a collision air DJ looks like my quest might be down for CBC you know I like about this I like just how these teams are really competing I mean they want this one you can see I mean bragging rights and everything else this is a pendant on this game in you gotta say you appreciate the hard work and what's and how they plan exactly and you know we saw the play that was a dive for my quest trying to get the basketball you don't want to spectra but you hope that he didn't hit his head you know trying to reach in there and get that ball well let me tell you what I'm happy he's moving you know saying when you're moving around you know it it's pretty under control and good to see Michael West get up and my questions the big guy he's a thumper inside of me he could go to boards I mean he like he should be playing strong safety I mean his body is off the charts and this is a big kid alright so 411 to go 1st quarter action it is a two point four shine lead they lead it 10 eight and what I like I just like what they try to do I mean they they're going to attack both teams is going to attack and they like up-tempo it's not gonna be a lot of slow down it's not gonna be like taking their time I like the up tempo and both of these coaches good coach and these kids know it's a lot riding on it in terms of the bragging rights to number one's number one in the large schools CBC number one in a small school the shine he's Bill Russell and on the drive trying to get to the basket when I get a foul called as Bailey where every shine will go to what we're gonna call it on the floor reco Bailey and Vijayan will keep the possession Richardson here's a three-ball coming from Russell missed it good that's back they'll look to take the lead or tie ball stolen away here comes Kern with it now Fletcher and you get the whistle and a foul yeah they're gonna call it on the floor looks like they're gonna call that one on Larry Hughes Jr yeah I think that should be on the floor yeah yeah second team foul against the cadets of CBC only one of the Wolverines over Sean little battle for it there's a feed your displeasure for three miss it but turned now to fall in turn and a block yes sir that's what a getup young fella man that was a great block the two number one players in it in the city of st. Louis went mano-a-mano should they Caleb loved one of them he loved with the blacker is a shot missed that tip-top they come to cadets and a great steal back to the hole it in in the in action yes sir that was nice that wasn't well no way by the Wolverines and they get the two to go down some in in action DJ but shine was a two point lead 1210 242 to go first quarter this is Russell shot ripped away by love and the cadets will bring it back man I like Caleb low went up and block the other big tires moving goes down oh that's nice oh he did it pin spin move and kiss it off the backboard whoo ACC a North Carolina's waiting right yes sir that's big time baby there's Bashan back three-ball coming Bailey missed it and the cadets the rebound and get a foul hey I don't understand that file there oh I don't understand that yeah I mean you had all your teammates back I have no idea what he was found like that yeah barely just reached in and fire up it's weird it was strange I have no clue wave is that so that's the second team foul on for shine to a piece 159 to go first quarter we're tied at 12 hey folks if it's any indication what kind of game is gonna be you better buckle up okay that's with the basketball here comes a shot missed on that and the shine will bring it back you know what I like in this game you got Caleb love against cam Fletcher they go ahead here but wonder they really are that so push it out oh man these nice foul oh my goodness a boat are you never had a chance to see Caleb love you have been missing something special in st. Louis this kid is special 6 7 averaging 27 points a game and we get a timeout here 128 we'll take a timeout here as high school basketball they brought to you by superior entertainment and the Demetrius Johnson jungle foundation we're tied at 12 we'll be back and we're back here twelve that has just changed as that the free-throw line for the cadets and just make them to stop there was capable of and so right now one-point lead second shot is good love makes good on both them shoots eighty percent from the line DJ great free-throw shooter and I like they going man-to-man both teams are playing man-to-man no zone and it's like mano a mano man oh man so right now Richardson out high you can hear Justin Tatum giving the calls getting the information out on the defense what he wants to see and works as the Wolverines turn it over cadet so bring it back with the two-point lead yeah I like the attack that both of these teams are doing I mean it's they're they're really playing open ball and they attacking one another they're not sitting back and you got it appreciate it after it's over Sean throwing a bit of a trap now that's get it up here comes a three outside and missed it on the shot from the outside Wolverines battle and to the basket lays it in as they got it good with I Mead for the CBC cadets he scores that was a great anticipation I mean he sees it gets it and kiss it off the backboard and we get a foul here as Russell Falls and that foul will go against CBC that will be the third team foul for on vishawn 37 seconds ago here first quarter action one thing about the CBC cadets DJ they all aren't afraid to take it to the cup they go right at it no doubt about it certainly and they know they're very athletic and you know bhishan is the taller team but cbc I mean Flair very aggressively let me shine with it there is a three ball missed on it great rebound and goes up as Richardson coming up to make the putback that was a nice athletic move by Richardson and cadet sit back with the basketball and get a foul call they're gonna call that one as Trayvon love who's checked in the game for the Wolverines picks up the foul so again you see it a lot of change in the defenses we've seen some man-to-man we see a lot of pressure trapping so ultras are pulling out to chess board yeah what's happening now they ain't really still just trying to fill it out I mean that's what they're doing they big filling out the game once they really get all the the eggcup cc's down the game is gonna be played on another level because right now they feel it wasn't about although they planted a fan space they still feeling one another absolutely 16:49 scores to two points c.b.c Lee tremendous crowd I don't see a seat in the house DJ there's no seat in the house at the thing I like about this is that how both of these schools were to tradition I'm having great basketball are not afraid to play one another that's what you got to appreciate yeah really both coaches like to go out a day they enjoy this no doubt about it this is love we've talked about him the corner will miss says I'm doing honey missed on that and so that'll wrap up quarter number one as the two teams really tested each other out and CBC insta quarter with a two-point lead 16 to 14 deejay thoughts on that first quarter I thought both of these teams came out and he played with a lot of energy they played fast they didn't play zone they played man and they fill it out one another adjustments gonna start being made pretty soon and that's what you gotta appreciate how they gonna make the adjustments both teams are playing at a high level all right so we'll take a break in the action into one quarter it's CBC 16 for shine 14 watching high school basketball from superior entertainment and the DJ CF and welcome back to with Shawne high school it's high school basketball presented by a severe entertainment and the Dmitrich on struggle foundation with Demetrius Johnson I'm Kevin pulley and DJ that first quarter gave us everything we expected yeah and and more because we knew these guys gonna come and play at a high level and they're gonna play hard and just play I'm really surprised that they went man-to-man all around the board because these guys are so athletic and both of these teams know one another and these kids don't one another so they know hey man we could play man-to-man we're gonna bring the best out tonight and that's what I'm loving all right so CB set to inbound and again look down those sidelines and DJ talked about it gestating really coach and now we got a foul called as Rick Oh Bailey picks up the fire that's gonna be his second well carplay is gonna be very important this game in you know what yeah you could be aggressive but now your emotions got to calm down and play basketball 15 foul against the Wolverines Vincent in the game now for CBC was Brinson to the basket and gets it to fall that was a nice shot he gets up there just kiss that baby off the back to a Brinson was really calm and composed on this shot your splitter oh yes that's sweet I'm sorry that's weekend thanks turn around it's not an easy shot at all DJ the dad was a very hard side but you see why he's going to Kentucky no question Wolverines back with it there's Kern ball tipped out of bounds to stay with the Wolverines though I tell you what man you can see how they moving around how the emotion is moving around I mean you gotta like it and I think you talked about earlier you see Fletcher and love guarding each other you'd like to see that the two stars two players going right at each other no question about it I mean I know on the defensive end you got caleb love is guarding Fletcher now I don't know if Fletcher's guarding Cameron on the other side you know saying so I'm gonna look at it cuz Caleb I don't know I think they throw another bodies at Caleb you know looks yeah yeah they throwing different bodies at Caleb but when you talk about cam Fletcher it's just one-on-one mano a mano and that's what I like Richardson inbounds yeah here you go two to nine dead plants right here oh man you got to love it [Applause] Wolverines with the basketball drive inside turn and turn thought he was fouled but the but said he got ball and it'll be CBC basketball yeah Karen did a good job doing the drop step getting in between that and just lost it trying to do a left-handed layup that was a good good penetration by Kern talk about current know you enjoyed his dad playing ball many years DJ yeah his dad was an excellent player Nicholas Karen man he was unbelievable so cadets bring it back as Cal Abdul Hameed on the dribble showing his skills from over that's not oh that's nice oh that was nice oh he put it between his legs stop drop and pop I mean [Applause] again strong man to man from CBC against the fish on offense right now yeah I'm like it when I'm saying cam Fletcher and a foul called talk about that McHale Abdullah me DJ showed you some some of his ball handling skills and shooting yeah he did I mean he's got a great hand look at vide has very good body control he's flexor out high and the ball stolen away and almost had it Larry huge junior almost picked it clean and Larry huge Julie as a freshman oh my goodness you talking about gonna have some talent man they are loaded Oh both of these teams it's gonna be a long time before these teams go down shine set to inbound this is Cameron Fletcher seeing a lot of double-teams on Fletcher now DJ well I think what they doing there when the pressure is over that's great hustle Fletcher [Applause] boy oh my goodness votes you talking about wallet win this game you start about emotions you got emotions here man these guys are playing hard and at a high level that's what it's all about you talk about effort now you see why these teams are so good because of the effort no question about it you and you saw the intensity there the defense of the CBC defense the intensity was relentless that last time but don't that remind you of Tatum when he played absolutely balls torn away with hands and the Wolverines have it up the court and the whistle here as they were on their way to the basket and picked up the foul against CBC Norman does a great job number 10 penetrating and did he kick it off the current now current got to make that shot anytime you right there Kenny you can't miss that one you got to make that shot you got to slam it or whatever but you cannot miss that that was a great pass by Norman and Nick 62% from the free-throw list this year from Nicolas current makes him both lead his to now 22:18 our score cbc leading Rashad there's love saddle miss every saddle bring it back oh man behind the packers Kurds in a basket Oh single astern yes sir baby Big John please big big-time plays in big-time game Nicholas Karen you're big-time player oh my goodness that was some move with the bass go look like a magician with the ball that time oh my goodness that was big time baby big time yes sir boy I'll tell you what they got the stars out tonight and everybody playing like they stars question no question about that and he's a junior boy hey he made some moves on that one DJ that was nice I mean he came took him behind the bag twisted turn and put that baby in for two I mean at the free-throw I makes good on the first with a one-point lead now for CBC 2120 our score hey shadow miss [Music] and so they bring it back Wolverines do now with the basketball now you see the two three a two three going to three-man zone oh yeah my son all cars is big oh did he you see it down and now you don't see it oh yeah oh yeah no he didn't know he did I mean no he didn't back at you well you talked about the two-three zone DJ but that time the Wolverines that last year Buffalo did a great job of finding the gaps in that zone they did it with Nick Turner who was able to get that get finding that gap in the zone and get to the rim yeah and that's what you want to do an extended oh you want to penetrate the zone and you want to attack the zone and that's exactly what happened I said Nick turns he's not shooting like a 62% free-throw shooter tonight you know when you're playing big games you're drilling to get to flow and you know particularly when you're playing against folks that you know you're gonna see walking down the street you don't see at the store you won't have bragging rights so everything becomes better this one for the lead missed it and so the cadets bring it back they lead and we're tied at 23 excuse me there is love oh and it's stolen away I turned to the basket Russell and now I'm Russell to shine in we get a whistle say three-second violation in the lane against Michonne that was some transition what a great hand by Nicola Sturgeon it was he's had himself quite a first half as he yeah and I think what Kailen love needs to do he need to start pulling up he's trying to penetrate in line and they are clogging it up on him and making it very difficult for him to penetrate he got a heck of a range so he needs to stand out and shoot so we're tied at 23 322 to go second quarter CBC and Vachon here is how meets jumper missed it turn who's had himself quite a half the rebound here he comes Fletcher missed it yeah well you when you cam Fletcher you 6 7 you got a slam that one big fella oh baby you gotta put that down with thunder that's what needs to happen so 306 to go tied at 23 for Sean with the basketball and that you're not able to get that one to go down look at Justin Tatum working right in front of us DJ which shot Russell missed it and shot put up and that one goes down shot at the line we shot missed [Applause] Big Shot goes off mix in the lead to three 26:23 yeah that was a a great shot by Larry you so Vachon with the basketball this is Fletcher for three missed it and the airport goes out of bounds and the cadets to bring it back looks like that last time up to for d-day the Wolverines were quite settled then quite get in their offense yeah you got to get in your office I mean they gotta stay composed because emotions in this game gonna get you there's love to the hole oh that's nice that was a nice runner by love I mean he goes past the basket it's his drop it off drop the lunch Bell bug it off excuse me let's go be Clark that time DJ I think Kobe Clark my to change numbers runs DJ yeah number Cory tonight yeah Colby Clark isn't wearing number 30 he is really you know I think he see what you call the the glue of this team because he really plays hard he really gets down and dirty and played a grimy game and he can shoot and plays aggressive at time the free throw just short by Kobe 55% free-throw shooter on the line for Colby Clark good look at him yeah he's a nice player Kerry I really like this kid he's got probably some of the best upsides going shot falls short let's go be missed them both and the cadets will come back they have the biggest lead of five push my hurts love and he's fouled Hobie Clark that time picks up the foul right now the cadets earn the one-on-one and that's gonna be the eighth team foul against the Wolverines and two shots coming for love and what I like about what what love is doing I mean I talked about early how I like him to see him shoot a jumper when he's going to the basket and they've been very effective and he's a heck of a free-throw shooter make good on the first so again when you follow them and you put it on the line it's points when you're going against CBC it was a sight to see DJ before the game to see Jason Tatum with his dad Justin Tatum that was something to see my fans reaction to it no doubt about I mean that's a great relationship they got a great relationship and Justin and Jason I mean they just they're just great friends and son and father relationship that's what you like so 142 to go 2nd quarter RCBC with their biggest lead of 7 right now leading at 3223 this is Russell Russell trying to clear some room here is Fletcher for 3 gets it to go down yeah it's a nice shot by Fletcher one thing CBC can't do it says leave Fletcher wide open he's gonna be in a knock that shot down back at ya that one goes down Big Shot yes sir the dull prime time players uh plan like it he said anything you do I can do better than you certainly a seven-point lead now 33:26 Corphish I'm under a minute to go here in the second quarter [Applause] [Music] look out this is King balls thrown away and love with the steal every very difficult pass gets underneath the basket now in the twenty seconds here to go in the half this is love and didn't get the foul goes out of bounds which is gonna stay with CBC Wow I'm telling you I I thought they made went out for loves or arms that time maybe the officials missed it but you know that's what you want and I like look look Nick Nick Hern because a little nick currently said he's gonna challenge him get the ball let's go me and you one on one I'm loving it man I am loving just the competition 14 seconds to go here in the half CBC with a seven-point lead 33 26 bring it home bring it home young fella whoo big shot from the outside from Macau Abdul Hameed the point guard nothing but net knocked it down from three-point land let me tell you something I kind of do I mean that was a big time shot baby and he knew who was going down folks better buckle up we got another half of basketball gone so at halftime it is CBC with the 10-point lead they lead it 36 26 you're watching high school basketball presented by severe entertainment and the DJ CF foundation and welcome back shine High School where we are at halftime and right now it's a 10-point lead 36 26 CBC leading of Bashan Wolverines DJ give me your thoughts on the first half i man it was electric pie that's what I can say I mean I could explain it just with that word I'd like to find this building at bhishan high school is a army it's unbelievable man and just to see these two great programs compete at a high level and Steven saw players playing like they star players is awesome it has been something and I said the last three minutes of that first half you really saw Caleb love really take over and show us the player who he is no doubt about it I mean that's what they say man when the game is on the line big-time player make big-time plays and big-time games and they both know big-time players and a couple of big three-pointers from Robert Martin late too in that second quarter that were big for the cadets no doubt about it you got to get Robert Martin credit number one Robert Martin I mean he really took some control of the game and shot the ball just tremendously so one swish I'm gonna have to DJ that cut into this ten-point lead well what I'm gonna do if I'm behind I'm gonna keep trying to put some pressure on on this on this to that team but what I would do I would do a boxing one I will make everybody else beat me but I'm gonna make sure they kind of love that do it alright so Wolverines with the basketball they're down by 10 CBC with the lead a little quick shot and it goes down from the Wolverines as they got that one off from Nick Kern who had himself a really nice purse had yeah Nick Aaron is playing strong man he's having a very very good game back the other way here comes love and he's fouled [Applause] you know what I like about Kanan love me I just like the competitiveness how they are competing they're competing at a higher level both of these teams and when you got great athletes out here that's what you expect not a usual situation that you Wolverines ever see themselves in is trailing at home DJ yeah I mean it's unusual that the shine will trail at home particularly you know how good they are and the fans he had the fan base out here just man there's just tremendous so that first shot first missed it a night tonight from love is he missed on the first shot 80% free-throw shooter on the season makes good on the second lead the biggest at 11 now for the cadets and see what Sean looks to do it look if they try to isolate and get the ball to Fletcher again we figure with the kind of half that Kern happened he having that kind of half from Fletcher his normal game that the Wolverines would be in good shape yeah I agree I mean he is really played at a great level where's Kern three knocks it down what Nick Turner's it's just been fired I mean he is on fire foam to me Nick Aaron anything he does he's making oh what a block Bill Russell with the block that time very good response and reaction where Robert Martin I mean he comes down and just make a nice block of Phillip Russell comes down and makes a nice block 6:56 ago third quarter it's a six-point lead years love the bomb mr. Koerner rebound Nick turn Nick turn on a cross over to the hall oh yeah what a what Nick Karen has brought his a game today man he is playing just out of his by gets the leads are for one thing about Nicholas Kearney showed you that he can go coast to coast in a minute no question about it oh you talking about take off that was a take off if I don't know if that was a office of Val they called a block but i'ma tell you something he took off like he was into a jet oh my goodness but he had had a good foot position good feet position but didn't get to call yeah I mean that was I take off can't teach that game DJ oh no yo that's just that's natural explosion and he makes good leave the seven [Applause] this is Fletcher Nick Kern who has been on a sensational hair bow again Oh Nick Kearney change hands and shot it with his left that's a big time shot by Kern here is love from downtown stab wound Mr Bond love and he goes inside and whistle here we go Bailey is down on the floor and in a lot of pain right now yeah it seemed like what happened with Bailey is that he's got yet an e like a knee and a thigh that's what it looks like so see Bailey down on the floor and did you see exactly what happened DJ yeah well he did was Bailey was going to the hole and who was that Robert Martin number one came and tried to close down on him look like they may have hit the hit his knee on his side oh yeah I mean it seemed like that's what happened I mean like he's a lot of pain but hopefully you'll be okay you just you know you can see that the intensity is picking up I mean it is because you see closure near you know when you see close you're near the intensity level picks up big time and then when you got these guys playing you know at a high level like that you know you you want to make sure they are okay Obie's all right but I'm telling you man it's time this can't right here this is what we do able to be we knew it would be this kind of game very physical athletic good basketball emotional I mean it's everything that you could ever want at a basketball game that's what you getting absolutely no question and it's good to see Bailey up now I always like to see that yeah I hope Bailey would be okay I mean that's a tough injury on him I mean they really need him he is a I mean you talk about a heck of a player so 543 to go here in the third quarter it's a five-point lead cbc leading at 42 35 [Applause] go rustle set the inbound for the Wolverines this crowd has really enjoyed this one [Applause] this is love for bhishan now Fletcher but the three missed it love back [Applause] you see Martin a lot of moves a lot of moves out there too the whole and Fletcher a piece of it but a foul called and the cadets will be at the free-throw line as Prince Princeton will be at the free-throw line and you can kind of see the approach of CBC yeah they said let's clear it out and let's attack the basket so they are really attacking the basket that's what they do it and you said given a lot of success because if they can get Bachand key players in foul trouble I mean it'll be a long night for the Wolverines so that foul was on MacLean his second third team foul for the Wolverines only one on the cadets at this point second one is good lead at 6:40 135 our score coming up on the 5-minute mark here in the third quarter CBC the CBC is now dropped into like a 2-3 zone and it's almost like a man zone when they come over there and they looking at key players and foul called go Russell driving [Applause] you're gonna call that file on chef Pierre Brinson second team filed for CBC this is McLean knocks it down that was a nice shot by McLean he got a back pick came over right that elbow just dropped it out great shot you remember his dad Sergio playing at Illinois deep oh yes Sergio McClain was a heck of a player at the University of Illinois and his son is shooting just like that oh my goodness I mean he shot that ball he knew it was gone here's Bill Russell missed on it here comes love back to the hole missed it battle port McLean that goes on a bound well I think Caleb love even has his teammates in a pinch you watch yeah they're amazing some of the moves though I'll tell you what I'll be that kid he's amazing player man he's one of the best I've seen in a long time he's got in and outside game here's mcclain for three missed that one battled for it cadets come back Robert Martin with it he's gonna shoot the short jump right now man that little area that pain area that's a lost art pers is not shooting in it they want to shoot a three Robert Martin has it down to a science he's charming and like his eye every time he gets it in an area the lead at nine now for CBC 327 ago 46:37 our score cbc leading Vachon well Russell will steal quick steal remember the cadets oh and they got that one to go down Oh God Henderson on the score that was nice very good discipline gets the ball pass it Paul Henderson goes to the basket two points oh my goodness the lead back to 11 for the cadets and this is what we anticipated you know we thought that's how it worked you know we knew that if there's an opportunity to make sure that these teams can face one another and the teams that get the emotions out of it is the team that has the best chance to win right now you can see the intensity level of this guy potato coach Tatum is an intense coach I love a coach oh I mean like he's playing he looks like he's playing the game yeah you can still play no doubt about it he is an intense coach you know these yeah I think one key tonight has been the knesset thrown a really good job defensively loves to penetrate they have not allowed him to get into that paint at all to look with a dish for fletcher they just haven't allowed him to move in Robert Martin one of the reasons for that yeah I agree I mean Phillip Phillip Russell yeh likes yeah he likes to go in he's got a nice shot but he's not able to penetrate now you see he's gone to a 2-3 zone and they trying to yeah that's good it was a 2-3 zone they going to and he's trying to slow down the game of a shot looks like Nick Turner always finds a hole in that zone though Nick Aaron is having a great game folks I mean if you never seen that young man play now you have the chance at watching look at that and we get a whistle here I'm gonna push off is gonna go against cadets yeah that was a great file I mean it's great call kill up I love offensive foul so it is a nine-point cadet leave 4839 236 ago third quarter there's a long way to go in this game down by nine it's a long way to go this is love for DeSean oh nice people turn and turn take curve continues to find spots it's to the Holies he should really had himself quite a night to go along with tonight that Kaleb love has had for CBC I agree I mean Nicholas current is finding a little crease in the defense and being able to take advantage of it but what I'm liking about him he's attacking a basket he's knocking down his free throws to be a 68% free-throw shooter he's knocking him down and he's making plays and this is what the Wolverines in because on a night when you're your key player doesn't have his best night you need other guys to step up no doubt about it me that's what they call 18 he's Martin say I'm really impressed with this Robert Martin DJ yeah Robert Martin is really playing great oh nice piece oh great block by Kern oh you came abroad Larry you shot did he go down for that one oh man this kid is possessed tonight baby he is playing out of his body how about that you makes a block on one end then you go coast-to-coast and get the m1 yes sir Nicholas Nick care is playing big time baby somebody didn't tell Nick turned into two years aren't supposed to play like this right no doubt about it you know what sometimes you gotta look at your teammates I need some help and Nick are they baby I'm the cavalry [Applause] [Laughter] nice move by rob here's the three-ball coming love can't get it to go Wolverines get it he'll push jelly pie for Bailey the Kern and I'm gonna get a traveling call as that time one step too many Nathaniel Norman Travis yeah nobody's got to kick that over I mean he's got his man wide open he's got to go of fleshes ride open he's gonna hit that shot but he's wide open like that you got to just kick it over to it all right so 141 to go trying to work his way here comes Kern Nick turns got numbers to the hole it's tipped out in the end action and a foul called against CBC one thing I got to appreciate you gotta appreciate them let them play the officiating is letting them play and I got it you got to appreciate that that's why you got a full jam-packed house they don't want the officials calling this tight and what a game is won by the officials all right so the ball inbounded there's Norman with it now who's checked in again that Daniel Norman at the guard spot with love there's love spin move the defense being put on now by CBC here's the three-ball coming Norman missed it rebound taken out of there by the cadets and Brinson and love will bring it back now for CBC yes sir yes sir as you see it and now you don't big time players make big plays hey big time game oh my goodness Oh the shot goes down oh what a big bucket folks this is one of the best days back to our city 44 years Kevin this is this is the build-up this one is all about and Martin Carter a foul you got to go back to that hesitation move from love have you seen a move like that oh I haven't seen one like that now you see it now you don't Oh fine goodness oh my folks this is this is great this is unbelievable is everything is built up to be a champ crowd packed house and they are living up to what the expectations world full of Brussels makes go to the first shot by town is it safe to say Kaleb love is worth the price of admission right hey let me tell you something Kaleb love is worth it prices on oh yeah oh my goodness what a player of course you know DJ when when when Roy rims comes boy you know you're quite a player no doubt about it oh no doubt and his game is just so Lou [Music] so cadets with the basketball 12 seconds ago here in the quarter they lead it 52 46 six-point lead Oh knocks it down no he did it be a ring oh this kid folks Oh is worth the price of a mission yeah so at the end of the third quarter it's a nine-point CPC lead they lead 5546 and I think the meteors Johnson is set at all we'll take a break and come back with the score CPC 55 but shine 46 this is high school basketball presented by severe entertainment and the Demetrius Johnson Charitable Foundation and welcome back to Vashon high school it is high school basketball presented by severe entertainment and Dimitri's Johnson general foundation with Demetrius Johnson Kevin pulley and deejay after three quarters what are your thoughts I'm speechless this is worth the price of ten admission everything this game would build up to be we're again dick we are getting it tonight both of these teams are playing like they big-time programs and I don't know if the fans can see it in that right corner you can see Jason Statham he's got the orange hoodie on check it out the action right side ball thrown away and shine I'll get it the Wolverines don't often find themselves in a situation where the trailing by 9 at the start of the fourth quarter DJ very rarely but one thing about coach Tony irons you don't have to worry about this this team will fight back in this game this baby ain't over by a long stretch so bhishan brings it back 747 CBC with a nine-point lead 55 for TC boss strolling away here's love to the hall and he missed on the slam and a foul call home does you see just the chemistry how caleb love just dropped it behind and let his team a come and get it that's good basketball that's knowing your team that's a great chemistry great chemistry Kyle Henderson was right there for the putback and he's foul so now he's at the free-throw line I can tell you folks I'm not a scientist but that was great chemistry nothing to say it was on the floor and not gonna be any free throws all right Larry Hughes jr. missed it here comes Kern back Nick turn goes up and scores that's a nice side by nature and I I'm just amazed how he was able to keep control of the ball and nitrile whatever to get play and their current laid it up with his left here's CBC back shot is missing a file called let's see what the call is gonna be I'd say well look at the intensity of coach Tatum I mean he is coaching with major intensity he certainly is n right now but Johnson to 101 SC a team foul now on CBC which was a good thing for the Vashon side is that they did get CBC and quite a bit of foul trouble early in that third quarter yeah because they got one-on-one early in CBC still has a bhishan still has a few fouls to give before they can even get into one-on-one so yeah you're right and they just got to keep playing hard no files in the plan you know what the clock stopped you able to go to the free-throw line and knock some of the shots down now you got to play defense absolutely you put you right back you hit this with your five points down it's a long way to go folks this was a long way I tell what Nick turn does not look like a 65 percent free-throw you know what I've learned about Nick turn in this game this evening tonight is that you know he rises to the level of the competition he's playing at that level of his competition he know this CBC is a big-time program and got great players he's playing like I'm one of the stars folks y'all talking about Kalin love it cam Fletcher yeah done for you heard about me my daddy paracrine out of his shine high school I'll go to show y'all I should be a dilemma 5550 scores seven minutes eight seconds ago fourth quarter this has been built up DJ as the game of the year and it certainly has it is no disappointing this moment anyone no disappointment in this one of the court here sorry he's junior for three missed it Nick Kern Oh Nick on your step and here come the cadets enter great steal by the shine and the jam goes down from Camp Fletcher yes sir can Fletcher rock the house on the slam baby [Applause] here's a shot up missed it where is Fletch Olli I'm gonna push it I'm surprised with a bottleneck hole shot missed it Fletcher put it up scores Oh head the stars are out tonight folks yes sir baby Oh big time players make big time plays it big time gaze yes sir I think the folks up on the courtside seats really enjoyed that one DJ oh my goodness and he makes good on the shot and they have tied the game back the Wolverines came back from 11 down there's the three ball coming missed that one it comes Nick Kern Nick Carr into the hole and he's five yes sir the care folks he's this is breakout game Nick Aaron is playing at a level that I've never seen him play before he is doing everything daddy has to do to will his team the win he's putting a shine on his back you're talking about Cameron Fletcher nobody is talking about big hair this is a come out game for Nick Aaron and again we talked about his free-throw shooting my goodness I don't think he misses any breeze ozan hey I think one one free throw come on one my goodness it's been a long time since Nick turn since been shine is taking the lead in this game probably the first quarter yes and we've seen 211 point leads at different points in the game by CBC yeah vish I just stay par to the course and was able to just keep chipping away keep chipping away and now they got at one point lead i Ted is incredible in here look around CJ that's not a space in here oh man it's worth it shot is good two-point but Sean Lee 5755 604 to go you're in the fourth quarter [Applause] caleb love he's been on fire tonight here he is three-ball yes sir yes sir I got you boo you taught him Huggies shoot it Oh Kayla love can't shoot it and he's feeling it you can see the emotion if you saw the fist pump after the shot he's feeling it too yeah I'm feeling it big fella Oh feel like our plan oh my goodness the atmosphere isn't of a shine what they say the home of the V Oh folks it's really living up to the tradition of the Mashhad Wolverines basketball coach Tony irons is done at mount never said John and keeping the legacy of his dad absolutely every shot you know I remember a game some years ago that you and I didn't hear it was a showdown between Tommy Liddell and Dwayne Polk it was East st. Louis with shine very similar and they both did not disappoint like these two players tonight and this is the disappointment here today baby this is the game of all games yes sir and if you these two teams as well DJ this game kind of gave me one before you hit district play yeah I mean you no doubt about it both of these teams is playing unbelievable talent and that's what you want you want great talent you want to play against great I guess why you want to be able to win your district with the playoffs start you ready for this this is no big deal because you've been doing it all year it's nothing new that's why both of these teams are so good that would be very difficult to be come playoff time next month all right so one point lead for CBC 5857 535 to go fourth quarter it's like we're gonna get an offensive foul called against Nick turn that time yeah Nick Aaron was there I mean he's playing dummy he's played a great game he is making it work he has played unbelievable Nick Aaron has kept his shine in this game all right so the cadets bring it back Robert Martin on the dribble the man in our Kaleb love long NBA rain my goodness hey folks are you hitting me Oh kevie I must be dreaming this young fella gets shooted oh I got this it's your answers and the answer oh the two stars or playing like dogs tonight yes sir I can do anything better than you oh it's a 1-point CBC lead 61 16 under five minutes in the fourth quarter how about these two players where's love balls thrown away Fletcher it comes with shine they got numbers and we got a whistle it's gonna be on the floor but of course you for shine will be able to breathe the line with the tens foul so they'll have one of the bonus yeah I tell you what now you should have getting it up early to camp Camp flush it was there by himself you got to give it up to him too early [Applause] no Russell at the line makes good we're tied at 61 there you see the score right there 61 all 434 to go this is everything he they builded up the baby bed oh my goodness now if I shine with the one-point lead 60 to 61 426 to go fourth quarter and they're going to give Russell for the reach with the hand I tell you what I you know what I think the officiating has been pretty good tonight I really think the officiating have been pretty good you know it's a lot of pressure on officials in a game like this and I just hope he keeps that way in the last 4 minutes and 17 seconds that's a 6 team foul against the Wolverines next one and the cadets will be shooting 101 [Applause] [Applause] made up love he's already shown or it is but that rains didn't get the role some cam Fletcher will bring it back for but John under four minutes ago as a woman Bob one he needed to get that rebound did a great job called up and get it here's Fletcher man the tip in white Kobe oh good I'm taste somebody called me Clark is a big-time player he is baller tonight also loving what I'm seeing three-point lead to the hole love [Applause] and I tell you folks you talking about you talking about a game this is an unbelievable game unbelievable I think that's a great way to describe wanted free throw line will be Caleb love excellent free-throw shooter for CBC's got to coming here three-point lead for bhishan 64-61 335 to go in the fourth quarter on the side that's not like that's not like love I mean he no normally knocks that shot down anytime he shoots it you think could be some fatigue may be sitting in well no these guys we plan for a long time and this I mean this is what he does I mean he's not tired he just missed just missed two of them a blow through bigamous and for Shawn to bring back 64-61 326 to go for Shawn with the basketball and the lead [Music] [Applause] get a whole rustle missed it and a fire call oh wow he got to make that layup you gotta make it he's wide open he's just gonna make it yeah that was any fallout yeah you found out yeah boy that's big that is a big file right there by Cobie Clark Cobie Clark is played an outstanding game and that is a big time Wow Wow him losing the shine losing Colby Clark that's gonna be huge coming down the stretch yeah kopi Clark out of the game shot is missed from Eric Holmes always talked about in free throws if he hit both of those free throws Nate they have a one-point lead you miss you don't leave us your free throws Nick turn a little Russell bring it out 248 to go Michonne 64 CBC 61 which I was gonna pull it out take some time I'll be fine but you know if I don't like the strategy because you haven't rhythm going in the hole and a file called a Strabane love will get to the free-throw line for the Wolverines you don't when you got a rhythm going to float on I don't I don't agree with taking about allowed you know how many trevone love he's sitting at 71% free throw and he's got two shots coming boy I forgot that first one yeah the person was tough you know yeah you gotta hit free throws that's was so important not the three-pointers not all that other stuff I'm telling you hitting your free throws down the stretch it makes good in a second the leaderboard now to possession games 231 to go Michonne Lee 65-61 65-61 there's love middle of woods been off the last couple shots he's gotta hit those shots he's got some wide open looks a nice look he gets inside step comes up right over just missing inside feeding occurred the soon big turn is played a tremendous game tonight there's a foul called like offensive foul whatever big that was big now besides gonna probably take some air on the ball make some seconds blow off this clock that's what's gonna happen Jason Tatum couldn't believe that call inside DJ yeah [Applause] Russell [Applause] as Russell old boy Russell ran into the cbc defense that time ran riding into Brinson yeah big it gave the Brits and I believe that file would come back for the Wolverines of Michonne they once trailed it by 11 twice and they came back and I think the key as you said DJ was Nick turn always had an ability to come back because right when it looked like the cadets are really gonna really take the Wolverines apart Nicholas Curran always seemed to have an answer tonight yeah Nicholas Turner him he came through and played he played big-time you know he did a great job he was the backbone of his team tonight Nicholas Kern played green one forty eight shot is good they got the die off job man 601 142 to go and love is foul this is a Shack that Larry Hughes jillian Barberie I tell you it's a minute 39 seconds the game's not over yet you know when you got some great shooters like CBC anything could happen that's a lot of time and I tell you this kid's gonna be special Larry he's jr. you can see he's a freshman and how he plays he's going to be special shot missed a shine and CBC fouls [Applause] yeah you gotta hit your free throws Keaveney that's one thing you got to do with these games these kind of games you get hit your free throws he has so many key plays DJ you go back to that big play of Kobe Clark that tip in was key they gave Vachon the lead late here and yes fourth quarter yeah you're right let me kiss Michonne was struggling trying to get over the hump trying to get on it up wind up Colby Clark getting that rebound tip their baby in and change the whole dynamic and it's fish on Wolverine team has not looked back since there's been great I mean the star the stars came out tonight folks and to build up with what it was and they play like any shot is good [Applause] ten point lead now for the Wolverines their biggest lead with 1:30 to go you've all coming missed it on the court here is Fletcher lays it in that has a good shot by Fletcher boy you can see now the shine has really taken advantage of this game P ball coming missed it and flex it a rebound tires love [Applause] [Music] I can see they still playing on that's for sure they still playing on do you got to give him credit there aren't really playing hard and you don't need the one these things wanted to lose look over on the sideline Jess in front but you see Justin Tatum he's really intense he's giving the officials uh a lot it's giving them an earful right now and see i caleb love does this I'm interpret the line 73-62 104 to go fourth quarter lead back to ten knives he makes good already get a good look at Justin Tatum there is Fletcher and it's gonna be foul as he's hit on the arm that time Larry Hughes jr. got him I tell you what man this has been a great game folk to me this score this score don't indicate how close this game was coming down the stretch it was a great emotional game you know the stars came out they played like stars stars was in the house yes he had Tatum's in the house from the Celtics yeah Larry you senior in a house former NBA star and you got us here everybody's here kappa man genuine j-bird in a house oh man this is been great so we get a break here 50 7.2 seconds ago it's 75 to 63 our score the Michelle will breeze coming back from 11 down twice to take the lead yeah and like I told you this game man always a long way to go and just like I thought you know they was able to come back and be able to take the lead because but you guys star player on his team he had great coaches great tradition of both of these programs hey you knew this game wasn't over no time soon and again a lot credit to the shine for the resiliency to come back a half time they were down by 10 that's in the third quarter they were down by nine yeah you're right and that gives you a lot of that tells you a lot about coach Tony irons and there's teams and like we talked about getting ready for playoffs that's how you get ready for playoff by playing this kind of game tough you know physical emotional games because you're in hostile environments so this is this is good for both teams all right Papi's 57.2 excuse me left to go here there is love or check that he was missed on the shot and it's a turnover cadets get it that come back and we get a file as philip russell files what i'm impressed with cam is how these teams still playing with emotion i'm beneath the excellent you got 30 seconds to go i'm is just great to see this put back up and as good as justin smith for the CBC cadets makes good on the shot it's been a great environment folks and this is something st. louis should be proud of I mean he have a a Catholic school CBC and they're playing against a st. Louis public school you have a private public and guess what it was a great great environment it was I mean it was it was worth the money it was worth the everything I mean it just it was so great to see this this is good and one thing about sports it galvanized the community it brings everybody together who may not have any relationships but you would come together cheer for your respective team I think we saw this so evident just a couple weeks ago up in Kansas City with our friends a million people to see the Chiefs Super Bowl parade yeah you're right because you know the Chiefs I mean it sports galvanized everything look where the Blues won you know when the Blues was excited liquid slew go to the tournament last year I mean everybody gets excited and that's what you do in these these kind of games that's what they do get you excited all right so Wolverines get it unbounded this is Russell facing pressure they throw it up high that's a formation Fletcher yes sir yes sir 7765 cbc back and they knock down the three and they get a timeout I'll give coach state of credit and each coach it to the end yep coach to the end yeah he's coach him to the end you got to say man this is this is this is this is wonderful this is of st. Louis leading care oh no went in to bring those two the two segments together to to be a part of something special this was great just to Tatum what a competitor he's he's still right down to the final seconds DJ he's still working the officials yeah he's talking his players and that's what she supposed to do I mean he supposed to fight for his kids and he's doing it you know Jessa Tatum is not a great job making sure that he's able to show his kids never quit because they see him quit he's going to quit don't they gonna quit you talk about Justin he came out of the phl won a state championship at Seoul damn yeah he then won won a CBC I mean this guy has won and every school he's been to [Music] you know and you got to you got to be thankful to see that I mean and I just love how he coached he coach Hardy and you Tony irons man you gotta give him credit man the tradition the pressure coming in mind your dad and still being able to win oh man that's great and win championships but can't say about coach Tony ions yeah man it's great this was great and so our final score it is the Michelle Wolverines winning it 77 to 68 over the cadets of CBC DJ we were treated for treated to just an outstanding night of basketball yeah we weren't man and I can tell you something I've really enjoyed this moment tonight it was a great environment great atmosphere it was awesome tremendous night yes tremendous as the tremendous and I get a final scores 77 to 68 and we talk about what happened in this game you got to talk about the play of Nicholas Kern who was just tremendous with the way he came on when the Wolverines got off to a slow start getting down by 11 he continued to play hard and did everything and got him right back in this ball game so what a night what a great play from the Wolverine selfish on high school and again you have to talk about Fletcher answering strong down the stretch making plays and just really great effort Kobe car-making Sumter in this place to down the stretch to get the team back in the game and to make that run again when the fourth quarter started the Wolverines trailed by nine yeah you know we you know when you talk about games like this you talk about the build-up of games like this you never know different go turned out the way you wanted to turn out and it did I mean it lived up to every expectation that we wanted you know I mean it really did and just to see how exciting the game was was awesome you know because sometimes you know we talk about great games and how it's gonna turn out and all both of these teams should and could and would guess what it turned out the way we wanted it I mean it was a great game and it was it was awesome it just it was just a great environment the fans was awesome you know the game was awesome you know I just I just truly enjoyed it it was everything we could want and hope for was tremendous night so our final score 77 to 68 here at Vachon high school which trying to see might be have some post interviews coming up it's just so many great players Nicholas Kern and a coach Tony irons and just all their fantastic play on the night yeah I mean it was man and I'm telling you when you when you talk about this game it was it was everything we thought it would be here with everything that the money to build up the expectation lived up to every moment of it I mean he played high intensity the stars playing like stars the coaches coach Lake owns the fans fans like fans oh it was all it was awesome it was awesome and you talk about K the blood with CBC everything day was built up to be and that range I mean the range was tremendous you're talking downtown uptown NBA range he showed it all DJ Kalin love is special he can shoot the ball and imagine he was shooting from almost half-court folks and I'm telling he was special but when you look at camp Fletcher he played he played within his system you know and both of the stars played well and but then you always have that one that separates you Nicholas Kern was that one who did the separation and that's all you can say is wow that's it great opportunity it was tremendous game I enjoyed it was less than minutes night a lot of fun and and again I talked about Kobe car he made a tremendous play that tip in that changed the whole complexion game of the fourth yeah because who told me carton was able to get that tip in it changed the momentum the shine finally got over the heart and got the lead you know again they had an early in the game but then they'd never had the lead and today Kobe Clark was able to tip that in and then all dynamics of the game changed so what about what a ball game all right all week you say I'm here with the victorious coach coach Tony irons coach honors how you doing man I'm good man congratulations a talk about this man this was a big game with Michonne and CBC everybody been talking about it what is your take on the game it's it's what everybody thought it was going to be two great teams two talented teams playing hard nobody want to come on and of the others echoes all right yeah nobody want to come up short basically no let me ask you this question you guys was down by 10 points going into the last quarter what did you tell your team he's got to keep our composure I think that we got a little rattled and we wanted to try to get back in the game really quick I think we cut the lead a couple times like three and four and then we'll take a shot there really really quick trying to get us back in it and it ended up leading to a run by them and they were able to get back up ten so once we settle down start stressing on offense and then start playing look tough for a rebounder this thing start going better for us Nicholas Turner oh my god he played at a unbelievable level did you ever anticipate them playing at their level yeah it's gonna game absolutely you know he works every day so he has the privilege of I don't know about the privilege but he has an opportunity to go our Kobe and cam and practice every day and you could just see his game progressing and elevated so once you you know go to war with those guys every day you know you develop confidence and then it displays itself in the game going into this game did you feel any pressure knowing that you got the number one kid him who's going to Kentucky playing against the number one kid who's going to North Carolina what was your take on that oh I mean they're good friends off the court so I just wanted to make sure that we weren't concentrating so much on it becoming you know him versus him thing and him just doing things it's gonna help us win you know what I mean you know Caleb's going to you know get his and make plays and we just want to make sure that collectively we could master talked about some of your role players who who step they gave him up coming down the backstretch hricko Bailey really really play hard and before he went out you know he's our toughness he's our soul Phil Russell did an amazing job defensively on Caleb in the second half you know just had a number guys step up Trevon love came in killing the ball make good decisions and stuff you know it was a collective effort well I want to tell you thank you man and congratulations on a great winner and precise edition of the V is keep rolling all right thank you sir it's coach Tony irons well I tell you what I enjoyed it and I look forward to it more all right we hope you enjoyed the game - coming to you presented by severe entertainment answer to mr. Johnson charitable foundation we had in the district plays an X and we're looking for more games who with severe entertainments / Demetrius and for our entire crew everybody want to say thank you to all the fans everybody here at Bouchon high school for all the support and we say good night again with the final score it was the Bashan wolverine 77 and the cadets of cbc 68 we say goodnight from Vachon
Channel: DJCFTV
Views: 13,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DJCF, Christian Brothers College, Saint Louis, Missouri, DJCF-TV, SLPS
Id: bYspBbuXebk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 30sec (6090 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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