CBC Press Conference, The Hill Question

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American people and quite frankly we expect from our leaders to be honest and to be forthright and right is right and wrong and wrong and so when you hear something as egregious and is so patently wrong you would expect Republicans Democrat and others to stand up and denounce such lunacy but there's silence their silence is deafening you expect your leaders to stand up and to tell the truth and when they find things that are wrong regardless of which party it comes from to stand up as we would as members of the Congressional Black Caucus we will not condone bad action actions we will not condone the erasing of History African-Americans in slavery today Holocaust and our friends in the Jewish Community tomorrow where will it stop and I call out for all people to stand up against this not just black people but everyone because today slavery and African Americans tomorrow perhaps you and so you asked what we expect from Kevin McCarthy and other leaders particularly those who would attempt to ascend to the highest Office of the land stand up stand against bigotry stand Against Racism stand against hate stand against xenophobias stand up for what's right not for what's politically expedient
Channel: Congressman Troy A. Carter, Sr.
Views: 69
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vbJdZP2o-u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 30sec (90 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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