CATS: | WINING THE ALL-STARS MATCH! (Crash Arena Turbo Stars)

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[Music] what is going on ladies and gentlemen welcome to the All Stars arena where today me Ryan - 2 D will be competing for the number 1 spot the number one position in the world the greatest Cavs player of all time will be decided in the all-stars match and you know who's going to be decided is number one guys do you know who's gonna fight to the top know who's not gonna back down you know Hall become the greatest get four of all time it'll be me guys and you're gonna watch today as we fight for our position we're going to do it as because I believe it I I know that we can do this I know we team come together [Music] time guys fantastic day today everyone thanks for coming out you guys are awesome I love you all let's do this guy's All Stars match let's do this so um basically we're position 327 it ends in one day in 18 hours we need to become the top we need to get to the grand final we need to become number one okay we get rewards with three rocks doesn't matter its fame and fortune is what we're after okay we need to know that we're at number one guys okay and so in order to do that we're gonna need a little bit of help I'm gonna need your guys okay we're not we have a couple of like goes if you can see in the script from the video we have like goals already set up 250 likes I'll give you guys old good old dad Rooney 250 flights nothing you guys knew that 500 likes though we get 500 likes I'll buy the $100 fame multiplier and 12,000 gems okay and we will take over the all-stars match but I'm gonna need you guys to get there start smacking that like button okay because that 500 likes we can do that alright once we do that 750 likes are your boys waddles would come out of hiding and he will join us he will join us in the trip okay as well as that in a thousand likes I will sing whatever song that you the majority decides upon but I'm gonna need you guys to be able to decide that but that's only if we get a thousand likes just don't wait you guys can get a thousand likes like that's pretty crazy but let's do this guy's let's begin our all-stars trip so let's see is there anything that we can edit can we make this thing any better than it is I kind of like this but I don't know if it's what we want it's a backpedal man and a cutter repulse I feel like neither of those are something that we want is there any of these things that we can upgrade what about the main cabin none of these we can upgrade so that's fine we can leave that alone for now but everyone thank you so much for coming out we have over 500 live viewers I like to shout out everyone that subscribed just instantly at the start of the stream because we have like broken crazy record guys worth we have gained a lot of subscribers in this past past day we've gained over a thousand subscribers in one day guys which is on one day you guys have been killing it thank you everyone for coming out and becoming new to channel I'd like to shout everyone out Thank You Bobby man yeah sure um let me I'm gonna move this closer I'm gonna move this over here so I can read this for you guys um echo Jackie Tube Noah eggs Oh Christian vlogs minecraft Nick 76 all in boys Chuck Norris Louis Cole Winston thank you to subscribe to the channels you guys are awesome I appreciate you guys let's enter let's do a normal just regular entry for now kind of give you guys a feel of what we're up against I'm pretty terrified I am not too worried about this I'm I'm pretty confident I feel like we can just beat this guy I'm not worried about this guy I feel like I always want to go up against those kind of guys yeah so I'm very happy with all that easy we already won fan base is at 30 so that's pretty much what we're up against for the most part and so we increase our fan base by fighting the people after we've fought them we then go back and see as you can see boom a tree raised in position by doing that so what's 325 we need to get to the global one position guys we are over 100 200 250 likes instantly alright here we go guys boom that's that's 250 likes already done we--let's I can done we've already done that guys let's continue on work I think she was 250 likes you guys are awesome so 500 likes guys I made it loud and clear 500 likes guys right here right here Fame multiplier I will buy this and we will go ham I say but in the meantime you know what we can do let's go to the championship because I'm pretty sure we get promoted right yeah so we already got promoted to the next stage so we can just go through and just just go for it I think we can adapt every hundred likes I like that I like that let's get a cheeseburger I'm now free Birger super box nice I know first shoot the box I'm kind of sad my golden ticket keeps getting burnt up but that's fine ultimate box that's pretty good now I'm like more serious about the ultimate box so we can do that thank you so much Ruthie I don't know I keep forgetting what that is but for the fifty I think it's something Crohn's like Danish Crohn's or something like that alright oh my gosh that guy's so tanky nevermind he just got to shotted oh my gosh that guy has so much damage I might have to change my build up a little bit but that's alright that's that's part of the plan guys but that's not what today is about okay today's the All Starz arena it's the all-stars match where we have to become the best the greatest okay let's do this guy's subscribe me coming up the stream you guys are awesome I appreciate you all all right let's do this let's do our VIP entry let's go we go until we fight until we lose guys all right active no walls zero gravity zero gravity what oh my gosh there's literally zero gravity that's insane okay so that's not a healing thing which is really good do you hear any music I don't I don't hear any music for some reason so it's like I I don't know why there's no music I'm not gonna question I might want to reroll I don't need to sing the duck song if we get enough likes only if we get enough likes if we get a thousand likes I'll gladly sing it but only then alright oh so we're in zero gravity rage now so right now that that one thing is not that good there is no music I don't know I don't know key minute the whole sub screen I'm gonna put it up in the top right there you go there we go now you guys that should be a little bit better for you guys um oh these guys look a little spicy I don't want to go up against that guy hmm I guess going up against this guy's my best bet I feel like going cuz just cuz I have more HP we do the same amount of damage since I have more HP I'm better off right I don't know I don't know why the music's off I might need to restart the game to get the music so after this we'll do that um let's do that has only let's do this thing I'd much rather wait wait there's zero gravity is he just gonna fall oh my gosh he's like going crazy what what he's gonna fly off the screen he's just what he literally just flew off of the screen this guy's what in the world is happening right now so we can just keep challenging right low gravity ravine okay I like having low gravity that's a little bit better let's pick this thing I'll always pick chainsaws I feel like the chainsaws are not that good see look the chainsaw I can barely even hit a lot of the time does not even hit me there's no music I don't know why there's no music but for some reason there's no music um let's fight this thing this I don't think the dragon breath thing is very good I feel like most of the time that's just gonna get big yeah so that's just gonna get beaten upgrade your open ports I don't have anything to upgrade my ultimate parts with that's the that's that whole thing I'm a barber right would that thing let's go if comes this thing I'm pretty I'm pretty confident that I can beat this guy's yeah there we go I need to get singing what's there's Salva no music exactly I don't know why after this I'll restart my game real fast and then and then we'll be fine so we just gotta restart this who do I want to go up against this thing ah yes I do I think I'm pretty confident that I can beat this cuz it's just gonna like look oh yeah most of the time yeah I just flipped him over there's nothing I can do there's nothing he's gonna do 400 likes boom there's another dad for you guys thank you very much for coming out of stream you guys are awesome I appreciate you we're at thank you for everyone coming out of the stream remember smash that like button if you guys are enjoying I want to beat this guy this guy is definitely done oh no I'm actually gonna lose um oh no he flipped over oh I'm so fortunate that he flipped over I wasn't paying attention I had to go up against them I would have lost I would it's not my headphone connection how many have we won we won ten in a row all right we can save and quit 1700 of these um let's fight we can keep fighting though who do I want to fight that no no no because the kid is the conveyor belt so I need to be a little bit who I could go against I'm gonna go against this guy that'll be way better I'm gonna beat this guy like this guy oh that was that was actually really close I was actually really really close that could have been really really bad oh do we have 750 likes is what models comes out all right let's quit and save let's while we're ahead let's take that yes how what place does that put us in 207 we're at 207 place now which is pretty good but not good enough for number one not good enough for number one did we just hit 500 likes take off those shades all right guys here we go you want me to take it off the shades yeah I'll take off the shades for you guys it was WOW that's everything is so much brighter now did we get a 500 likes then let me let me a view on watch page I have to pull up open up just so I can see we're at 491 lights we're almost at 500 likes guys so we're not there just yet all right I'm gonna restart the game cuz wait um now I hear music maybe there's just no music here I'm not entirely sure let's see what we just hit 500 likes guys do you guys know what that means that means that we are buying oh wait I forgot we have our sponsor box that we can still open you guys know what that means we are opening the $100 crate now you guys are insane I'm not subscribing what are you talking about okay let's do it guys we're opening up the fight the $100 box guys oh my gosh okay let's do it guys I'm doing it I'm doing it oh gosh oh I'm doing it I'm doing it guys it kind of hurts it kind of hurts but it's the light cool that I said it's processing oh my gosh favorite successful thanks for your purchase oh my gosh we just got 1200 okay ultimate box so an ice cream I don't want the ice cream blade I don't want the ice cream blade I want I don't that come on give me give me the twisting my bobber I don't want it's not what I want come on I don't want the fire engine roller come on ice cream truck I don't want that either give me the double blade the double blade is what I really need come on I mean I guess I guess that's okay but I student rec guys chickie tell me a joke Oh tell me I'm watching you see nothing me happy thank you so much robot chill for the $5 super set I'm sorry that you broke your arm I jerk let me think of a joke um when does a joke become a dad joke when it becomes apparent ha there's your joke I hope you enjoy that I hope that joke just makes it a little bit better for you but all right so that I got literally nothing of nothing that I could use I got nothing that's okay that's okay because we still got the gems and we also got the Fey multiplier here we can get some more batteries to thank you for the batteries see now we should have Louie that times 10 are you kidding me look this is literally at times 10 now so we just go we just we're just going now okay burning walls zero gravity okay I don't want to go against the rocket guy I'll go against this guy I'm pretty I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to beat this guy you literally it's at times and now what even is this game guys holy cow thank you so much we almost have 800 live viewers during this time I'd like to shout everyone out everyone who subscribe to the channel because you guys are awesome let me hear wait let me go back to the editor let me go back to the life thing I will continue wait wait let's go up against this guy alright continue so thank you now I have to like keep moving her everything around Thank You Austin blinker cringe Ben Zuckerman are rap Freddy Anya shade plays a BD 33 Fletcher is on Bob Gary green gap Gabrielle Davis and eggs oh thank you guys so much for subscribing you guys are awesome I appreciate all of you guys coming out to the stream mmm mmm this is difficult this is difficult I don't know which ones I don't know what's good here I kind of want to go up against this guy I'm gonna re-roll what is reroll do reroll for ten gems I'm gonna re-roll for Jim Jim's Oh choose to my burning laws and bumps nice okay no no I want that if it's rerolls and bumps I'm going against this guy because if there's bumps now he's not gonna be his Rockets can't hit me oh my gosh his rockets hit me oh my gosh just cuz of that I won oh that was terrifying that was actually terrifying alright there's a thousand fit our fan base is at a plus a thousand right now I don't want to go up against this guy I'd much rather go up against this guy I always want to go up against these guys we're fine we're good we're good that's all good another we're at what wet 1400 1400 fan points guys okay we have to get to that number one spot I don't know how crazy the number one spot is right 200 right now and we keep increasing pretty fast so I'm pretty happy hey under 400 sands thanks for coming out streams of course I remember you bud thanks for being awesome and coming out of the stream thank you everybody for coming out and supporting me on the stream today you guys are always amazing let's go it let's fight this guy I think that mini guns gonna be pretty much yeah I thought that that guy was just gonna flip himself oh I still was able to hit him I still was able to hit him so that's very fortunate to say the least okay let's go up against burning grounds and Peaks um I'm down with both it's just about who has more HP oh that guy oh poor dude flip them self I know guys we need to get to that number one spot and then we have but not only that we're gonna have to hold the number one spot so after this stream I'm gonna have to make sure that I hold the number one spot after we get the spot um I think I should go up against this guy just because I have more HP just cuz I have more HP than him that's the only reason the fact that I've we almost have over a thousand Life viewer thank you everyone for coming out I love you guys you guys are awesome thanks for just being a part of the part of family part of just coming out and being amazing guys it just it means the world to me it really does guys alright keep going guys number one number one All Stars player okay what time is there it's actually currently 2 p.m. where I am right now it's good sir I don't think I want to fight that guy I don't want to fight that guy I think I actually think this is the guy that we fight I don't want to fight this guy but I think that's the I think that's the place that was the play it's ghost it's close guys but luckily we keep winning so we're very fortunate right now um burning wall zero gravity ok we fight this guy this is the guy that we fight I might actually oh wait I made a terrible mistake I might lose against this guy no I lost against them that's fine we have to save that we have to save our fame I made it I made a mistake we're up to 118 in the position right now oh my gosh but it's getting close this is gonna this is where it starts getting slow like this is where it starts getting rough trying to do it I can't believe I lost that guy but that's okay is that the same guy no it's a different ravine conveyor belt to the left um we'll fight this guy we just got to keep battling where we have to just keep trying to battle I have to understand that like the 4,000 damage is gonna beat me it's like both of them okay well we have 971 people on a live stream that is insane thank you everyone for being just amazing people hey Thomas thanks for coming out hey everyone you know I'm shouting everyone out but there's still a lot of people you know who's been with us for a super long time and you guys you know mean the world to me if you guys have been subscribe to the channel for more than let's say two months have you even subscribed for more than two months just just say me and chat okay and I'll do my best to shout you guys out and so I'll do my best to shout as many of you guys have who've been subscribed for more than two months because obviously you guys have been sticking around so long I want to thank you guys as well cuz you guys are amazing guys hey gamer soccer player hey Lily man jost caramel Nolan Ryan Ricky Campbell's soups a sack Malone soccer player wob bacon gamer 777 Phillips Smith hey Sam Williams thanks for coming out of this room dude hey assassin V hey slushee note nine eight eleven thank you everyone for coming out rodeo takes for the joke um but now I've did you know right now I have a judge oh did you know that the first french fries weren't made in France they were cooked in Greece oh my gosh what a dad joke that was my good sir I know wolf I don't want to go up against that that's a lot of damage um I think I might be able to beat this guy hey Oliver Zhang hey everyone thank you guys for just being an amazing and being a part of it what those can go through I think that's a little bit ridiculous posting this like to fly through right there hey Evan awesome hey tuti I see you and Chad thank you for being amazing and being subscribed to the channel for so long okay Joe I want to I don't like these guys they always beat me like they always beat me I'd much rather go melee versus mainly because whenever I lose is normally against three oh my gosh they just yep lipped oh come on this is no no is that always lose no that's such that's such B'Elanna no I'm saving those that's six actually I probably shouldn't even done that we're we're in the top 100 now guys in top 100 in the all-stars world the wool challenge we're in we're in almost okay good we're in we're good okay so we're in the top 100 for now we can get to number one spot we will get to the number one spot so thank you everyone for coming out of the stream you guys aren't amazing I think I'll be able to go up against this guy actually I think I might have made a mistake oh no we good we good we good we good we good we good we did not make a mistake there that was that was good uh we could probably want to go up just 4,000 hm that guy might beat me he doesn't more to you does more damage so I think he might beat me I can go up against this guy though because I have more HP than him it's just a matter who gets like the first hit off I did that means I'm going to win him thank you sir appreciate it did everyone thank you so much you could not remember to like the video 700 way a little bit let's look let's look at soaked 646 likes remember everyone everyone liked the video we'd literally instantly hit our like go I might have to add more like goals because you guys are so crazy you guys are insane hey Tootie can I roast you sure soccer player if you got a good fun clean zomb optic free bean subscribe for 3 years you're insane what's the light goals 2d well guys if you look in the description of the video you guys can see what the light goals are the first one which is done Seiko and stun 750 likes waddles will come out of hiding and hang out with us on the stream oh my gosh I think I might lose this I will sing any song that the vast majority of you guys pick but you guys have to come together and be able to convey her butt to the right in the Plateau I probably want to go up against this guy then and just keep battling I don't know why but the fact that I have so much HP is like so nice oh we got flips no no yes yes I wear at 1600 fame we got to keep pushing forward guess what in the world is this what in the world so he trying to flip I don't want to fight that guy that guy might that guy will actually destroy me I don't know who I want to fight I want to fight this guy the shotgun isn't that bad honestly I should I shouldn't be like to write about that the ultimate showdown well you guys have to get a thousand likes if you guys even want to get want me to get that far you guys aren't you guys you know you tell me seven hundred wait we have web six up we are a well most that eight hundred lines all right guys well here's wattles stream labs there you can you can he's hanging out in the stream now guys he's he's coming out and chilling out with us you know having a good time let's see we've won eight of the challenges we already have 2,400 who do I want to go up against that that seems a little deadly I'll fight that I'll fight that that's 400 fame guys I'm down for the 400 thing come on whoo I almost lost that I almost lost that guy's thank you we have over 1100 alive viewers do you guys are insane I love you guys I'd like to take a quick moment a shout out everyone who's just been subscribing wait wait I wanna you guys are insane you guys are absolutely insane because why is this you guys literally a frozen the real-time subbed out for me on my channel you've literally frozen it I hope you guys feel good about yourselves oh oh oh I'm scared I'm scared I'm not scared we got this easy perfect me what is everyone saying me but I don't know what everyone's saying me about but you guys are awesome banana thank you so much for just subscribing you're awesome let's go oh wait I get that much fame for beating this guy I feel like this guy's gonna be super easy to beat yeah I feel like that guy was one of the easiest guys 450 Fame thank you sir thank you thank you thank you let's go do I want to back out now I feel like what is this case so I can his rockets that guy is a chainsaw but he has a lot of HP he'd probably beat me I feel like all these guys are gonna beat me I'm gonna save and quit all right where does this put me fifty fourth place guys we're at 54 place but the it's getting harder to get to number one it's getting harder to get to number one guys it's going slower slower and slower guys what do we have we still have three these gems left easy we can do this we just got to keep fighting guys two conveyor belts and a plateau all right let's fight this guy I will fight anyone who has this weapon I will always be something it's luck it's slower and does less damage like it's I skipped out on the last two dabs all right I got to get double dabs now here we go one dab - dad there you go there you go there's the dabs every 100 likes I dab I completely forgot guys I completely forgot who can I beat this guy I can beat this guy though and he gives me the most famous so I obviously want to go up against this guy I I at least I'm hoping so yeah I do a lot damage I don't really want to get more more of those double blades like holy cow having more of those double blades would make my life so much better if I can go I get this like upgraded this is gonna be amazing oh by Robo chills you know what thank you so much for stopping by the stream it means the world to me that you are and we always have 1200 live viewers you guys are awesome I always appreciate you guys coming out of the stream all right we're just battling guys we can do this we can we can become number one guys we are battling our way through over all right you win I keep only getting one of those dollars I don't even know what those dollars are used for burning walls ravine oh the area isn't a ravine do I want to fight I feel like oh I'm gonna I'm gonna take a risk and go after this guy I'm gonna I'm gonna take a risk no oh I barely beat that oh hey Matthew McDaniel thanks for coming out you're awesome a hundred and forty more likes I didn't say it sing the duck song I didn't say it sing the duck song but um hey Josh Burke would you have done yourself proud I've done myself proud okay I'm cool with that I guess well this is where 420 oh I'll fight this I'll fight this I'll fight that I don't like this bomb thing I don't think it's very good I don't think it's very good at all so I think that's it waddles a boy or a girl I think I'm pretty sure one is a boy I'm like 90% sure waddles is the boy I know I'm never I've never asked him before do I want to go against that I feel like I don't want to go against that but I also don't want to go against it I'm gonna quit and save so we were at 54 where does that take us 46 it's getting harder and harder to get to number 1 look rip 1,500 just to get up to 31 we need to get 5,000 so we this is getting very difficult to say the least but it's fine guys it's all part of the plan uh Universal super giant box no no no we need this like fries thank you thank you thank you appreciate it I am very glad that we have is there anything we can do to upgrade these things we don't I really want another blade we just need one more to level it up we need literally just one more blade to level it up and it's like oh come on man come on man here we can fight this guy zero gravity and bumps um let's fight this guy cause he gives me the most we always want to fight the guy that just gives us the most rain might constantly right and we got the first set officer perfect that's what my duck started a thousand likes we're at 875 likes we're pretty close guys we're pretty close to D how's your day you know my day is going fantastic thank you so much for asking sir how is your day go and hopefully you guys are having a fantastic day today I don't I'm having a pretty gosh-darn good day guys do it can I beat that I don't want to fight that that scares me I think I can beat this guy though where is he where he go where are you going come back she's dead the other guys just gone he's literally gone he just flew out to outer space never to be seen again this way well I don't know I don't know that guys make a stream at 1,250 likes you guys are madmen you guys are actually oh you have built oh I missed thank you so much for just you know these past few weeks have been awesome and you guys like you guys have we've we've been growing a ton over the past few weeks and just like it's insane and I really want to thank you guys the bottle my heart for coming out of the stream you guys are amazing clickbait what do you mean clickbait baby what going to the top where we cover the world's greatest calf layer we're going to the number-one position okay we're literally going to become number one this like this out of all of my cat streams I think is the least of the clickbait least of the clickbait mm-hmm check the wheels you got they might have more HP that's true I could but I don't know I there's just something about the wheels that I have that I really like I don't know you will see what will happen and all-stars what if I make more ultimate cars all right here we go guys yours I'm gonna do a double dab so on the scissors dab guys it's ways that guy again I don't want to find him I feel like I'd lose if I try to fight that guy like that guy's an animal but I I'm gonna find him I'm gonna lose like I'm literally gonna lose ah where are you going too bad friend no his zero the zero cavity yet the zero gravity gets him every time okay let's um I feel like I can I feel like it was a mistake trying to beat that guy wait no there's ook Joe that weapons worthless in zero gravity that weapon is literally worthless in zero gravity that's oh my gosh that's insane that's little old that I didn't even think about that in zero gravity those things are actually worthless I never even thought about that let's fight this guy oh he hooked on oh my gosh we're like dancing oh no no I'm going after him I'm going after him guys here I come yeah buddy is ridiculous like gravity is actually super ridiculous I'm not even gonna question what's happening I love zero gravity I need to I need to utilize zero gravity more often I think zero gravity is just hilarious to play with right I like zero gravity is just so fun come on there we go thank you thank you thank you I appreciate it okay and is there anything else in zero gravity I don't want to go against a guy I'll probably beat me that guy will definitely beat me um I might be able to beat this guy but I don't think so I'm pretty sure I'd lose to this guy I'm pretty sure I'll lose to this guy I'm just gonna quit and say for now yeah what's I'm just gonna quit and say for now thank you we're in rip 34 fan from three years love you and Jerome keep it up David Cameron real oh thank you so much for the superjet and being amazing I love you look at all that you see all those they could have once that's from me baby oh we're almost look we can almost see the number one spot we can almost taste it we can almost feel it guys I feel that my bones we're almost there what is this twenty-seven oh that's just okay and we also have 1,300 live viewers thank you everyone I love you oh let's let's take a quick moment I'd like to shout everyone out who's just subscribed recently because you guys are killing the game I thank you so much all right let's see how much I can do in one breath the champ Terrence potato Josh Kelly Liam winter zette Polanco s Moe V lion doer Dre the player of doom to snowy tiger Lamas of the attack muster air Alex disorder max Abby nickname meta skitty's plays TST vlogger Graham Baker the pocket one two three four vlad banana white tea awesome Laker cringe thank you everyone for coming out and subscribe to the stream you guys are amazing I love all of you guys alright oh I have these things well is there anything that I can do that makes ultimate parts better is there anything for ultimate I highly doubt that there is but it might be worth a shot oh no there's not alright that's fine that's fine that doesn't bother me alright back to no no let's look let's look that so what is that get back ups mm that gives 3000 let's look at our wheels so let's upgrade what's up great so that gives 3000 so that gives a little bit more HP but I kind of like those tires marm well let's see let's see anything else do these are all like super tiny tires and I really don't want any of these tires so I don't want any of that I mean we could what is how much is upgrading they're like barely nothing so I want to upgrade that but I can't I want to upgrade that what do we have for secondary things I mean we could I mean that gives us so it gives us a little bit more breathing room with HP if we put that there but I kind of like having that yeah I'd rather just chill out with what we have it's working for us right like that's the thing it's it's literally grapple with the weapon because it's worthless well no it has to be gravel like it has to be a graphic I know it's worthless an antigravity but there's a lot of times no this is a backwards rocket so that pushes me backwards which is the last thing that I want I want to go for it and especially I don't want anything that propels me because if we fight in a zero gravity I literally just get shot off screen and lose like that's just what happens low gravity two conveyors side by side we're fighting this guy we will I will always fight people of a similar caliber because I just like a guaranteed win right it's pretty much a guarantee that's kind of what I really want a battle right same and that gives me the most sign me up because this this is where my conveyor belt like really shines right it connects on to them and normally it pulls them up and allows me to just get under a meadow yes am i let's do the straw poll thing can you set one up possibly guys for a thousand likes what song do you guys want to see I hear me sing just type in the chat right now what song you guys want me to sing at 1,000 likes I'll do my best to sing I mean you guys are about 2,000 like you guys are insane okay I have a really bad singer so that's gonna be hilarious why this is the same build as actually less HP but I get more for fighting him you okay hello buddy the muffin song duck song rap god oh my god the muffin song ultimate showdown I'm stressed out oh my gosh alright so Sam put on stress the duck song the ultimate showdown and then what else what else what else what else let it go I like to let it go oh my gosh you guys why do you guys want to get the duck song so badly you guys are crazy and somebody says potato the coconut song yeah and the coconut saying yeah we have the coconut song we could do that too let's fight this guy wherever yet a bonus mm you guys we're almost in the next tier guys we're almost in the winner's bracket we're like close to the winner's bracket I want to see who's in number one position I don't want to see who's sitting on my throne without my permission uh let's fight this guy cuz he's gonna give us a lot of money and he's just gonna flip over like I love just flipping them over like that and just dump stirring him it feels so good the final baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo doo baby shark doo doo doo doo can I fight that guy I think I can fight this guy it's risk that's for risky actually that's risky fighting him it not risky fighting this guy though well maybe it is risky fighting this guy oh no no no it's fine that's fine so yeah once there's gonna be there'll be a strawpoll Sam's making one now because Sam's amazing he's a beautiful individual burning walls low gravity okay so we don't want the burning walls uh let's take this guy on this guy will be pretty easy I wonder if we can get to the beam just push him in there we go that's gonna be once I was seven years old my mama taught me Gump obviously I'm gonna fight this guy he has less HP a worse build and we get like nearly 500 fame like this is gonna rank us up like two times winning this fight along alone winning that fight so that's gonna be that's we're gonna be fine and we also we have 1,300 live viewers right now do you guys you guys are just amazing you guys are literally just amazing people we have we're at 3600 right now we saw though I like I said we saw though we this is the same bill we literally have the same build but my car was just a little bit better just a little bit better a little bit better what just happened it's Sam just um all good what did Sam did you discord you discord me all good question Mike um did you just give me the link you didn't describe me a link you just said all good I don't know what you mean by that I know I can make more tanks but I don't know what that means all right let's um do I keep battling like a madman oh my god 544 fighting this bozo heck yeah I will 540 this guy's gonna just okay um ABCs backwards that's perfect Sam just put it in put it in the scripture if you don't mind and then right here we go all right guys do we back out now do we back out now no we don't back out we do not retreat we fight let's do this yes all right guys the straw poll go to the straw poll right now guys and vote on what song you guys want me to sing because we're I passed a thousand live you like a thousand likes so now I get to sing for you guys I'm gonna save and quit for the five thousand five thousand Fame guys alright where are we we're in 19th place guys can I see number one who's number one oh my god I'm at what am i at what am I at right now guys I'm at only 24,000 this guy is at a hundred and twenty-nine thousand this guy is gonna be insane trying to beat him though but we're gonna do it guys we will become number one this is gonna become quite a grind guys we're at 24,000 so that means all the work we've just done we need to like triple it okay because this guy he's going down okay Liz little bit what is this what is this I'm in one two three four I'm in the fourth winner's bracket right now what do we get for winning we get 250 five magic crates what is this what is this eleven what it what it no no we're not gonna just stand by we need number one I need we need to prove to the world that we are the greatest at this game guys and we will fight for that we will fight for that right we will fight to do that alrighty two conveyors ravine I don't want to fight that guy that guy's scary I don't want to fight any of these guys actually I'll fight this guy this guy's be fun ok let's take a look at the salt well I'll tell you look at the straw poll after in just a second to seeing what song we're gonna all right I'm gonna actually look at this truffle now because I'm really curious ah what are the results the duck song of course it's the duck song why why the duck song oh the votes are still coming in the votes are still on their way so I'm gonna wait on those guys so as soon as you guys voting will close in just a couple of minutes but the duck song is currently in the lead you guys are very strange people you know I love you guys I really do but you guys are very weird you guys are very weird oh my gosh um just made this guy so a hundred thousand so basically I get a thousand so I get a thousand for every one fight I do so that means for a hundred thousand I need to have two hundred fights so basically I need to kill not kill but you know what I mean two hundred and fifty people two hundred and fifty guys we're on our way to victory like we are on our way to glory to fame the duck song what is wrong with you people you guys are you guys are all animals alright let me pull up the lyrics for the duck song just so I don't mess it up okay alright duck song lyrics alright so question number one do you guys want me to use my voice changer do you got do you guys want it to be like you know like I got walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand or do you guys want me to just sing it normally what what do you guys want let me know so with voice changer or no no voice changers whatever you guys want honestly this guy I think I can fight this guy yes everybody's saying yes okay everyone saying yes oh I know I might lose to this guy oh my purse push them off all right everyone's saying yes okay let's do this then you guys asked for this welcome to to reaso talks song version let's do this let me um I don't know exactly what this sounds like so I'm gonna I honestly don't know what this sounds like guys so we're just gonna purchase you to play it anyways I'm just I don't know what I sound like so I'm just gonna roll with this guys okay um I'll be good fight this guy it looks like it hey I just what bom-bom-bom got any grapes the man said no we just sell lemonade but it's cold and it's fresh and it's all homemade can I get you a glass and the text said I'll pass and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle until the very next day BOM pom pom pom thought of um I like walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man roaming the stands hey bump bump bump got any grapes the man said no like I said yesterday all we sell is lemonade okay why not give it a try and the duck said goodbye and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle until the very next day bump bump bump bottom um I doc walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man one in the stand hey Bom Bom Bom got any grapes the man said look this is getting old I mean lemonade's all we've ever sold why not give it a go how about no anyway one waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle until the very next day bum bum bum bada bum when the duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand hey bum bum bum got new face the man said that's it they don't stay away doc i blue to a tree leave you there all day stuck so don't kick clothes and the duck said adios and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle until the very next day bum bum bum bum [Music] understand hey Bom daddy glue the man said no why would I oh I have one more question for you daddy grits bump bump bump bump bump bump and then the man stopped he started to smile he started to laugh and then he laughed for a while he said come on duck let's go to the store I'll buy you some grapes so you don't have to ask anymore so they walked to the store and the man bought some grapes they gave one of the duck and the duck says hmm no thanks but you know it sounds good you would make my day do you think this storm do you think this store do you think this store has got any lemonade and then he and then he yeah I hope you guys I hope you guys enjoyed that okay I hope you guys enjoyed my song that I did for you guys okay but I put a lot of heart and effort into it so so I hope that you guys you guys seem to enjoy that thank you guys for coming out of the stream we almost have 1500 live viewers which is insane is mind-blowing like it's literally mind boggling that you guys are coming out and watching the screen today like are you awesome for a plane ticket go to the America thank you thank you for the fat so I can go on the American Idol you know do you guys think I have yes we have a chance to go to American Idol with that you think you think they'd accept that do you guys think that I just really have a chance with American Idol it's always been my dream to be a singer you know I think I have real talent thank you guys mm likely to do the floors how about no how about hey thank you so much for the great donation get it get it guys instead of a great donation thanks for the great donation Wow okay I'm sorry guys I'm sorry I think it's so happy do I want to fight this guy that guy's scary I don't want to fight that guy he's too scary guys well Charles I'm sorry you're bleeding we always have 1500 my viewers what 2,000 likes 2,000 abs Sam how often no how about I don't do 2,000 abs I think that's a way better option in my or I almost flipped over I literally almost lost there I need to I kind of want to back out but I guess there's like no man I just go until I like oh this guy is an upgraded blade I'm gonna lose I'm literally gonna lose to him oh I didn't lose to him yeah like I really really want that upgraded blade I will always fight this guy what is that wait what is that what yo that freezes me that thing is Oh P that is old P what I'm not a 1.5 likes equals on now [Music] oh my god you guys are gonna be like so I can't I can't talk that fast wait I want to see oh my gosh that sounds ridiculous guys that sounds actually ridiculous that's so high pitch that's like so crazy oh can I beat this guys oh my gosh that wait what what we literally just ran over it oh oh oh my gosh cuz I what how did I win that I have no idea how I just win that I literally you know alphabet aerobics yeah I know alphabet aerobics I can sing out for better rubbage from heart okay um alright that guy has a skull on the front of his boat I don't want to find a guy in as a skull that's scary that's like really scary 13th I'm in ninth place guys ninth place where are the haters now where where is everybody that was saying that I couldn't get this far where are they now huh saying this is clickbait we're on the rise baby we're going to the number one top number one spot global guys we need we need some inspirational music here we need some like yeah I mean I'll probably lose to that wait hills and pit I'm probably gonna lose this guy okay where's III know I'm still number one I'm not one humble one yet I understand that but I'm working on it guys all right and you guys believed in me and that's what's most important guys the rocky theme mom I want to keep my youtube channel I don't want to get Sam from YouTube okay I need I need let's look up some inspirational music that yeah we can play here away I need um you know one second guys I need to turn down sounds wait Anna open volume mixer whole second I need to lower the sound of Chrome there we go just a little bit guys we need some inspirational epic music let's do this let's do cinematic dub set the intro let's do this there we go for number one spot guys number one spot let's go we can do this we can do this guy's I believe in us okay we have it's the eye of the tiger it's the fight of a nice risin up to the challenge of our rivals rise it up alright now I'm not I'm not singing eye of the tiger I will not sing right of the tiger I don't you guys want me to sing out of the tire but I I will not sing I the tire wait is this the oh never mind I thought that was like the wind make more tanks what's the point of more tanks like what's I don't know if we wanna if we want more tanks guys you know I don't know if that's what we like really really one guys okay sing it oh my gosh I I tell you what if we get the 1,500 lights there we go now I lowered it it was getting too loud for me even I look what's it we're dynamite listen listen to this this sounds like some like a banger song No thank you so much with a new member your awesome fire versus water whitey I love you you're awesome what's this this seems pretty let's we need some inspirational music guys I need to be inspired I need to become the best and I can only do that oh this guy this guy looks like pretty easy I know the song's called dynamite is it cause I'm I'm not sure oh I almost lost that that was it's pretty cool try to complete 20 get a 20 win a road yeah you're right you're right right let's let's win 20 in a row what is that guy that guy's and a madman I'm not finding that lets go against this guy twenty in a row alright let's do [Music] everything we can for now what suspense let's see reaching for dreams this seems inspirational guys where it's still ninth place this seems pretty inspirational I like this is not a bad song zero gravity yo I'm gonna fight this guy no no I'm gonna fight this guy guys this is all this music garbage music I was I was just leaving this guy he look look look he's just flying away oh oh oh oh this is bad but no we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine I was a little bit a little bit scared the duck song - you guys want me to say duck song - at 1500 likes you guys are you guys are animals you guys are saying you guys are absolute animals because I'm TNT dynomite I know what likes are we had one point two thousand likes like I said 1500 lights I'm not I'm not I'm not a madman okay oh the zero gravity I feel like I want to fight I will fight this guy I'm down to fight this guy uh-oh I actually think I might have made a terrible mistake why don't I just have a backflip no if I come back in with us later that was embarrassing I'm not even gonna it's not even worth it at that point um I'm still in ninth place guys we have a long ways to go we have a long ways to go as as a team guys for us to be able to do this but we will win this all-star champion okay I know we're I mean this is the wool challenge right I don't know if that means we're in the wool vague but we we have to fight we can do it guys okay we can do it I believe zero gravity so if we're in zero gravity you want to fight people that have um hills and a pit was that that's double rocket that guy's actually gonna be the easiest to beat in my opinion cuz he has like a double rocket I wonder what that likes yeah he does like it does like barely any damage so I'm happy I believe you need that blade thank you thank you for the kind words of encouragement I appreciate it man means the world to me you know that I have blade out here supporting me we can do it blade we can become number one okay I don't know I'm at ninth place now after an hour of fighting we got some knives we've jumped up what like 300 something crazy like that guys like it's been it's been a crazy it's been crazy crazy crazy um I'm waiting for let's see I can be let's fight this guy I'm a little concerned because that guy has this healing thing honestly I like that we doing things how long does he heal for that's redonkulous 45 I think you guys keep breaking this sub count I like the real-time sub camp because you guys are just like so awesome you guys are so awesome yeah it's literally broken it won't load anymore it literally refuses to load the page is unresponsive this make more machines I don't know if I should like what is the point of making more machines multiple conveyor belts or no walls ah let's fight this guy it's literally the same thing except I just get more we've almost we are so close in one day one day we have past 1000 subscribers in a single day guys in a single day you guys are insane thank you so much for the support guys supporting me and just being amazing like it honestly is amazing upgrading my machine I can't up get machine that's what makes me like that so then literally there's nothing I can do to update my team there's nothing like I could try to win like some tournaments to upgrade it but like I still have the same machine as like last the last time I tried to go up against everything I mean and that's working right like I'm not I don't need to upgrade my machines cuz I'm still winning that was close that was uncomfortably close that's fine um zero gravity nice so we're I mean we're on zero gravity we just gotta keep keep battling it out you know keep doing our thing but if you die you can swap yo what is that true you know that was close I must become I'm doing it for you guys like we've won ten in a row can we get to is the way we're zero-gravity oh I think this guy's my best bet I'm if that guy if that rocket had hit me I know I still would have lived I still would've lived but I feel like if that rocket could have hit me that could have been really bad zero gravity that guy's got a gosh-dang spaceship you look that's a spaceship you guys you guys can't tell me that's not a spaceship this guy's literally I'm gonna hit start he's just gonna fly off into the sky look look there he goes there he goes bye bye dude bye bye bye it's literally a spaceship that guy's literally a spaceship I don't even know what's going on here okay you know that's a shark what that's insane here's ten thousand damage I'm not battling that this is getting a little bit scarier guys this is starting to get a little bit scary do I go this guy's work 540 this is gonna be close come on come on don't yes yes we're doing it guys 20 wins in a row uh Peaks to conveyor belts um I don't know if I could beat any of these guys I might be able to beat this guy but it's gonna be close I don't think I can I can try that guy I definitely can't that can't beat that guy I can't beat that guy so I have to beat this guy come on come on come on come on come on come on I got him I got it my god that was close that was close amigo gave me yeah this is a live stream this is this is not a video this is indeed a live stream sir thanks for coming out and being a part of it you know these guys are starting to become deadly like this is starting to become crazy deadly how they expect me to beat this this is starting to get like nasty difficult yeah I got flipped over that stinks that's fine I have to save 160 gems oof that hurts six place guys six place but we're not even we're still we need a hundred thousand more points to be able to get where we want to get guys a hundred thousand more points that is brutal now we have to get that far guys absolutely brutal but we can do it all so I want to do it quick I'd really like to jump to top shout everyone who's just subscribe to the channel because you guys are amazing here wait yeah let's wait so what happens let's exit let's say I want to see what happens let's make let's make some more of these cuz we have a couple of them so let's make another one I do I have something that can have two weapons Oh what fuse with any weapon to boost his attack 10% for 12 hours yes yes 350 bonus attack damage or just a little bit I'll take it alright let's make another let's make another thing so we want this bad boy that I'm down with that I'm down with this thing okay we want all right so wheels um we could do do we have ranged yeah so let's upgraded this thing what these are 15 each oh so so so okay so that will go there and then do we want I could put the rocket there or I could put that there I'm more comfortable having that there but that literally just leaves us no room for any of these things which is a little unfortunate I'm not too upset though okay so we want we're gonna put that wheel like that and then let's put a little beat a little little baby roller just a tiny baby roller alright so there's one and we can make one more um that's 20 20 20 20 um I kind of like that honestly no those flip too easily I think this flip away too easily and we just passed an hour on the stream thank you everyone for coming in you guys are awesome okay let's see let's see I don't like that not a fan of that I'm not really a fan of any of these I could we this could be upgraded though oh these can be upgraded we'll just do this hey avatar thanks for coming out dude I appreciate you all right for oh we literally don't have much we do not have much of a choice we can put a chainsaw on this bad boy though and then four wheels we probably want pretty pretty big wheels like that and then for the other thing we probably I mean we'll just add not oh we're literally max power okay well let's see what happens now so we have all of these what happens if we go into it so a low-gravity conveyer belt so do i pick which one I want to use no I do not that's okay so we going up against this I mean they're all worth the same so might as well go against the guy that has the least amount of HP and then just make a cat car oh wait what so it picks a random one to go up against them why does it pick a random one interesting maybe I don't want oh oh I had it on three I don't want it on three 2d if everyone shares livestream with someone we get to keep you errs yet you know what I tell you what guys if all of you guys right now share the stream and we get to 2,000 live viewers so only if all of you guys right now share the stream and we get to 2,000 live viewers I will sing another song I will sing the eye of the tiger okay my best attempt to sing eye of the tiger which is probably gonna be really bad but I will do my best to sing it uh can we battle we can battle this guy continued and then we have to choose this thing there we go hope we both just like walk onto each other i oh i think i only won that cuz i got the damaged thing but one sec going to discard blades just going for it he's like you please gotta see this rising up to the challenge of a rival oh I really really don't want to have to say this why oh no I did the wrong thing I'm gonna lose now oh that was so close that was I just I keep doing the wrong thing I keep literally doing the wrong thing which is not good burning walls and bumps okay um let's fight this guy and I have to make sure to do the one thing I have to make sure to do the one thing all right guys it's on a knee you got pushed into the burning wall as well so that's that's pretty easy sings stretched out I wish that's a better wait I wish I had some better sounds no one's ever heard I wish I didn't have to rhyme every time I sang yes I mean that's a pretty banger son pretty bang a pretty big I want to default have it on one like that's what I want we're almost forgetting rows at 1600 live viewers now you guys are actually doing this why are you why are you guys crazy I don't know I love you guys I love you guys with a burning passion you guys are amazing alright let's fight this guy let's just keep fighting I want to get to that to that oh no I messed up oh it's all over it's all over how did I win that I have to I have to make sure I would sing rap God but it says too many is too many bad words in it and so that's why I don't want to sing it continue okay and we'll go back to work agent we're gauging it I mean I kind of want to just become low gravity to conveyor belts I kind of want to fight this guy okay no I have to save these I have to get rid of everything fifth place guys we're in fifth place we're almost in the high tier reward almost we're getting there we're getting there okay I'm getting rid of these things I'm literally just gonna get rid of these these two cars I don't want them they're just they're making me lose okay they're terrifying me okay there I don't I don't I don't want this in my life okay guys I don't need it alright let's fire them let's do this guy's you're awesome really we really don't you guys don't need to don't need to hear me saying that right you like it's you know it doesn't need to happen let's fight this guy that's worth the same amount so you know there's no reason to not fight them same time sick you guys are all redonkulous you guys are in oculus but it's all good I'd like to shout out everyone who's just recently now subscribed because you guys we have a couple of new people coming in thank you so much for silent killer David your boy legendary hot dogs Ricky Bonner Zell Dodd kill all Kurt Dale want to become comments or AJ and raise Andre ever die no matter production singer Michael Darren thank you everyone for subscribing to the stream love you all cuz her awesome who we do we go up against we go up against this guy cuz he's all that's that's a that's a rough that's a tough cookie to crack I don't want to fight that guy I'll actually lose if I fight this guy I can beat this guy though you know watermelon on my head was that guy almost killing us that guys gets gonna fall out of the he's just fell out of the screen he literally just fell off the side I don't know what that guy's up to but he's that guy's that guy's no walls hills in a pit alright we'll take on this guy no walls hills it's really good against this guy I actually know all of those just why did I think that I almost lost that I almost lost that really really really bad alright let's go hey Jordan for subscribing dude you're awesome oh my gosh that thing got him killed I mean it didn't get him killed but it didn't help him why are you reading this you know that's a really good question Salkin it's a very good very very very good question that I do not have the answer to we're gonna do this guys I really want to see if I can win 20 in a row but I highly doubt it cuz the competitors it's so difficult later in like they get so crazy difficult once you get 10 wins in a row and they just destroy you like they literally just annihilate you like oh geez oh man that's not what we want at all how we doing how are we to in Chief's can we get this burning wall zero-gravity I'll always go against these guys and I'm gonna going I have to I have to we have to play it risky we have to play it risky sometimes guys sometimes sometimes playing a risky pays off sometimes play and risky pays off guys and that's just like what we like to see okay sometimes playing risk oh that's a little that's a little risky that's all this is risky see this is risky sometimes is what you got to do again sometimes you got to be risky I'm using BlueStacks right now with my current emulator oh my gosh were flying in the air come on come on oh no I think I'm closer no no no I'm closer no that's so unfortunate I would have beaten that guy that stinks that really stinks I still haven't beaten that guy he's like 1,000 ahead of me so I gotta get there and then it goes up to 84 thousand which is gonna be insane we're gonna get to the number one spot guys but I think that's gonna end off this stream guys thank you so much for coming out the stream in my free time because this still lasts for another day we'll pick this up tomorrow guys we will continue doing this tomorrow guys it's going to happen we're gonna go into the all-stars match and do a mega stream tomorrow and I'm talking a mega stream tomorrow at like 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time we're we just playing to we're number one guys it's gonna happen we'll do it tomorrow we can do this guy's I love you all and I'll see you guys tomorrow for an amazing amazing mega stream before we go though I want to show everyone I was just subscribed thank you so much yeah and a chance Riley Zhen sue mic MX Pro plays Sam rap Shawn quake famous gamer one two three AJ Ernie Park you're amazing I love you all and I'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome streams bye everybody
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 261,746
Rating: 4.8991518 out of 5
Keywords: Tewtiy, Tewiy, JeromeASF, Jerome, Gaming, Games, Child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly, funny, mobile, pc, livestream, livestreams, gaming livestreams, Live, Cats, Crash Arena Turbo Stars, Cancel Save changes CATS: | WINING THE ALL-STARS MATCH! (Crash Arena Turbo Stars), CATS: Crash Arena Turbo Stars
Id: zx8IP7DfrpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 48sec (4128 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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