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hey adora how's it hanging hey adora hey adora hey adora hey adora hey dora hey adora hey adora hey adora hello adora hey adora hey adora hey adora oh hey princess how are you such a nightmare yeah years of practice are you kidding that is awesome we're gonna see the world and conquer it adora i need to blow something up how did you get your claws on this they sent it to me i'm a princess you're a it's princess so cute it's not cute man that's what i call living yeah i'm really gonna need you to shut up fools i won't let you destroy my [Music] oh we have to do that let's be honest all of this is your fault i'm going to take you home this might be the quickest i've ever won a fight always so dramatic with you isn't it adorable you should have seen your face you were like oh no betrayal i wonder which of your friends i'll have you annihilate first what's up with you you're being spookier than usual what about you me all i do is hurt people there's no one left in the entire universe who cares about me some sort of mineral growth it's eating away at the spire you have an arrow that turns into a magnifying glass i can't believe we were losing to you guys this is what you left me for dress-up games and a light show anyway what are you doing out here where are your new best friends i thought you guys did everything together oh my friends you mean the ones you kidnapped and held for ransom the ones you let shadow weaver imprison and curse yeah obviously what other friends would i be talking about why did i get the water princess you even taste like glitter what are you looking at get back to doing both things you're such an idiot you're such an idiot get away from her no don't i'm sorry i got angry it's something i'm working on oh you are yes now can you please [Music] yes i am scorpio and it's me look about everything that happened i'm really glad i'm going to kill your friends tired already i thought punching was supposed to be like the one thing you're good at at least i finally found a way to shut you up are you okay do you need first aid do you need to be nurse tenderly back to health scorpio remember that little talk we had about personal space oh right 10 foot radius [Music] hordak is part of a gigantic evil army from another world never a dull moment with you i told you it's not because i like you this is not because i like you not because i like you we play tricks on kyle stay up all night whispering about you know whatever [Music] [Laughter] what did you expect after all us aetherians are so very emotional maybe my plan won't work but then again [Music] maybe it already has at least out here we don't have to worry about catcher showing up and yelling at where are you that went so much better than i could have ever hoped looks like you're mine now adora i didn't do anything all i did was exist near her and scratch her on the eyeball and call her a dumb face ketra what she has a dumb face is that a mouse what where are you ever going to not fall for that i don't know are you ever going to let it go that was one time adoration shadow weaver okay not me oh dora doesn't want me not like i want her [Music] well it's different than i remember it and i may have had a small disagreement before we were taken by horde shadow weaver is freaking out it'd be funny if she weren't such a terrible person when did you get to choose what do you want adora you dumb outsider are you kidding i'm just getting started we are going to open a portal and we are going to crush them all what there there was a sword it was right here i tried to touch it but it got really bright are you brain damaged don't be brain damaged oh shadow weaver's gonna kill me i'm not brain damaged it was here a town that hates princesses should i buy property here is what i would have said before i joined you go team what are you doing i want to do that one good thing in my life like you said so come with me whatever we need a door there's your door you're welcome big talk for such a little hey do you even know how to use a whip it can't be hard if this guy figured it out uh i said i think it's all in the wrist you know like crack whip no i'm not gonna say whip when i use the whip no one does that why did you just do to me duh i'm going to need you to try again but this time talk like a normal person scorpio seems like she understands scorpio is drawing stick figures holding hands we're not really going through that are we well trapped us says this is the way so let's go seriously how have you guys stayed alive this long that's a lot of damage it must have been printed on you it trusts you well it shouldn't why is everything with you guys so weird [Music] so here's the thing i've done this the whole threatening people bit the intimidation i've been there and i just don't care anymore some people have a bad day i've had a bad life if i want something it's taken from me if i want to fight i lose the war rats only work on someone who has something to lose but me i've already lost it all and you can't be any good at this because you just let yourself get distracted so what'll it be [Music] oh that's your sneeze what it's just so cute it's a normal sneeze [Music] i can't believe the whole time you were trying to kill us you had the cutest sneeze of all time i am not cute oh [Music] hey horada what are we messing with adora petra do you have to sit right there what i'm not doing anything adora concentrate yeah dora concentrate you can do it you want to be next come on can't try i'll never say sorry to anybody ever but you have already hurt me primus set me free of that pain the pain that you caused he will set us all free forever obviously of course i'm going with you dummy if you are still so selfish to try and stop enough this isn't about you and your messed up power trip anymore i don't care i won't let you win i'd rather see the whole world end than let that happen oh you know nothing's too low for me you look out for me and i look out for you nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other getting held hostage is so much work what oh what did you do i did nothing scorpio lonnie and kyle on the other hand were very busy it was fun distracting you though why am i surprised at this [Applause] [Music] pretty fancy accommodations huh well for a prisoner that is how's it going princess okay we get it princesses are easy to take down you and your files don't have anything on real threats like me pretty cool trick huh just let me brush it no let her touch me she's gonna torture me do you always have to be this dramatic what are you waiting for you gonna play me a song on that thing just listen adora i'm sorry for everything are you still getting the flashes yes i keep having this horrible vision of a blonde girl who thinks she's better than everyone barging into my room all day oh wait adora wait [Music] please [Music] stay it helps having someone to talk to even if you're the last person i'd ever want to be stuck here with trust me sparkles feeling is mutual [Music] she stole my food and then asked me to spy on people with her is this what love feels like oh man i thought everyone knew i mean it's covered in force captain orientation i'm beginning to think i shouldn't have skipped that oh that is so classy focus took you long enough to show up i wonder what i could have been if i'd gotten rid of you sooner so just to make sure i get it we're going to go running through a ward blockade while relying on the magic of a creature we just met that about sums it up yes but i'm sure around here you're considered very scary yeah it is [Music] stop it right now or i take it all back i'm not saying anything [Music] uh adora catra they let me drive a tank can you believe it did you just jump into fire for me what no shut up it's time for you to officially meet everyone you sure sure [Music] show me shira again oh cheer up looks like we're both alone sparkles [Music] you have never given up on anything in your no no i cooked you i'm not letting go don't you get it i love you i always have so please just be quiet [Music] it's over he's gone good riddance you coming
Channel: DerpyPig44
Views: 1,532,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OrOqsbT05uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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