Catra and Adora moments (request) part 1

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anyone seen Katra mm-hmm hey Ghidorah how's it hanging contra oh you know nothing's too low for me no come on hey you should've seen your face you were like ah no betrayal childish immature way you've been promoted button it's not a big deal are you kidding I'm gonna see the world and conquer it adora I need to blow something up um what I was hoping you could be I don't know happy for me uh whatever it's not like I even care I just want to get out of this dump at some point before I die of boredom every horde squadron they've sent in there has never come out again let's go in wait what hey fedora what what happened you fell out of the skiff after you drove it into a tree no you drove it into a tree for debate come on let's go we you brain-damaged don't be brain-damaged Oh shuttle Weaver's gonna kill me not brain damage - come on let's go what is wrong with you you've been acting weird since we got back are you sure you're not brain image tank can you believe it tetra I know I don't understand what are you doing here duh we came to find you cover for me Katra no one will even know I'm gone seriously did you just immediately get captured right after you snuck out or what are you wearing these aren't insurgents they're innocent people yeah sure innocent people who kidnapped a horde officer come on let's get you back to the brake zone shadow Weaver is freaking out it'd be funny if she weren't such a terrible person been lying to us manipulating us Hordak shadowy for all of them dogged the two of us look out for each other and soon we'll be the ones calling the shots now come on can we go home already come with me you don't have to go back there we can fix this oh man that was a lot stronger than I thought are you okay Wow you know the tiara actually gets stupider the more I look at it easy to escape the Horde I mean I always knew you were kind of dumb but come on check it out looks like with you gone I got your promotion congratulations dress-up games and a light show and your new best friends are nowhere to be seen when did you get so weak rules which I personally have the utmost respect for really adora I'm shocked we're not breaking any rules didn't you read the invite princess bra our gym you're right this is a much better vantage point for my observations hiya Dora have you met my new assistant she brought snacks she stole my food and then asked me to spy on people with her is this what love feels like but I am having a blast whatever it is you're planning it won't work you sure maybe my plan won't work but then again say where's your friend though Katra what did you do I did nothing Scorpio Lonnie and Kyle on the other hand were very busy it was fun distracting you though this isn't a game people are gonna get hurt it's never been a game to me I'm after something bigger and no one is going to stop me [Music] this is not because I like you heya Dora [Music] so and as long as I'm protecting you they'll see me as a threat to a good thing I didn't ask you to protect me what you know okay why are you were here anyway I mean how did you even find this place it sent up a beam of light a mile high it wasn't hard why are you looking at me like that wait no no I knew you'd be weird about me letting you escape I told you it's not because I like you I mean I didn't I didn't say anything where are your new best friends I thought you guys did everything together oh my friends you mean the ones you kidnapped and held for ransom the ones you let shadow Weaver imprison and curse yeah obviously what other friends would I be talking about eternia yeah long story kind of game are you playing whoa whoa I have no idea what's going on there's no way we can actually be in the fright zone so what is this another shadow Weaver mind trick I doubt it now let go of me Katra hey adora there's but the fact what's that hey with me Jesus Christ they're gremlin No whatever just no one feed that thing after midnight
Channel: Dead like Dani
Views: 627,112
Rating: 4.9698143 out of 5
Keywords: shera, catra, adora, catra and adora, shera moments, part 1, catra and adora moments, season 1, catradora, shera 2018
Id: 93vACoxBNXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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