CatNap x CraftyCorn's TRUE Origin Nightmare | Poppy Playtime Chapter 3┃Comic Dub

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none of you can understand me you were together from the beginning Al I and to survive alone bigger bodies initiative smiling Critters division experiment 1176 dog day May 12th experiment 1176 has woken up the coma time after the operation has been noticeably longer than that of the previous experiment May 14th 1176 still seems to be getting used to his new body his biggest discomfort seems to be his hands it's still being studied whether it was a good idea to remove the little finger in order to follow the character's design May 20th 1176 seems to retain skills learned in his previous life such as Reading Writing and simple mathematical procedures however when asked to write his name 1176 would respond automatically only to later observe his response confused by it his physical memory is present but his mind is unable to recognize his own name May 27th 1176 has been introduced with other experiments he seems to be confused by the little ones on the other hand large figures especially male generate enormous displeasure 1160 and 1170 seem to ignore this reaction June 2nd 1176 still doesn't voluntarily interact with the other experiments he seems worried June 6th the re-education process of 1176 begins we start with something simple asking 1176 to smile as much as possible it's not enough to help the Critter's facial muscles one of the assistants came up with a simple hook mechanism using some paper clips the results are favorable even with the discomfort it generates the mechanism should teach him to what level he's expected to smile June 8th in order to encourage his new identity it's planned to keep 1176 in a room with a mirror while also also keeping a recorder describing dog day's traits and likes 1176 will be removed from the room only when he completely accepts his identity bigger bodies initiative smiling Critter's division experiment 1179 kicking chicken February 2nd 1176 seemed to have woken up correctly he seems calm but distracted he's not distracted he's feeling it what let's go to the park you'll see February 8th 1179 he seems to control his body wonderfully although he still cannot explain his movements every time he hears a Melody that's not how you're supposed to dance it's let him do it he has a spirit February 22nd 1179 masterfully handles the sports that his caregiver has been instructed to teach him in his past life confirming that said knowledge is maintained after the operation hwal you see it I made it I see it star you were flying Eva is going to love it of course she will March 2nd for some reason 1179 seems to insist on grooming other experiments especially when they seem uneasy take care of each other's hair is a way to show them how much you love them cool night bre are here too sure sweetie March 15th for some reason 1179 has called one of the employees mom when asked about it he simply expressed confusion and sadness you and oswal aren't going to leave me wants the baby is here right of course not you're my first baby after all can I call you mom then I would love that April 2nd although he doesn't seem to retain memories of his past life 1179 maintains particular patterns such as for example always drawing the same scenario and once I pass my exam I'm going to come live with you hell told me we can live at the beach so I'm going to teach my little sis how to swim June 20th the re-education process of 1179 begins after obtaining good results with 1176 it was planned to use the same technique with the rest of the critters listen star this world is horrible and if one day I'm not here for you you need to know how to fight make yourself big strong and scary I'm not coming with you don't let anyone put hand on you where's Oswald show them that they can't break your part sir yes Miss Graber we had a particular visit at the play care today she was the Widow of one of the employees that were the victims of hucky wuky I see looking for survivors rights not this time she was asking to finish the adoption process that his husband started months ago for the children he was taken care of not possible blank has been admitted into the testing process he's for adoption can at least let her say goodbye she a real look worry for the child Miss Graber it wouldn't be good to feed the ideas of a grieving woman in any case if she comes back tell her not to worry the child is in a better place now having a wonderful purpose and smiling every day no Cannon event the missing cat the hell I'll bring the grab pack and and my misery keep it together it's not that big no that big the monster can now float how is that not big how do you know it's him what more could it be well there's only one way to find out daa go to the dogghouse now I got this hello I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you are you okay can you say something is he glitching okay what do you say if we introduce ourselves first I know have funny way to do it pay attention Alba do you know that way want to try it cat your name is catnap I see okay now can you come here there is no monster here the monster never learned to use ASL somehow this fell seems to be the true catnap so now the question is how did he get here catnap where are you buddy so a cartoon in real life doesn't matter pretty sure I can find a way to cook his meat right we're not eating him Salina why not can't you see he's just a child a meaty child at least a still I can make leave the kitty alone can his room be next to mine he can use my pillow collection we're not adopting him either then what's the plan first find out what experiment he's supposed to be but I can't find anything about bringing cartoons to life I found it that's my girl what does it say he's not an experiments he's a portug a what a supernatural event where one or more spheres peros disturbance like moving objects breaking things and take the form as no real figures a ghost you say n not just any ghost but a cursed one they tend to curse objects and fake an image relate to the object pretty sure this catnap comes with a curs VHS I hate it but that nonsense makes it more sense makes more sense than any idea I come with up with so how do we get him in the VHS we're not the Ghostbusters we need to find the VHS first probably the ghost could get inside on its own okay catnap do you remember how you got here huh why scary face he's making signs Alba what is he saying um well the first part is Big then cat I don't understand the last one is he growling scared maybe no that's another one the sign is clear guys he's saying the big cat monster what is this place the Frog really saw cnap getting inside here that's what she said it's too dark is that you why is that toy bleeding n I'm going back talk they put that down we're leaving we can't go without catnap I'm not sure we should be here why are we getting into the monster's cave don't you want to help a poor ghost dude I don't want to become a ghost we have a plan no need to overthinking it no already boss give him a man for a ghost you're really convincing it's hard to know if your memories are mixed with what you think you are or if you lie to yourself enough to keep the role but it's bad for me to wish you were my brother I used to have a brother that's what Alba told me I honestly can't remember him but when I try hard enough my mind can remember a big innocent smile the smile I swore to protect that smile is gone and now he we are all monsters it doesn't seem me like he used to I failed him if you were him at least I would know that you're you're not in pain that you were not hurting others for my fault that somehow I didn't mess everything up guess I'm just being selfish huh you're probably just a kid from the play care that can't rest in peace and here I am trying to get closure out of you forget everything I told you k you can fail and mess up a 100 times in the morning and 100 more midday and at the end of the day I'm going to smell at you because my brother never gives up so neither do I I'm getting too emotional damaged for a non-canned event let's finish this so I can go back to my almost dead don't want to move okay guys teach him some manners wait something's wrong where's the monster um right here seems like he found new toys talk guys stay [Music] back the monster's going to kill him stop it's too risky I can't turn off the TV it must be the center of the portug Guist now bring catnap but the others please I need to help my brother wait thing out of time we need to take the chance before the monster comes back ah damn it I really hate my soft heart change a plan Alba I'm dealing with this monster myself hey Smiley you got the wrong dog I'm right here what are you so obsessed with a dumb cartoon to the point of forced the original play with you you're too old for that now wait another catnet na that dog day dog day you're okay bring it on face catnap is it really you I was so scared I thought I thought you were acting weird so I tried to hug you and and then you I'm never making you mad again I promise please let's go home cat up that idiot always messing with my PL hands now I must save his ass wait something's happening huh what are you let's stop this nightmare together piggy piggy Dog Day Kicking chicken bobby bear hog Bubba Bubba Fant hob upcot krabsy corn and catnap The Smiling Cloud the harmony of all the gritters magical final attack well just look at this I feel dizzy I would have known the cartoon not logic was all we need you are so cute I love to live in your world So Soft everybody here is either dumb or gay both what's gay why you look so tired I had to see things child he looks so strong and cool I want to look like that no you don't dude you're high as F Bright Eyes you look funny mine now don't give me that face I'm not been too nice to a bad guy it's different okay okay everybody to the TV now what well there's a lot of ways to destroy a cursed object but we can start with some holy water that also works I guess okay K let's go home so you're gay well can say by you like man yeah you like now he's a really nice guy with a big heart and a great mind would make a good partner so listen just cuz we're both queer doesn't mean he likes me yeah he does you can't assume that he does Sam like you cuz you're the only man available I would never be with her that's my point I'm not risking our friendship and making things really weird between us okay he literally becomes a cranberry anytime you're nice with him he has attachment issues bastards beside if he feels something for me he would have said about something by now go no he's giving you the green light I can't stop eating your feelings honey lift that right you're going to break your back pretty sure that you already broken but thanks Mom honey Al is looking for you look out for that back grandma grandma e I'm old of course not my back hurts everybody's back hurts I can't rain without glasses you always be my m p babe call me Grandma she's a had you ever felt like what you see the M isn't you he used to put us in front of mirror for days with a photo of the cartoon see that's you crafty corn the artistic critor smile like her be like her can't you see yourself on the mirror he yes that question was always the same no I don't know who's in front of me but I learn how to play pretend cuz even though I was the one in the wrong wasn't playing my rle right so I gave my best until one day a door was open the crafty corn on me didn't think it was a good idea that there was something inside of me screaming beding crying for some reason it wants me to look to learn more grappy tried to turn around what was I was doing oh we're just looking a little it'll be good to know if we're doing things right the more I read more quiet crafty become and the cry becomes more clear till I see it and the crying changed to a cream that's me my eyes couldn't focus never had I had been able to but I could see it clear enough the memories were in my head but the words helped me put the pieces together I completed a puzzle I didn't know I had all this time I played my their rules thinking they were right fearing the consequences of my mistake but I was never a player I was a boy something that could break and put together at will I was in a body that never belonged to me playing a role I can ask for but not anymore crafty where are you sweetie it's ala crafty what oh my God my name is Alba
Channel: Cougar macdowall Va
Views: 566,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime chapter 3, poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 3 trailer, poppy playtime chapter 3 gameplay, poppy playtime chapter 3 release date, catnap, catnap poppy playtime, catnap comic, comic dub, comic dubs, mha comic dub, comic, huggy wuggy, poppy playtime chapter 3 catnap, poppy playtime catnap, dogday, bobby bearhug, kickinchicken, craftycorn, hoppy hopscotch, pickypiggy, dogday x catnap, catnap x dogday
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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