Catherine Lowe; Life after The Bachelor, and Social Media Disasters with Chatty Broads - Episode 30

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[Music] so welcome to all things vanderpump and i will be talking to katherine lowe you may know her from marrying sean lowe who i was actually on dancing with the stars with gosh i remember those days that's for sure and he's from the bachelor so we'll be talking about everything about raising your kids during the pandemic which was challenging for so many people and stick around for the chatty broads who are going to fill me in on everything that's going on in pop culture of which i know nothing about being too busy and we have a caller caitlin who wants to talk about ghosts and spirits so i'm pretty interested what she's got to say so let's get started okay well i am here with catherine lowe some people i've known for absolute years in fact i went to their wedding so hello darling how are you have you been doing through this whole year-long nightmare and i'm thinking about you because you've got three children now haven't you i do i have a four a two and a one so it's a mad house but i don't think it would be different outside of the pandemic yeah but they would be going to like a day school or a nursery wouldn't they at least two of them i'm assuming yeah i mean we would be traveling and stuff but i feel like sean and i we both work from home and we enjoy this chapter as as crazy as as it is not much i'm it's hard to say that this because i know so many people have been um displaced and so many terrible things have happened in their lives but sean and i are very blessed not much in our home life has changed throughout the pandemic we are still nursing for children feeding them making sure that they're they're good children did you say four sorry three sorry four sure i just i i would call we had a dog you know two months ago we accidentally tell me you're pregnant no no are you sure she will be crying right now if i was pregnant because it's been a minute since you've had a baby you know what's funny is my body is telling me you need to get pregnant again because i would have been pregnant with the two other ones at this point in my post partum so no i am not pregnant okay so so you know what i i have to say we made the most out of a bad situation i'm blessed that we live in a house with great views and a lot of space but it was a lot of work trying to keep the whole house together on on my own you know with no help so yeah that was a full-time job but i'm glad because it kept me busy and i enjoy cooking and doing things like that so we really did make the most of it but yeah it was still very isolating for the first kind of nine months it was yeah how was the how are your kids were they quarantined with you well max went to work he didn't want to stay in his apartment so he went to work with um he worked on a ranch for a little bit but he was working with autistic children in um in idaho and so you know he was having a really beautiful time out there was very different experience and kind of very much in the outdoors and i would speak to him and do facetime every day with pandora and jason i didn't see them for the first kind of few weeks and then we got tested and then we did that kind of separation situation but as you know she lives around the corner with jason from me so we did start seeing them but for the first three months we really didn't see anybody it was that was kind of very strange the whole experience but yeah it was also devastating because our whole business was shut down and that was really difficult you know we thought at the time it would be for maybe a month or something but you know we never thought we actually never would have thought we would have survived it a year later because it's so expensive to keep everything going paying the rents and insurances and all of that yeah i mean i remember having the most amazing memories at so many of your places like villa blanca i just have when i moved to la when you guys were on dancing with the stars it was as if i had entered a different reality it was so fun and so bright did you go to bump yeah and sir right yeah i've been to all of them i've been to i don't think i've been to tomtom although i did want to go there right before quarantine happened um sean and i surprised mark curian at his um cabaret so and i saw your husband there so it was right before that had happened and i we just didn't have a nightlife available i brought my baby she was like six weeks old so um besides the cabaret you know but um i know i've loved your restaurants and your bars did you have help at home how did you cope then with three young kids did you have any help or you know how did you handle that we have we have a nanny so that's been super helpful and we also have sean's family that lives very close and his mom has been such a helpful um she's actually gardening with my kids in the backyard right now so she's they've been vaccinated and we've just been able to just enjoy family time but how did you feel having a nanny then well i remember when they started the quarantine we were like okay we're not going to see her for like a week or two and then after that i said okay do you want to live with us um if you want to still work with us are you willing to live alone and not be able to see like i didn't want to put her out because she did she wanted to see her children and grandchildren but i was like well we just have to make sure that we're understanding each other because i have young kids and we don't know what this virus is capable of doing in our own family so we have just been we haven't gotten none of my family members nobody that i know in my immediate family has gotten it and so we're just we just keep keep taking the precautions and doing these things but we're also trying to live our lives responsibilities i'm looking at you now are you in your in your bedroom yeah and you've got tigers above the bed there is that when i see it what's that signify that you're a tiger in the bedroom catherine well clearly with three children and about oranges so i'm generous i think so why would you put tigers above your bed i mean explain that to me well i'm actually tigers are my favorite animal and i think they're fun so i like them there's nothing i think there's more to it than that you're five well i do have three kids well that's true well i remember one very short period of time yeah well because you waited i mean the famous didn't you take a lie detector test to kind of swear that you didn't i took a lie detector test and people were saying how can you take a lie detector test when you knew the question i said what am i supposed to sit around and wait for this guy to ask me a million questions and then randomly hit on did you give a story to the radar online yeah of course you know the question yeah yeah that was just so and that's pretty nerve-wracking isn't it because you think i'm going to be nervous so it's going to just kind of you know read my nerves because i was nervous anyway of being proved you know wrong so what was that like so we've taken we've taken two lie detector tests together so jimmy kimmel sprung that on us after the interview and he was like oh i didn't think you guys would say yes we're like well we don't have anything to lie about so he sprung that on us and then on marriage boot camp where on the show was not a good experience but they did a lie detector test to all the kids what do you mean so you were on so you go on marriage boot camp together what is it like therapy for young married couples we were the only married couple so it was kind of not like it was really raunchy the whole experience was raunchy and shawn and i probably and we're kind of squares anyway but we you know like i don't think you're acquired the square is you make out with the tiger above your head it balances it i mean i out when you know shaw was on dancing with the stars and everything and and he was talk about waiting to have sex you know till after you were married and everything but what actually i mean sex is it could be so very there's so many variables is it just like the traditional act of having sex that you mustn't do but you can do everything else right i'm assuming you're not supposed to like so uh and yeah you're not supposed to do anything lustful which you could kind of equate to tons of things but we would make out and do lots of cuddling and stuff like that but we we definitely waited until we were married which i think was awesome like i think it was such a great decision uh sean and i decided on doing that together but it was obviously prompted by him and his faith and once i understood like the reasoning behind it and what's the reasoning behind it just being christian just christian beliefs like you're to give each other wholly to each other is is such a beautiful thing and that gift and there's also just so many things that you could kind of put in your past i wish i hadn't had sex before i was married until and it was my husband because it causes so many things at least hold on a second you wish you were a virgin you wish you'd been a virgin when yeah really you could have had that like a little surgery and stuff and you could have like told a few porcupines no i well it's kind of it was it it reminds me you know when you see this kind of idealistic show of people meeting each other and then just saying okay i'm going to get married it very rarely ever works out okay but it's kind of like an arranged marriage in a way isn't it i mean i would i would say it's like a matchmaking more because you you have to i mean there's there's so many factors that if you're not gonna it's not it's obviously the non-negotiables are on the table right so okay if we don't agree on the three things that are important to me then we're not gonna work out and you put those at the forefront okay what was that what were the three things well i mean for for me it's like someone who's kind someone who is respectful someone who's funny and for him it's okay is she uh willing to be christian or is she christian already so is she kind is she funny audible is the leading provider of spoken word entertainment all in one app at audible you can find the largest selection of audio books languages thousands of popular podcasts and more their new plus catalog makes audible membership so much more valuable and gives members a chance to listen to and discover new favorites and new formats and members get one credit every month good for any title in our entire premium selection i love listening to their languages i speak french but obviously haven't traveled there in a while so i need a place where i can practice where i can keep it fresh i can listen to it in the car i sometimes listen to it around the house it's so much fun even ken's picked up a few words except the only words he's picked up is menage a trois that's no good anyway new members could try audible for 30 days for free so visit or text vanderpump to 500-500 that's 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90 off including free shipping so go to green chef dot com slash 90 lisa and use code 90 lisa to get 90 off including free shipping so if you'd want to jump on his bones before you got married do you think he would if you'd really push the issue would he have kind of said okay i'll go along with it i don't think i don't think he i think he would have known my heart before because there's only one day that you can do things like that it's the fantasy suite and there's three girls left um so you can't i mean you can sneak have sex with people which people have done on the show before which is crazy how do you know we didn't have sex with the other two while you were holding one i know he didn't because i know he'd better okay he told me but a lot of the other contestants you like don't want to talk about it but there's only one day you can really do it and it's such a weird it's kind of like i wouldn't say it's like being in the military but it's as if you're kind of brainwashed into thinking these things are normal yeah and they're really not normal like oh last night you were sleeping like in a bed with someone else and yay i'm so excited to see it it's just so bizarre i see how long have you been on that show for then how long does the whole process take so from start to finish for me it was 10 weeks um but any anybody could leave at any time like first night i was just like please let me go after first night like please let me i don't want to leave the first night really and so i mean he up like seven girls the first night he was he kicked off like seven girls the first night or that's how many you're asked to leave wow okay then yeah and so so basically you you're planning your wedding and then there's this pressure so what about the whole wedding day were you not seriously nervous about the whole process say you married him and it went horribly wrong i mean say nothing worked in the you know oh like in the bedroom yes say how do you know we would have not okay so this is like a sex in the city situation where charlotte like didn't know until she was married that he had a interesting situation what was his interesting situation he couldn't get it up with with her but he had to go resort to porn for that to happen right okay okay yeah yeah that was like no i think well one sean doesn't do those things but he would have probably told me if there was a concern i feel like i don't know but i mean no i was fine with whatever yeah because i remember so so you get your wedding day but that puts a whole lot of pressure on you though or did you feel just so comfortable with each other that you just thought you know what i'm just gonna yeah we loved each other so much and we're so excited to finally like build a life together or whatever that meant because we had gone through so many weird things before right we're on a show we meet each other with 25 other women we find each other then he immediately turns around and gets talked into this stupid party yeah with me and then you plan a wedding like this yeah yeah yeah yeah i got to meet pandora certainly defied the odds i mean you really did prove everybody wrong so really that's quite incredible you're happy you've got three children i mean the statistics were kind of against you pretty much but you really defied the odds so congratulations on that thank you i mean everything is against you in that show so yeah we're very grateful do you keep in touch with any of the other uh contestants or not yeah um i i keep like i mean you fall in love with the girls before you fall in love with a guy because you spend so much time with these girls so it's like a sorority i would say um and then also with the new people coming out of this i always offer to the women who wins like hey if you ever need to talk about it because it's a very unique situation and a lot of people can understand what goes into it and how to feel and what to expect and i mean you don't even know each other's phone numbers you don't usually live in the same area at all so everything is against you and i'm just i love speaking to people that are in similar situations and being able to kind of have fellowship with them so you gave up your life ostensibly of where you used to live to move to where his family uh were located and so his family live very near you now yeah in about 30 minutes 45 minutes away and so wherever where are you from originally seattle seattle and so where are you living now in dallas where he's from wow and did you ever talk about maybe moving to seattle or was it always a given that you would move back to where he was from he was open to moving anywhere um he's only lived here so he was he was really interested in living elsewhere the only thing that i thought was something that was so important to me was to be close to family and my family i have a sister who lives in france one that lives in san francisco another my mom lives in seattle and i was in mexico so i couldn't create what i grew up in my family if i stayed in seattle so the closest thing i could get to my kids is to stay in dallas for for my children and do your family visit you very often yeah sometimes mostly i mean i have a kid every year or two so they come to the baby and um we have a home that that can house them so it's always fun to have them come here but i i mean i just went to seattle last week to to see my sister and my mom and my grandma so it's i mean right now it's not the ideal time to travel but there's oh it's just a plane right away so we try to keep so did sean defer to his parents when he was on the show as to who he would choose or did he kind of take their opinions into consideration or not no i mean he didn't really get to talk to anybody on the show i mean you're so isolated you don't get a phone you don't get a tv you're really isolated and so he really had to compartmentalize relationships and analyze them on his own i'm sure he talked to producers and stuff but i don't think he considered his parents in terms of like but but this is forever okay is this woman gonna fit in with my friends is she gonna fit in with my family so he kind of put put that in his head but his parents didn't get to say anything and now i'm i'm best friends with his mom oh i love him we i call her every day and i it's just such a great relationship she's like one of my best friends yeah i know because pandy i know you're close to pandy and she always says how lovely you are and i spent quite a lot of time with sean on dancing with the stars and you really are an authentically lovely couple and yeah i remember your wedding i can't believe it so many years ago but yeah as i said talk about defying the odds now is your mother filipino is your she is full filipino yeah and did she live there like growing up did she grow up there or did she grow up in america she grew up in america but she is like she's a historian so she is very well versed in the history of the filipino communities in seattle in the states she actually did like a a home visit so she went back to the philippines after college and then went to japan and that's where she met my dad and my dad's white but he um they were both such well-traveled people people who really wanted to understand other cultures and they lived there for nine years and moved back to the states and i grew up with my grandma next to my filipino grandmother and then my auntie who is filipino and five cousins for filipino and samoan so my identity is very much rooted in the filipino culture and the traditions and my mom has always instilled a huge amount of filipino pride and asian pride asian pacific islander pride and i've been in the filipino clubs and i've done the filipino dancing as a kid so you did it yeah you had a lot of the filipino culture it was very important that your mother kind of kept that growing up in america is your mother beautiful like you is she just i think she's very pretty and she is she's a very strong she raised me my dad left when i was about 12. and it was just my mom is a very strong woman i have so much respect for her she raised three daughters who were um you know try try to put kind of intel intellect at the forefront respect and uh i never knew why my mom would really push the issues of okay well we're an abercrombie and fitch right now but how many uh ethnic people do you see in here i'll give you a dollar and i never really understood like i'm like mom you're so weird like why aren't you okay that wasn't really interesting to me so she would constantly make you aware of it oh yeah and and it was probably because i grew up around so many white people that maybe she thought that my identity like when i i was talking to my sister-in-law about this she has a daughter who is um adopted from china and i i kind of have a similar perspective on being ethnic around white people as her daughter does because we don't really view ourselves as what we really are until we're older we we kind of think okay well whoever's around me i must look like them or i must be like them but then you realize other people don't identify you that way so as much as i could have considered myself white i'm half white and half filipino but people identify me as filipino because the way that i look so being out now as an adult i'm seeing okay well i know they view me as this and now i am this but before it was okay mom stop talking about being filipino and stop doing these things but i'm so grateful for that now because i really am so proud of my heritage and who i am and who i identify as we actually tried to adopt uh from china this was years ago but we were turned down could you believe it we were turned down at 35 because we were too old which is crazy really yeah we had an ideal situation and we would adopted max from foster care here max was adopted from wisconsin and we thought you know we just saw these stories of what was going on in china with baby girls and we tried to adopt from china yeah but we were turned down at that that um age which seems crazy i don't know why 35 i remember thinking what the hell um but that was that was then and this is now but so i i know that you've been speaking out on these you were on the bachelor happy hour and you were speaking out about these asian hate crimes um what's been your kind of perspective on what's going on in the world well i mean it's it's important i mean i i don't i can't really understand why people would now look at the beautiful melting pot that america is and really target people who are vulnerable um i mean elders especially like if you're if you're willing to hurt someone who's elderly um that video you talk about that video with that that woman that was kicked and ugh that i know and i feel like so many people right now just want to be angry and they want to let out mental issues right they want to just they want to implement somebody they want to blame but they want to blame somebody and they they blame the people that are vulnerable and in the asian cultures the elderly are so revered exactly so we take care of them and but at the same time asian elders are so independent and they're so strong and they the matriarchs the women it's just but it's not just against those people to see them like that in the community but they don't because they just don't respect the same values as a lot of other cultures so i don't know there's there's such a mix of things of factors coming into play here but i just it's so hard to see that it's continuing it's not stopping these these attacks on asians and they're they just aren't they don't make sense there's no sense to them there is no sense at all as you say it's senseless violence and it's very hard to understand and it's very hard to know you know how we can change the narrative and the direction it's yeah it's extremely worrying and as i say i think this year has just put so much pressure on on people but it's just yeah it's very upsetting it really is it's very upsetting and it's about education it's about raising the next generation you know with empathy and kindness and not being just so blind to other people in different situations you know and it was very important to me you know to raise to raise my kids that way but anyway um i just wanted to catch up with you and as i say you are truly an inspiration because even when i was a i actually have to say even standing there at your wedding i thought this does feel right you you work great as a couple but statistically you just thought how can this possibly work you know but it always felt right and i know you've been kind of very good friends with pandy and jason and they always talk so well of you but you know another thing just want to go back to this is the way i was raised as i said and it's a blessing to be raised without prejudices or bigotry but also for my kids in their education going to international schools everybody was different everybody came from so many different cultures and countries so there was no room for any prejudice because there was no so how will you raise your children well i mean i definitely want to go in the same direction that my mom did and being a proud filipino woman and understanding what makes our culture beautiful but also looking at other people and saying what makes their culture beautiful and not just saying okay well they're different they're bad if they're different let's learn about them and i think that's something that i really truly install into my kids because we're going and we're going to the zoo and you know dallas is a very diverse um community of people that you know there's a lot of black people there's a lot of mexican people and so to really look at another person who has a different background than you is an opportunity to learn and to to find something else that's really cool that you didn't know uh that other people did that things that are the same that are like the elders right and things like oh this food i want to know about that type of food tell me about it and what's the history behind that so my mom did a really good job because they met my parents met in japan that we were introduced to tons of different cuisines tons of different stories different music different art um and that's something that i really want to put in front of my children and and put an emphasis on that because i would hope that someone asked us those questions did you ever feel any pressure from your mother to marry a filipino man or not no what's ironic is my mom married a white guy i was like mom yes we have a beautiful culture but she was attracted to a white guy in japan and now he lives in mexico did you say and now he lives in mexico okay [Laughter] wow well listen it's so good to catch up with you and to see you and see you being so successful and and making the most of of this nightmare of the last year and to see you kind of thriving and happy is really is is good thank you and uh keeping in touch i'm sure you'll be speaking to pandy soon and maybe we'll catch up when this is over and you come and see us yeah that would be awesome tell can i say hi all right darling okay lots of love okay [Music] okay so becca jess chatty broads how are you and welcome to villa rosa thank you so much thank you so much it's stunning so you're gonna fill me in on what's happening i can tell you one little snippet of information that i do know about and that's because it was announced today the vanderpump rules is being picked up which i knew six months ago but that's kind of an important piece of that's the only thing i do know that's really all that matters honestly we do have okay there's always something happening and we like to keep our finger on the pulse of what's going on with all the celeb drama so there's a couple things okay should we start with the chloe let's start with the chloe kardashian yes yes yes yes okay you're on it i know nothing but there's always something swirling around those guys yeah okay so basically don't tell me she's running for president no caitlyn jenner's running for governor though yeah this is actually a great place to start will you be voting for her uh possibly not no well i can't vote anyway so you know because i'm a brilliant i don't think you can vote for the governor you definitely can't vote for the president what a shame though you can't run then oh you know what they said that on the front cover of the new york times one day would i be running for governor i would love that can you i mean for a control freak that would just be a beautiful job for me you against caitlyn jenner oh one of the races well the race gets mixed up because sometimes they post a picture of me saying i look like caitlyn jenner which i actually do take offense to yeah because i think i look like me and not her even though she does look good i have to say she does look good i do she looks fantastic but you're at least she modeled herself on me i'll tell you that's her inspiration okay so chloe here's what happened basically long story short her grandmother took a photo of her in her swimsuit a casual not posed photo by the pool she looked fantastic in it like not trying to be kind she looked objectively great basically her whole team photo no photoshop that's that was the issue because then their whole team spent all this money to copyright the photo and then they had it removed for copyright violation anywhere it was posted so like any tabloid that was posting it or whatever they had it removed scrubbed from youtube everywhere possible and so everyone was like this is just them everywhere exactly that was the thing and so people were like why are they going to all this trouble spending all this money imagine i'm sure it must have cost millions millions of dollars yeah and it was a photo her grandmother took her maybe with so then what happened was after everyone was like why is she removing this beautiful photo of her unretouched she released this whole thing she she got on her instagram and was like this is my real body like that photo does not show all the hard work i've put into my body this is what i really love so she didn't think she looked as though yes yes yes but her grandmother obviously thought she was perfect of course and so did everyone else everyone else did she looked incredible like the abs looked great like everything her you know her hips her face everything looked gorgeous so anyway that was everyone's issue that's the thing is people aren't happy unless it's perfect nowadays and life isn't perfect is it girls we know that and i think a little bit of a dimple in your ass actually makes you more relatable i love it it's a little bit of character right exactly so i tell my husband anyway see that character on my ass those girls do like us are perfection absolutely so everyone was giving her crap about it and then she posted this whole thing on instagram like i have had to live my life in the media picking apart every thing about how i look which is understandable especially because she wanted to well and then it she said like you know it really hurt to see these unedited photos of me that don't show how much work i put in but then also it's like she's obviously had a ton of maybe she means maybe she means all the work she put in on photoshop the plastic surgery what i don't understand is why is her grandmother taking a picture and just uh you know printing it or putting it out there anyway don't they have communication we would think mj would probably know at this point i mean she's part of the family older yeah like she's like probably in her late she's just proud of her granddaughter honestly i'm impressed that she's on instagram true posting on her story she posts more than i do so so what do you think i mean would you post a picture of yourself out there you know kind of totally natural or would you have to photoshop it we both attempt to not photoshop just because we think that it's important i know for myself you know i can scroll through instagram and get wildly insecure forgetting that certain things are photoshopped and so i like to be able to put out something that's not fully retouched so that maybe there's a moment where you do see the dimple in my ass and go okay yeah well one my ass wouldn't make it on instagram anyway so i just posted a picture yesterday in an old chanel jacket and i said the jacket's vintage and so am i or something and a lot of people actually you know were talking to me on instagram saying oh thank you for not photo shopping and i thought how do they know i didn't maybe i looked worse than this but i actually didn't and it's not that i don't photoshop it's because i don't want to it's actually don't know how to it's not completely stupid do you have to how do you photoshop everything i don't even know that i just take pictures and post them yeah i mean i'll do little things like i'll like brighten my teeth you know in a photo or like do something like that you've gone to build face face tune you got to get the face tune app oh okay well you need to give me that before you go all airbrushed um not saying there aren't pictures out there of me that have been photoshopped because i'm sure pandora my daughter's done that because i've heard her say i'll clean that up for you but for me i know right if only life was that simple but for me i actually don't care and even if i kind of do botox and things like that i don't want to have that you know i've still got movement and lines and everything i see you raise your eyebrows there one of the only people in this town that could do that so anyway that's the thing with the chloe thing i think we made it clear where we stand i thought it was an opportunity for her to be vulnerable yeah okay let me ask you one to ten really honestly here you look to that picture did you think oh she doesn't look as good as she normally i haven't seen the picture or did you think about this you know it looks like nine oh so seriously almost better yeah no i thought it looked almost better too because you didn't have all this weird like airbrushing and like her i mean she looked great i'm not that's what i'm saying objectively she looked great and everyone that was the whole issue everyone was like why is she going to such great lengths to remove this photo so anyway there's that what was the other goss oh the w okay tell about the demi lovato thing because i have a very strong opinions on this okay so demi lovato yes uh in her recent uh is it was it her netflix special or when she came out and talked about that she has disordered eating oh yeah she's been open about that and it's been really it's actually been really powerful to her to have this conversation and really put it out there publicly saying that she's got an eating disorder yeah yeah and being really vulnerable and honest about it uh but recently she went on instagram and she tagged this froyo this local froyo company and was slamming them saying that when she went in to try to get froyo she saw sugar-free and diet uh things around the front counter and that it was triggering to her and she basically because they're called they were called like guilt-free they were called like guilt-free snacks so sure so she was like you know that that's a whole thing right now where it's like these things shouldn't be called guilt-free because you shouldn't have to feel guilty eating food that you enjoy so yes so i think we all feel a little bit guilty when we snap a whole tub of ice cream or swallow it whole don't wait a cookie or two that's the whole point it's like well i'm a big chocolate eater so yeah but i understand what but that that speaks to her personal issues right and her personal insecurities rather than the rest of us i'm happy for somebody saying what did you just do did you just eat that you little fat pig well i'm a big i mean i love to eat a restauranteur and desserts and chocolates and things like that so i have to exercise the contract but i eat yeah i always yeah i always think i eat very healthy and then i think back on the things i've eaten in the past 48 hours and literally it was like fried chicken sweet potato fries uh pizza listen i don't want everybody to stop eating and start you know doing diet drinks otherwise i'll be out of business yeah please so the issue was is that she went on this long long war on instagram tagging this small frozen yogurt shop yes and directing her rage at this small frozen yogurt small store ended up getting thousands and thousands of one-star reviews like on yelp completely damaging their business they probably also have a thousand people outside the door waiting for that maybe maybe not a bad point it's not a bad point publicity is good publicity how many millions of followers does she have probably like i don't even know dozens of millions oh they're waiting for her to come in again oh maybe seriously i hope so because yeah you don't want to see a small business damage it's probably just taken them you know a whole year to kind of get through this pandemic and get up i'm running so if anybody's watching or listening to this go get your guilt free guys not to mention they were saying the business was replying back to her like we have sugar-free snacks for people who are diabetic like people who actually need to eat things without sugar like yeah anyway i think that speaks more to her than really what's going on with that shop i'm happy to see guilt-free something i'll you know and then i'll make the decision whether i want to be guilty or not right right and then people also were bringing up how then she had this double standard because like less than two years ago she was posting about flat tummy tea the laxative deity and so it's like i'm guilty of advertising that as well but you're also not out there attacking businesses no doesn't exist exactly everything in moderation you know i like to eat well i just also eat some of the junk that i'm addicted to and as i say i exercise at least an hour a day and that allows me to kind of almost stay the same size sometimes i have to cut back a little bit but she did go on an instagram live okay and she apologized and she said she didn't realize about the sugar-free with the diabetic folks she was just thinking about people with eating disorders about herself i'm sorry that's the way that it is and she said she's like i'm willing to work with the froyo store and help them with is made out of whether the dimple in your ass is photoshopped or whether you're gonna be you know like really offended because there's guilt free and you want to have an ice cream what has happened in this world that we make such a big deal out of absolutely nothing i like to make a big deal about absolutely nothing every once in a while but i'll try not to throw a random business under the book but honestly in the current times with everything going on in the stress in the world i never thought i would hear the word froyo said over and over and over again in such a heated conversation being good for the business and good on you to the business because the fact that you're still surviving when 10 000 restaurants have closed across america wow i salute you for hanging on in there because as a restaurant owner i know how bloody hard it's been so hopefully your business will be booming yeah well thanks for the education and thanks so much for coming of course anytime lisa i will be taking this gorgeous cup with me i would have frisked you on the way out thank you that's what i've been looking forward to [Music] so we're going to wrap up this show with a call from caitlin and she's a great believer in ghosts i want to hear what she's got to say let's do this hello hello caitlin this is lisa vanderpump hi lisa i'm so excited to get to speak with you today i know right well i was so interested in your question let's talk about that okay awesome yeah so i was very curious to hear if you believe in ghosts and if you've ever had a supernatural or paranormal experience and i have always been very fascinated in ghost stories and things like that so i was just curious if you believe in ghosts yourself you know caitlyn there's too many smart people that believe in ghosts for me to dispel it you know to actually just say or dismiss it i mean i think it's something like 45 of americans actually believe in ghosts now i'm a yes i'm a believer but i've never really had the experience and i've looked for the experience having lost my brother my only sibling just uh two and a half years ago and then my mother i've always looked for the sign i was also very close to my grandmother and i had conversations with her before she passed because she passed when she was 100 it was very very close to her and it's the kind of conversation when somebody's a hundred you know that their passing's kind of imminent you know for me i used to have these conversations with her where i would say will you come back and find me will you give me a sign and i used to kind of look for things we used to pick roses together we were going to the garden together a lot and now in my mind i always believe that every time i see a hummingbird that's her but i don't know if that's true and with my brother he had such a great sense of humor he was kind of very similar to me and loved playing pranks and you know and he's kind of i haven't seen him and i've dreamt about him and i've had very kind of very intense dreams but i haven't seen him or seen any evidence of him now my father said he recently my father's most down-to-earth person on the planet and kind of cynical and you know he would never really even talk about believing in something like this but he did say that he felt he'd seen my mother kind of walk out and walk through a door in the kitchen and i was saying do you think that's maybe your imagination because you know they were married for so long they were married for like 60 years it's almost like a habit you know do you think that you're just so used to her and also he'd kind of broken his shoulder at the time and he was taking painkillers so i don't know but i'm always very interested in it because i never dismiss anything you know somebody has to say if they're passionate about it and they believe in it and another part of your question i believe when you wrote in was that you worry about people just believing you well i never worry about what anybody really thinks about anything i believe in i think if you have the courage of your convictions it's something that you're interested in as i say 45 of the people will be behind you that's kind of even better than a political debate really isn't it right yes that makes a lot of sense um but no i i just think that you know have you ever had an experience where you think yes that absolutely was something that was tangible something that you felt was absolutely authentic yes i personally have um so when we were growing up we moved in with my grandparents for a few years when money was tight and while we were living in that house it was very definitely haunted and i think it was by poultry guys because they would do things like take my grandma's decorative plates that were up high in the kitchen and throw them across the room so that they'd land and break on the other side of the wall so it wasn't something where you saw that well we would hear it crash and we'd go into the other room and it would be so far away from where it was that there was no way that it could have just fallen um because it ended up on the other side of it that would freak me out totally i have to say something like that flying around the house even when there's an earthquake here i think oh my god it's an act of god i'm so scared it's an unknown quantity so that would freak me out but as i say i actively look for it and when i was depressed when my brother died because you know when it's your only sibling i would actually talk out loud and say where are you if you're here give me a sign show me something you know but um i mean like in one way you feel that people you know that have passed are watching all the time and then you think oh i hope they're not because i hope they're not watching me bang my husband or sit on the toilet or something you know what i'm saying it's just like you think are they looking at you all the time that'd be a really terrible visual to be up there looking down on everything we do um but yeah no i actively look for it so i'm not a disbeliever but i would like somebody to prove it to me right yeah i wonder if there would be a way to get some kind of medium to come do a reading at your home and see if there's anything like that i'm not a medium but well i had tyler henry actually read me but i i don't know how much i kind of believed it i was interested in it um he did tell me something that he wouldn't have known and so yeah i'm always about giving things credibility if you want to and dismissing it you know it's not a fight that i would want to be worth fighting for i think everybody should believe in their own passion i'm sure there's lots of things i believe them that people think i'm ridiculous i mean i think dogs understand way more than we give them credit for you know i think my dogs are as intelligent as like a three-year-old child i think they're super smart so you know some people would disagree with me on that but keep believing in what you want to darling thank you lisa all right well nice to speak to you yeah and i speak to you too and good luck thank you i appreciate it alright time bye bye i should have done face time with a sheet on my face or something i feel like i really let her down well next time and thanks to the fan caller caitlin thanks to chatty broads and thank you to catherine lowe it was so much fun so be sure to follow rate and review 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Channel: All Things Vanderpump
Views: 6,828
Rating: 4.9714284 out of 5
Keywords: LVP, Catherine Lowe, Chatty Broads, podcast
Id: Bagv7wPSpQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 15sec (2955 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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