Catching winter time blue catfish (tips and tricks)

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hey what's up everybody Chris out her Solyndra got outdoors back with against morning and today we're going on the high river fish for wintertime blue cats where I cut my teeth stay tuned let's see if we can't put some fish in a boat was I come out towards the High River here I can I can just remember all the good memories that I've had you know fish in this area this is this is where I cut my teeth on the High River and where I learned how to basically do everything but it's a cold morning we're on the lower end of the green at pool and we're going to try to catch some blue cats today we're will be concentrating on a creek mouths where the little rivers come in to the High River the mouths of those humps and drop-offs heavy cover and structured stuff like that I think that's what's going to be the ticket today but let's have to get out here see if we can find some fish we've got some bait so that's one thing marked off and and it's been a while since I've been here but a lot of good memories in this area hopefully there's still some good fish around and hopefully we'd be able to put some in the boat today stay tuned alright everybody that's coming down the river and I come across something that I've never seen before but I wanted to show you guys it's a it's a tug that has either caught on fire or just sank or something but actually I think there's two of them you can see both of them both the tops sticking up there and that's a unfortunate accident hopefully everybody was you know okay hopefully nothing happened to nobody but it's pretty pretty interesting to see so let's get back at it see if we catch a fish so as we work these creek mouths like this I'm gonna be looking for I'm gonna look for shad I'm gonna look for fish bait fish you know things like that all schooled up around them not really seeing much you know activity around here River conditions are in pretty good shape we've got about a mile and a half the current waters pretty actually starting to green back up a little bit we're some nasty stuff right there all right what I've decided to do is I didn't really see much as far as fish goes or anything and that's the second one second Creek mount that I've looked at I've been looking around for a little bit so they might be stuck down in the mud in that heavy cover so almost that big tree that we seen back there I'm gonna go ahead set up on it and hopefully hopefully or something come out of let's see alright now to start with we're just going to use a different variety of size baits you know anything from that to the whole whole shad and we're just going to use this one just a regular Carolina rig slip sinker and a dot hook and we've got two or three different rigs out there right now you know that we're getting ready to put out regular Carolina rig Carolina rig with a diamond dragon tied in and then of course the double hook rigs so different size baits different rigs see if we can get them to bite and then see if we can put something together from there let's get started well that didn't take long little dank pretty little thing I sure hope that ain't a sign of what's to come today getting back well we were set up on this Creek here and as you seen we caught that one little Brook quick hopefully hopefully that's not the sign of what's uh what's going to be in here mainly around here but well I got feeling it's a bunch of small fish back here but anyway we're set up on this Creek mouth and there's a lot of brush and timber and stuff in there we you know we didn't see much as far as fish or as far as bait but I looked at another creek mouth too and noticed that you know I didn't see nothing in it either so I'm kind of thinking that maybe they're buried down in the mud or in that cover real thick water temperatures about 40 degrees 39 40 degrees it is cold this morning I mean it's the out time outside air temperatures morning was in the low 20s so so we'll see see what happens sit on this spot price to here about 30 35 minutes or so and then all we do is keep moving yeah another small fish but hey it's a fish [Music] there we go number two getting bigger healthy healthy healthy healthy fish that one there that one air come off just a red girl you know Carolina rig Center cut piece of the the shad you know not real big probably two inches wide or so yeah Willie's fish are definitely biting now this is definitely a little better fish and we got we got about a mile and a half a current and these fish were there so it's so cold or just kind of coming through the top way back behind the boat so so I'm trying to take it easy on them and let it let them go back down once so they can burp and - so they you know they don't just come to the top of water and roll they'll come to the top and they'll curl their tail just roll this might turn out to be a pretty good day I am probably the world's worst about not getting my neck ready and it has bit me in the hind end more than I can count this fish is definitely net were thee and I it's it's up to from the poo yeah that's what I'm talking about oh yeah cold weather wintertime blues cats coming back to where I started oh it's absolutely amazing awesome feeling get another look at him get him back in the water I don't know what he weighs but beautiful beautiful awesome awesome fish I don't know what's butter catching them or watching them thing swim away man it just makes it makes my day to be able to come out here and and catch something that God has provided for me and gave me the opportunity to catch and then to be able to release it and let somebody else catch it unharmed it's tired I'm tired but it'll be fine and somebody else can catch it man that just that makes my day right there well through all that fiasco and good time you know something I've said before I always check your line whenever you get in and and even that small fish you know he wrapped up in the line and you know he's got it he's got it frayed up right there pretty good so you never know when I win that big one is gonna hit and what rod so we need to retie this one a little bit got some that line off one thing I find interesting is you know we never marked a single fish back there or fate so those fish just must are really related to that structure right there I've had a lot of little you know dank bytes hopefully hopefully we get some more better action now definitely encouraging to see you know see that fish come out of there and good hot coffee I'll keep him warm it is downright cold this morning all right ended up moving away from that Creek down there found that little little hump and behind it we there was a little bit of a wood structure and a few fish nothing real big but but decide who's gonna set up on it give it 30 minutes or so and let's see what happens there we go a strong the nice blue cat took him a little while to eat and other ones uh backyard that Creek aid they'd within like ten minutes but took him almost 20 then fine decide eat them well I don't know what this is coming down the river but it is big I got a feeling we're gonna get Rob's pretty good between the two barges pushing them the two tugs I guess pushing them barges upriver and then this one coming downriver I thought we get rough here in a minute I still don't know what that thing is if any of us have an idea of what that was it just went path or school bias right now I lived in the comments below I'd like to know what that thing is well I hope wherever you are from your weatherman is not the same chart well man because he has live once again it's supposed to be sunny and warm up today and it is not well before I could even get the camera on it get all the rods out I have one go down found another Creek to come to and just like the other Creek I never marked a fish but decent little fish oh boy I got myself in a real pickle there we go nice little fish so we didn't take long for him to hit I think I should have stuck with creeks all day you know we went around we tried to fishing some isolated stuff we marked a few fish but there just wasn't real active you know heck I haven't even got all the rods out here and I bard this is the second one you know mm-hmm this had a very big one but hey nice fast action we got a third one on - let's get him back this Joker's got me in a tree or something there we go put a little pressure on it is gotten fast action real quick this is one way to top off a day right here government doing good it's your first sponsor and I apologize for the wind it's just now starting to pick up it's been slick calm all day you know my gut told me two hours ago to come up here and try this Creek I always go with your gut oh I got a foursome getting ready to go down okay good here we go man it doesn't take much to change things you know I mean we this morning like I said early was catching my tech creek and I thought do some isolated brush find some heavy cover that's not where he was at and like I said two hours ago my gut was telling me to go and I try another creek actually come up to this wall and I was like no you know I I went with my mind and what I thought the fish would be doing instead of listening to my gut and letting the fish tell me what to do and I talked about that all the time let the fish tell you what to do and and you'll find them I didn't take my own advice today and it cost me all day I could have probably been doing this all day long but I didn't listen to my gut I'm gonna get some rods out I got one dangling right behind the boat and I have one hit the other rod to hide out ain't got nothing else out oh that's crazy this is what happens when you getting a bigger [Music] well there you go another small wonder in today and poles ain't been back out there but just a few minutes since that craziness happened there when we first got here but you know hey that's just the way it goes sometimes you've land on them Ralph the bat you don't trust your gut it takes you all day to finally figure out that your gut instinct is what you should have been trusting all day instead of what you thought the fish were going to be doing it's been a great time had a great day caught some nice fish nice to be able to come and reminisce to where I used to fish and you know see some good fish still here so hope you all enjoyed hope you learned something if if you can leave a comment down below and hit that like button I appreciate you appreciate everyone opens and we'll catch you on the water [Music]
Channel: Chris Souders
Views: 58,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter time catfishing, blue cat catfishing, slunger cat outdoors, chris souders, ohio river, gizzard shad, seaark boats, catfishing how to's, channel catfishing, flathead catfishing, river catfishing, monster catfish, skip jack, mooneye, penn reels, warrior cat rods, daiichi hooks, demon dagons, lowrance, katfish clothing, informational, comedy, funny, personal, james river catfishing, tenn river catfishing, ohio river monsters
Id: ioeluxfCU0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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