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good morning it's like 50 a.m. 4:50 a.m. and we are in Hawaii on the island of Maui and we were about to go get on a 42-foot fishing boat 41 next is 41 lazada said inches but it's actually feet everybody go out to the deep sea where I think it's gonna be over a thousand feet deep and we were going to see if we can catch some fish some really big giant like sea monsters it could be sharks out there who knows it's gonna be pretty interesting super-hard it goes this is like crazy that were like on time right now okay we made it on the boat and we are leaving the dog apparently this sharks underneath the boat now that we made it on the boat we are gonna be driving out into the ocean for over an hour in the dark we're going to go about thirty miles out to our fishing location so it's going to be pretty cool and everything out in the middle of the ocean like this in pitch black in there sharks in the water so it's been a few hours we finally made it all the way out to buoy number one so the depth is over six thousand feet whoever can catch the biggest fish when Liz you're up first because you got the fighting harness let's see if you can catch a fish and let's even catch the biggest fish okay I'm all ready you think I'm gonna catch you you fish comment down - tag Lily right up the start Liz's rod hooked at 300 pound Marlin unfortunately it popped off the rod and the captain tried to rehook it but it didn't work next up someone else in the boat hooked a fish this fish was a tuna in a wait about 30 pounds whoa that was crazy that was a big fish it was like bigger than my face it was huge glacier five and hours later so as it turns out guys today was just not a very lucky day but that's how fishing is sometimes there's a lot of fish to catch sometimes there's not a lot of fish to catch and today is one of those days where we didn't get very lucky so Liz and I are both at 0 and 0 we did not catch any fish so we were heading back into the harbor right now enjoying the beautiful boat ride and the scenery is absolutely amazing out here in Hawaii we're going to go on another charter tomorrow we're gonna go bottom fishing and test our luck again and see who can catch us a bigger fish on day 2 we are day 2 on boat number 2 we are out here in the waters of LA with the Malibu hills behind us and we also have hunter and stove with us to help catch fish today wait we're stove I thought you told him to be here that's all I'm good on the boat well I don't know where he is but he's to grab a rod and get fishing because we have 60 minutes to catch the biggest fish whoever catches the biggest fish wins so let's get started right now here we go 3 2 1 go I think I ready I think ready caught something no I'm just kidding the water is about I think 48 feet and we're going all the way to fall all the way to the bottom to try to catch the fish let's see you catch the first fish what we got the first catch of the day it's about what is that five and a half five and a half inches oh whoa what's that cutter got a fish that's a camel I guess that's a second catch already I said the middle spots the lucky one guys so that's a little bit bigger huh me that's probably just do your measure it's bigger than my hand all right so that's two for me zero for Carter and zero for Liz [Music] I think this is the same one runnerguy and I just retaught it let's measure how big this guy is nothing is the sky ravaged in the head yeah yeah I got a little help bring him up there we go alright I got a little help from the captain look at that now that's what I call a catch now that's first place right there whoa let's go things are going well way better than Hawaii cuz everyone's actually catching fish today except for stove I don't know if he's like in the bathroom on the boat I'm not really sure where he is but he really needs to get started because he can't afford to lose another challenge like this I think hunter might be on something hey I can tell you right now that's not bigger than my fish which means I'm still in first place alright we're not even gonna measure him out oh wait let's see which one's bigger I think mine might be a little bit longer oh does barely come on stretch out stretch out your bet Oh exact size what do you think comment below whose is bigger yeah common hash that car everything my fish is bigger or comment hashtag hunter if you think it's bigger [Applause] [Music] I'll take the ten I'll take the time okay guys so let's just cut the biggest fish yet over about thirteen and a half inches which puts her in first place hunter just caught his biggest catch of the day of ten and a half so he's tied with me my first catch was ten and a half so 100 I are tied for second and Liz's it currently in first place and she also cut two so I don't have his bonus points or not added for that Liz not to be out of first place so I gotta cast the rod I gotta pull up the biggest fish is he on yeah you stole all this is big the big news oh he's huge it's huge there we go this might be a pretty good way to get in the first place right now let's go ahead and measure it what are we looking at come on we're we looking at here Oh looks like about 12 and a half 13 G's yeah just over 12 12 12 inches so that puts to be an easy second place but liz is still in first place with 13 and a half inches I still and the best part is I still keep my squid on there at least most of it all the fish that were catching today were throwing right back in where you guys that is Carter hook - all right that's a decent size right there look at this one this looks pretty big too all right no I think I got bigger than here oh we're definitely friends yeah any of their best friends this thing is powerful little over 12 a little over 12 all right come on give me a 13 it looks a big oh we're getting bigger 12 but getting bigger they're about the same he's hanging out for twin these might have been twins yeah born at the same moment and I still keep my keep the bait on I'll go on for three fish on the same bait there's another 1/8 inch fish I still got my bait on there I'm going for fish number four with the same bait I was wondering like what's the monoi I didn't realize I had a fish on I thought I was getting stuck again guys I don't know where anyone is right now I'm hoping they're not out doing the fishing challenge because I thought that was tomorrow and not today but let me call Carter to make sure it is tomorrow because if it's today that that means they're already out fishing and I got to find some sort of fish here at the house somehow so let me call Carter real quick and see what he says so let's go ahead and give Carter a call I'm going to put them on speakerphone so that all you guys can hear all right let's see hopefully it's uh hopefully tomorrow hopefully they're not fishing right now that would be bad hello hey Carter um where are you guys I thought the fishing challenge is tomorrow right not today what really I just woke up like I just I thought the fishing challenge was tomorrow I thought I didn't think I was today no like I I didn't see anyone and I just got up and I was thinking okay maybe you guys went out to get breakfast but I didn't know you guys already started challenge are you all right I gotta go then I guess I'm at home I thought all you guys were at home oh yeah I need to uh yeah I need to go get a fishing rod and go find some fish I need gonna find a pond or something I don't know what I want to do all right all right I got I gotta go Yeah right all right so I got a little bit of a secret but I don't want to say cuz Liz and Carter will hear so come on follow me basically as you guys can see I'm catching a decent amount of fish and the captain said that when we fished to let the bait go all the way in the bottom because that's where the fish are let it hit the ground and then basically just wait there but what I realized is when you let it hit the ground it's a little it's a lot of little fish like all the first fish I caught we're all on the bottom that's what I'm doing now is I'm going like a third down maybe in a halfway down and then leaving it I think that's where the bigger fish alright don't think they're at the bottom right now because there's a bunch of rocks you know maybe some reef fish down there but the big guys I think are swimming a little bit higher so that's what I'm doing you know Liz caught two fish on one hook I don't know what she's been doing Carter's been doing decent but I'm gonna continue to do that maybe even I'll throw two squids on you know we'll see what we can do but it's looking up guys I'm feeling like a 15 inch fish coming in here so stay tuned oh my okay so that means the challenge already started Carter Liz and Hunter are probably already on the boat I'm guessing and I don't know what I'm gonna do I gotta think of something I need to go get a fishing rod and then I'm gonna go try to find a body of water sufficient because if they're out on the sea that means they're gonna have plenty of fish to catch from and the only way I'm gonna win is if I can possibly find a pond or something around here so let's get going I'm gonna name the Sun Ellie after my dog guys I caught another one but didn't eat my squid so I get to use as bait again oh I can't catch a break here alright guys I can't maybe the secret isn't much of a secret okay guys I just got back from the store and this is the only fishing rod they had I'm gonna have to set this up and I'm gonna try to fish in the pool actually because that is a body of water and there might be some fish or maybe we could find something else so let's go outside to the pool and catch some fish in there I'm doing pretty good right now guys I'm in currently in second place with the second biggest fish of the day so I'm feeling good I'm gonna get that rod cast it back out and probably bring home the biggest fish at least that's part of the plan but I think my biggest competition is Liz again I don't know how Liz is actually so good these competition she's pulling in so many fish like boom boom boom is she caught two fish at the same time which is unheard of and then she caught a fish by the tail which never happens I don't even know what she's doing but I think it's her side of the boat so if I could just squeeze over to that side of the boat I might go to catch more fish in this pool I'm guessing there won't be but you know it's always worth to try so let's go ahead and fish in the pool whoa all right so I gotta cut the first different species of fish is called a Pacific mackerel let's measure it it's not that big but it's long so it might be pretty good for this I mean look at the color on this thing it's super shiny like a pearl very pretty fish nine and a half all right that's pretty good maybe it's not first place or second place it's actually the last place but it is a different kind of fish so I'm happy about catching something different so cute look at its little mouths a game and put your finger in it to get the thing out smaller than my hand let's turn sideways it's so pull it over pull it over it doesn't fall okay guys so Phil our cameraman just well you know put a rod in while we're on break eating lunch and this thing is huge we're taking the final measurement right now to see how big a sharp one and a half [Applause] okay so Phil who's not even competing in this competition just caught the biggest fish at 16 inches while we were eating a little lunch break wow guys look at the teeth on that pointy teeth guys a good first place catching so many fish like left and right they're just all eating my hook until Phil I don't even know who gave him a rod he's not even supposed be fishing caught like the biggest fish ever so now I'm not in first place anymore but I still have a chance and there's fish biting at my rod so I gotta get back to fishing [Music] guys I'm not really finding any fishing to pull but maybe if I try up on top of the roof I might be able to catch something so let's go on top of roof and see if we can catch some fish up there let's go come on that's how you do and you think you're gonna win this thing oh yeah I've been catching fish all day and I caught the two biggest fish yeah you've been doing well but I've also got the second biggest fish and I think I'm about to catch the biggest one right now so I might win this thing car you know why you're not catching fish what what because your stash is so bad that's what he means bad this is why I'm catching fish my stash is awesome good no it's like this color it's like blonde in the front and they gets darker like PU yeah me PU to say I've been working on the same five weeks it looks no no what are you gonna shave that thing never well I guess I did make a bet with hunter that if you got ten thousand followers and this again I'll shave it but they said he's never gonna get that so I'm never gonna save it so okay I'm gonna go traffic this is fun instagrams oh no he's not gonna hit ten case that doesn't matter I'm never shaving this thing it's gonna grow out to a thick beard and say like possum call me hashtag stache guys cuz I'm never shaving this thing hey hunter yeah we need to get you to ten case okay I've heard of Chavous smash off I know it looks terrible we have to get me to 10k ASAP wait are you growing a stache - mm maybe I'm gonna have to go home and get a razor and shave off everyone's stache because they'll look so horrible guys comment below hashtag shave it if you think I should shave everyone's stache off and maybe they'll help you my next video [Music] alright guys so I just through the line now all we have to do is wait [Music] alright guys so it's been it's been a while now until fishing from the rooftop and I don't really it really doesn't look like there's anything here but hold on hold on a second I think I got a hit they got a bite hold on oh my let me reel it in let me reel it in I think I actually got a bite oh look at that look at that big boy my goodness I got one you cut two again yeah this has some kind of like secret strategy or technique where she can hook two fish at once whether they bite the hook or not they just get hooked and she pulls him right up Lissa's caught more fish through the body then through the actual mouth so I don't know what she's doing over there but is it working I don't know is it honest yeah she's kind of like spearfishing you know like they're not even biting the hook she's just somehow under there like moving the hook around and grabbing fish like a claw machine and pulling them back out of the water is that against the rules that cut is cheating or what do we say here huh I don't know we're gonna need a rule fishel ruling on that I don't know if that's allowed yeah I mean team stash over here you know we're looking pretty good we're never shaving this thing so that hashtag never shaved the thing looks awesome okay guys take another little break from fishing so nice up on the front of this boat this is absolutely amazing view look at the Malibu the hills behind us Santa Monica is over there it's amazing la is super awesome and why it was super great we're catching so many more fish here I want you guys to comment down below who you think is gonna win this thing remember all it takes to win is catching the biggest fish there's no other rules other than that you have 60 minutes to do it whoever catches the biggest fish in those 60 minutes wins so comment down below who you think is gonna win I don't over stove is how is he ever gonna even catching fish he's gonna lose this thing specify whether it had to be real or fake so I didn't break any rules but this is the first challenge on this because I'm not actually out fishing for real fish and I'm sure there's some bigger fish and this one this thing is actually really small it's a lot smaller than my hand as you can see only way I can see myself winning this challenge is if Carter Liz or hunter all didn't catch a fish so I'm hoping they don't catch any fish out there but then again the ocean is really big and there are a lot of fish out there so let's see what they bring home or what they don't bring home hopefully how's that one look it's pretty good I don't know if it's the biggest I've caught today I'd say 9 inches don't you think yeah maybe 7 happy let's compare it to the fish flop it's a bigger or smaller than the fish Long's weights Mar it smaller than a foot okay guys the timer is up the competition is over and the final scores are in let's see what the scoreboard looks like in the last place we have stove with the smallest catch of the day or no catch today I'm not even sure but it's because he missed the bus and didn't even get on the boat so he was stuck in the backyard trying to fish in the pool which is just kind of silly so of course he got last place again in second to last place we have bad next up we got meat with a pretty big catch but not the biggest and that leaves us with lose in first place with the biggest catch of the day wait hang on it wasn't technically the biggest catch because our cameraman Phil put a rod in while we're on lunch break and cut the biggest fish does that count does he win I don't know does this even is even a part of the check it doesn't count because he's not technically in the running yeah that's a good point I really don't I don't know if Phil should win cuz he caught the biggest fish or if you should win because Phil's not a part of the competition what do you guys say do you think that like Bill should win or lish you and comment down below let me know who should win the grand prize any comment Olivia yeah come check Lizzie or hashtag Phil of who you think is gonna win this thing we'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Carter Sharer
Views: 9,929,963
Rating: 4.7458353 out of 5
Id: gNqKu80wxLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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